10 August, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 1, August 2024


You are your  own guide and saviour, there should never be anyone or anything else, ever! 

The new age talking heads have a lot to answer to for pushing  harmful disinformation and lies, that is then parroted by everyone as being true. Then there is the millions of dollars in books and other merchandise for everyone involved. That's mainly the publishing houses that benefit here.

I would be inclined to say that this new age stuff goes back to the beginning of the spiritual movement of the late 1890's, paganism being manufactured to modern society, and perhaps the Thule Society.  Many Asian /Eastern spiritual practices and such like which would also be blended and revamped to become what we know as the new age of  Aquarius, which was social engineering  to bring in the Hippie movement in the 1960's which most people know was a CIA front (whom also created and controlled the drug scene back then that was flourishing at the same time).

I would hazard a guess and say that the Hippie movement and new age social engineering would have been prepared back in the 1950's to be launched in the 1960's as it takes time to build this movement. 

Hearts, minds and souls is what all of this is about. The same applies to the current spiritual garbage all over the internet. Not just that but the internet is heavily controlled  and sculpted by the same people that control the narrative globally. Spirituality cannot be learned, it comes from within you, it cannot be taught by anyone because it is within all human beings and  is demonstrated by the way we live. One doesn't go bragging about how spiritual one is either, more like the opposite. It's a quiet stillness deep within, not an ego strutting about to be noticed. 

I do not believe in gurus or masters, they are not any better informed on the other side of life than you or me, and they do not live with the exact same life experiences that you and I have and they sure as hell don't do hard manual work like real men. So how on earth can they know what is good for you; the individual? Some definitely have agendas to push, but stop and think about how you are  giving away your free will and spiritual power to others when you put your faith in many these individuals.

 Learn to stand in your own true and rightful true personal and spiritual power. By giving your power away to others nullifies you as a human being and an individual not to forget your personal spiritual sovereignty and spiritual authority. 

Not just that; if you are paying for the "privilege" then you are just dealing with a business person, so think about that. People have forgotten how to think and need others to think for them. If that isn't disempowerment then I don't know what is.

Not all gurus and the like are what they purport to be, and as a quick check online shows some being arrested for illegal practices such  John of God. Why do people not listen to their own intuition?

 I can tell you right now that I will first and foremost tell my clients, "you are the ruler of your own destiny", and "Listen to your heart because that is your personal GPS system". Only you know what is good for you. Yes, we do often make poor choices in life and is because we don't truly  listen to our hearts.

People are too quick to give away their freedom, and the precious little free will that humans actually have including their spiritual freedom and often to an unseen force in prayers. I value my spirituality and spiritual sovereignty above all else, because that is the true you. We are spirit beings in a physical world, where we truly do not belong. Awakening spiritually and raising our spiritual energy or frequencies is the only way to avoid returning to this evil 3rd dimension. Stop listening to rubbish and listen to yourself. 

There is no friendly Galactic Federation of Light, Ashtar Command and all the other rubbish, as you will see my comments on this in other blog posts. If you think that you are channelling such beings then you are in big danger. Chennelling is not a good thing to be doing either, because it is fraught with danger and humans have no real idea of who they are really communicating with and putting their trust in, including the military industrial complex in the US who have been involved in this for decades. 

Just think about online chatting to a stranger, someone that can convince you of anything yet you cannot see them nor know who they really are. Just think deeply about that, you can see the similarity right there.

Not all the "beings" or "entities" are spirits and not all the beings of other worlds are what humans believe. These beings are definitely not on our side. If you think otherwise then you are gullible and naive. I would advise people to read up on what archons are too. I mention them in this blog and my old blog, I put angels in the same category as they are not the benevolent  fairy tail beings that we were taught to believe in. Yes, I admit that I used to believe in them but I no longer do. 

NOTE: I use lower case letters for gurus, new age, etc because they do not in my eyes belong in an elevated position above the rest of humanity. Stop putting others on a pedestal to worship them,  there is not one single human being that is not flawed in this world or the next. Turn your love inwards to yourself and your divine spirituality within you. You are spirit with soul fires within you, honour your own soul fires. 

I would be inclined to say the US military industrial complex and other terrestrial evil people are masquerading as these beings. 
Think of the money involved to keep people controlled and divided for an agenda of any sort and the money raked in by products such as book, dvd's training courses etc. 

The link of the Reality controllers from September 2018 


The white light guides, I see often but more in a blue colour, I tell them to get away from me as soon as they show up. They are not benevolent, so do not be fooled. They only want  one thing from humans, that being our spiritual soul fires  and DNA because we are unique. 

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