Well folks it's that time again and everyone is clearly unhappy with the state of affairs. It isn't going to change any time soon. Firstly I would like to say , I feel the elections may be called for 5th or 12th of April, as Easter and ANZAC DAY quickly follow on 18th April and 25th April.
There could be delays or problems with the printing of voting advertising, this should be done before a full moon as to leave things incomplete or started on a full moon tends to be disastrous and doomed to fail.
Mr Albanese is trying to appease the public right now due to numerous factors such as the cost of living crisis, the ongoing war with Palestine and Israel, and homelessness to name a few things. He is under the pump to do something constructive. Emotions are high with the public and he is seen as ineffective where it counts. There is still an air of naivety with the public and politicians that doesn't seem to change. Mr Albanese also tends to put his foot in it and seen as a lightweight leader by many.
I do see the ALP robbing Peter to pay Paul, however there is money put aside for something specific and only a portion upfront to be used publicly. Right now Mr Albanese has to weigh up his options while sticking to the ALP rule book. He is now in overdrive to sell his pitch to the public, trying to prove why he deserves another 4 years in office. Now is the time that he must declare himself to the Australian people, bearing in mind that the Australian government dare not upset the US government. Mr Trump does not take prisoners even with his allies, so expect Australia to bend to his will.
In the current world and national climate Mr Albanese's government is trying to balance the economy, and I see Mr Albanese reaching out asking for advice. He is using the old tactic of offering money to the public to soothe their anger, yet he knows his goose is cooked so to speak. This is his last chance at prime ministership and leadership.
Mr Albanese tries to give the impression that all is good, as he displays an air of confidence to the public. This is rescue mode to save the ALP from disaster. I do not feel that Mr Albanese is actually as confident as he portrays, there is inner turmoil going on behind the scenes, while contending with Donald Trump's tariffs. It is clear that Mr Albanese is only holding on by the skin of his teeth. While he may worry about the election outcome, Peter Dutton does not stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning the elections.
The ALP does seem more together than the LNP coalition (Liberal and National Parties). The risks are way too high for the public to accept Mr Dutton, he is seen as a mini Donald Trump which frightens the public, and I do not feel he is the right fit for a prime minister. I do feel that there will be a replacement to Mr Dutton after the elections. I do not see the LNP taking up office again until 2029. By that time things will be a lot more serious globally and strong leadership will be required in Australia.
The touted replacement for the Liberal leadership position at present seems to be Angus Taylor. There will not be a female leader for many years due to the mindset of the male politicians. However they have allowed a female to be deputy leader, Susan Lay.
I do feel the ALP will lose many seats at this election, while having to rely on the Greens to help them over the hurdle. There is clearly no love lost between the Greens and the ALP, however they need to unite to prevent the LNP from winning the election.
We are not sitting pretty by any means due to so much political instability globally. As I pointed out in my psychic predictions for 2025, this is a year of transformations for the world and this is only the start of the long haul. The ALP has many bases to cover and the public are not fooled one bit as the quality of life is diminishing fast for many people. The ALP have been putting money in all the wrong places as well as overspending in all the wrong places. There is clearly too much left leaning politics which angers the public as well as poor policy handling.
The new US government will definitely affect Australia as our leaders lack the backbone to lead effectively. Can our economy survive? That is the big question, we need a leader who is well skilled in economic stability and diplomacy, who can demonstrate strong leadership skills globally. The election date is a matter of urgency due to the current global instability and things will take a quick turn from here.
The Australian government tends to be trapped by their own fears and insecurities on hot political issues both nationally and globally. By doing this they are made to jump through hoops by others which undermines Australia on the global stage. The politicians though bear the brunt of this by the Australian public. There is clearly division within the Australian public due to politicians inaction and inability to take a firm stand on serious matters. The public have made it clear that they want an end to woke culture and now that Mr Trump is in office we are starting to see the flow on effect hitting Australia. Can the ALP walk back wokeism?
We must again brace for the cost of living rising in certain areas as prices are most certainly going to rise due to the metal industry import export business and other tariffs. Supermarkets will pass on the cost to the consumers as will Petrol prices rise again adding to the price of haulage and putting petrol in your tank for work adding more suffering to ordinary Australians. This cost would rise regardless of who is in office, as we have industry to rebuild and defence to build up to defend our nation.
Expect new legislation to be introduced such as Justice, Law and Immigration changes. A labour crisis will be filled with new arrivals to our shores especially from India to fill job quotas. The Labor government though must clearly state its intentions right now before the elections because people are clearly disappointed with social issues such as the poor handling of crime ( a state government issue), health and homelessness (a state government issue).
No real effort is being made for public housing construction or affordable housing and neither parties seem capable of resolving the issue, yet flood the country with more new arrivals than there are houses to accommodate everyone. The public have had enough of the "be patient" lip service from government as homelessness continues to rise. I do feel that it will take many more years to resolve this problem.
This will be remedied with more high-rise apartments and high density housing, which is very unhealthy psychologically for the public who will have to contend with over crowding and the social ramifications this brings. No lessons have been learned form the social housing experiment in Europe and Britain in the decades following the end of WW2.
Australia is definitely not set up for this lifestyle due to the outdated infrastructure in cities like Sydney and Melbourne. So expect problems arising later down the track.
PS: For the record I was picking up May for the elections because that has been a popular date and usually the 2nd or 3rd week is preferred. Last time it was on my wedding Anniversary.
Copyright Alex Fulford 12 February 2025
Update: Australia is building less houses than 30 years ago. The buck stops with the government, don’t make excuses!