22 January, 2023

TAROT CARD OF THE MONTH: February 2023, King of Wands


Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius   Element: Fire Season: Summer

Cardinal point of direction: South    Gender: Male

Law and order is the theme for February 2023, Intellect, Knowledge, Power, Stabilizing Force , Solid Foundations; are the words that I feel  as I look at the card.

Big things are taking shape this month. I feel this connected with the US, and the US is in the driving seat with many irons in the fire. Focus is still very much on Ukraine, Russia and China. However as we know other countries are also showing tensions simmering to the top in Europe such as Turkey, Syria, Serbia and Belarus. We know things are starting to move up a notch and these other nations need more scrutiny.

This feels like back to the old days of the lead up to world war one, however the situation today is different.  (To clarify this I mean mass poverty,  suffering, unemployment etc)

The US is trying to keep a lid on things globally, however I think they have left things too late to turn anything around. Too many deals and backhand deals going on and I feel timing right now is imperative but I don't hold out much hope in staving of the inevitable. Financial  disaster nor the war escalating. Ordinary people are not responsible for any of this, quite the opposite, they are the innocent victims of greedy and very evil individuals. 

France will still be struggling with the retirement age issue and I do not see Macron backing down on this. They are still better of than Australia. Our retirement age is 67, if you are born in or after 1963.

Italy is also gaining attention here with Taxation and financial matters.

There is a feeling of someone being trigger happy. As I am drawn to the king of pentacles I see a man with his hand on his side like a cowboy in the wild west reaching for his gun. This is connected to Ukraine and I feel this is Zelensky. He is a bit over confident and will metaphorically shoot first and ask questions later. He would be well advised to cool down and think logically. 

As I study the king of pentacles, I am drawn to the cuff of his tunic, I see the golden trim, looking like a crown. To me it feels like a man that has grand ideas.

This still feels like Mr Zelensky, feeling self assured and feeling like he is on solid ground. He is looking to the west for support but he needs to keep his gaze around the homefront. This card shows the king looking far into the distance and not what is close to and around him. He must watch out for distractions around him and not allow any distractions.

Generally speaking I feel February is a time to be wise and cautious. Think things through carefully and be aware of any miscalculations. Know that you have support and back up when you need it. Don't just rely on yourself or mistakes can happen. Listen to advice that is given and check it out.

This is mainly to do with money matters, agreements and contracts of any sort. 

February is the calm before the storm, as the card does not have any clouds or wind depicted. It looks good on the surface so to speak. Normally I would say this is a good card and often it is about the personality of someone in a personal reading. A king depicts a personality type and with the suit of wands the king is knowledgeable and gives excellent advice coming from solid foundations and not given to flights of fancy. 

However I feel an uneasiness with the card as we are in the middle of hard economic times and I feel that this is the calm  breathing space before things crash. Do not be complacent in anything right now.

Take nothing for granted especially where money is concerned, agreements, contracts,  and employment. 

Health in the northern hemisphere, it's the middle of winter so sore throats and sore ears are expected. 

I also see Easter eggs, there is something happening in Easter that makes me very concerned. I don't know what it is. I do see the pope standing on a balcony waving to the public at this time. I get a very uneasy feeling here and I feel it is a global situation, meaning it affects everyone.

Thank you for reading my Tarot card of the month, and please stay safe and be wise.

Blessings from aunty Alex 


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