Showing posts with label METAPHYSICAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label METAPHYSICAL. Show all posts

07 February, 2022

Robert Sepehr: The lost children of Hercules

Yet another interesting video from Robert Sepehr. There are also a few interesting comments in the comments section that may be of great interest to those that are into numerology, mythology and general esoteric information. Sadly I don’t post these to my Facebook page as very few people are actually interested, that is such a shame because it’s all so fascinating. I may post them on WeMe as I have a new page there; simply titled Alex Clairvoyant Medium. 

27 January, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 290 Quantum mechanics and the human soul group

Something to interest those on a spiritual path. Sadly; again Wes has to find a new place for his information to be shared without it being pulled off the internet. This just reminds us of the fact that freewill and freedom of speech is hogwash. 

10 December, 2021

Robert Sepehr: ESP Extra Sensory Perception

This is a great video for educational purposes into the psychic phenomenon. By the way psychometry is part of a psychic ability known as Clairtangence; which includes reading from a crystal ball (scrying),  reading random objects (psychometry) belonging to someone and also skills like reading from wax drawings which is another form of scrying. Wax drawings are melted coloured wax crayons or sealing wax melted onto paper, and preferably photography paper; with a hot iron and then they can be read by someone like myself. 

Psychometry is often the stepping stone to mediumship if a person is willing to learn either, great steps can be made in increasing ones psychic abilities along with regular meditation.

The CIA also have contacted psychic people in Australia. My father many years ago knew an old lady that was a remote viewer, she lived in a country town near my father and she told him that back in the 1970’s she was approached by people from the CIA to work for them. Well the men were shocked when she told the two men; that one of the men was having an affair with the other guy’s wife. Which shocked them both and the guilty man admitted to it. Never lie to a psychic person! Like them man in this video said nothing stays hidden, even when a person in spirit is passing on information they too will often tell you something that has been hidden and the more a person denies something the more information the spirit will provide.

 I had a grandmother of someone come through during a public demonstration and the person in question kept telling they didn’t know the person or details provided. The person was lying, for what reason I have no idea. But the grandmother kept providing me with more information. Later a person in the audience who is also a medium confirmed what I had said. I knew I was correct anyway but the thing that disgusted me most was the person that kept denying everything had invited me to do this public demonstration. After that incident I washed my hands of the organisation as I will not be dishonest nor be disrespected by anyone that has negative intentions towards me or spirit. 

I often get information and the client will say, “how did you know that?” Anything from a teddy bear on your bed, the colour of your bedroom walls, what was in the fridge that morning when a loved one in spirit was standing behind you. It is all energy, like a radio station frequency, that is what humans are electronic energy in a biomechanical suit/body. The electronic frequency lives on after physical death. We do not need a physical body to exist. We are eternal beings, but temporarily anchored into a physical world.

27 November, 2021

Wes Penre: Video 282 The Singularity timeline part 2 pdf

Here is the second instalment of the singularity information. To anyone that is just discovering my new blog, this information is on my old blog Alex  Fulford clairvoyant-medium. As well as on this blog, just use the search box and you will find more information including my dream about humanity becoming cyborgs, it’s titled; the nightmare macabre. That dream scared the heck out of me, I knew what it was alluding to as soon as I woke up. 

No matter how much warning is given about this serious issue very few people will believe this is actually happening. They are trained by the media to see this as disinformation, so be it but at the end of the day, the media people are staring down the barrel of the singularity too. A person that is determined not to stay in the new world will still be able to leave, but only up to a certain point and then it will not be possible. 

Set firm intentions not to be part of the singularity and learn how to free yourself from this. The power of the human soul is incredible if we want something badly, we will succeed. Believe in yourself and your spiritual power and stay focused on your intentions. 

Please read the comments in the article for more information, the comments are always very informative.

16 November, 2021

Wes Penre: Facebook and Metaverse

By Wes Penre, November 15, 2021

For those who don’t know, Facebook has created something called “Metaverse,” which is a big leap toward humans living completely in virtual reality, and it will replace Facebook soon. This is exactly what I wrote about in the Singularity book, but also what we have discussed many time as a possible future–particularly on my forum. Some of you may have heard of this to a certain degree, but watch this and put the dots together… The future is already here. This is serious stuff and a step closer to the end of humankind as we know it:

Please click on the above link to this important article. There are new comments to read also. Make sure you read the comments for more information.

Note from Alex: 

I watched the tv news report on this Meta / Facebook thing last week; and noticed straight away the symbol used and the word Meta. What Zuckerberg says publicly is definitely a bit misleading.

Meta definition : Greek prefix word meaning after or beyond, among, behind. Metadata, Metaphysical, Metaphor, Meta Key, Metacarpals etc. Many words have meta as a prefix as you can see. So does the Metaverse. 

Metaverse is right interpretation for this purpose, and this is the singularity that has been warned of. Remembering to keep in the parameters of cosmic law; we must be told of the intentions and there is nothing to prevent this disclosure from being obfuscated. Many people are fully aware and are making blogs and videos about this transhumanism agenda. This is for real and you can see my comments on my old blog over the years and this new one. Humanity as we know is is on a countdown. I don't care what others say to debunk this. It is happening and the more we think about it we draw this into consciousness. That can't be helped though because we create with though. This is the new Nano World, there is no spiritual part of this, it is all synthetic and entrapment of human consciousness.

In the metaphysical statement "what you think is" first a thought is created in astral (or by thought) and then it manifests in our world as physical.  As above and so is below. That is basic energy in action from a human point of view. 

The symbol or logo chosen is called a lemniscate otherwise known as the infinity symbol. This is also the same as a snip of the DNA symbol too. Remember in other posts that I said the lemniscate is also a sealed unit. Integration of the human being with the metauniverse and not just metaphysical world is what is being implemented here with the Meta. Our DNA is programable and we are being currently programmed, both psychologically and physically/digitally/spiritually.

Done deal for many people unless they strongly object. But remember at this stage we can still exit this reality and not be absorbed into this insane abomination of evil. You must make a choice or it's all over red rover. Personally I will never compromise my spirituality or my spiritual soul fire. 

During the pandemic there have been many hints in the news about transport changing and people working from home and right from the start we heard many politicians and public figures openly say; "This is the new world order" most people had no idea of what they were telling us. This pandemic so far has been  used as drill to see how this will work and so far it's successful. 

Be mindful from now on and educate your family, because on a spiritual level this is death for humans as we are now. No death no spirit world and the knowledge that is on the cloud we are interacting is carefully edited to erase things in history that some individuals want hidden. Make no mistake there is big money involved in this.

Our lives mean nothing to these people and our souls definitely don't mean anything to them. Eternal entrapment, without a physical body.

Gee, not sure what happened but the white around the text is strange, it could be because I did a cut and paste from my email from Wes and then kept typing, D’oh!

22 August, 2021

Wes Penre: Video 270 Q and A session 81

Some things to ponder here. I don’t get caught up in all of this, I keep my intentions on living a peaceful and spiritual life. This is my life journey and mine alone, I keep my intention on my highest potential and exiting this world at the end of my incarnation and going to my safe place to heal and use my own options as a spiritual being.

23 July, 2021

Meditation Is a Powerful Mental Tool—and For Some People It Goes Terribly Wrong

Please click on the link above and read the article very carefully. Make no mistake meditation has hidden dangers. I personally can only speak from experience within the psychic community meditations; and not from other types of meditation. Your meditation can also be hacked as I have mentioned in other posts of what has happened to me personally.


07 May, 2021

Energetic implants, Etheridge implants, archonic implants, attachments

Interesting reading, use your discernment when reading metaphysics, some advice is good while some is not so good. I personally don’t believe in angels; from what I have read and learned over the past twenty years I am more than wary with anything non physical as much as I am with physical beings. Just because someone in times past put their trust in something, doesn’t make it right or safe. 

03 March, 2021

British Airman spirit in world war 2

 I woke up early this morning after a very restless night, due to a heavy thunder storm and our fur baby Ruby being distressed all night. She was barking when the thunder was really bad and thus not getting enough sleep. It is not easy for dogs and cats coping with thunder storms and my heart goes out to those that live outdoors. They lack the comfort of a human that cares deeply about their comfort and well being.

Anyhow as I lay in bed I started to remember an event that happened to my mum as a child in war time Scotland. She slept in a room with a few of her sisters, as many people did back then. One particular night though she woke up and as she opened her eyes she froze in terror. In the doorway she saw a man in a British Airman's uniform.

 All around him was a golden glow, he just stood there looking at her. I can't remember if she said his arms were out stretched or am I mixing it up with a similar terrifying thing that happened to my gran in the same house in the 1980's. Anyway my mum was absolutely terrified, she couldn't even scream. She tried everything to waken her sister next to her to no avail though. 

This was often discussed in the house and what caused the spirit of the Airman to be there. My gran thought he might have been a guardian angel. But I am more inclined to think he was a crisis spirit. That is a newly crossed over person that does not know they are dead and or is lost as the cross over to the other side of life. The fact that he stood in the door way tells me that the door way acts as a portal. That is quite common in spiritual matters, doorways are considered as portals. Thankfully my mum never saw anything like that again. I am sure it would have scared the hell out of her.

Many years later however in that same house, my gran was in bed and woke up to see a woman in Victorian styled clothes half manifested and a dog with her, of which she could only see the front half of the dog. The woman stood there dressed in black with her arms outstretched. As my gran looked at her, she noticed there were no legs or bottom half of the woman.  My gran was frozen in fear at this unable to scream or move. Again the woman was standing in the doorway. I wonder if the house number has any bearing on attracting spirits or is my gran's house on a ley line. I have relatives still living in that house, but I have never actually thought of asking them if anything unusual has happened in recent years.  

As a child I often saw my grandpa in the house after he died in 1970, when I was about seven. I never mentioned it to anyone because it was years later that I realised what was happening. I doubt very much if I would have been believed and no doubt I would be dismissed as having a vivid imagination. But I could describe him perfectly. 

As I thought about this I realised my gran's door number adds up to the number 5 in numerology and so does mine, including the previous house that I lived in in Sydney which had an earthbound spirit of an old lady that owned the house before we did. Five is actually the number for humanity as in the image of Vitruvian man.  

I personally have felt that a number  five house is unlucky for me. But fate has had me live in two number five houses in a row. I don't recall all the house numbers growing up as I moved so often. I do remember living in a number ten house in Scotland at the age of six and I was very happy there and an other number ten house just prior to moving to Australia and I was quite happy there. 

Below:  Milton Black's website link to door number 5. I have so much respect for this guy's amazing work. 

Copyright Alex Fulford 23 November 2020

02 March, 2021


I have never liked anything to do with Thoth, ancient Egypt or Alchemy.
It to me all feels evil and wrong, but so many have been attracted to evil over the centuries today being no exception. 

Even queen Elizabeth I and her cohorts, to name a few, John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon, Edward Kelly were steeped in this. Funnily enough I had a horrible nightmare about Elizabeth two nights ago. In the dream she had a few red haired women around her, I think three or four of them. One young woman though she was punishing. I saw her use a chisel to the woman's head and was hammering the chisel in to her head and removing what may have been bits of the woman's skull. 

There was blood everywhere. Elizabeth told the woman and those with her this is what happens to those that betray her. I found this utterly revolting. 

Elizabeth then set about finding an other red haired young woman. She seemed to have burst into a room where the woman was and forced her to lie on a bed with a wooden disc shaped board embedded with nails being forced on  the back of her head as punishment. Again there was blood everywhere.

I am aware that Elizabeth was very deep into the occult, but I have no idea why the women were all red heads and what was the significance of this horrible punishment for disobedience or betrayal. 
I have no idea what the meaning of red haired women is, nor the blood and punishment. 

It is not the sort of thing that one finds in dream interpretations. I will have to do some rummaging on the internet for clues. I sure get some real weird ass dreams I can tell you. In the past week there has been non stop nightmare type dreams and I don't usually have nightmares. This felt occult related though.

History proves Elizabeth did have a mean streak in her not to mention she had porphyria. So I guess when she lost it she could have turned nasty. In those days a monarch could not show weakness but they sure took things to the limit when dishing out punishments.    

NOTE: I just clicked out of this screen and looked at the picture of Mary in Wes's article the woman has red hair, hmmmm.

01 March, 2021

Famous Australian Singer In Spirit Visiting Alex

 From Rhonda Lewis  (Cut and Paste from Facebook and messenger)

I received the following message from my friend Alex Fulford (Clairvoyant) sometime ago. I did know the person she is talking about and I do believe there is much more to his death and who was with him at the time.
Alex is world renowned and good at what she does.
Visit her Facebook page here:…
‘Hi Rhonda, I have a odd thing to ask and tell you. I have been getting (famous person, name withheld for now) come through to me in spirit off and on for the past 12 months. I was never a fan, I have no bloody idea why he has come to me. I have just been tuned onto him a short while ago and I still for the life of me don't understand what he wants. Do you know any one that knew him? The feeling is he is trying to get something off his chest. Buggered if I can help him. Spirits will try various people to get a message through. Until they get a result. He obviously needs to get some message through to family. It pisses my husband off because he is a non believer but knows this is part of my job. This isn't something that happens to me normally only face to face clients etc. Not a person in spirit turning up bothering me. I still have a bit of a problem getting to what he wants. I have only just been given snippets of his personality, and death including his mothers passing, which he showed me. I pick up a red haired little girl in his family that was born around the time he passed. I honestly don't know what to make of this or what to do with this. I was going to put it on my blog for family or someone that knows him to find it. which might or might not be a good thing as I feel this is a private family matter that he is upset about.’
‘Ok, this is something that I need to get rid of and the relo's can do what they like with the info. I am very uncomfortable with this and David is getting rather pissed off with me about it, lol. I will contact (him) and see what he wants to do with this... there is also a little girl that I was shown. Born around the time of his passing she has light coloured hair with a red fringe? but don’t think she is his, he is her uncle i think.)

This was originally posted on my old blog on 19 February 2018

27 February, 2021

Wax Drawing Readings Now Available With Alex


Just letting everyone know that I am now introducing Wax Drawing Readings.
These readings are complex Clair-tangent readings and nothing like Tarot readings.

These readings will be an hour long in duration using photography quality paper and a variety of coloured wax, in 6" by 8" paper.

The cost of these readings will be $130 and you keep the wax drawing to take home with you.

While doing these readings, there is an element of spiritual reading is involved. This should be a lovely uplifting experience, and you are most welcome to record your reading as we go.

To help you understand the concept, it is like scrying, looking into a crystal ball or inky water.
This expands my third eye and the information flows very fast due to the energy involved. I thoroughly enjoy doing these readings and like the fluidity of the reading. I sincerely hope that my clients will enjoy this as much as I do.

Love Alex

NOTE: As of January 2020 I have stopped doing these as I no longer do face to face consultations for health and safety reasons.

Anthony Peake video , The Immortal Mind

This is a big interest of mine being a medium, and I totally get what he is saying. There is so much that humans do not know about in our world. So much ancient wisdom has been lost or removed from us by those that wish to keep us in the dark. Lol, a bit hard for them to stop us psychics though.

Do keep an eye on his You Tune videos and find him on face book too.

26 February, 2021

Anton Parks, the French Wes Penre

 I was  lying in bed last night reading, as one does, and I suddenly remembered the French Guy called Anton Parks. He is the French answer to Wes Penre. I know that some of his stuff is in English now, but I had forgotten all about him. So I have just added his link here for you to read. I shall get back into his work too and see how he is after an absence of reading his stuff for a couple of years. I just found him on the internet one day just by rummaging looking for things on En ki and Enlil.


Nothing like a good rummage if I do say so myself  LOL. I love the internet. Heck, I can even teach my self to crochet left handed, as long as I can get my head around the YouTube videos which are mostly for right handed people. Lefties crochet slightly different. Teaching me to crochet is like teaching a chimp how to be a rocket scientist lol.

Have a look on the net for any other stuff on him including Y T. Just put his name in to the search string and you will see other things. Happy reading folks xxx

Shadow People: my experience

 Last October I had an encounter with shadow people. It was about 10pm on a Monday night, and I was reading in bed with my dog Ruby next to me. The house was peaceful and quiet. My husband had just gone out to pick up our son from the local club. Suddenly Ruby started growling and going frantic at the window. I suddenly felt a sickening feeling in my gut  followed instantly by a wave of terror. Now the outside awnings were down and the Holland blinds were down, but I could clairvoyantly see what was frightening us. It was two huge shadow people with glowing red eyes.

They were pacing back and forth at the window. Then walked the full length of the front of my house. Telepathically I shouted to them get away from me, and I put gold light around myself and the house. Gold light is the highest spiritual protection to keep away negative entities. One can also burn white sage too, to assist, but at 10pm I wasn't going to bother with that.

By holding my firm intention and Gold lighting I was ok. These entities come from the dark side and do not have a soul. Their purpose is to frighten, terrorise and drain your energy and life force from you. Predator beings of which there are many different types. Personally I prefer not to have any dealings with these beings. Interestingly enough my next door neighbour had a similar experience around the same time, but during the day.

She had been at a friends house for a barbecue and came home to drop off a plate. When she went into the house there was a horrible frightening feeling in the house and from the side of here eye she saw two shadow people in the room. She panicked and fled from the house. Her husband would not believe her when she told him. What are the chances of that happening in two houses around the same time? Her house is a very negative house. In the 20 years that I have been in my house, there have been several couples in that house and all have split up or divorced. When I told her that, she confided in me that her marriage is in trouble too. That is so sad to hear. I taught her how to clear the energy in the house and I hope that she can live there happily from now on. This neighbour also saw the spirit of a woman in her house around the same time that she saw the shadow people.

I don't know what the woman was doing there and as far as I know nothing bad has ever happened in the house, apart from domestic issues and two break ins. I would like to advise my readers on the importance of energy clearing houses and work places. Humans do leave energy where ever we go, in the form of our feelings and thoughts. So please be mindful when moving into a new home or work space. You can use a white sage smudge stick and or Gold light the house/work place to life the energy. I would suggest that cleansing be done every few weeks or months just to keep the vibes clean. Because of my work I Gold light myself and the house every day.

When using a smudge stick do remember to smudge the windows and doors of the house or building. They are the eyes and ears of the building after all. You may want to use the pentagram sign or the cross of light or what ever symbol resonates with you. Just remember that it is the intention behind the actions that makes it powerful.

Copyright Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium July 2015

Uluru My Psychic Experience

This is an article that was a long time in making. It had slipped my mind for a while and I thought may be there isn't much to tell.  Please enjoy.


I had the most wonderful trip to Uluru back in 2009, I went there with people from my husband’s office. This was the company rewarding them for all the good work that they had done. From the start I just knew that something amazing was going to happen, and it did. It was a fun week full of laughing. My only worry was not seeing my fur babies for a week, after all they are huge part of my life.
Our tour guide took us to some wonderful places, with the most wonderful views, sun sets and sunrises. The colours of the outback are something to see, forever changing with the weather, season and time of day.
One morning just after breakfast, our guide took us to see the area for men only. This was an ancient secret area for initiations and other ceremonies to take place.  Women are not allowed to be there, so this was a special privilege for us to be there.
Our tour guide was a young Aboriginal man in his mid to late 20’s. He was telling us the story of the  area and what went on in the secret men’s ceremonies. As we started to walk into the area through a long dirt track, I became aware of spirit beings watching us. There was a large group of men and youths gathering to perform an initiation ceremony. An Aboriginal Elder came to me and asked me why we were there, and did I know that women were not allowed to be here.
I explained that we were invited there by our guide and that we will not interfere with anything. We will respect their rules and beliefs. I told him we are from a different time and place, and we mean no harm. He accepted what I said, and had no objection. I told the group what I had seen and heard.
Everyone was fascinated by this. The Tour guide was happy that I was able to communicate with the ancestors and relieve them of their   concerns about us. I was able to keep both sides informed of what was happening. That was quite an honour to be able to do so.  Everyone in the tour group showed respect for the land and the people in spirit, knowing that they were watching us.
The smell of the smoke from the spirit beings camp fire was in the air and the sounds of their voices singing. It was a shame the group that I was with could not see and experience what I was seeing and feeling and smelling. It would have been so good if we could all have communicated as one group to another. No two people pick up psychic impressions the same way, so we would all have got something unique and special to experience. I do feel that this would have made a wonderful psychic tour. But anyhow as we were about to leave the grounds. All the wonderful spirit beings gathered around us and sang to us. I was so overwhelmed by their generosity and love towards us. I will never forget this. I shared this with the group and they were so keen to find out more. The tour guide had never experienced anything like this himself and was so glad to have been there at the time to hear what I had to say.

We then had a long chat about spiritual matters, and then his grandmother came through to pass on a message to him. It was a pleasure to be of service to both of them and bring some happiness to them also. The Tour guide’s grandmother started to show me knitted dolls, similar to dolls that my mother in law knitted for my boys when they were small.  I then went on to pass on her messages to  him. He was so stunned by this but very happy. I just wish that I had more time to chat with him and
have more spiritual encounters but time was limited each day and we  had to stick to the time schedule. Perhaps one day I might get back there to do a little holiday with my husband and have some more spiritual experiences. Just for the record I did not climb the rock. I would not go against the wishes of the people, as that would be highly disrespectful to do that to a spiritual monument, which is also Australia’s spiritual heart. Just as well that I can’t tolerate heights.

Canberra has some spiritual places to visit also, last winter, I went to the Australian Botanical Gardens, which are not far from where I live. I was having a long walk around the perimeter of the gardens looking for things to photograph, when lo and behold right on the fence line between the gardens and the CSIRO I suddenly saw a few Aboriginal people in spirit sitting at little camp fires.
I knew that they could see me just as clearly as I could see them too. I noticed some little girls sitting with their grandmother. One little girl was having her hair done up. Over in another group there were a group of men talking. There were a few other people just walking around doing whatever it was they were doing. It felt like one of them had suddenly informed the others that they had company. The other feeling I got was this was normal to them. I do not know much about the Aboriginal people and their psychic abilities, but this felt like this was a common thing, for them to see into other time lines and they just accepted it as normal. Most people in the world today would have a panic attack if they experienced anything like this, thinking that they are going crazy.

It is sad that the more we advance with technology, the more of our spirituality we lose. I for one do not need much technology in my life. I want the old spiritual ways. I envy the older races for having their spiritual gifts and respecting them. It seems to me that our Aboriginal ancestors were more multidimensional and understood the living planet and their important place in the big scheme of things. I am very sad to see much of this lost in modern man. I pray for bringing back the elders to help us regain what gifts we have lost. I am more than willing to go back to basics and learn true spiritual wisdom. The older I get the less I want the modern world, I want a simple and spiritual life.

Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium.
29 March 2015

UPDATE: I was transferring some of this blog to WordPress and discovered my article was removed from Thrive on news. I only gave this guy a couple of articles and I was not happy at him editing them. I have no idea why the articles were removed, however I think a third party trouble maker has had a hand in this as he was the one that told me to send articles to this website.

I have learned a lesson about trusting people here; and now I am very reluctant to share things with others as I have been burned by a few in the industry. Not at all what I would call spiritual. 11 Feb 2019.

Skype and Sky People: As in those whom the Hopi Indians talk of 

I keep hearing Sky People/Skype it has been driving me nuts. When you look at the Skype service what comes to mind? The colour is blue just  like the sky is it not? The little squiggles around the word as you log in look similar to clouds. Hmm, I looked at the name again and then it hit me. Sky People!  Ever heard of them? I sure have.

Extra-terrestrials, ET's, little green men, Annunaki, tall blond Nordics, Pleiades.  So this just gets to me. I want to know a bit more. I have been getting the ET's back in my dreams again. I am sick to death of that stuff now to be blunt. So why suddenly is this Sky People cropping up?
Something to do with me using Skype to do readings and the radio show, I don't know but it is under my skin at present so I thought that I would share it with others.

The Hopi Indians knew of the Sky People. They had a similar relationship with them as the ancient Sumerians did and many other cultures did all over the planet. More and more evidence is supporting this fact. The time is getting closer now for them to re-establish open relations with humanity and I have been saying this for years to every one. Our leaders will not come clean and admit that these people are here, but that makes no difference any more, the decision has been taken out of their hands just as I said it would. The Sky people are returning and it will be in a loud an in our face way. Mark my words on this.

I for on want nothing to do with them. They are not the benevolent beings that the Americans and the Vatican would have you believe. Just like the white man setting foot in the US and destroying the first nation people. This pack of charmers will do unto humanity as white man did in the US. But you tell me what race has not acted in such a barbaric evil way! They all have done it.

They were taught by their masters to be like this. Those masters are the Sky People/Et's, and we have not seen the full wrath of what is to come yet, but we will and there is a hellish price to pay for this. They are only after our real estate and a small army of serfs or slaves just like in the days of old.
They have their bloodlines in charge here and always have.

I had the misfortune two nights back of dreaming/out of body experience in which I was showing my husband a spacecraft with a grey cloud around it. Suddenly a male voice boomed out to us, warning that the time is at hand, that they are back. A wave of shock went through me and it is still rather un nerving to think about it now. The voice was rather menacing and dark, not at all benevolent.

This dream had other strange things going on too, as in going into ancient caves and exploring strange places. Not the normal sort of dreams that I have  where I am spending time with loved ones in spirit.
Most nights I am aware that I am with my mother and many other relatives that have passed on years ago. I do lucid dreaming often and the out of the blue I get a curve ball like this, lol. Let me assure you they are not what I want to have anything to do with and some nights, I am afraid to go to sleep because of things that have happened in the past two years connected with ET's and shadow people. If you could just feel the fear that they can generate within you, you would understand. It is as if I remember a previous encounter, for me to have that fear and dread. I will get on to a paranormal researcher friend to ask their advice and knowledge of these things. I have made it clear that I do not want to have this contact and stand firm on this.

Anyone who is knowledgeable on paranormal events and Human Sovereignty would understand where I am coming from. It is important that any abductee or contactee know about their Human Sovereignty and their right to say NO. All off planet and on planet beings of any sort must abide by Cosmic law, no if's or buts. Letting these entities know that you are aware of your Sovereignty  makes them cautious and they will be very evasive.  They should by rights leave you in peace.
One must not be manipulated into any agreement what so ever. it is not negotiable. They have no right to harm us.

I advise people to read the Wes Penre papers and everything that you can that is not pie in the sky garbage. Look at credible websites and self educate on this stuff. But be very careful as there are a lot of disinformation idiots out there, and people that pretend to be experts and clearly are not. If you are unfortunate to have there dreams there are measures you can take to prevent this happening to yourself.

Living With Psychic Children


There are many children all over the world today that have psychic abilities. It is more common than people think. It is a difficult thing to live with, from the child’s perspective and from the parent’s perspective. Now it is very important that adults take note about this and keep an open mind.

We are living in a time where humanity is evolving into a higher state of consciousness. This is a well-documented fact. These children have been arriving on earth from the 1980’s and are arriving in greater numbers than ever before. This is God’s will if you like. Some say it is the cosmic awareness that is responsible and there are many other New Age answers, but the fact remains, these children are here and here for a reason.

I have met many parents with psychic children of all ages, I have a nephew  that is also a psychic child. These children come into the world being able to see and hear spirit beings. Most of the time it is loved ones from the spirit world that they see. These children when they first learn to talk often tell their parents about Aunt Mary or Uncle Joe standing next to them and often pass on a message from the relative. I have known many parents to be very pleased about their child’s ability. However there are some parents that get upset with the child. This is very unfair on the child. He or she is not doing anything wrong here.

It is the adult’s perception that is wrong for whatever reason. Mostly it is due to religious beliefs and superstition. This gift is the human beings natural ability. There is nothing wrong or evil about this. People need to be better informed about the spirit world and our natural abilities. My own nephew at the age of 18 months onward was able to see my mother and his maternal grandmother in spirit and my mother’s dog.

It took my brother by surprise at first and then he just accepted it, after all it runs in our family. Animals are also psychic, but for so long, ignorant humans have ignored this fact or refuse to acknowledge this fact.

I have had women come to me and say my teenage child is having visions and premonitions, and is upset by them. I often wonder why the spirit world puts such a responsibility on to children. Some of the things they see and hear can be frightening.

My advice to parents with children that are not wanting to have this ability is take your child to a respected psychic,  that teaches psychic development and ask for help to either close the ability down for a few years or help the child to understand the abilities they have, and how to use them.

It is of the utmost importance that the children and their parents learn how to use psychic protection, such as how to Gold Light themselves and the house that they live in. This helps keep away unfriendly spirits and helps protect and strengthen their auras or energy fields.

I urge people to seek out respected psychic teachers or coaches. The spiritual church is the best port of call when in doubt. These churches are in every country in the western world, I don’t know about other non-western countries, however people in non-western countries will know of someone that they can contact to help their child or children if need be. They are quite open to spiritual matters.

Many children do automatically shut off their psychic abilities when they are school age as other things are more interesting such as hanging out with friends and doing what kids do. These psychic abilities come back later on in life and then the person can deal with the gift then, if they chose not to use them  that is fine, but it must be a free will decision.

They must never be forced into anything that they do not want. I myself did not use my abilities until I was left school and working, even though my abilities started at the age of three or there about, I was still sleeping in a cot at the time. I did not even know I was psychic until I was 28 years old. By then I was hearing and seeing things and the abilities grew stronger and stronger. I used to be frightened because I had read some psychic books, which put me off of the spirit world.

One Particular author turned out to be a fake. When I discovered this a few years ago I was disgusted, a few more have been found to be fake since then. It is hard enough to live in the physical world and having psychic abilities let alone some individuals come along and exploit people and this gives genuine psychics a bad name. 

Getting back to psychic children, a friend of mine has a daughter with mediumship abilities and she is frightened of them. I have urged her to go to the local spiritual church and talk with the people there. They are only too happy to help. They have all been in this situation. But I can tell you now, that many of these young people will grow up to be amazing psychic or spiritual healers and clairvoyants.

I have met a few friends of my oldest son and out of the group he went to college with 3 girls are psychic healers and one boy will be reading the Tarot cards one day. I knew when I met this boy just by looking at him he is psychic, and a lovely and genuine person he is. Please do be aware that there are nasty entities out there, yes, but very few will bother you. If you tell them to go away they usually do.

The higher the persons vibrational frequency is these beings can’t even see you or even be aware of you. So the golden rule is keep your thoughts good and loving and this will lift your vibrational frequency. That does not mean that your Vibes don’t drop, they do ebb and flow through the day, every day and the same as the human aura, changes colour constantly through the day all day every day. So please don’t worry about is my aura ok or are my vibes ok. Relax and go with the flow.

Copyright by Alex Fulford Clairvoyant-Medium 18 Feb 2015

Praying to Celtic Gods or Egyptian, er same horse just different jockey!


No matter what faith and in any land; we are all praying to the same negative entities.
If you read through the Wes Penre papers from the very start it is obvious, the best we can do is take ancient myths and some of our human history as a tale and nothing more; albeit an often dangerous one. But do enjoy the learning process here.

Smudge sets the mood for tonight