27 February, 2021



Being a clairvoyant has put a hell of a strain on my family. Had I known what a high price I would pay I probably wouldn’t have gone down this path.  I have come to a crossroads now after a year from hell, I have had my family shattered beyond all hope of repair and all those in the “industry” could do was gossip and bitch about me and my family. I will not let this go and those who have made my life a misery will be held accountable, mark my words. The psychic industry for want of a better term is the most egotistical selfish, arse lickers that evil ever gave breath to.
My life has been destroyed due to the lies, deception and evil intentions of others that I have trusted, people that I foolishly thought were my friends and were spiritual. Let me tell you there is nothing spiritual about this industry, nor the liars in it. I can understand why so many choose to read for others but shun other psychics.
So, I want nothing, more to do with the people involved. I am utterly disgusted at the people in the so called spiritual movement - hypocrites and liars that talk about you behind your back.  You cannot sink any lower than that!  At least I can hold my head up and say that I have never lied to or manipulated a client, or made false claims as to my abilities as that is not who I am. I have on occasion, had to fix up other psychics fuck ups though - people coming to me in tears after being fed a crock of shit by a so called psychic.
I too have been lied to by some of the so called psychics, I have been manipulated by them and lied to. Do you think for one minute that I wouldn’t know this?  FFS! To make matters worse, I have had readers blow smoke up my arse about my family and as a result caused much heartache.  I kept my mouth shut because I know what evil people in this town are like and their capacity to damage the lives of others. Working alongside liars is sickening and I want no part of this anymore, enough is enough.
I was manipulated by a male psychic  to sell my house and move  to a certain location, where I would have lots of work. I fail to see how a piss ant little back wash will have the huge client base, that I already have in Canberra. Never get a reading from someone who has a vested interest in the outcome – because they will manipulate you. If you want to know the truth, just ask my poor husband. He has seen so much over the years and kept his mouth shut because he did not want to damage my work – he knows how these people operate and I wish I had listened to him sooner.
I have had an evil entity being sent to my house, bogus clients coming for readings on the behalf of other psychics to suss me out with the intention of discrediting me – not sure how they thought I wouldn’t know and knowing what sort of people are involved. Again do you honestly think that I don’t know who is behind this?
 Then there was the sleazy bastard that a fellow psychic “friend” told to ring me . The shock when I answered the phone and tuned in to this vile being was even picked up by my husband and he is not usually intuitive. The said friend then back peddled to deny this - lying to a clairvoyant? - of course I know who was responsible.
Friends just don’t hurt each other, that is vile. What sick and evil people, are in this industry. Is it the lust for power, fame and the ego; just does not know where to stop? Only those devoid of substance, a soul and have lost their way in the darkness crave this attention.
I have no need nor a desire for this. I leave it to the profane because that is all they will ever have in this world. I seek not approval nor fame , I have a strong moral compass and true spirituality, which comes from deep within as a knowing. Not to be bestowed on me by hollow egotistical people, that feel that one of their own is deemed “spiritual”.  Leave me out of your filthy evil dark web of deceit and wickedness. Keep your disgusting witchy poo bullshit that cuts no ice in the real spirit world. You can keep all your love and light bullshit new age fakery. You can all continue to bitch amongst yourselves and wallow in your sycophantic world if that is what makes you happy.  That is not the true spiritual way and the true spiritual way will never be on this earth as long as evil like that which exists in the industry flourishes.
I will continue to read for those who want it but the rest of the psychic community, you are all dead to me.

8 January 2015

Hogmanay in Scotland

 http://www.rampantscotland.com/know/blknow12.htm (not happy with the anglicising of Auld Lang syne in this article! The word is tak' not take. Min' instead of mind). 

As a child in Scotland I enjoyed taking part in the old traditions with my family. We had such wonderful times with my extended family over the years. The early memories stay strong with me to this very day.

I still do some of the traditions but not first footing as my family live so far away. Still there are many other good traditions I uphold.

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2016, please focus on the good things in your life and keep it simple.

Love Alex




Notice: This is my duplicate blog

 Just a reminder this is a duplicate of my old blog Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant Medium. I stuffed up my old blog trying to change my email address. The old blog will not close, however all posts from February 2021 are on this blog. 

The joys of not being a tech savvy older person 🤣🤣 Happy reading peeps😻😻

26 February, 2021

A big thank you to Ishka Tuggeranong and to all the customers


Wow, What a lovely time I had at Ishka in Tuggeranong yesterday. I want to say a big warm and heart felt thank you to all of the staff at Ishka Tuggeranong for the pleasure of working at your beautiful shop. I had a wonderful time, I know how hard all of you worked yesterday, to make the days events run smoothly. I congratulate all of you for the hard work and dedication to your duties.

I also want to say thank you to all the people that came to me for readings. It was such an honour to be able conduct your readings. Readings are such an intimate thing, allowing the reader to have a glimpse into your lives, and to be given this privilege, I wish to humbly say thank you.

Love and Hugs

Alex xxx

Originally published 8th November 2015

Elemental Beings by Alex Fulford



This was such a wonderful experience for me and my cat Slinky not the normal experience for me when cleaning out the cat run, lol. I will post photos of elementals in my big tree in the back yard next to the cat run later today.

If you can go into a park, your garden or a forest with a digital camera and take random photos you will see faces in the trees (pareidolia), even rocks have elemental faces on them. They tend to have jagged looking features in rock formations. I will post one for you to study that a friend took this year in Scotland.

Note: when writing for the magazine I have to limit my word count to 500 words otherwise I could waffle on lol.

Thank you to the wonderful staff at The Supernatural Magazine for giving me the opportunity to write for you. I am most honoured and most humbled.

5th November 2015

South Coast Spiritual Church Psychic Fair Update and Car Crash

 Yesterday's  Psychic fair went very well indeed, I was totally booked out. I wish to say that I am most honoured to have been invited to read at this lovely event. I wish to thank everyone that came to me for a reading. I am most humbled and honoured to have been given the honour and pleasure to be allowed to read for each individual that came to me. Thank you for this honour. It is a privilege to look into aspects of any individuals private life in such an intimate way. I will point out though there was a very heavy negative vibe in the room that we all worked in. That energy came from a handful of individuals. I will not name names but it was a horrible energy 

Sadly though on my way home from the coast the following day,  both my husband David and I were involved in a car crash. Our car hit an oily patch on the road, on the Princess Hwy north of Mogo NSW. The car spun out of control at a low speed and  went backwards into a ditch on the other side of the road. We just missed a group of trees and a water catchment by inches. Our car was a right off and both of us are quite  sore. 

Something  or someone quite clearly doesn't want me at the South coast and it has taken two cars,  to be ruined and both my husband and I to be injured to tell me this. There is no doubt in my mind this had a dark energy attack hallmark. One does not, not feel that darkness, even my husband noticed. 

I feel this is rather disturbing to say the least. We were lucky to escape with  our lives.
I had no warnings from my spirit guides or premonitions of this, which made me vey upset and angry to be put through such an ordeal. Neither my husband nor I deserve this.
At present I am resting in bed feeling very sore but grateful to be alive and not in a worse condition.   I now need a new car to get around in, once I  am able to do  so.

I wish to say thank you, to everyone that stopped to render assistance to my husband and myself. Thank you also to the Ambo's, the Police and the very kind tow truck driver Mr Brett Crocker, he went out of his way to drive us back to Canberra and off load the car. We are indebted to all of you, for your kindness and selflessness. God bless all of you.

Originally posted 18 October 2015 on my original blog

Sad September

Anyone else out there picking up on the universal energies? A lot of deaths to come in September 2015. I have some in my family to happen, I can feel it. But the planet as a whole will feel many loved ones passing to spirit. Hold them in your hearts and send them love. Let them know you love them and care for them.

This is one of the things about being psychic. Sometimes we know these things, because we can feel it for weeks or months in advance. It is a horrible feeling. I don't think it is right that we should know about these things. People have enough to deal with on the earth plane without being told about deaths to come, whether in their own family or other peoples families. The spirit world just does not seem to care about this, and I have trouble accepting this fact. To me it feels insensitive.

No way would I pass on information to some one about the death of a loved one. When clients ask I try not tell them about a death, unless it is a person that they know is ill and about to go. I tell them to pray that the person goes quickly and peacefully. We can do no more than that.

Tuesday 25th August 2015

My Psychic of the Year Award 2013

 t has only taken me 2 years to get around to showing this award, lol.

This is a post from 17 August 2015

Spooks and Surgery

 Today while I was at a photo shoot, I was telling the photographer what sort of experiences I have had with my work. I started to tell her about the time my youngest son went to hospital for a tonsillectomy. It was the day after his eighth birthday.  The poor little soul had non stop tonsillitis for weeks, and finally the day came to have them removed. We were getting him settled into his room when I  became aware of cigarette smoke.

 It was quite strong and I said to my husband, I can smell cigarette smoke and he said, you can't  smoke in a hospital. I replied , I know that, some one is smoking though. I went to investigate but no one was around. The smell had gone too. So I didn't think any more if it. Next in came a nurse to tell us it was time for surgery.  I walked down to the OR with my son who was being wheeled there in his bed.

 My heart in my mouth  worried about my baby. I stayed with him until it was time for the surgery to start. I went back to his room to wait with my husband for what felt like ages. Again  I could smell cigarette smoke and told my husband. He  couldn't smell anything. Again I had a look around. But then suddenly I started to be aware of my late aunt  being present. She passed away at the age of 40, many years ago. My aunt was born deaf and mute. She had been through several ear, nose and throat operations in her youth, and she was a smoker. Bingo! I had a light bulb moment, lol.

My aunt had come to watch over  my son  during the surgery. He is named after her . I had always intended to name  one of my children after her.    So I have no doubt what so ever that she was keeping an eye on him and for that I am most grateful.

Many years later I had to take both of my sons to a periodontist for oral surgery. The doctor was quite open minded and was a believer in the paranormal. When we walked in to his room the first thing he asked was, are we alone or do we have company.

So, I was able to tell him my relatives were watching  over the surgery. I was able to tell him step by step what I could see and here. You cant keep a secret from them in spirit, lol. They like to be in on the act, just as long as they don't stick their 2 cents worth in, and tell him how to do his job. Funnily enough my grandmother was able to tell me when the surgery was coming to a close. I would love to know how she knew that, but that is a secret she ain't telling me. I just have to put it down to secret spooks business.

I have many experiences with relatives in spirit, turning up for visits to the doctor, trips to hospital and assisting in healing. Then there is good old Dr Gillespie, a well respected Canberra doctor, who passed away  back in the early 2000's. He is one of my main healing guides. Two years ago Dr Gillespie came to assist a psychic friend of mine. Whilst being very ill in hospital, I visited him a few times and gave him spiritual healing with the assistance of Dr Gillespie. I could see inside my friend's leg to locate a blood clot and let him know where it was. The whole leg looked like a fluro green as I looked in side via my third eye. It was like looking with night vision.

Now at the same time my friend was in hospital, I had been reconnected with a friend from my youth, who passes away back in 2005. My friend Terry, came to comfort me. He sat in the car next to me each time I went into the hospital to visit my sick friend, and put his hand on my shoulder support me emotionally.

Terry was very ill for years, before he passed on around the age of 45. I had lost touch with him and other friends many years ago, and had been reunited with my old friends, only to find out that, Terry was very ill and my other friends had not seen him for a few years. During this time I kept having visions of him, and I would see yellow cars on the road similar to the one that he had years before. This was his way of letting me know that he was around.

Terry had such strong energy when he came through, it felt like he was still alive. A psychic friend of mine even felt that Terry was alive because his energy was so strong. That is not unusual though, it is just a very powerful connection. The person does not have to be dead for a psychic to tune into them and even see them. Amazing stuff, when you experience these psychic phenomenon.

At present I have an old work colleague and friend appearing in my dreams and I keep seeing him through my third eye. I feel that he has passed on young too. I have asked people that we both used to work with years ago and no one seems to know where he is. That is strange given the Internet is great for finding people. I have reconnected with family and old friends via the net, so I am of the opinion that this man has also passed on at a young age.

I feel very sad about that, people leaving this earth without having a chance to live upsets me very much, it is something that I care deeply about, and on a personal level, losing loved ones at a young age is most distressing.

Copyright, Alex Fulford Clairvoyant -Medium 14 August 215


Article published here

Anton Parks, the French Wes Penre

 I was  lying in bed last night reading, as one does, and I suddenly remembered the French Guy called Anton Parks. He is the French answer to Wes Penre. I know that some of his stuff is in English now, but I had forgotten all about him. So I have just added his link here for you to read. I shall get back into his work too and see how he is after an absence of reading his stuff for a couple of years. I just found him on the internet one day just by rummaging looking for things on En ki and Enlil.



Nothing like a good rummage if I do say so myself  LOL. I love the internet. Heck, I can even teach my self to crochet left handed, as long as I can get my head around the YouTube videos which are mostly for right handed people. Lefties crochet slightly different. Teaching me to crochet is like teaching a chimp how to be a rocket scientist lol.

Have a look on the net for any other stuff on him including Y T. Just put his name in to the search string and you will see other things. Happy reading folks xxx

Shadow People: my experience

 Last October I had an encounter with shadow people. It was about 10pm on a Monday night, and I was reading in bed with my dog Ruby next to me. The house was peaceful and quiet. My husband had just gone out to pick up our son from the local club. Suddenly Ruby started growling and going frantic at the window. I suddenly felt a sickening feeling in my gut  followed instantly by a wave of terror. Now the outside awnings were down and the Holland blinds were down, but I could clairvoyantly see what was frightening us. It was two huge shadow people with glowing red eyes.

They were pacing back and forth at the window. Then walked the full length of the front of my house. Telepathically I shouted to them get away from me, and I put gold light around myself and the house. Gold light is the highest spiritual protection to keep away negative entities. One can also burn white sage too, to assist, but at 10pm I wasn't going to bother with that.

By holding my firm intention and Gold lighting I was ok. These entities come from the dark side and do not have a soul. Their purpose is to frighten, terrorise and drain your energy and life force from you. Predator beings of which there are many different types. Personally I prefer not to have any dealings with these beings. Interestingly enough my next door neighbour had a similar experience around the same time, but during the day.

She had been at a friends house for a barbecue and came home to drop off a plate. When she went into the house there was a horrible frightening feeling in the house and from the side of here eye she saw two shadow people in the room. She panicked and fled from the house. Her husband would not believe her when she told him. What are the chances of that happening in two houses around the same time? Her house is a very negative house. In the 20 years that I have been in my house, there have been several couples in that house and all have split up or divorced. When I told her that, she confided in me that her marriage is in trouble too. That is so sad to hear. I taught her how to clear the energy in the house and I hope that she can live there happily from now on. This neighbour also saw the spirit of a woman in her house around the same time that she saw the shadow people.

I don't know what the woman was doing there and as far as I know nothing bad has ever happened in the house, apart from domestic issues and two break ins. I would like to advise my readers on the importance of energy clearing houses and work places. Humans do leave energy where ever we go, in the form of our feelings and thoughts. So please be mindful when moving into a new home or work space. You can use a white sage smudge stick and or Gold light the house/work place to life the energy. I would suggest that cleansing be done every few weeks or months just to keep the vibes clean. Because of my work I Gold light myself and the house every day.

When using a smudge stick do remember to smudge the windows and doors of the house or building. They are the eyes and ears of the building after all. You may want to use the pentagram sign or the cross of light or what ever symbol resonates with you. Just remember that it is the intention behind the actions that makes it powerful.

Copyright Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium July 2015

Casting Pearls before swine

 Listen up people. Any of you out there that think that it is ok to take cheap shots at a psychic you

are just proving one thing. Never, ever cast pearls before swine.

One can not change the profane, so I won't even stoop to trying. 

Get one thing bloody straight now. I don't care about what other psychics do and don't do. I don't care! I don't care if you are a sceptic! Why are you telling me then?. Why the hell should I care?  How about you justify your pissy existence, instead of mouthing off at good honest people? Feeling good now, yeh?  I doubt it not with your mind set!

When was the last time that you cared for the sick? Literally at the bed side. I do constantly.

When was the last time you fed the poor? I do constantly.

When was the last time you gave money to the poor and needy? Last week for me.

When was the last time you helped the homeless? I do often.

When was the last time you gave money to animal charities? I do and I am on one income.

When was the last time you had a holiday? Me, never. I don't have the money, and that is a luxury in my eyes.

When was the last time you gave away the last dollar you had  to help some one? I have done that many times.

When was the last time you did suicide watch, and how many times have you had to do this? Me, too fucking many times, next stupid fucking question!!

When was the last time you worried about the welfare of others? Didn't think so.
How often do you donate food, clothes or house hold items to the needy? Me, Regular.

Only people that know me see what I do, I don't fucking brag about it. But I do get fucking angry as hell at the ignorant, spiritually bankrupt scum that take a shot at me for no good reason.  Come face to face with me and let’s see how we measure up. I bet you and especially the men, for want of a better term that want to insult some one they have never even met, but see my name on the internet. Gee that is so brave to take a pot shot at me for being a fake or charging too much. LOL, Tell me why you are wasting oxygen first? What gives you the right to breathe the same air as decent people?

Of these troll idiots, not one of them can measure up to me in substance and quality as a human being. In short I find you revolting and a disgusting example of humanity. How the hell can you hold up your heads in public? You should be ashamed of yourselves. Would you like me to start naming and shaming you publicly as you try to do to me?  Does that even the score for you gutless trash??

You know I have been married to a very ill man for 26 years, we have a child that is sick too. But I have to man up and just deal with it. I had an abusive mother that put me through hell, but hey I just had to fucking deal with it. I lost a baby and all my mum could say was, oh well just as well, given the state of your marriage. ... blah, blah ,blah. She died the next year. But yeh, I just had to suck it up. 

I have been through harrowing stuff all through my life, and any psychic or palmist that  reads me gasps at what I have been through. Most people would slit their wrists because they do not have the guts to stare life in the face and suffer all the crap that I have to deal with. But hey, I had to suck it up.

I am a strong woman, not by choice but from what I have experienced in my life. I do not bow down to scum, trolls or any other trash. I do not tolerate, cowards , liars, cheats or frauds.  I stand up strong and proud, knowing that I am a good and honest and moral human being, living in a time where we see the worst of humanity.  I am utterly disgusted at the world around me. The lack of morality, the lack of decency in any way shape or form in this world the abuse towards animals and humanity.

The western world likes to think of themselves as civilised but from what I see and the internet trolls from the west. They just show the opposite to what the try to portray. The western world has become a toilet for all of the filth of the world to strut around like morons. They want to be noticed and have their 15 minutes of fame. It matters not, what is the reason for the "fame" just as long as they are seen.
Pathetic isn't it. Something is very wrong here don't you think? Leave me out of  your games.

You pick on a woman because, you perceive her as a soft target. How about you man up and fight the evil in the world like the New World Order and Governments that invade other nations and kill their people? How about you clean up your own nation and its corruption? How about you man up and be a man? How about you put an end to child sexual abuse or are you one of the abusers of children and women also?

Man Up and Piss off!


July 6, 2015

Spirit Dream by Alex


This morning’s dream was very interesting. I was standing next to my late father in law
and his brother, Terry. We were standing at the front of a crowd of people in spirit. Standing at the front of a barrier, watching mass of people walking towards us.  Some came over to greet us because they knew us. There were people calling out our names. We exchanged kisses and hugs.

Two old ladies came over to me to talk to me, they called me Alison. I told them my name isn’t Alison. Alison is my daughter in spirit. Along came an old family friend in spirit called George.

I noticed he wasn’t wearing his white gloves that he wore when in the physical world. I noticed his hands were red and swollen as if they were burned. I found this rather odd, surely when in spirit his hands would look normal just like anyone else when they return to spirit.  I assume that it was so that I would recognise him.

Now going back to the crowd I remember the people that we had come to see were arriving from somewhere on the right hand side. I don’t know where they came from, but the feeling was they were souls that had departed from the physical world. Again there was something odd about this because, many were ww2 soldiers among the elderly. I noticed on the left hand side there was a crowd of people moving “out”. This was souls reincarnating, mostly people from the ww2 era again, many of whom are already incarnated in the physical world at present. The whole went was a huge public event, a celebration like Anzac Day.

The scene changed to a frightening sight. I could see a war taking place in my own timeline. Many dead soldiers lying dead on a highway. There were many cars left abandon on the highway. I saw a little boy about the age of 2 or 3 years old, wandering lost and frightened. This war was raging all around him. I saw tanks with markings to signify the nations that they came from such as Denmark and Poland and a couple of other European nations. The men in uniform were wearing what seemed to be current US army uniforms.

This really upset me to see all of these men dying for nothing. I couldn’t stop crying. Suddenly I was brought back to the ceremony, I pleaded with people not to reincarnate, because they was going to be more war and they have suffered enough. From that point I found myself in an old type waiting room like a WW2 era railway waiting room. There were only a few people waiting there for their instructions as to where they were going as in reincarnating. I pleaded with them not to go.

I told them they can refuse if they wish, but sadly these unaware souls “wanted” to reincarnate.

They did not accept what I was telling them. These are unevolved souls that accept being made to reincarnate only to suffer more war and misery. My heart sunk when I realised what they were going to do.

I saw some elderly people working at some sort of radar and radio device. It looked like some sort of primitive air traffic control tower. Along came some WW1 veterans. I told them that I too was in WW1 and am currently incarnated in the physical world. I told them what was happening in the physical world at present. I noticed a couple of young men started to rethink this, but then an old man rush over to them and ushered them out the door telling them they must go now. Ushering them to their doom in the physical world.  I was very upset at this and did my nut. This was blatant abuse of these souls and I wouldn’t tolerate this.  I told the others in the waiting room about their human sovereignty and it must be respected. Sadly to no avail, they were all sent back to the physical world.  I feel this room is where souls are sent when they refuse to reincarnate. To pressure them in to reincarnating. This angered me as it violates their free will and their human sovereignty.

Intimidation through fear and lies. I became very angry with the beings (for want of a better word),

That forced people to reincarnate. I told them not to expect me to reincarnate again, I know how this works and I will not do it. The beings were most put out by that. This is because I am fully aware of my spiritual rights. I called their bluff. They know that they cannot do anything to force me to reincarnate. They did not want me to educate other beings or souls about their rights or the truth about reincarnation.

Still some of these souls will waken up, when in the physical world and they will get the help they need. But this is not a quick fix. Each soul awakens when they are ready to break the spell. Some souls may take just one more lifetime others may take thousands. We do know the last wake up was back in 2012. The next one million years must pass before the next opportunity comes again according to some metaphysical experts such as Wes Penre and John Lamb Lash.

The sadness and grief that I felt during this lucid dream or OBE (out of body experience) was so overwhelming for me. It was an exercise in futility for me trying to help waken souls that were forced to reincarnating. I could not hold back my tears for all of the men, mostly soldiers. I felt deeply for them and wanted to protect them from more suffering.

Copyright by Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 17 July 20015

Update:  http://thriveonnews.com/2015/07/24/dream-ghosts-story/

This is my article published in Thrive on News. I am so pleased that they like the article. I hope that it will help people make a safe choice in the after life. It is not my place to tell you what to do, just offer you options that you may not have been aware of. Free will must never be violated. We are all part of the divine and we have our own sovereignty that must be respected. I am only a humble messenger nothing more.

One thing that I forgot to add to this post was in that waiting room, sitting alone on a wooden railway bench was one old lady wearing glasses. She sat  at the left hand side at the back of the waiting room with her arms folded, angry  and defiant she did not want to reincarnate and they could not get her to co-operate. I was glad that she stood her ground and I did tell her it was a trap.

This was on my mind today (21 June 2019) I can still recall this dream because it shook me so much, I am not likely to forget it.

My nightmare: Frightening attack on Australian Civilians. Is this an omen?

 I woke up early this Saturday morning, with my heart pounding. I don't have night mares per say but, I get many vivid and lucid dreams and this one had me quite upset.

In this dream/ out of body experience, I was in Liverpool in the South West of Sydney. This is a place where I lived in my late teens and early 20's. Suddenly I find myself there and walking down a familiar street after leaving  the shopping centre. Suddenly I look up into the sky and see a US military helicopter zooming in close and shooting unarmed civilian in the middle of the street, in broad daylight. Many were small children. Liverpool is a very multicultural city and has a large teaching hospital right next to the street that I was in (just to give you an idea of its size). I quickly realised that I needed to take cover, and tried to hide from the helicopter. I knew that I had very little time and limited options. I tell some small children to come with me and I will protect them. The children were of various ethnic groups and around the age of 5 to 10 years old. They were terrified and crying. I knocked on a door of a ground floor apartment and an old blind man told us to come in side.

When I got in side with the children, I saw many people hiding in there too. The flat seemed to change like a Tardis, except it looked like a shanty town of shacks, lean to's and junk. There were people frightened out of their wits, and hiding from this helicopter myself included. Then I suddenly just felt intuitively that psychic people were their primary target and children. I felt sick with fear at the thought. The children were getting more distressed at this point and crying. One little boy in particular was so terrified, I was trying to keep him close to me to keep him safe and comfort him. Then it struck me most of the little children were boys. They were trying to kill off  the next generation.

The helicopter kept hovering over the building, and I could see this telescopic eye like video camera, that was long and narrow, to get in to small locations to see what is in there hiding. The next thing was a red  warm and buzzing light or ray covering us as the pilot locked on to us and started shooting. We had to keep moving to avoid the gun fire. It was a sick cat and mouse hunt with humans as the prey.We had no where to hide or be safe. The feeling was the pilot was getting pleasure out of killing us.

Why on earth would an American military helicopter be in Sydney and killing off civilians and especially children and psychic people? Perhaps to change the course of events and to stop humanity taking back their rightful spirituality and sovereignty?  Something is clearly wrong in our world, the powers the be are not interested in peace, that much is most obvious today as it was when the US went into Iraq under false pretexts. Everyone knows that these days, it is well acknowledged.

Remember G W Bush telling us about the new American Century, and to be prepared for rolling non stop war? That is a terrifying thought. War is big business and is in the governments best interest. Now we are entering a new high tech age too. Men are not needed as much in the battle field, drones are the order of the day. There is new technology to be rolled out very soon that will change the face of war for ever. So what happens to all the surplus men? Ponder that if you will.

I am having a few strange dreams like this and alternate technology of late. I am left with a big question mark over the lot of it. The common thread is technology and military, with off planet technology assistance. Those that follow the works of Wes Penre will get what I am saying. I did
not choose to have these dreams and being able to see events that have still to unfold. I do not like this and I do not want to know this stuff. But it just seems to be forced on to me.

I am a nature lover, my pass times are gardening and being with my fur babies, I have no interest in
war and violence, it is not the way that I live. I choose a simple and spiritual life that does not harm anyone and does not violate other peoples free will. Do no harm, is my rule. However humanity has the right to defend and protect itself.

 This is something like what I saw 

Copyright Alex Fulford 5 July 2015

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-02-04/diy-weapons-innovation-drones-in-ukraine-war-russia/101910506. 2023 almost a full year of the war in Ukraine and drones are a common sight. 

Tell the Lords Of Karma Where To Go


This is quite an important post. If you have read the works of Wes Penre and Anton Parks then you will understand this and how important this is. Make a copy of this.

Discernment Lessons: who's really on this channel?


This is an important article so please read through it. I in no way endorse any comments on Cameron Days web site. I feel the people posting still do not have a firm grasp on the spirit world and the liars and fakes that communicate with humans. Please leave channelling alone. I do not feel people should be doing this, only communicate with your higher self.

Alien Species in Contact with Humanity (read predators)


This is a pile of #### there are no benevolent beings wanting to make contact. If you are reading my blog then you should be well aware of that fact. I take the time to find out the right information as best as I can, to share, if in doubt I do not post. This link was sent to me for a comment today. As soon as I started reading it alarm bells rang.

These beings are part of the Sirian/Annunaki henchmen, there are many races involved and they are only out to get what they want. We did not make any agreement with these beings, and even if some individuals had done so, they would have been doing so under duress or manipulation. Big no no, and this is where karma kicks in. These contracts can be cancelled by the individual at any time I suggest you read the web sites and blogs of  Wes Penre, John Lamb Lash, Cameron Day and go on to their You Tube videos to learn the truth.

One thing I strongly advise is DO NOT channel these ET's, Angels, Ascended masters, you are making a grave mistake. I know people that have done so and their lives have been turned upside down. Just don’t do it for your mental health and wellbeing. 

Our world leaders know who and what these beings are and as part of signing off on the TTP with other beings, the governments of the world look the other way when ET's abduct humans and other beings. Do your home work it isn't hard folks. You and your loved ones have to live with the result of your actions, remember that. No ifs or buts, that is fact. I do not have time to white wash this information, and nor do I think it should be white washed as that sends the wrong message.

This website is  sending out a very misleading message, no doubt un-intentionally. Don't Go There!

It has been said, benevolent beings will come when we as a species collectively ask them to come, but we must already declare our human and spiritual sovereignty first. One must be aware that other star races may not have our best interests at heart and what do we stand to lose. The sooner humanity understands what human spiritual sovereignty is on a world wide scale and states its ownership of the said human spiritual sovereignty and planet, then we can take the correct action.

From what I observe this is not going to happen any time soon. The reason being, people are in denial and too dumbed down to care, let alone man-up and stop the greedy and corruption in our world, from killing and using the people of this world to fight illegal wars on other nations, violating their human rights. The masses don't even know the truth of why the wars are happening but are dumb and egotistical enough to do the dirty work for these psychopaths.

Ask yourself who is right at the top of the dung heap in all of this and why, then ask what should we do about it? Time is short and failure to take a stand against evil means that many will come back to this earth and live with what was allowed to happen. Simple rule of Karma.

America is starting to live the collective karma as I write this. You want to know why?? Because the masses avoided standing up to the politicians and corruption. Many young men and women would not be dead or be multiple amputees if the masses were not so ill informed. Look at the homelessness too, because the masses do nothing. That is greed and service to self mentality. A price must be paid for that and that price is very painful, I would not wish this on any one. People have brought it on themselves by giving away their personal power as if it is worthless. Until one loses their freedom and everything that they hold dear then they wont understand. This is due to arrogance and ignorance. Stand in your spiritual power and you will have a better world.

What about the parents that do not talk they’re under 21 year olds' out of joining the illegal wars? Not old enough to drink alcohol in the US but hey you can pick up a gun for the government and kill someone in their own homeland. Vietnam was bad and peoples are so quick to forget that horrible  war and the suffering of millions, and let their kids suffer similar in the middle east, that is deplorable.

Like I say America is now starting to reap the collective Karma. I have said 10 years ago or more that the US will be in isolation for many years due to conflict on its soil. I just pray that I am wrong.

Cameron Day: Ascension help

 Anyone familiar with Cameron Day? I think it would be useful for you to know who he is and what he is about. So here is the link, He is similar to John Lamb Lash and Wes Penre.


Take time to read about Archons!http://www.ascensionhelp.com/blog/category/mini-blog/

I ask you to scroll through the mini blog posts and read them carefully. As I have said many times the so called friendly ET's are not at all friendly. 

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

The Sprit world: what actually is it?

 The Spirit world, what do we really know about it? Those of us that work in the metaphysical industry have various concepts of what it is. Many of whom have come into this field from conventional religions and belief systems like myself. There comes a time though when being in this industry, that we go through changes in our belief systems. Examining the way we were taught by the faiths that we were raised with.

It can be very challenging to a person and cause issues with our loved ones. But  we all need to be open to change and new information as we go through our lives.

We have a problem trying to identify what God is, what the spirit world is and how it works. We are no closer to these answers now, than we were thousands or even millions of years ago. That is until we turn our eyes to some of the ancient texts. The bulk of humanity will never be privy to the information in its entirety as it is being withheld from us. But there is information in these ancient texts, namely the Nag Hammadi Codex, but oddly not the Dead Sea Scrolls. What I want to talk about here though is the Soul trap.

I have read so much metaphysical information in the past 18 to 20 years that it makes my head spin.
Just when I start to get a handle on the heavy side of it, I start to come across this thing called a  soul trap. This has blasted many of my beliefs right out of the water, so to speak. I have asked  people  that are in the same field of work as me and none of them, all bar one seemed to know what I am talking about.
I feel there needs to be more discussion in the Spiritual and New Age community about this. We all need to be informed and openly discuss this subject. How else are we going to help people that come to us in their hour of need and give them guidance in this area?

I have been reading the works of John Lamb Lash and Wes Penre  on this subject of late and highly recommend their works to every one to read. As I say I am no expert, but I need to know this stuff so that I do not send a soul some where that they shouldn't go to. We all need to know exactly who are the good guys and who are the bad guys and this is a grey area par excellence. It is as I say an area that I do not want to get wrong. I do have to move souls on from time to time and I could not live with myself if I
did send some poor soul off in to a trap or who knows what. Only for them to be sent back to this earth with no memory of their past lives and what they have just agreed to in a soul contract. That contact, they may have been tricked into agreeing with by the Lords of Karma or such like. From what I have read on Karma too some times we can be tricked into taking on Karma that is not ours.

Thousands of years ago ancient texts were written in the east warning of Archons and evil beings warning humanity to be carful in whom we trust on a spiritual level. These people clearly had open dealings with something not of this world, to take the time to warn humanity of the dangers and particularly to avoid  reincarnating. The people that left this information were adamant that there are entities or beings that interfere with human kind and manipulate us.  They do not hold loving, honest or peaceful intentions towards us. We have heard of the demiurge in many texts in modern times which were left to us by our ancestors. But carefully piecing together many ancient writings from all over the planet a pattern emerges.

It seems from what I can gather that humanity is little more than an experiment that has been hijacked by the demiurge and forced in to a hellish Ground Hog Day. Most do not know  who is right at the top of  chain of the control system that we put all of our faith in. 
The other thing that is mentioned is the Archons who supposedly control the soul trap a sort of faraday cage.
The texts point to these beings as not having our intentions at heart. More like their have their own personal agenda. We are aware of these beings under the disguise of Ascended master guides, Masters some times angelic beings etc. Lords of Karma is yet another of their creations.

One may leave themselves wide open to entity attachments that you wont even know about until things in your life are so out of control and going down hill fast that you won't be able to cope. I have seen this happen to people that I care about. It saddens me to see good people being manipulated by very cunning and evil beings. This is why I want to reach out to tell people be very careful. I do not  recommend communicating with beings that tell you they are a master guide, ascended master, from the white light, the Galactic Federation or any other nonsense like that. These are parasitical entities from the mostly 4th and 5th dimensions or from lower dimensions.

Evidence in ancient texts also point to beings from other worlds interacting openly here on earth going back many thousands of years and also linking our times to their prophecies of the Gods returning. They are not our "Gods" and never were, they are not here to help us. We must help ourselves and be free of them. Many have been lead to believe that these beings are on our side  but new evidence points the other way. We are now facing a new challenge within our life time and how
we respond to this will determine if we fall for the same old ruse or waken up and choose a better alternative  to reincarnating again for an other million years or to move on with the help of our higher-selves and only our higher-selves to guide us.

http://www.metahistory.org/ John Lamb Lash's website

http://wespenre.com/   Wes Penre's website

As a starting point here are the links to Wes and John websites, heavy reading but quite enjoyable too.

Just published   in the Supernatural Magazine today.

Empathic people are natural targets for Sociopaths by Dr Jane and Tim McGregor


I have had many encounters with these types over the years including relatives. My line of work often attracts people that fit this profile in various degrees.  This is an interesting article but way over simplified. The comments are interesting and some rather angry rants rather that facts. But I leave you to find your own conclusions to this. we all know people like this in our every day lives.
Bear in mind not all souls come from the light. That is why we have so much conflict in the third dimensional world.

Uluru My Psychic Experience


This is an article that was a long time in making. It had slipped my mind for a while and I thought may be there isn't much to tell.  Please enjoy.


I had the most wonderful trip to Uluru back in 2009, I went there with people from my husband’s office. This was the company rewarding them for all the good work that they had done. From the start I just knew that something amazing was going to happen, and it did. It was a fun week full of laughing. My only worry was not seeing my fur babies for a week, after all they are huge part of my life.
Our tour guide took us to some wonderful places, with the most wonderful views, sun sets and sunrises. The colours of the outback are something to see, forever changing with the weather, season and time of day.
One morning just after breakfast, our guide took us to see the area for men only. This was an ancient secret area for initiations and other ceremonies to take place.  Women are not allowed to be there, so this was a special privilege for us to be there.
Our tour guide was a young Aboriginal man in his mid to late 20’s. He was telling us the story of the  area and what went on in the secret men’s ceremonies. As we started to walk into the area through a long dirt track, I became aware of spirit beings watching us. There was a large group of men and youths gathering to perform an initiation ceremony. An Aboriginal Elder came to me and asked me why we were there, and did I know that women were not allowed to be here.
I explained that we were invited there by our guide and that we will not interfere with anything. We will respect their rules and beliefs. I told him we are from a different time and place, and we mean no harm. He accepted what I said, and had no objection. I told the group what I had seen and heard.
Everyone was fascinated by this. The Tour guide was happy that I was able to communicate with the ancestors and relieve them of their   concerns about us. I was able to keep both sides informed of what was happening. That was quite an honour to be able to do so.  Everyone in the tour group showed respect for the land and the people in spirit, knowing that they were watching us.
The smell of the smoke from the spirit beings camp fire was in the air and the sounds of their voices singing. It was a shame the group that I was with could not see and experience what I was seeing and feeling and smelling. It would have been so good if we could all have communicated as one group to another. No two people pick up psychic impressions the same way, so we would all have got something unique and special to experience. I do feel that this would have made a wonderful psychic tour. But anyhow as we were about to leave the grounds. All the wonderful spirit beings gathered around us and sang to us. I was so overwhelmed by their generosity and love towards us. I will never forget this. I shared this with the group and they were so keen to find out more. The tour guide had never experienced anything like this himself and was so glad to have been there at the time to hear what I had to say.

We then had a long chat about spiritual matters, and then his grandmother came through to pass on a message to him. It was a pleasure to be of service to both of them and bring some happiness to them also. The Tour guide’s grandmother started to show me knitted dolls, similar to dolls that my mother in law knitted for my boys when they were small.  I then went on to pass on her messages to  him. He was so stunned by this but very happy. I just wish that I had more time to chat with him and
have more spiritual encounters but time was limited each day and we  had to stick to the time schedule. Perhaps one day I might get back there to do a little holiday with my husband and have some more spiritual experiences. Just for the record I did not climb the rock. I would not go against the wishes of the people, as that would be highly disrespectful to do that to a spiritual monument, which is also Australia’s spiritual heart. Just as well that I can’t tolerate heights.
Canberra has some spiritual places to visit also, last winter, I went to the Australian Botanical Gardens, which are not far from where I live. I was having a long walk around the perimeter of the gardens looking for things to photograph, when lo and behold right on the fence line between the gardens and the CSIRO I suddenly saw a few Aboriginal people sitting at little camp fires.
I knew that they could see me just as clearly as I could see them too. I noticed some little girls sitting with their grandmother. One little girl was having her hair done up. Over in another group there were a group of men talking. There were a few other people just walking around doing whatever it was they were doing. It felt like one of them had suddenly informed the others that they had company. The other feeling I got was this was normal to them. I do not know much about the Aboriginal people and their psychic abilities, but this felt like this was a common thing, for them to see into other time lines and they just accepted it as normal. Most people in the world today would have a panic attack if they experienced anything like this, thinking that they are going crazy.

It is sad that the more we advance with technology, the more of our spirituality we lose. I for one do not need much technology in my life. I want the old spiritual ways. I envy the older races for having their spiritual gifts and respecting them. It seems to me that our Aboriginal ancestors were more multidimensional and understood the living planet and their important place in the big scheme of things. I am very sad to see much of this lost in modern man. I pray for bringing back the elders to help us regain what gifts we have lost. I am more than willing to go back to basics and learn true spiritual wisdom. The older I get the less I want the modern world, I want a simple and spiritual life.

Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium.
29 March 2015

UPDATE: I was transferring some of this blog to WordPress and discovered my article was removed from Thrive on news. I only gave this guy a couple of articles and I was not happy at him editing them. I have no idea why the articles were removed, however I think a third party trouble maker has had a hand in this as he was the one that told me to send articles to this website.

I have learned a lesson about trusting people here and now I am very reluctant to share things with others as I have been burned by a few in the industry. Not at all what I would call spiritual. 11 Feb 2019.




To all those who lost loved ones, Lest WE Forget.

Simpson and his donkey Duffy, the stuff legends are made of. What a brave young man he was. I have a photo of my sons standing next to his Bronze statue  at the Australian War Memorial her in Canberra. Lucky my sons got to grow up in Canberra and made the regular pilgrimage to the War Memorial each year when they were small. I didn't take them on ANZAC Day as it gets so busy but we would go 2 or 3 times a year to look through the place. You can feel the spirits of these brave men and women from all wars in there, including current time wars. It is hallowed grounds to all Australians the building is like a church with the solemnness of spirit. Many people report feeling and seeing spirits of the men and women there, due to their energy being attached to the items that are on display there. You can read about some of my experiences there on my blog.



 have been telling my friends and clients for years about the spiritual war. Please read this article from Vatic Project. I don't think people are too aware of such things, other than the stupid unicorns and rainbows garbage spouted by the new age Luciferin trash

Skype and Sky People: As in those whom the Hopi Indians talk of



I keep hearing Sky People/Skype it has been driving me nuts. When you look at the Skype service what comes to mind? The colour is blue just  like the sky is it not? The little squiggles around the word as you log in look similar to clouds. Hmm, I looked at the name again and then it hit me. Sky People!  Ever heard of them? I sure have.

Extra-terrestrials, ET's, little green men, Annunaki, tall blond Nordics, Pleiades.  So this just gets to me. I want to know a bit more. I have been getting the ET's back in my dreams again. I am sick to death of that stuff now to be blunt. So why suddenly is this Sky People cropping up?
Something to do with me using Skype to do readings and the radio show, I don't know but it is under my skin at present so I thought that I would share it with others.

The Hopi Indians knew of the Sky People. They had a similar relationship with them as the ancient Sumerians did and many other cultures did all over the planet. More and more evidence is supporting this fact. The time is getting closer now for them to re-establish open relations with humanity and I have been saying this for years to every one. Our leaders will not come clean and admit that these people are here, but that makes no difference any more, the decision has been taken out of their hands just as I said it would. The Sky people are returning and it will be in a loud an in our face way. Mark my words on this.

I for on want nothing to do with them. They are not the benevolent beings that the Americans and the Vatican would have you believe. Just like the white man setting foot in the US and destroying the first nation people. This pack of charmers will do unto humanity as white man did in the US. But you tell me what race has not acted in such a barbaric evil way! They all have done it.

They were taught by their masters to be like this. Those masters are the Sky People/Et's, and we have not seen the full wrath of what is to come yet, but we will and there is a hellish price to pay for this. They are only after our real estate and a small army of serfs or slaves just like in the days of old.
They have their bloodlines in charge here and always have.

I had the misfortune two nights back of dreaming/out of body experience in which I was showing my husband a spacecraft with a grey cloud around it. Suddenly a male voice boomed out to us, warning that the time is at hand, that they are back. A wave of shock went through me and it is still rather un nerving to think about it now. The voice was rather menacing and dark, not at all benevolent.

This dream had other strange things going on too, as in going into ancient caves and exploring strange places. Not the normal sort of dreams that I have  where I am spending time with loved ones in spirit.
Most nights I am aware that I am with my mother and many other relatives that have passed on years ago. I do lucid dreaming often and the out of the blue I get a curve ball like this, lol. Let me assure you they are not what I want to have anything to do with and some nights, I am afraid to go to sleep because of things that have happened in the past two years connected with ET's and shadow people. If you could just feel the fear that they can generate within you, you would understand. It is as if I remember a previous encounter, for me to have that fear and dread. I will get on to a paranormal researcher friend to ask their advice and knowledge of these things. I have made it clear that I do not want to have this contact and stand firm on this.

Anyone who is knowledgeable on paranormal events and Human Sovereignty would understand where I am coming from. It is important that any abductee or contactee know about their Human Sovereignty and their right to say NO. All off planet and on planet beings of any sort must abide by Cosmic law, no if's or buts. Letting these entities know that you are aware of your Sovereignty  makes them cautious and they will be very evasive.  They should by rights leave you in peace.
One must not be manipulated into any agreement what so ever. it is not negotiable. They have no right to harm us.



I advise people to read the Wes Penre papers and everything that you can that is not pie in the sky garbage. Look at credible websites and self educate on this stuff. But be very careful as there are a lot of disinformation idiots out there, and people that pretend to be experts and clearly are not. If you are unfortunate to have there dreams there are measures you can take to prevent this happening to yourself.

Please remember this is a duplicate blog February 2021

 Just reminding people that click on this blog; this is a duplicate of my original blog, Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant Medium. Not every single thing is on here. I stuffed my editing thingy on my original, but I have left everything in place. I will post a reminder every so often to let  new readers know this is the new blog. You can see it only has a few stats. That was one of the things that I stuffed up along with trying to remove my old defunct email.......oops

Happy Easter Possums 2015


Wishing everyone a lovely and Happy Easter from my family to yours. Fur babies included, don't forget the animals!

Alex Interviewed by Her Canberra Magazine



My Interview by Her-Canberera Magazine's  Laura  Edwards.

Correction regarding the public Service. That was in Sydney  before moving to Canberra.

Cause And Effect Easter Road Safety Message


This is a timely Easter message for everyone to drive safe over the Easter break and at all times.
This is my first article for Thrive on  News.

Hmm I just looked at my stats and this article is no longer available on Thrive, I only shared one article with them and I was not happy with what they did with my article. I was disgusted by how they dictate and change articles that others have written about especially from a personal experience. I believe that I have already commented on this in another post a while back. I now refuse to share my articles with anyone unless they take my article without altering it. A spiritual message especially should never be altered. 


This is the original article! 

Spirit Warning For The USA 1 April 2015

I have just come off air (A1R PSYCHIC RADIO) from doing s reading for a lady in the US. While reading for her. I got a horrible feeling come over me. It was not about her, but the Nation. I am deeply worried about this warning. I feel something very dark is on its way to the US. I don't want to say anymore but I do not like the feeling. It is making me so anxious and nauseous. Any other psychics out there picking this up?? It is a feeling of war. It is very distressing. There are many deaths and I see Mr Obama making a public address to the nation. I feel the Whitehouse will go into lock down.

Is this the start of a civil war? I am deeply upset by this and worried for all the poor souls that have to live through this nightmare. Please take care, love and blessings to you. XXX




Goodbye Our Beloved Tolstoy: Angel Cat


Tonight we said goodbye to our beautiful Norwegian Forrest Cat, Tolstoy. After a battle with cancer 4 years ago resulting in the loss of a hind leg, I just knew that was not the end of the Cancer. When the vet said I think we got it all. I just knew that was not the case. Tolstoy was given the gift of 4 extra years to be with us. He had lost a lot of weight just recently and I knew what that meant, I just did not want to accept this. Over the past week he has been indoors all day, instead of being on the back patio and enjoying his garden. Yesterday he seemed to be lifeless and just lying on the floor. Sadly my day was so busy with other issues that I didn't think that this was the end. Today we noticed the laboured breathing and listlessness. When I tried to pick him up he was in pain. It is heart-breaking to suddenly know that this is it, I must take him to the vet. So all of the family rushed to the vet with Tolstoy. Tears running down our faces. We love Tolstoy so dearly and this has taken us all so suddenly that we are still reeling from the shock.                                                                     
I am not prepared for this loss, spirit did not tell me this was going to happen either. Talk about     kicking someone when they are down on their knees. My family have been going through pure hell over the past 3 years and just when we think it can't get any worse, we lose our beautiful Angel Cat.
I know it wont be long now until our Slinky leaves us, he is 17 and will be 18 in July. All my cats are very aware of Tolstoy's passing and the look in their eyes says it all. Daisy my little girl cat, was like   Tolstoy's wife. They were a pair and liked each other's company. Tonight she is in her little bed looking so lost. It breaks my heart to see her sad.     
Rest in peace Tolstoy until I come for you my angel XXX                                                                            

Originally posted on 28 February 2015

The Supernatural Magazine: Living with Psychic Children by Alex Fulford


Just published, I just got the email from the editor for my article. So this takes you right to the page. I have left my copy up on the blog too though. Not sure if I should keep doing that, double up though.

Anyway it's all good LOL. I have just done my live broadcast on A1R, Thanks to the poor quality internet service from our Internet provider, it had to be done by phone though. I have been on the phone to the service provider to complain but it is out of my hands at this stage, I have no internet other than using a Dongle that I borrowed for the emergency, crackling on the phone line and no TV.
Not that I like tv at all, but my family need that. NOT HAPPY JAN.... NOT HAPPY!

Living With Psychic Children


There are many children all over the world today that have psychic abilities. It is more common than people think. It is a difficult thing to live with, from the child’s perspective and from the parent’s perspective. Now it is very important that adults take note about this and keep an open mind.

We are living in a time where humanity is evolving into a higher state of consciousness. This is a well-documented fact. These children have been arriving on earth from the 1980’s and are arriving in greater numbers than ever before. This is God’s will if you like. Some say it is the cosmic awareness that is responsible and there are many other New Age answers, but the fact remains, these children are here and here for a reason.

I have met many parents with psychic children of all ages, I have a nephew  that is also a psychic child. These children come into the world being able to see and hear spirit beings. Most of the time it is loved ones from the spirit world that they see. These children when they first learn to talk often tell their parents about Aunt Mary or Uncle Joe standing next to them and often pass on a message from the relative. I have known many parents to be very pleased about their child’s ability. However there are some parents that get upset with the child. This is very unfair on the child. He or she is not doing anything wrong here.

It is the adult’s perception that is wrong for whatever reason. Mostly it is due to religious beliefs and superstition. This gift is the human beings natural ability. There is nothing wrong or evil about this. People need to be better informed about the spirit world and our natural abilities. My own nephew at the age of 18 months onward was able to see my mother and his maternal grandmother in spirit and my mother’s dog.

It took my brother by surprise at first and then he just accepted it, after all it runs in our family. Animals are also psychic, but for so long, ignorant humans have ignored this fact or refuse to acknowledge this fact.

I have had women come to me and say my teenage child is having visions and premonitions, and is upset by them. I often wonder why the spirit world puts such a responsibility on to children. Some of the things they see and hear can be frightening.

My advice to parents with children that are not wanting to have this ability is take your child to a respected psychic,  that teaches psychic development and ask for help to either close the ability down for a few years or help the child to understand the abilities they have, and how to use them.

It is of the utmost importance that the children and their parents learn how to use psychic protection, such as how to Gold Light themselves and the house that they live in. This helps keep away unfriendly spirits and helps protect and strengthen their auras or energy fields.

I urge people to seek out respected psychic teachers or coaches. The spiritual church is the best port of call when in doubt. These churches are in every country in the western world, I don’t know about other non-western countries, however people in non-western countries will know of someone that they can contact to help their child or children if need be. They are quite open to spiritual matters.

Many children do automatically shut off their psychic abilities when they are school age as other things are more interesting such as hanging out with friends and doing what kids do. These psychic abilities come back later on in life and then the person can deal with the gift then, if they chose not to use them  that is fine, but it must be a free will decision.

They must never be forced into anything that they do not want. I myself did not use my abilities until I was left school and working, even though my abilities started at the age of three or there about, I was still sleeping in a cot at the time. I did not even know I was psychic until I was 28 years old. By then I was hearing and seeing things and the abilities grew stronger and stronger. I used to be frightened because I had read some psychic books, which put me off of the spirit world.

One Particular author turned out to be a fake. When I discovered this a few years ago I was disgusted, a few more have been found to be fake since then. It is hard enough to live in the physical world and having psychic abilities let alone some individuals come along and exploit people and this gives genuine psychics a bad name. 

Getting back to psychic children, a friend of mine has a daughter with mediumship abilities and she is frightened of them. I have urged her to go to the local spiritual church and talk with the people there. They are only too happy to help. They have all been in this situation. But I can tell you now, that many of these young people will grow up to be amazing psychic or spiritual healers and clairvoyants.

I have met a few friends of my oldest son and out of the group he went to college with 3 girls are psychic healers and one boy will be reading the Tarot cards one day. I knew when I met this boy just by looking at him he is psychic, and a lovely and genuine person he is. Please do be aware that there are nasty entities out there, yes, but very few will bother you. If you tell them to go away they usually do.

The higher the persons vibrational frequency is these beings can’t even see you or even be aware of you. So the golden rule is keep your thoughts good and loving and this will lift your vibrational frequency. That does not mean that your Vibes don’t drop, they do ebb and flow through the day, every day and the same as the human aura, changes colour constantly through the day all day every day. So please don’t worry about is my aura ok or are my vibes ok. Relax and go with the flow.

Copyright by Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 18 Feb 2015

PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite

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