27 February, 2021

The Trend In Ghost Tours And The Paranormal

 There is quite a trend for Ghost tours and the Paranormal at present, and while I work with the people on the other side of life constantly, I can understand the keen interest, I do find it a little repugnant also, depending on how the activity is done

While most tour operators or individual tour guides are sensible and respectful, how many are using any form of spiritual or psychic protection and asking the clients to do likewise? This is what makes me  sit up and take notice. As I do believe in the duty of care and respect for all involved, including those on the other side of life. I have been offered to go on these tours many a time, but politely refuse  out of respect for those on the other side of life. I don't want to  make entertainment out of others suffering or situation.

It is quite normal for us to be curious about the spirit world and ghosts, it is after all, part of life.
People in spirit are also just like us and are curious too. Most of them I would say, are as keen as mustard to communicate with the living or should I say physical world beings (us). They are still alive and well, but in a non physical body, that is the only difference. Personality and ego are still intact from the last incarnation.

I have lived in a house with a ghost or earth bound spirit when I was a young mum with 2 small children, which were little more than babies. It was not a pleasant experience living in that house. We could not get out of there fast enough as the woman's negative energy was disruptive. I knew when I went to view the house, and the agent said that the old lady had died in hospital that he was lying, I could see her and feel her. But we were in need of a house as our house sold very quickly and this was near our family and work. We left after two years.

I didn't know at that stage how to move a spirit on, or anything about the spirit world. There was no one we could turn to for help. People didn't like visiting our house because they felt something there. You should have felt it from our side, it was no walk in the park and we had no end of relationship problems up to the day we moved out.

Fast forward to more current times, and I have learned so much and seen, experienced, and had to deal with much in the spirit department. One thing I always make sure I do is respect them.  Well, I must admit to being  blunt with nasty spirit beings. Some will try to intimidate the living, but these are far and few between. But when it comes to ghost tours etc. Please  try not to upset the spirt people.

Many of the locations are in old prisons, hospitals, and mental institutions or orphanages. Now do you think it is the place to find peaceful spirits. Chances are more likely that you will find a spirit that is agitated, distressed and may be even vengeful. Don't poke the bear in this situation. It can go south pretty quickly and you will not know how to handle the situation. I would like to think the person running the event knows what to do, but don't bank on it.

A vulnerable person can end up with a spirit attachment and not even know. But people around them will notice. Changes in personality for a start, mental health issues. Now that's a biggie,  there are some people with mental health issues among the community that are unaware they have entities' attached to them. I am not saying that this is the case in all people with mental health issues, no , just a small number. And I have learned that it isn't just one entity that will attach it is several. Please  do not try and talk to spirit beings that are earth bound, some will definitely try to jump on board. An open crown chakra or a weak aura/ energy field is an open door to them.

So if you really want to participate in haunted tours please, Gold light yourself before going into the  venue. This is for your own protection. Gold light is the highest of spiritual protection, and it is the power of intention that makes it work. You must mean it when you do it, or it wont work. Be firm in your intentions. If you are fearful, then this is not the  sort of activity that you should participate in.

An added optional bonus after Gold lighting is to smudge your body front and back with a smudge stick. Negative entities will not come near you after that. It is a common practice with psychics when attending psychic fairs and other events to keep negative energy away. I also use smudge sticks on a regular basis due to my home being my work place also. It is imperative that I have the energy clear at all times.


Now when using the smudge stick, the correct procedure is, get someone to smudge you, and then you smudge them. You need an Eagle feather to fan the smoke, staring at the feet, work your way up the body all the way up to the top of the head. Fanning the smoke from the smudge stick gently and constantly. You must do the front and back of the person, or you will leave gaps in the energy field /aura. You can buy smudge sticks in a health food shop or a new age shop, eBay or online stores. You will need a lighter or matches to keep the stick lit too.

By the way there are plenty out door places where spirit beings can be found too, grave yards, spiritual grounds such as aboriginal sacred sites, the site of an old building that has been demolished, even places where wars and military battles have been fought.
We leave our energy everywhere without knowing it. An energetic imprint will remain in cases of a sudden death such as murder or an accident, no matter where it is.

Stay safe and take care while doing these tours, no two will ever be the same.
I am not the fearful type, but I, in all honesty don't think I would participate in a haunted tour, but
who knows. They say never say never.

Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 31 December 2016

Spirit Dream About America From September 21 2014

 Today I was going through a dream journal looking for something and to my surprise I came across this  item. I have written it word for word from page 36.

I had a dream early this morning about America (USA) being divided into two separate regions. I was
talking to someone in the dream. I can't recall who it was, but definitely a female. She  said tanks were being used in the streets. There seemed to be a TV screen behind her.
The feeling is something big is about to happen, this might lead to the US under martial law.

NOTE: I felt this was due to the Elections and Hillary Clinton being president of the USA. Take it from me this is the worst case scenario, and it is happening right now. I wish I could have better news, but I don't, I gave this warning on radio too last year, and  I have blogged about it to warn people.

It is officially locked in and there is no way out now. The American people in their inability to see through all of the deception are in grave danger, my heart goes out to them in their time of need. Sadly most of them would not see the warnings right in front of them.

What can one do when, those with eyes choose not to see and those with ears choose not to listen.
I know for a fact that Dr Luis Turi, has tried continuously  to get people in the US to heed his warnings too, but to no avail. What would a top rate Astrologer or a Clairvoyant know after all.

I can tell you also that Hillary Clinton when in office will purge the FBI of those that tried to expose her criminal activity too.
I do not see Hillary remaining in office for very long either.

Hold your loved ones close America and pray, that is all the advice I can give you. I hope that I am wrong, I would never wish this on a living soul.

I have added images of my book so that you can see hand written notes and the consecutive order of the pages. This is a very large book which is used normally as a register in offices. I just happened to have an old unused one in my house that came in handy for me to write things in when  I have a vision or a psychic dream. These dreams and visions are very quickly forgotten usually so they need to be documented quickly or they are gone.   

It took me a little while to work that one out lol.  Some visions are just so fleeting I think gee what was that. I never get shown it again. That I find most annoying.          

November 24 2016, Notice they mention tanks!

This is a dream that I had in 2015 published originally on my old blog. This was 8 years ago and look at the current situation in the world now you can see everything is going south fast. 

Organic Portals- Soulless Humans



Reminds me of the Talking Heads song, We're on the road to nowhere.

As the circus drama of the US Elections looms, I feel this is a timely post. When the writer of this article mentions psychopaths. Many people in politics fit this category. The US will find out very soon the real meaning of a psychopath being in the white house. The world pays the price for the mistakes the US makes, we pay with our lives.

The Soulless Organic Portal reminds me of the dream I blogged about and felt it related to the up coming AI takeover, but it could also fit this scenario too, ether way there are people amongst us that are like this and that is a frightening thought.




Alex's Scone Recipe

I had this recipe up here  for a few years and I don't understand where its gone. Gremlins must have wanted it because its a really good scone recipe that was my great grand mother's on my fathers side, which has been passed down the family.

I am not one of those foolish people that refuses to share a recipe, to me that is a very immature thing to do. Unless it is a business such as a restaurant having a signature dish. That is understandable but home cooking, meh!

1 lb or 3 metric cups of SR flour
1 tsp ( level) Salt
3oz   80gms Margarine/ Butter
1 Egg
1 TBL Spoon Castor Sugar
1/2 pint or 1 1/4 cup of Milk

Pinch of Bicarbonate of Soda to help make the scones light and fluffy ( I tend to use a bit more than a pinch)


Beat egg in a cup and put aside a table spoon of the egg and a little milk to use in glazing.
Mix flour, sugar and salt together in a bowl then rub in the margarine or butter.   I USE OLIVE SPREAD and that works fine.

Add the beaten egg and the milk and mix into a dough. Roll out  to a thickness of 1/2 and inch
on a floured surface, to prevent the dough sticking to the surface. next use a scone cutter to cut the size you want. Then place the scones onto a greased tray and glaze the tops with the left over egg and milk mix. Bake in a very hot oven for around 10 mins. I use the electric oven at 220.  As 180 degrees does not help them rise properly.

Makes about 12 or 13 if you use the medium sized cutter. I don't even bother using the rolling pin these days if I am in a hurry , I just pat the dough with the palms of my hand.

You can add sultanas to the scones or use wholemeal flour if you like. If you want to make cheese scones, just omit the sugar. Then add 3 to 4 oz / 80 gms of tasty  or Cheddar cheese.

Scones freeze well and can be toasted too, under the grill. If defrosting either leave them to defrost at room temp or microwave them for  about 20 seconds.  I find the microwave alters the taste of food so, I don't use it too often.

I hope everyone enjoys these lovely scones. share the recipe far and wide that's what its there for.

Update, Just checking my stats and it is lovely to see the scone recipe is very popular. It is nice to go the full bit and get out the  nice table cloths and fine bone china.

There is nothing I love more that going all out with the linen napkins, and the full china service, right down to the little miniature serving spoons for the cream and jam.

Copied from my old blog, originally posted 4 November 2016

The Occult In The Fashion And Entertainment Industry And Among The Powerful


I have been aware of occult symbology in the fashion industry and entertainment for many years, but just decided to bring it to my readers attention. Like I always say, nothing is ever what it seems in this world. The occult symbols are everywhere you look, hidden in plain sight. Now that is important when dealing with cosmic law. The truth must be presented to the masses, but there is no rule against obscuring it.

At 1.51 the Icon by John Dee is called the Monas Hieroglyphicas. It was designed for Queen Elizabeth I. Dee is not the originator of the Monas Hieroglyphicas, he only expanded it.

Notice Lady GaGa's name in this video. The expression gaga implies crazy as we know, but did you also know that it is also an occult name for the planet Pluto. There is a reason she has that stage name, including the occult/Masonic videos and wordings in her songs.

When you see this symbology all through popular culture you know something is very wrong. Notice the Vatican in this video. In a previous post I commented  about the Pope admitting that Lucifer was the god of this planet. He made the speech in Latin, back in 2015, for the simple reason, the masses do not understand Latin and it would go unnoticed by the majority of people. Again this is using cosmic law and obscuring. Look at the symbols behind the pope, right there in plain sight. I have stated in the past that to become Pope one must be well versed in astrology, but add to that the occult and 33 degree freemasonry.


Have you noticed how many models of today look like soulless androids.  There is nothing in their eyes, void of any feeing or emotion just like a robot. Some of the ways models pose these days are quite weird. In some cases they are made to look like fools in stupid outfits looking ridiculous standing in in un-natural poses, which often look quite sloppy.

One needs to pay attention to some of the hand signs presented by these models, especially covering one eye. Some times one arm and hand is pointing upwards and the other pointing downwards. The classic as above, and so is below. These are Freemason and esoteric  hand signs that are being employed. It is a secret code that only those in the know understand. Celebrities and high profile people such as politicians and business people of note all use this,  signalling to each other to say I am one  too.

We are living in a world void of true spirituality, which is endorsed by celebrities and powerful people to encourage us to copy them. Is it any wonder the west is in decay? The loss of spirituality is so evident. The new age stuff  being offered to the vulnerable, who are trying to raise their consciousness thinking that this will help them, sadly they have backed the wrong horse.

I find one of the most annoying places for being bombarded with this insanity is the hairdressers. You plank yourself in the chair for a hair cut and all around you are symbols, music and sometimes an advertising video playing on a loop. I just want to bolt for the door as I find it annoying.

Shopping malls are like temples for all of this subliminal bombardment of the senses. I keep visiting those places to a minimum. I get in to the mall go for what I need and get out. I choose not to be surrounded by all of the occult symbology and targeted advertising, urging us to buy things that we do not really need.


Have a look on Google images of any famous person and your will find a who's who of the occult. I would also recommend you read up on the net about the satanic link with freemasons and Hollywood.
It sure is an eye opener. For a start Holly wood is used by druids to make a wand to cast spells.
It is the vibrational energy of the wood from the Holly tree that  holds an energy charge.


Pay attention to colours also, they are also a coded language especially red, white and blue, and the rainbow colouring which has a a deep esoteric meaning. Numbers are also very important in the occult, dates,  months, and sequences of numbers. Numerology is a very complicated system, and takes a while to understand in its complexity. There are two types of numerology, Chaldean and Pythagorean, to study, which are used to convey messages to the initiated  world wide to this day. 

So you can see there is so much going on right under our noses that goes unnoticed by most people.  Once you start to pay attention it just jumps out at you, and you will notice it every where you go. Advertising, buildings, art, ancient monuments and modern monuments. It is all put there by a small minority to remind us who is in charge in this world.

 It is a fascinating subject but it can also be quite a disturbing subject if you get to deep into it. It is ok to be aware of it but don't get bogged down in this stuff. I don't think it is particularly healthy to dwell on.  I leave it to the experts like, Wes Penre,  Texe Mars and David Icke  ( Icke, whom I feel is controlled opposition) to get into all that stuff. It is not the world that I want to live in.

Copyright Alex Fulford 2016/ 2017

UPDATE: Have a look at this link below. It amazes me the amount of  parents (women especially) that lack moral values and discernment; and think it is ok for their kids to watch the tv shows and go to concerts these filthy individuals. Something is lacking mentally in such adults. Personally I would be restricting who my child associated with if they have parents that allow their child to be exposed to this filth. 
This is still under the same Satanic umbrella so do not think they are separate. Most of your celebrities are controlled by MK Ultra  and similar techniques. This has been going on for decades and the masses ignore it.

originally posted 1 November 2016

Healthy Choices joke


I must try to find some gross funnies to make my readers cringe, lol. It's just the way I roll ha ha ha!

Off The Leash, Pick and Roll


Giving Away Your Free Will To Others

Violation of free will  is not something to be taken lightly. It does have a karmic/cosmic effect on both or all parties. It is very important to understand that. When we want something badly, sometimes we can pressure others into doing that we want them to do. I must admit that I am sometimes guilty of doing this myself mostly very small scale. We all are, guilty of this, it's part of being human. But we must take into account the fact that when we push others no matter how little the issues is, it is still affecting or violating the free will of others.

Emotional blackmail is one of those things where a person feels they have to give in to the other person. That is a downright nasty thing to do especially if you know what you are doing and it is for selfish reasons. Again we are all capable of doing this to others.

But this is one of the nastiest forms of energy stealing and violation of a persons free will. I have just had it done to me. It made me stop and think about the situation, and prompted me to just comment here. When it is some one in the spiritual community, that does this, that person knows full well what they are doing and violating the free will of an other person/being. That is a grave error in judgement as the flow on effect or cosmic response to a person that knows what  they are doing is wrong then the full force of the cosmic or universal law kicks in.

Yes it is hard being a human, sometimes we want something badly enough that we don't think clearly. I understand where people are coming from, but it doesn't excuse or nullify the effect by universal law, not to mention the energy theft by the individual taking and giving nothing in return. Whether that be unconditional love, a cup of tea or what ever. Energy must be kept in balance so please be careful.

Love Alex

Copyright A Fulford October 20, 2016

Black eyed Children


I had to cut and paste this, hence the purple line.

I had accidentally hit delete; ops!

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Black Eyed Children


This is quite an  interesting phenomenon, very frightening, like shadow people.
it is my belief  that these black eyed kids are intent on taking the life force out of a person. Like the shadow people do, energy being a food source  to them. I do agree they need permission, which is also part of the alien abduction scenarios. This goes into the beyond life area with the alien abductions, where the abductee agrees to experience the " abduction" and what ever else that entails. However I  don't know if that is the case with the black eyed children. 

To me they seem inter dimensional, but there is some other  connection here, it could be alien or it could be low vibrational demonic beings using a human disguise. The whole thing is very creepy  and we  (humans) are still learning about the phenomenon so like they say  there is not much to go on yet. I don't  think it is an entirely modern issue, there have been cases of strange beings through out history. 

One other thing  to ponder is many metaphysical researchers discuss is dimensions /time lines merging.  That is quite plausible when people are experiencing all sorts of bizarre things  such as the feeling of time standing still. Seeing into the future in sudden day dream like moment. 

Wes Penre, The Death Trap And How To Avoid It


This came in an email a few days ago and it is also on his web site now too. So I am sharing it with everyone.

Update: Well here we go again this website is pulled. I have this entire article printed off. Wes was worried about his papers being removed from the internet and has stated so many times in articles and on Facebook.
His worries were not unfounded. This must be  about the third time someone has stopped his work going on line. But 2021 is a big year for censorship in the US. This is only the start.  The good thing is there is an alternate website for the time being. If you like his work then save it on a pdf or print it off. 

Wes has a Form and other platforms that may be of interest for talking to him and others on line. 

https://wespenrevideos.com/ This is the home page, read the tags at the top and also scroll down to the bottom of the page for more information.

The Mandela Effect, Wes Penre blog

 NOTE: The powers that be are currently scrubbing the internet of a lot of valuable information at present. This link has been pulled recently. Wes has been harassed by individuals over the past couple of years and YouTube have censored much of his work along with many others including Robert Sepehr videos. Freedom of speech is being denied especially those in alternate history and alternate science and archaeology. 

this HTML class. Value is http://wespenrepaper

You can find Wes on WordPress and his website  https://wespenrevideos.com/ You can also communicate with him by email. 

Gosh this is interesting. This morning I was reading something  on Facebook  about the Young Ones tv series, a hidden character is in the first series. The person posting the video mentioned  the Mandela effect. I had not heard of that. Next thing there is a new post by Wes Penre, so I  read that, only to discover the link was broken. So I  thought I will pop on to his website and see if it's  there. It wasn't, so I  just looked at his blog and chat page, lo and behold I  see the Mandela effect, Hmmm. It is interesting so I  thought I  will post the link here for people  to see. Do have a look through his topics for interacting with him and his readers.

Anthon Parks is really worth checking out too, especially if you read French. I know much of his work is being translated into English, I  just keep forgetting  to look at his web site though, lol.


UPDATE: 11/3/2019

I have had a few Mandela effect moments over the years. The first one was the death of Blondie guitarist Chris Stein. He had supposedly died in the 90's due to a serious health condition. I clearly recall seeing it on Australian TV , on the 6 o'clock news. Then suddenly he is alive again go figure.

The next case was Jimmy Nail, the actor and musician who had supposedly died due to an  alcohol related illness, but surprise he is very much alive, which is a good thing of course, I love his comedy. 

I commented about this on Wes's YouTube video recently. I could not recall the name of the other person until late last night as I was going off to sleep. The very funny  Reg Varney is the other person, the comedy actor of " On the buses" TV show. I must admit to being a huge fan of his and the show. 

Reg supposedly passed away from a heart attack in the early 1980's on stage while performing as a pianist. I clearly recall reading this in a newspaper  when I lived in Sydney , and I had told my parents. I must have been about 21 or 22 at the time.

I recall my parents going to see him perform as a professional pianist back in the 70's in Sydney at Kogarah RSL club. According to Wikipedia thought he died at age 92.


Some people say that these Mandela effects are due to the bleed through of other dimensions and time lines merging with ours, which changes the course of history as we know it.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about dimensions and timelines merging at this point in time. Humanity is as many people are aware, going through  a major paradigm shift., which will also be part of this timeline and dimension merger.

What happens is anyone's guess. It is all down to our collective conscious if we want to create a peaceful  world or not, and more to the point a spiritual one. Having said that, if it is a spiritual one then hard work is still needed to break out of the Matrix, (encryption) we are to a large degree controlled by a encryption within us. Our DNA is programmable, as is every cell in our bodies. Not just our bodily growth, where cells are recycled throughout the body, no they are programmable like our DNA to keep us within the Matrix.

There will be many people will recall particular things in the past, that when viewed now are different. The tell tale sign is you will clearly recall the event and what you were doing in that point of time clearly. Where you were, what you were wearing, who was with you, what was the season, the weather, day or night etc.

Wes Penre Interviewed by Robert Stanley


You can download the pdf version here too.
This is a quick but very informative interview, it also spells out the time limit that humanity has left.
It must be very obvious to many people world wide now, what is going on and the danger we face.

 This above link was cut by persons unknown. I have put a link in to Wes' videos there may be relevant information here but I highly recommend that you watch all of Wes' videos and also read all his papers, starting from level 1 or you will get lost in what he is saying. It is heavy reading and not for those that just want entertainment. This work is NOT for entertainment!


I for one will always stand in my true spiritual power and never give away my personal power nor my human sovereignty to anyone. No one can make you do this remember that. The buck stops with the individual. What we do and do not allow. By 2045 at the out set this will be done. I wont be alive by that time but I fear for those that are and do not take the steps to protect themselves.

You are your own saviour and your own true spiritual divinity, we were created to be that way and NOT to merge with anything other than our higher-self, not  the God-head (which is En-Ki's spiritual entrapment from which you cannot leave). Anything that teaches other wise is a lie. If you read Wes's papers you will understand that. We all need to know this information but very few will take the time to learn and share this with humanity.

It is all fun to ridicule truth seekers and spiritually awake individuals, but it is no laughing matter when you have to live with the results of such ignorance. When you stop and think, Communism, Religion, New Age teachings, One World government, Singularity, Common Wealth and UN agenda 21 and agenda 30, (giving away your hard worked for money and assets to the entire world's poor etc),or anything that says all under the "ONE" rule/umbrella, it is all part of the Singularity trap.

I have removed several posts over the past two years from my blog because I realized that they were not in line with this new information. I have a duty to find the most truthful and up to date information to share with people so if you saw it on my blog a couple of years ago and it is no longer here you can be sure that I have found out that it was not credible information.

NOTE: Just remember there is NO New Golden age it is fake and all part of En-Ki's agenda. It is very important that people understand that fact. This age does not benefit humanity one iota it benefits those that control this reality.

https://uncensored.co.nz/2018/07/05/independence-day-of-the-soul/  Read this and ponder what it means to us now


The Difference Between Cats And Dogs

 The difference between cats and dogs is, dogs can smell fear. Cats can smell stupidity.

Note: the model is Slinky, our awesome little man

More On The Soul Trap

 HTML class. Value is http://humansarefree

Yet an other website that is talking about the soul trap, and mentioning Lucifer being the light bearer. Good to see this is getting more coverage. I talk about this with some of my clients, and in the hand out that I give them are the links to this information provided so that they care learn at their own pace if they want to learn about.

Remember the Bible clearly states Lucifer is the God of this planet. He is the light bearer. Does that not make alarm bells ring? It certainly should! So  why do the new age teachings keep telling people to "go to the light"? Why say Love and Light? It is not what people have been lead to believe and accept, far from it. Lucifer is also an other name for En-Ki and when you understand who En-Ki is it all makes perfect sense. Wes Penre sums this up quite clearly and in an easy to read format in his free ebooks.

Also why are Christians taught to say Amen at the end of a prayer? I for sure will not use that word, Amen is Amen-Ra the heretic pharaoh.
I am quite a Spiritual person and always have been. Let me point out that is not the same as being a spiritualist or being religious, not that these people are not spiritual. For a start Spiritualists, just like other religions learn by rote. The individual can be quite spiritual which comes from within the individual at a soul level. No religion can make one spiritual, that is the soul that does that.

May I  advise people not to seek a master guide nor an ascended master guide. These are none other than Archons (parasite entities). Please stay right away from them for your own good and true spiritual freedom. More and more information is being put on the internet by many researchers and it is in all of our best interests to learn as much as we can on this subject. If in any doubt, sit on the fence and make no opinion one way or the other until you have more information with which to make a better informed opinion. You may change your mind time and time again until you feel comfortable with your beliefs. But that's ok that what your free will is for and it must ot be manipulated by anyone or anything.

Zengardner On The Soul Trap



Yet an other article to talk about the soul trap.


This is tricked by the light's version, but to be honest, you will get better information from Wes Penre, he really gets deep into what he researches.

Psychiatrist admits mental illness is caused by demonic possession


Interesting article here however the title is not accurate I feel, not all mental health issues are entity related. However there are many ways in which entity attachments can happen such as drug use, the crown Chakra being open too wide, abuse situations, just to name a few. I have witnessed several cases of spirit attachment over the years of my work. Not all psychics can pick up on this, and it can be easily missed. I do not class myself as an expert on this, just being able to detect or see them on occasion.

 These entities know what they are doing and can remain hidden quite easily for years causing much suffering and misery for the victim and their loved ones. One sign that  I notice in some people is an other set of eyes  looking out from the person. I can feel the entity, but I am not qualified or trained to remove them, nor do I want to do  this. I do know a man that does the removals and have watched him work. He informed me that with many attachments,  it isn't just one entity but several that can attach to the victim. Also it is not good for  the person removing the entities to try to communicate with the entities because they can attach to the person doing the removal.

The man that I  was watching went in to trance to do the removal, which took an hour to do. I noticed the room fill up with many spirit beings that were there to assist him. The main spirit that worked with him masked over his face and body. What I saw was a tall oriental man dressed in grey and silver robes with a tall hat in similar fabric. The man looked as if he was in his 60s, with a long beard of distinguished grey. As they all worked on the patient, I was aware of the person coming out of their body and told them telepathically to get back inside their body, never let others take over the body as it does not belong to them.  So the person went back into their body and I could see it twitching when the soul slid back into place.

As I watched the healer working around the patients head, I noticed the person appeared to be wearing  some sort of golden helmet which was rather ornate, not Roman but something very old, and gold light was emanating from either the head of the patient or the helmet. To me the helmet felt like it was of spiritual significance, but I don't know what.  The persons chakras were so bright, like coloured lights at this point, when suddenly I noticed the soles of the feet going a golden colour and this was through the persons shoes I must add.

I had never witnessed an entity removal like this, it was a surreal experience for me to witness. The next thing I noticed was a dark brown smoke like substance lifting from the patient's  body and I knew that was the attachments lifting. After that the healer tuned the chakras and sealed the body.
I  was told that it can take up to 7 days for the person to feel better. The person's energy levels need to recover as well as their emotions, some people at first can feel moody, tired and a bit confused.

Keeping healthy and getting plenty outdoor exercise to help the person stay grounded is very important after such an experience. Sunlight plays an important role too.
Psychic people can be at risk from entity attachments and that is why it is vital to ground and attune, and build a strong healthy aura. Many people have psychic abilities without being aware of them. Children and young people especially, and if the crown chakra is far to open then the potential for an energy attachment is there. Please do not experiment with the paranormal,  it can be very dangerous, especially for mental health issues and can cause suicidal thoughts. It is highly irresponsible to mess with the paranormal.

If you do have psychic abilities and wish to develop them , please go to the proper places and learn safely. I strongly recommend avoiding trance and trance mediumship. That too can cause an energy attachment. Through extensive reading and from personal experience I will never endorse trance mediumship as I feel it is very risky at the least, and downright dangerous. Like I  said I have experience. I have written a blog post on this already. Most people that are into the new age stuff sadly do not know enough about this stuff and can get into serious trouble  through a lack of knowledge on the subject. I am not putting these people down, however I feel they have not done enough research in to this area which I feel would be highly beneficial to them. Please stay safe and do research everything.


Why Mammography is being abolished in Switzerland


Talk about slow progress. I have refused to have this so called medical procedure done for years because I knew it was dangerous. It's all about the money darlings! Ka Ching!

Epic cat party


I am such a crazy cat lady so I just had to share this funny video with you. Arron's animals, Epic cat party. Have a good laugh!

Tavistock and manufactured music, the Devil's playground


I have read some of this before, it comes as no surprise when you do the research. But how disturbing  wow. Nothing is as it seems. I stopped listening to rock or pop music in the late 1990s. I love  classical music as it can  be so peaceful  and relaxing. There are many alternatives to modern music, but remember  the vibrational frequencies the music is played at. That frequency can be used to manipulate the mind. 440 hertz or 432 hertz it makes all the difference. Old recordings prior to 1939 I  think are under the 432 . It was German scientific researchers that made this discovery and then it was given to the US and the UK to exploit the western world with.

Need help with shutting down an energy portal in your house? Me too!

 It never ceases to astound me the selfishness and disappointment from the psychic community when one of their own is in need of help. I have asked for help to shut down a couple of energy portals in my house, from others in the industry and was met by cold silence. Professional psychics I must say, I  posted a call for help on our private page that only professional psychics use on face book. I got a few likes but no help or comments.

Bear in mind the post that I  put on my blog about the so called spiritual people in the psychic community being selfish gossip mongers and liars in the, I HAVE HAD A GUT FULL post a couple of months ago. I am just blown away by the lack of compassion and help. I cannot understand why these people have to be like this.

I have helped so many people over the years and expect nothing in return. I have removed spirits from homes for free, given free readings to those  that have just lost a spouse or a child because it is morally repugnant to accept payment from someone suffering such a terrible loss. (Don't take me for a fool though I know the difference between a liar and a genuine person suffering loss, so don't even think of trying to scam a reading from me. Yes I have had vile, evil people try that). Does the word Clairvoyant, not warn people that I know truth from  a lie, hmm?

Any how  I have had to research for myself and help myself, to help my family member that had the misfortune of having two energy portals that were not natural ones in the bed room and one natural one so that is three all up that  I knew of. Which disrupted sleep, health and emotional well being. I had a professional "ghostbuster" come to my house to assist a couple of months ago. She informed me there were two  portals ( I knew for a fact that there were three), but for the life of me I can't understand why she did not say she would close them down. The problems still persisted after she left.

Never in my life would I do this to anyone. Please bear in mind, never to attempt this sort of work unless you are trained and know what you are doing. It can be very dangerous. I was asking help from people that know what they are doing on both occasions, only to be ignored. Charming  people and today has just reinforced my disappointment with the psychic industry. Confirming to me the self-serving egotistical individuals that this line of work attracts. Sure there are good honest psychics, but from all of the time that I have been involved in the industry I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say that I have not met one yet.

My husband wants me to retire from  the industry, but something tells me the time is not yet.   There are things that I still need to do before I leave the industry for good, and one of those things is to write a book. An informative book to benefit people in need of spiritual assistance, psychic rescue and such, as the things that I  have experienced, and will teach them how to keep themselves safe, their families and homes. I feel that this is a moral obligation without all the hog wash New Age rubbish. Simple and to the point, practical assistance without the theatrics.

I don't think I will ever get over my disgust in the way a person can be treated or mistreated by the psychic industry. It is all about the ego and money and nothing more. The need for fame and adulation is astounding. The first rule of a spiritual life is help others, not seek fame and fortune first and foremost. Currently this quest for fame and adulation is rampant and I find it repugnant I want no part of this. I have often stated over the years we psychics/clairvoyants must not be put on a pedestal and looked up to like movie stars. That is profane and always will be. We are in service to spirit and humanity/the animals and that is all.


14 February 2016

New update on the Titanic 2 dream

 I was flabbergasted yesterday, to discover my dream about the Titanic 2 has come to pass.

I put the Daily Mail's link on my post from January 27th 2016 on yesterday afternoon. This article was published by them only yesterday morning 11 February 2016.

I do not like the concept of recreating this ship, I find it in very poor taste. But some may argue and say we like the concept. Just ponder the feelings of those souls that lost their lives in such a horrible way, and their loved ones. It opens up old wounds and to make money from such a tragic event. To me it seems morally repugnant and profane. One other point to note is the energetic imprint from the disaster is also imprinted on the new vessel, we are talking energy frequency here. That is a powerful thing and not a wise thing to recreate this fateful tragedy. 


 12 February 2016

Drugs and Psychic abilities




There is also damage to the aura not just the DNA when using drugs and or alcohol. I  would take time to read through Whale to, and store it for future reference. There is some very good stuff to learn here.

Electromagnetic and Radio frequency mitigation


Yet an other very important article to read and share.

Ungrounded Energy



This is a rather  interesting article, please scroll down and read the comments too. A few psychologists are now looking into this with startling results. Many spiritualists have been fully aware of this for close on 100 years now.

Bonvale Creations Essential oils prices


I just thought that I would post the link to this essential oils wholesaler that I have used for many years. I tried to copy and past my price list for him but I couldn't so here is the direct link. His prices are very good as is his stock. You won't find better in Australia I am sure, I couldn't be happier with the goods that I buy from John. It is cheaper to buy the big bottles of stuff that you use a lot of too.

I tend to use the peppermint a lot and buy 2 large bottles at a time. The quality is outstanding. Oils are much nicer than air fresheners in a can and safe to use with pet birds in the house too, however some oils must not be used around animals due to their toxicity.

UPDATE: This company closed in January 2024

Titanic 2 launching a cruse OMG

 Now this is  a rather out there dream, I saw a big swanky bus with the words Titanic II plastered on the sides of this long bendy type bus. It was picking up passengers to go on a cruse on the New Titanic II. A huge white bus with tinted windows, white paint work with the words written in bold golden letters that reminded me of flames. Buses are often symbolic of death and moving souls on to the afterlife.

I thought what the heck is this, who in their right mind wants to go on the Titanic II? It seemed a very sick concept to me. Well next thing I am in a departure lounge waiting to board, (get me out of here, lol). The ship had been delayed as some things were not in order and all the passengers had to wait. I got quite annoyed at this and started to rebuke the man that was breaking the news to the passengers.

To me it felt like a death dream and it was not my time to go. I can assure  readers I have no intention of going anywhere any time soon. I intend to live a happy, long and peaceful life and will check out when I feel like it and not when some "entity" tells me.

Back to the dream, I was irritated at the thought of being delayed, catering issues were mentioned. I must admit to being a foodie here lol. Hey a girl needs to have a hobby , right! Food is mine.

But the whole feeling in this dream was confusing, it felt like a warning of something to come, a foreboding feeling. We all know the story of the original Titanic, also bear in mind Celine Dion's husband has just passed to spirit. She did the sound track for the movie Titanic.  I never watched the movie because I am hyper sensitive when it comes to suffering.

To me there is nothing to be gained by using such a horrible event for entertainment either.  It smacks of an energy heist to me, I avoid anything along the lines of making the general public "tune in" to any mass events where suffering is being foisted upon us  (EG: the anniversary of  WW1) It also turned out to be it's sister ship The Olympic that sunk. The name plates were changed for insurance reasons. You can google that one for yourselves, I do not want to influence what you read. But facts are facts and it has been proven beyond all doubts. I will leave it there readers as I have no intention of causing a stir.

I wonder what the next mass event will be, but to be sure it will involve many lives such as the sinking of the Titanic/Olympic. My heart goes out to all victims of tragedy and suffering, it has a massive flow on effect to many, many people.

Copyrighted by Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 26th January 2016

UPDATE 11 FEB 2016

I think this is in very poor taste.

Anthony Peake video , The Immortal Mind


This is a big interest of mine being a medium, and I totally get what he is saying. There is so much that humans do not know about in our world. So much ancient wisdom has been lost or removed from us by those that wish to keep us in the dark. Lol, a bit hard for them to stop us psychics though.

Do keep an eye on his You Tune videos and find him on face book too.

Pet Safety Heat Stress Can Kill


Please share this, I did! 



Being a clairvoyant has put a hell of a strain on my family. Had I known what a high price I would pay I probably wouldn’t have gone down this path.  I have come to a crossroads now after a year from hell, I have had my family shattered beyond all hope of repair and all those in the “industry” could do was gossip and bitch about me and my family. I will not let this go and those who have made my life a misery will be held accountable, mark my words. The psychic industry for want of a better term is the most egotistical selfish, arse lickers that evil ever gave breath to.
My life has been destroyed due to the lies, deception and evil intentions of others that I have trusted, people that I foolishly thought were my friends and were spiritual. Let me tell you there is nothing spiritual about this industry, nor the liars in it. I can understand why so many choose to read for others but shun other psychics.
So, I want nothing, more to do with the people involved. I am utterly disgusted at the people in the so called spiritual movement - hypocrites and liars that talk about you behind your back.  You cannot sink any lower than that!  At least I can hold my head up and say that I have never lied to or manipulated a client, or made false claims as to my abilities as that is not who I am. I have on occasion, had to fix up other psychics fuck ups though - people coming to me in tears after being fed a crock of shit by a so called psychic.
I too have been lied to by some of the so called psychics, I have been manipulated by them and lied to. Do you think for one minute that I wouldn’t know this?  FFS! To make matters worse, I have had readers blow smoke up my arse about my family and as a result caused much heartache.  I kept my mouth shut because I know what evil people in this town are like and their capacity to damage the lives of others. Working alongside liars is sickening and I want no part of this anymore, enough is enough.
I was manipulated by a male psychic  to sell my house and move  to a certain location, where I would have lots of work. I fail to see how a piss ant little back wash will have the huge client base, that I already have in Canberra. Never get a reading from someone who has a vested interest in the outcome – because they will manipulate you. If you want to know the truth, just ask my poor husband. He has seen so much over the years and kept his mouth shut because he did not want to damage my work – he knows how these people operate and I wish I had listened to him sooner.
I have had an evil entity being sent to my house, bogus clients coming for readings on the behalf of other psychics to suss me out with the intention of discrediting me – not sure how they thought I wouldn’t know and knowing what sort of people are involved. Again do you honestly think that I don’t know who is behind this?
 Then there was the sleazy bastard that a fellow psychic “friend” told to ring me . The shock when I answered the phone and tuned in to this vile being was even picked up by my husband and he is not usually intuitive. The said friend then back peddled to deny this - lying to a clairvoyant? - of course I know who was responsible.
Friends just don’t hurt each other, that is vile. What sick and evil people, are in this industry. Is it the lust for power, fame and the ego; just does not know where to stop? Only those devoid of substance, a soul and have lost their way in the darkness crave this attention.
I have no need nor a desire for this. I leave it to the profane because that is all they will ever have in this world. I seek not approval nor fame , I have a strong moral compass and true spirituality, which comes from deep within as a knowing. Not to be bestowed on me by hollow egotistical people, that feel that one of their own is deemed “spiritual”.  Leave me out of your filthy evil dark web of deceit and wickedness. Keep your disgusting witchy poo bullshit that cuts no ice in the real spirit world. You can keep all your love and light bullshit new age fakery. You can all continue to bitch amongst yourselves and wallow in your sycophantic world if that is what makes you happy.  That is not the true spiritual way and the true spiritual way will never be on this earth as long as evil like that which exists in the industry flourishes.
I will continue to read for those who want it but the rest of the psychic community, you are all dead to me.

8 January 2015

Hogmanay in Scotland

 http://www.rampantscotland.com/know/blknow12.htm (not happy with the anglicising of Auld Lang syne in this article! The word is tak' not take. Min' instead of mind). 

As a child in Scotland I enjoyed taking part in the old traditions with my family. We had such wonderful times with my extended family over the years. The early memories stay strong with me to this very day.

I still do some of the traditions but not first footing as my family live so far away. Still there are many other good traditions I uphold.

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2016, please focus on the good things in your life and keep it simple.

Love Alex




Notice: This is my duplicate blog

 Just a reminder this is a duplicate of my old blog Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant Medium. I stuffed up my old blog trying to change my email address. The old blog will not close, however all posts from February 2021 are on this blog. 

The joys of not being a tech savvy older person 🤣🤣 Happy reading peeps😻😻

26 February, 2021

A big thank you to Ishka Tuggeranong and to all the customers


Wow, What a lovely time I had at Ishka in Tuggeranong yesterday. I want to say a big warm and heart felt thank you to all of the staff at Ishka Tuggeranong for the pleasure of working at your beautiful shop. I had a wonderful time, I know how hard all of you worked yesterday, to make the days events run smoothly. I congratulate all of you for the hard work and dedication to your duties.

I also want to say thank you to all the people that came to me for readings. It was such an honour to be able conduct your readings. Readings are such an intimate thing, allowing the reader to have a glimpse into your lives, and to be given this privilege, I wish to humbly say thank you.

Love and Hugs

Alex xxx

Originally published 8th November 2015

Elemental Beings by Alex Fulford



This was such a wonderful experience for me and my cat Slinky not the normal experience for me when cleaning out the cat run, lol. I will post photos of elementals in my big tree in the back yard next to the cat run later today.

If you can go into a park, your garden or a forest with a digital camera and take random photos you will see faces in the trees (pareidolia), even rocks have elemental faces on them. They tend to have jagged looking features in rock formations. I will post one for you to study that a friend took this year in Scotland.

Note: when writing for the magazine I have to limit my word count to 500 words otherwise I could waffle on lol.

Thank you to the wonderful staff at The Supernatural Magazine for giving me the opportunity to write for you. I am most honoured and most humbled.

5th November 2015

South Coast Spiritual Church Psychic Fair Update and Car Crash

 Yesterday's  Psychic fair went very well indeed, I was totally booked out. I wish to say that I am most honoured to have been invited to read at this lovely event. I wish to thank everyone that came to me for a reading. I am most humbled and honoured to have been given the honour and pleasure to be allowed to read for each individual that came to me. Thank you for this honour. It is a privilege to look into aspects of any individuals private life in such an intimate way. I will point out though there was a very heavy negative vibe in the room that we all worked in. That energy came from a handful of individuals. I will not name names but it was a horrible energy 

Sadly though on my way home from the coast the following day,  both my husband David and I were involved in a car crash. Our car hit an oily patch on the road, on the Princess Hwy north of Mogo NSW. The car spun out of control at a low speed and  went backwards into a ditch on the other side of the road. We just missed a group of trees and a water catchment by inches. Our car was a right off and both of us are quite  sore. 

Something  or someone quite clearly doesn't want me at the South coast and it has taken two cars,  to be ruined and both my husband and I to be injured to tell me this. There is no doubt in my mind this had a dark energy attack hallmark. One does not, not feel that darkness, even my husband noticed. 

I feel this is rather disturbing to say the least. We were lucky to escape with  our lives.
I had no warnings from my spirit guides or premonitions of this, which made me vey upset and angry to be put through such an ordeal. Neither my husband nor I deserve this.
At present I am resting in bed feeling very sore but grateful to be alive and not in a worse condition.   I now need a new car to get around in, once I  am able to do  so.

I wish to say thank you, to everyone that stopped to render assistance to my husband and myself. Thank you also to the Ambo's, the Police and the very kind tow truck driver Mr Brett Crocker, he went out of his way to drive us back to Canberra and off load the car. We are indebted to all of you, for your kindness and selflessness. God bless all of you.

Originally posted 18 October 2015 on my original blog

Sad September

Anyone else out there picking up on the universal energies? A lot of deaths to come in September 2015. I have some in my family to happen, I can feel it. But the planet as a whole will feel many loved ones passing to spirit. Hold them in your hearts and send them love. Let them know you love them and care for them.

This is one of the things about being psychic. Sometimes we know these things, because we can feel it for weeks or months in advance. It is a horrible feeling. I don't think it is right that we should know about these things. People have enough to deal with on the earth plane without being told about deaths to come, whether in their own family or other peoples families. The spirit world just does not seem to care about this, and I have trouble accepting this fact. To me it feels insensitive.

No way would I pass on information to some one about the death of a loved one. When clients ask I try not tell them about a death, unless it is a person that they know is ill and about to go. I tell them to pray that the person goes quickly and peacefully. We can do no more than that.

Tuesday 25th August 2015

My Psychic of the Year Award 2013

 t has only taken me 2 years to get around to showing this award, lol.

This is a post from 17 August 2015

Spooks and Surgery

 Today while I was at a photo shoot, I was telling the photographer what sort of experiences I have had with my work. I started to tell her about the time my youngest son went to hospital for a tonsillectomy. It was the day after his eighth birthday.  The poor little soul had non stop tonsillitis for weeks, and finally the day came to have them removed. We were getting him settled into his room when I  became aware of cigarette smoke.

 It was quite strong and I said to my husband, I can smell cigarette smoke and he said, you can't  smoke in a hospital. I replied , I know that, some one is smoking though. I went to investigate but no one was around. The smell had gone too. So I didn't think any more if it. Next in came a nurse to tell us it was time for surgery.  I walked down to the OR with my son who was being wheeled there in his bed.

 My heart in my mouth  worried about my baby. I stayed with him until it was time for the surgery to start. I went back to his room to wait with my husband for what felt like ages. Again  I could smell cigarette smoke and told my husband. He  couldn't smell anything. Again I had a look around. But then suddenly I started to be aware of my late aunt  being present. She passed away at the age of 40, many years ago. My aunt was born deaf and mute. She had been through several ear, nose and throat operations in her youth, and she was a smoker. Bingo! I had a light bulb moment, lol.

My aunt had come to watch over  my son  during the surgery. He is named after her . I had always intended to name  one of my children after her.    So I have no doubt what so ever that she was keeping an eye on him and for that I am most grateful.

Many years later I had to take both of my sons to a periodontist for oral surgery. The doctor was quite open minded and was a believer in the paranormal. When we walked in to his room the first thing he asked was, are we alone or do we have company.

So, I was able to tell him my relatives were watching  over the surgery. I was able to tell him step by step what I could see and here. You cant keep a secret from them in spirit, lol. They like to be in on the act, just as long as they don't stick their 2 cents worth in, and tell him how to do his job. Funnily enough my grandmother was able to tell me when the surgery was coming to a close. I would love to know how she knew that, but that is a secret she ain't telling me. I just have to put it down to secret spooks business.

I have many experiences with relatives in spirit, turning up for visits to the doctor, trips to hospital and assisting in healing. Then there is good old Dr Gillespie, a well respected Canberra doctor, who passed away  back in the early 2000's. He is one of my main healing guides. Two years ago Dr Gillespie came to assist a psychic friend of mine. Whilst being very ill in hospital, I visited him a few times and gave him spiritual healing with the assistance of Dr Gillespie. I could see inside my friend's leg to locate a blood clot and let him know where it was. The whole leg looked like a fluro green as I looked in side via my third eye. It was like looking with night vision.

Now at the same time my friend was in hospital, I had been reconnected with a friend from my youth, who passes away back in 2005. My friend Terry, came to comfort me. He sat in the car next to me each time I went into the hospital to visit my sick friend, and put his hand on my shoulder support me emotionally.

Terry was very ill for years, before he passed on around the age of 45. I had lost touch with him and other friends many years ago, and had been reunited with my old friends, only to find out that, Terry was very ill and my other friends had not seen him for a few years. During this time I kept having visions of him, and I would see yellow cars on the road similar to the one that he had years before. This was his way of letting me know that he was around.

Terry had such strong energy when he came through, it felt like he was still alive. A psychic friend of mine even felt that Terry was alive because his energy was so strong. That is not unusual though, it is just a very powerful connection. The person does not have to be dead for a psychic to tune into them and even see them. Amazing stuff, when you experience these psychic phenomenon.

At present I have an old work colleague and friend appearing in my dreams and I keep seeing him through my third eye. I feel that he has passed on young too. I have asked people that we both used to work with years ago and no one seems to know where he is. That is strange given the Internet is great for finding people. I have reconnected with family and old friends via the net, so I am of the opinion that this man has also passed on at a young age.

I feel very sad about that, people leaving this earth without having a chance to live upsets me very much, it is something that I care deeply about, and on a personal level, losing loved ones at a young age is most distressing.

Copyright, Alex Fulford Clairvoyant -Medium 14 August 215


Article published here

Anton Parks, the French Wes Penre

 I was  lying in bed last night reading, as one does, and I suddenly remembered the French Guy called Anton Parks. He is the French answer to Wes Penre. I know that some of his stuff is in English now, but I had forgotten all about him. So I have just added his link here for you to read. I shall get back into his work too and see how he is after an absence of reading his stuff for a couple of years. I just found him on the internet one day just by rummaging looking for things on En ki and Enlil.



Nothing like a good rummage if I do say so myself  LOL. I love the internet. Heck, I can even teach my self to crochet left handed, as long as I can get my head around the YouTube videos which are mostly for right handed people. Lefties crochet slightly different. Teaching me to crochet is like teaching a chimp how to be a rocket scientist lol.

Have a look on the net for any other stuff on him including Y T. Just put his name in to the search string and you will see other things. Happy reading folks xxx

PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite

https://www.labirintoermetico.com/02Tarocchi/Waite_Pictorial_Key_to_the_Tarot.pdf#page7   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...