29 December, 2024

End of year lols

                   Time for some more giggles as we approach the new year.

British people who grew up in the 1970’s and 80’s know Charlie cat from the child safety adverts on TV

                                                         Asking for a friend 

                                    True dat, ain’t no way that I am giving up chocolate. Just can’t take the risk.

Neurodiversity and Astrology


I thought that this would be a good article to share with everyone and being  slightly neurodiverse (ADD) myself …oh look a squirrel. I do like to save information of all kinds that is useful until I find a use for it. So I generally have interesting information stored all over the place, just waiting for it to come in handy. Virgo and Mercury and helpful Libra, I like to be useful and share information. 

28 December, 2024

Atlantis awakening

 Yesterday afternoon I was looking at my tarot cards for myself and as I tuned in to the cards, I heard a voice within me saying, “ Atlantis is awakening within you ”. I don’t think the Atlanteans were very moral people and that doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t know what to make of this message, but I definitely do not go in for any new age stuff. I am strictly spiritual in my own way. 

What a weird thing to experience and just so surreal. This coming year for me is about spiritual transcendence on a personal level. Letting go of the past and opening up to a new experience. Where I go with that is unknown. I don’t generally go with the flow because I am a very cautious individual who doesn’t take risks. So for a change I am open to what the new year brings me on a spiritual and personal journey. 

2025 is a year of transformation globally and affects everyone on the planet one way or another, especially those on a spiritual path. 

27 December, 2024

A Common Sleeping Pill May Reduce The Buildup of Alzheimer's Proteins, Study Finds


As someone who suffers from insomnia this interests me. I do believe that we will have a significant breakthrough in this treatment in my lifetime. It may start by stripping something from the drug and using a combination treatment. I am only going from intuition here as I know absolutely nothing of medicine. 

Long term medication does harm the liver, but it’s quality of life that matters. 

The original light bulb moment, 124 years of continuous use


Wow, talk about a light bulb moment. In reality though, manufacturers don’t want light bulbs to last indefinitely or many years because they don’t make money if people don’t need to but them very often. So planned obsolescence is a must to keep the money flowing in. But how amazing is the little light bulb to survive 124 years of use. It has seen so much change in technology over the years and hopefully it will continue to function for many years to come. A great testament to its inventor, it makes me wonder how many bulbs were made at the time this one was made and how long they lasted. 

24 December, 2024

Christmas Humour



50th Anniversary of Cyclone Tracy hitting Darwin



Tomorrow morning at approximately 5.30am Australian EST, it will be 50 years since the terrible cyclone Tracy hit Darwin. I had just turned 11 years old at the time and new to Australia. I had no idea what a cyclone at first, and I had only been in the country for 13 months, so everything was new to me. 

On Christmas morning my brother and I woke up and went to open our Christmas presents around 5.30 am, as kids do. We had our little transistor radios with us and were listening to the news when the cyclone was reported. 

I remember the shock when hearing of the destruction and deaths. I felt so guilty because I was safe in my home opening up my Christmas presents, and other children and adults had lost everything. How could I get my head around this? It most certainly put an end to any happy Christmas for me when I knew what had happened, Darwin was flattened.  I ran through to my parent’s bedroom and woke them up, to tell them what had happened. I don’t remember their response other than just being woken up after a few hours of sleep. I remember the song, Santa never made it to Darwin, which came out after the tragedy. It gave me the chills and I couldn’t listen to it without being very distressed. 


I will never forget this terrible day as long as I live, and all this week cyclone Tracy has been on my mind, not actually realising it’s now 50 years ago. But just a feeling of foreboding and worrying about a disaster happening on Christmas morning again was bothering me. Let’s hope that is not the case, it’s more likelihood that the energy of the event that is being picked up on and I being very sensitive to the energy. 

W or upside down M on the Ace of Cups

 The upside down M on the Ace of Cups is a mystery to most people, who usually look to the religious mythology, but what if that M is a W? As in the constellation of  Cassiopeia. It’s a female image upside down in the northern hemisphere sky. That makes a lot of sense when one delves into the esoteric mysteries the RWS Deck are infused with deep symbolism.

There are 5 stars in the constellation of Cassiopeia that form a W or from the Southern Hemisphere it is an M. In mythology she is the queen Cassiopeia  and the mother of Andromeda 




A blurb on the myth of Queen Cassiopeia and Andromeda. 


The Dove in the card can also represent a constellation called  Columba not just the allegorical dove in biblical stories each image within a card is a symbol.  There is much more to the images and mythology that is incorporated into the Tarot deck. Apart from the conventional Christian, Greek Mythology, the Tarot is infused with Astrology, Greek, Roman, ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Persian mythology, Numerology, The Kabbalah, Ancient history and Astronomy. Then there is the language of  colour symbolism. There are multiple layers of wisdom that are only imparted to certain metaphysicians that is carefully guarded. 


I do feel there is a strong case for this being a hidden meaning that most Tarot readers have perhaps overlooked. My rule of thumb is always check the skies with myths and if I can't find anything that sounds right then I hold off. But the more I think, and rummage around online I find other things that make me think, oh wait; I need to make notes on such and such. We never stop learning when we step into the realms of the esoteric and metaphysics and you can never know enough no matter how long you have been a reader.     

Five Christmas story elements that don’t appear in the Bible, from the little donkey to the inn keeper


Start looking for the answers in the night sky, it’s astrology pure and simple. The manger, the donkey, the cradle are all astronomical and astrological. It’s all mapped out and predates Jesus by thousands of years. The birth of Jesus is no different to other mythological and historical figures, and the narrative is repeated all around the world in many cultures. 

The Beehive is also another name for the Manger which is connected to ancient Egypt is also in the night sky, it’s also the name for the New Zealand parliament building. 

The donkey in the biblical stories is also astrological, sitting in the constellation of Cancer. It’s called Asellus Borealis which is next to Asellus Australis, both are known as the donkeys.  

Previous posts about astrology in the jesus story, originally posted in 2019.


Asellus Borealis (donkey)



A guide to constellations, you will see a few things from the bible in this but not all of them, though it doesn't mention the crown of thorns by name it is actually the Corona Borealis   


The constellation of Cancer


The three wise men or the belt of Orion, the one on the left is called Cavalry 


A little bit more information about the Corona Borealis. ⬇️


You will notice the mention of three Mary's in the Wikipedia page about the Belt of Orion The bible also mentions three Mary's. Jesus’s mother was a Mary as was one of his sisters, however that sister is the Mary Magdalene, and there is either a double up of her or a deliberate obfuscation of her role and identity. Not all researchers agree on this though. Jesus was an actual king historically speaking and Mary Magdalen ( Mary of the Towers more interesting connections with her in Europe including being alluded to in the fairy tale Rapunzel )  was his sister wife.  The Jesus family had connections to ancient Iran, Parthea according to the writer Ralph Ellis, who has written extensively on the history of Jesus and his family bloodline. The books are available on Amazon. Raplh Ellis also informs us about Jesus being an Astrologer as well as a high ranking Freemason. 

I am finding myself drawn to  study this along with my astrology studies. It's a lot of fun when you delve into this and it's great to learn new things and it is so much better than sitting in front of the tv for me.

I am the sort of person that could happily divide my time between nature and a library and I just love to share information with likeminded people.  As I come across more information I will update this and perhaps you may be curious about the amazing information. The power of the age of Aquarius is unfolding as we live and breathe and this is written in the stars. 


23 December, 2024

Tarot Card Of The Month: January 2025, Knight of Wands


 Insight, Quick action, Quick thinking, Travel  Inspiration and foresight

Element: Fire

Zodiac Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius 

Mars goes retrograde in January

Welcome to January 2025 Tarot card of the month and a brand new year.

January's energy is fast, enthusiastic and quick thinking mercurial energy combined with the element of fire and Aries energy, which is dynamic action.  We see flashes of insight and communication to kick of the month. There is also explosive energy involved for January, I feel cold steel  as in weapons here, this also covers naval vessels in the news.  January has a strong military energy, as we know this is to be expected from here on in. 

Trump hits the ground running and ideas may be only half formed. January's energy is all fired up, as they say,  and youth crime is highlighted. There are challenging aspects politically, in business  and finance for January and communication needs to be addressed clearly. 

Capricorn rules the start of January, and the ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn, the teacher (restricting energy, its effects are slow and long lasting) discipline and leadership. There are two cardinal signs here which adds power to the mix Aries and Capricorn, so this is pointing to leadership issues. 

Capricorn is the ruler of the  10th house of the zodiac, and 10th house is about your reputation and public life. Aquarius being the ruling sign for  the second half of January and the ruling planet is Uranus, representing the freedom urge, which covers  the future, yet the knight on the card is facing left which is looking to the past. So this is something from the past being brought into the current world circumstances. Which is a political issue returning to public awareness. I do feel that a challenge is being issued on a global leadership level. Aquarius is the ruler of the 11th house of the zodiac and is about friendships.

Military power as I said is part of the theme for January with Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Palestine, China/ Taiwan and the waters in Houthi conflict zones. The US will be up against anyone that doesn't agree with them. This includes faction fighting within the US government that strongly disagree with what is proposed. 

Children are highlighted for January so please keep an eye on your children, especially for accidents, going missing, getting lost, youth violence and murders committed by youths. Keep an eye on children near water too. The energy of Uranus is sudden and unexpected (which can be violent) so please watch your children like a hawke including teenagers getting into danger. I also connect poverty and war with  this warning for children.

Angry young men are definitely highlighted with violence and murder, so you need to talk to your kids, it's too late when the police get involved. How to deal with violent youth will be covered by the media though I do not see a decent outcome to crime prevention and sensible sentencing for violent crime. 

2025 is a transformative year in many ways, there is a strong spiritual and religious energy for the year ahead. Focus and forward thinking and action is a must to transform the world into a more positive place. That though will take many years to achieve. 

The card shows a clear blue sky, no clouds or luminaries are present. This means no clouded thinking and the road ahead is clearly visible. There are disruptive energies afoot from the Eastern hemisphere to the Western hemisphere indicated. This is political and emotional energy which is a volatile combination and not what we need for communication and peaceful understanding. Please think things through very carefully and choose your words wisely because there is no room for error. Hot Mars energy is messing the communication channels.

Facts and only facts is the only way to examine all that takes place this month. There are deliberate destabilising attempts being employed with the deliberate attempt to sabotage hopes of peace.

Do not accept what is mere  hearsay, especially in the media and even from the Trump camp. Political factions are keen on causing deliberate destabilisation to sow confusion among ordinary people to keep the masses divided. It is wise to sit back and wait for more information rather than react without the full facts and the truth.    

Hearts and minds and being manipulated during January and people are being played for suckers. Hot fiery tempers are not helpful, they just add fuel to the fire. So leave well alone, step back and wait, you will be glad in the long run or you may just end up in court. 

More protests are highlighted in January, again I stress  people are being manipulated. Ask yourself who benefits from this disruptive behaviour? Look behind the smokescreen. Revelations will shock and astound so please be very careful. 

Some people have a need for adventure in January, inspiring them to get outdoors and traveling. Mountain climbing may be popular though care must be taken for sudden changes in the weather like heavy snowfalls, strong winds, heavy rain etc. In Australia, or other hot countries factor in the heat affecting you and make sure you have plenty drinking water with you and block-out sun cream.

You may find yourself trapped on a mountain, so check the weather beforehand and keep monitoring the weather while you are doing outdoor activities in the countryside. If possible carry a distress beacon and let your loved ones know exactly where you are going and when you expect to be home. Any delays, then phone and keep loved ones updated. Make sure that you have a full charge and phone credit too. 

I wish everyone a safe and peaceful 2025

Blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 


UPDATE: Bushwalker trapped on mountain 


UPDATE: Children and young people, 16 year old actor dead. Horrible tragedy for him and his family. 😭😭


UPDATE: Another young death, please talk to your children about safety 😭😭https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14226485/Teenager-killed-fireworks-explosion-Kalkallo.html

UPDATE: Teenager in targeted knife attack 


UPDATE: Teenager attacks police officer in Western Australia 


UPDATE: Teenager falls 15 meters, heartbreaking. 


UPDATE: Two children injured in car accident. 


UPDATE: Young man drowns in Canberra, more heartbreaking news 


UPDATE: 17 year old stabbed 


UPDATE: 6 Teenagers arrested , man in hospital. Not a good start to the year. 


UPDATE: Mass shooting of young people aged 16 to 20.

UPDATE: 14 year old boy stabbed in London 


UPDATE: Mountain climbers’s body found, very sad outcome 


UPDATE: Child followed and attacked in NT28/1/25 


Well I can’t wait for this month to end, there is so much violence going on. 

UPDATE: US Navy upgrades weapons 


Merry Christmas 2024

Wishing everyone a wonderful festive season and all the very best that life can bring to you in 2025. To me Christmas is about just being with those you love, whether it is family or those that we care about, animals included.

It's an opportunity to relax if possible and have some fun. It is also an opportunity to thank people for their hard work, service to others  including postal workers, trades people and retailers, those that rescue and look after animals, charity workers and all of those amazing people that work tirelessly for others, including parents and carers. I thank you for your service.

Thank you to everyone who read my blog this year and takes the time to read my psychic predictions and Tarot Card of the month. It is truly appreciated, thank you.

Blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs


22 December, 2024

Selenite Crystal


Selenite is a great crystal and especially when it's a generator crystal. I keep one in my bedroom and one in my office. Some of the properties of the ethereal selenite are, removing toxic energy or blocking negative energy, blocking negative entities and psychic attacks especially when  used with black tourmaline in energy grids. Cleansing the aura and balancing the chakras are part of its uses, as is enhancing one's psychic abilities and is used in healing work. 

Selenite is good for preventing nightmares, calming the mind and de-stressing. It is very important in spiritual work, use Selenite for emotional healing, mental clarity and focus. Selenite is connected to the crown chakra and the 5 chakras above the crown chakra. A word of caution in regards to the 5 chakras above your crown chakra. the first three are safe to use however the 4th and 5th can be used for connecting and communicating with non terrestrial beings or alien beings. I am not in favour of communicating with such beings and I feel this is not a safe or healthy pursuit.   

Caution should always be employed when dealing with the unseen world as carelessness can be very harmful to one's mental health. Do not mess with things you cannot control or understand, one should only communicate with one's higher self, anything or anyone communicating with you via meditation must go through your higher self as a safety filter.  Even then it is up to your discernment as to whether to allow the communication. This beautiful crystal is have guardian to keep by your side in this activity and other powerful protective crystals.

I strongly recommend you use rose essential oil on your main chakras, wrists, both the palms and backs of your hands, on your ankles, the top of your feet and the souls of your feet  when meditating, or doing any spiritual work because rose essential oil has a very high energy and is very good for spiritual connection and protection. Blue Idaho Spruce is the highest energy of all the essential oils but it may not be available as easily as Rose. Rose is my favourite due to the fragrance and its spiritual uses.

Use Selenite to cleanse and energise other crystals, it is a must have crystal in your crystal tool kit. It is a beautiful crystal just to own with is loving warmth, purity, ethereal power and appeal. Do not get Selenite wet as this will damage the crystal. 

You will see a list of Australian crystal retailer websites on my blog under the headings of crystals and bling and crystals. Enjoy your crystals and their energies in your life. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs, Alex

Miss Ruby's Doggie Advent Calendar And Spreading Her Love


I bought the first doggie advent calendar this year for Miss Ruby. I have just never been lucky enough to find them in the shops until this year. So every morning Ruby has her Schmacko treat when she wakes and an extra seasonal treat. I sit on the floor so that she can see the little doors being opened and sees the treat inside. She gives the calendar the vacuum cleaner sniff of sniffs to examine the calendar and wonders what it's all about. The problem is what happens the day after the treats are gone. Will she think she is being gypped out of treats? I can assure you she definitely is not lacking in treats and goodies, she is spoiled rotten every day. 

Ruby wishes to send her seasons greetings to all fur babies  around the world spreading her love. Ruby hopes one day that all animals (fur babies) of the world will have a better life and have equal rights enshrined by law globally to be free from hunger, sickness, homelessness and abuse, and that no animals ever suffer. 

20 December, 2024

Find your mantra

 Each person needs a good mantra to recite to themselves and to live by. To uplift themselves, restore their spiritual equilibrium and raise their spiritual energy or vibrational frequency. It’s not for others to benefit from, it is for you, because your soul needs nourishing. It is for you to ground yourself when life throws you a curve ball that pulls your heart and soul down. 

We all know suffering, we all know loss, we all know what it is like to be disempowered, lonely, hurt, and alone even when we are living with our family members. We all know what it feels like when someone says hurtful and cruel words. Having a mantra to live by gives us that boost to lift ourselves up and keep going when we feel downtrodden, stressed and discouraged or disregarded.

Living with grace and inner peace, with detachment from negativity is a tonic that we need each day. Give yourself the gift of a mantra that stops the negativity in its tracks and empowers you like medicine. Giving you the power to face the day with detachment and humility. 

It’s not easy by any means but with constant practice we can achieve the best possible results. Be your own spirit physician and uplift your soul. 

Making your own mantra is important because it carries your unique spiritual energy or frequency, it’s meant for your use only. 


Repeating a mantra three times is important and makes it powerful. The number three being significant in spiritual matters. It relates to wisdom, harmony and understanding. Not just that, it relates to the three levels of consciousness. Completeness,  divine wholeness and perfection is another interpretation. The number three also represents spiritual guidance and protection. Rituals are said three times like the expression, third time’s the charm. 

Ancient Civilization Of Halflings In The Dungeons Of Kabardino-Balkaria


Clearing space on my iPad and came across this from 2022. Rather thought provoking and it reminds me of the ant people the native Americans people spoke of after the cataclysm. Our planet is full of underground tunnels that go right across the world from the Middle East to Europe for example.

15 December, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2 December 2024


I will reserve commenting on this other than to say I am not in 100% agreement with past lives and hypnosis. I am very against hypnosis and it can be influenced by suggestion etc. 

The first Anniversary of my father's death

 It a whole year today since I lost my father, it still feels so surreal to me. I vividly  remember the phone call and what I was doing at the time. His passing was expected but still it is difficult when the moment arrives. 

It's the anniversary of one of my favourite uncles too. My father's brother in law died in Scotland on the same day.  I lost 3 uncles and my father all within 3 weeks and it was a rollercoaster of shock to me. 

Memories are something that I have to treasure along with the laughs, we do have the same sense of humour which will always be a bond between us.


11 December, 2024

The Mother Crystal


A few months ago I bought a few crystals and this particular amethyst jumped out at me. The photo doesn’t do it justice though. When I got it home and put it in place, I did a cleansing on it and I heard the word, Mother. I keep hearing this often whenever I look at the crystal, this is a powerful little crystal and I am very fond of it. I get the feeling that it has a strong protective energy for me. Amethyst is a feminine energy and I feel the power of the divine feminine emanates from this beautiful crystal. This is quite interesting because as we move into 2025 feminine energies will be strong all year as we move into a new cycle for humanity. 

I have never felt such a strong connection to a crystal like this before. I do feel the energy of a crystal when I put my hand close to it. This energy feels like a strong tingling sensation similar to when doing spiritual healing. So this is how I intuitively feel the right crystal for me, the energy frequencies are important when buying a crystal. So if you are able to feel the energy emitting from a crystals that is a great sign. 

10 December, 2024

Home fragrances impact indoor air quality, and the health risks are alarming


A better option for fragrance is using an oil burner with essential oils and not a fragrant oil which is chemicals. I have used an oil burner since the 1990’s and the fragrance wafts through my house. I have one in my office and one in my kitchen and family room. Never leave an oil burner unattended for safety reasons especially if you have children or fur babies. 

I do have some scented candles too though which I don’t use too often. I did invest in air purifiers 4years ago to help with health issues and they are running constantly. I highly recommend investing in good quality air purifiers if possible. 

You can buy Frankincense and myrrh essential oils easily, these also help with spiritual cleansing. Cedar wood is a great essential oil to use at Christmas time it’s one of my most used oils. I use my oils for spiritual reasons mostly but I also use them for relaxing and promoting a calming environment. Please be very careful with using essential oils around pets because some are toxic to animals. 

I only burn incense outside after a lady told me about how harmful it is to use indoors. So I am very careful with that. I like to burn incense at my back door and my front door creating a cleansing and spiritually uplifting environment. 

I buy my essential oils from Essentials of Australia https://www.escentialsofaustralia.com/ the prices are fantastic and Max has good quality oils. I used to buy his oils when he lived in Canberra years ago. I recently reconnected with him thanks to John from Bonvale Connections when he retired as John had recommended him to his customers. Check out the prices of the oils and you will be delightfully surprised.

07 December, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1 December 2024


I can’t say that I agree with Wes on who the ascended masters really are. Originally he said they were mostly archons and some humans. I sure as hell wouldn’t have anything to do with ascended masters, especially because they are under the control of  beings that are no friends of humanity nor truly spiritual beings. Wes has said in the past, that humans have to adhere to En-Ki’s school of thought to ascend and that it was a sort of  like a draconian system. There may well be some benevolent beings in the ranks, and they may or may not know what is really going on. Also Wes did tell us that these human ascended beings don’t get to stay permanently in the so called spirit realm, they do come back again to reincarnate. We have the right to refuse to reincarnate, it is not in our best interest to be in a physical form, because we are entombed in the flesh and our spirit is very suppressed as are our natural spiritual and psychic abilities. 

Humanity has been deliberately put in to a living hell in the third dimension and this was not to benefit us from the beginning. The purpose being to traumatise us and harvest our loosh. 

There is no way that a benevolent god would do such a terrible thing to humanity. I also feel that a good soul would always be a good soul, it is what is our core essence is after all. 

Life on this earth can be very painful for those that are good because the people that are negative in their moral character sniff out anyone that is good or sensitive or different. They home in on them,  bully and mistreat the innocent victims. Even children in primary schools are capable of sniffing out a vulnerable child and bully them mercilessly. This is because the core essence of the child is not good to begin with. Not all beings incarcerate from the “good” side of the spirit world. There are lower realms that we call the dark side, think about psychopaths and other dangerous people otherwise the world would not be the way it is. This is free will choices being made, to become a bad person is easy enough if the will is there. 

As for psychic people, not all of us want to teach anything nor are we all wise and all knowing on spiritual matters. I don’t consider myself a teacher of anything, may be a sort of way shower or just someone that likes to share what I know. Not everything can or should be shared either. Because some people are not ready for spiritual wisdom. Some people may also use this spiritual knowledge in the wrong way and use it to manipulate and control others. 

Jewelry and Crystals

I am a lover of crystals, bling and jewelry and I often love to share my places to buy these things. 

Here is a quick link to a few of my faves for sterling silver rings and earrings. I also have a few fave places to buy crystals and I have never been disappointed with the crystals or the service.

I am just a customer and I do not get paid to promote anyone and never intend to. I am just the sort of lady that likes to share  things. Happy treasure hunting peeps.  

Gemz Australia (Queensland)  This is where I got my Jade bangle from after breaking my last one.


The Jewelry Tree (Queensland)



Aus Crystals


Natures Magic 


The Himalayan Salt Factory ( now known as the Crystal Factory)


Earth Inspired Gifts


Colliers Crystals


Earth and Soul


The National Dinosaur Museum at Gold Creek in Canberra. The prices are fantastic and they have a huge supply of crystals. 


In  Canberra you may also find silver jewelry with semi precious stones at Fuse Silver at DFO in Fyshwick or at Flight of Fancy at Gold Creek Village. 

More Festive Lols


Remember it ain’t Christmas until Hans Gruber falls off Nakatomi Plaza 😂😄😄🎄🎄

06 December, 2024

RIP Maggie Tabberer 1936 to 2024


Oh Wow!, What a surprise, Maggie was an big Aussie icon and very well respected.  Condolences to her family.


Silent Night or Still the Night?

 Singing this hymn used to do my head in as a child. In Scotland we sing Still the Night not the English version called Silent Night. The words are similar but there are little differences, and when I attended school in Australia I would get confused because the words weren’t quite right. One of my music teachers in high school said to the entire class that everyone knows the song. Not so, there are multiple versions of the song. 

I remember asking my dad about this and he said we sing the German version in Scotland. That was what was taken as a given, however the wording is slightly different again, perhaps due to translation. 

This is the Wikipedia page for the German language and English language versions.


It turns out the version I know is one of the Presbyterian versions. We used a Scottish Hymnal or hymnary of the Church of Scotland in our schools and churches when I was a child. I remember my parents buying my brother and I our own hymnaries (Hymnals), when we started school. I came across these books when my father was moving into the retirement home a few years ago. Old memories came back in a flash and it all seemed like a million years ago. 

http://forum.ship-of-fools.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=print_topic;f=70;t=024981  #1

https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=41727     #2

Above are two an interesting discussions on the history of the song and the confusion surrounding the wording.

Some of the words that I remember are below. 

Still the night, holy the night (the opening line)

Sleep in heavenly peace / heavenly rest (part of the chorus)

In the version that I knew we sang, “Christ the redeemer is here”, at the end of the song. 

It’s all as clear as mud to be honest, but the Scottish versions are much closer to the original German version. These days I am more familiar with the English version when listening to Christmas music, but I still mentally insert the Scottish version 🤣🤣🤣🎄🎄🎄

I hope everyone enjoys the silly season. I personally do not observe the religious side of Christmas. To me it is an ancient winter season celebration in the northern hemisphere countries and the winter solstice which much older than Christianity.  But what ever floats your boat is what matters. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 

05 December, 2024

Gene behind orange fur in cats found at last


What makes a ginger ninja ginger? The mystery has been solved. So what makes ginger cats mischievous and adorable? My late Garfield was very much the baby of the family and definitely the one who would climb the Christmas tree every year, tease his kitty big  brothers and his sister and still be absolutely adorable. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...