05 October, 2024

Tonight’s giggle

It's the international benchmark that no Australian city meets. But should we be aspiring to it?


Do you understand what this agenda means? Shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. Your life is already controlled from the cradle to the grave as it is. If you can’t see what is wrong with this picture then you shouldn’t have the remote for the TV. 

Nobody has the right to dictate to you where you live or where you can travel to, this is a basic human right. These individuals pushing this agenda do whatever they please but want to restrict your freedom of movement, while they fly around in their personal jets. But hey, it’s up to you what you choose, and if you want to be kept under control by the rich and powerful. It’s your  call humanity, you are a controlled puppet if you think this is normal. This is communism and if you can’t understand or recognise that then you have a problem. Those that have lived under communism know better than dumb western people that fall in to line with this concept.  I have known many people who live under communism and their suffering. Don’t be fooled, the mainstream media is pushing this agenda for the elites, and only with your compliance can this succeed.The mainstream media doesn’t care about you, no, they are paid to push this agenda. Selling us out for measly slivers of silver. However, these so called journalists have a use by date, but never seem to notice this fact. They are stuck in no man’s land between us and the elite who make them jump through hoops but will throw them under the bus when passed their use by date. 

Ordinary people though will ostracise them as they pitifully try to curry favour from the ordinary people. Think of these individuals in the same way as the collaborators during WW2 who sacrificed ordinary people to save their own lives. This is the mindset of the gutless individuals that also collaborated with the communist governments that saw millions of ordinary people killed in various communist countries around the world. Having met the survivors of such atrocities from children to adults, one does not forget the atrocities committed. 

I won’t be around to see the misery this causes, but young people will, as will their children. If you are intelligent, you need to look into the communist countries of this world over the past hundred years to see what suffering was forced on the citizens of communist nations. Women especially were under the hard yolk of communism, controlling their reproductive rights and forced abortions. Millions of people were butchered under communism control, yet the communist leaders lived in absolute luxury. You can thank the American government for these atrocities, as they had an active role in this evil. 

If you really want to know what this means then take a good hard look at China with its tired cities and your socioeconomic status dictates where you are permitted to live. Oh, by the way, China has a lot of clout at the UN, which is the best organisation that money can buy.

Your call humanity, but you have no damn right to put your children through this evil. 

Rare sight in the middle of dirt road amazes Aussies as 'countryside lights up'


Wow, How amazing to come across such a sight in the bush. Lovely colour, more magenta than purple. I was surprised to see it’s Pig face. That is a short flowering plant but stunning nonetheless. I remember this being a hugely popular plant back in the 90’s. I didn’t realise it was an Australian native plant. 

I love Jacaranda trees but they don’t grow in Canberra unfortunately because it’s too cold here. It is a tree originally from South Africa, but has become a well loved tree in Australia. 

Without brilliant blue skies in Australia we need bright colourful flowers that complement the sky. I hope that we get wonderful flowers this summer as Australians love gardening and quality time outdoors. There is nothing like immersing oneself in nature. It’s so grounding and relaxing, something that humanity needs now more than ever. So why not enjoy our countryside and a picnic when you have free time. The country towns need an economic boost and you will be enriched by the experience.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calls on states to put forward age limit of social media ban


It will be interesting to see how this pans out, there are many ways to get around the idea. I don’t think this will be successful really because there are too many ways around this ban. It’s a knee jerk reaction that parents need to be parenting better and know that they are responsible for their children’s safety and well being. Schools also have a responsibility as bullying goes on within the schools social media too. 

If ya can’t be bothered parenting don’t have kids, simples! The self harm and suicidal behaviour of any child is unacceptable. Come on adult, it’s time to adult like big boys and girls. 

03 October, 2024

Count your blessings

 With all the sadness in the world right now it’s a time to count ones blessings and be grateful for the life you have. The suffering and the loss to many families is truly overwhelming and we know not where or when someone will be stuck by the hands of fate. 

Never take life for granted because one never knows when life will take a turn for the unexpected. This is a rule that I have lived by since I was very young and have myself been through many heartbreaks and loss. I have had my life hang in the balance of fate more than once through no fault of my own and my husband has had the grim reaper shadow him most of his life. This makes us more aware and sensitive to the suffering of others. The saying, there go I but for the grace of god, is something that one must bear in mind with all the suffering in our world right now. 

Keep it simple, keep it honest and true as you make your way through life and try not to leave pain in your path as you negate your earthly journey. We are all accountable for our actions in the end, but to leave the world knowing that one has done good deeds lightens the soul and eases the conscience at the end of the journey. Now more than ever we must be responsible for our own actions and not contribute to the current evil pervading our world. We are witnessing only the beginning of what is to come, but the effects will last more than a lifetime. 

Go gently and live from your heart and count your blessings that you are not one of the unfortunate souls to suffer the horrors of war, homelessness and poverty. One never knows when fate reins down an unjust blow upon the innocent. 

Blessings, Warm and fuzzy hugs 


RIP Fiona MacDonald


Wow, so many people passing over , but October is a notorious month for people dying, well this is how it feels to me.  What a shock, I am blown away by this sad news and her suffering. May you rest in eternal peace Fiona. Fiona is the younger sister of Jackie MacDonald of Hey, Hey  it’s Saturday fame. 

02 October, 2024

RIP Frank Fritz


So sad and, so young and gone way too soon. Rest in peace and may you watch over your family from spirit. 

RIP John Amos 1939 to 2024


Another fine actor takes his final curtain call, John Amos. A fine actor who made the world take notice. 

Rest in peace dear man.

                                                               Good Times cast

RIP Ken Page

 I was only just watching my Cats DVD  with Ken Page on Sunday, because I kept hearing a song from the musical in my head. I have loved the show since I was 22 years old. Got the DVD, had the music on cassette back in the day, but made damn sure to get the CD as soon as the tape broke.

So sad to hear that Ken Page has passed away and so young too. May you rest in peace Ken knowing that the world loves you. A very distinguished gentleman. 

01 October, 2024

Helicobacter pylori: One in three Aussies infected, and most don’t have a clue


I had never heard of this until about 10 years ago when a friend found out that she had it. Thankfully she got it treated. I went to get tested for this twice but my tests came back inconclusive, but taking antibiotics in the week prior to the breath test stopped an accurate diagnosis. 

Hygiene is the vital factor in preventing infection of any type of infection or disease and common sense. The problem is people become lazy with their hygiene habits and we saw this during COVID, people pretty much went back to the same old habits very quickly. 

Washing your hands immediately after going to the toilet and even after being out shopping, at work or school is important for keeping any germs away from you. People forget what they have touched or come in contact with as they are shopping and especially handling a shopping trolley or cart. Just think of how many people have touched that trolley before you have touched it. Coughing and sneezing spreading saliva unwittingly, handling money etc. 

Simple soap and water and washing in between your fingers for two minutes makes sure that any bacteria is removed. Just like a surgical team does prior to operating on a patient. Having said that there are doctors and nurses that have been found not washing their hands in hospitals through laziness. They should know better and it would be a good idea if they were tested regularly for any bacterial infections that could be transmitted to patients. Think of the MRSI living in hospice that are hard to eradicate. Then you have to ask yourself how many doctors and nurses have Heliobacter, of course they may not even know they have it which is all the more reason to test them frequently and reduce the risk of spreading the infection. 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicobacter_pylori Read about the  full medical impact of Heliobacter and the risks if untreated. Australian doctors discovered  the relationship with gastric ulcers in 1983.  Awarded the Noble Prize in 2005. 

Tonight’s giggle