Gee, I had even missed transferring the Australian predictions for 2020 on to this new blog. Given the huge amount of things I transferred it’s understandable.
This was done around the start of the bushfires in 2019, the year from hell for Australia that kept on rolling into present day.
Here I am with the predictions for Australia for 2020. There doesn't seem to be much really going on
next year. We still have the Brexit issue that affects us very much.
There year starts with a bit of turmoil over Brexit and I feel the government has to act quickly. I also feel there is an immigration or refugee issue happening at the same time. That has the potential to be used as a political football by the lefties.
Detention centres are still in the spotlight, cue the leftie brigade to wind up the masses that have no real idea of the facts, but never mind 😋
I see the government looking overseas for guidance and support on important matters such as homeland security, guarding the borders, trade agreements and signing agreements with five eyes nations.
I do feel the government will be caught up in some sort of deception involving immigration and this must be handled very carefully especially with the media.
I do feel one of the deals the government sign up for turns out to be an embarrassment, the government has been sold a pup, oh my!
I hear the words "Changing of the guard" I am not sure what that is actually about but it is important politically world wide. It could mean the soft approach with criminals may be about to end and with it, those in power that enable this to be removed. I won't hold my breath over that though until I see it.
I also feel a sudden burst of energy linked to changes at Buckingham palace which has a flow on to commonwealth nations. I do not feel this is the Queen passing though, I feel she has a few more years left to rule.
Australia seems to have an image problem and the government is keen to change that. I see firm control is taken with the situation. Australia has changed and it is no longer the land of the BBQ and throw another prawn on the barbie of the 1980's. It is much more politicised and people are watching what they say and think. What is Australia morphing into? Watch and see, we are the creators of what we think.
The rug is being pulled from under our feet in 2020 so watch out, we will suddenly taken by surprise over something, hardship is afoot also. The government will need to act swiftly on economic problems.
Political upheavals are back in the news for Australian politics, yawn. It looks like the government backing down and having to cut deals with minor parties like the greens etc. Foolish move and shows lack of strength and foresight.
China is still a thorn in the side of the government, watch the NLP bow down yet again, Labor would do the same so don't be fooled.
The immigration issue hots up again due to Syria, refugees and ISIS.The hot potato being ISIS brides, watch the left go to town on this one.
A new direction for the NLP leadership yet again, they seem to be rethinking where they are going and what the probable outcome will be. They do not really have a choice because they are stuck and must pull together or there will be a split and possible crossing the floor on some important issues.
Changes afoot in business and it feels linked to Brexit again. I feel the five eyes nations will have deals ready to be signed into action as soon as they get the word Brexit is a goer. This is new partnerships and agreements . To be honest this Brexit is very difficult to predict.
My heart tells me it won't happen but I am not sure. I have no fixed opinion one way or the other really. But I can tell you there is evil afoot to make Brexit fail. The loss of Billions of Euros is the thing the elite can't bear to lose.
Anyway back to the predictions, I see a long highway with dirt on either side of the road, there is no sign of trees or grass. Just bone dry dirt. This could symbolise Australia has a very long and tedious journey ahead to prosperity or it could mean opening up the highways, for new infrastructure and developing regional areas. That itself is a long journey and takes years to build.
I see new trade agreements, Scot Morrison has his eyes on bringing more business into Australia, especially from the US and the UK. Australia needs these business links to help our economy grow.
Times are changing fast and we need to be ready for change.
I see lush green grass as I look at the top row of cards I feel this is more assistance for our farmers at long last. People have been demanding this for years and now it looks like the government are doing something. Too little too late for many good farming families.
Water will be in the spotlight again this year in many ways. Expect the cost to rise and restrictions.
There will be focus on how to use water wisely and irrigation issues in the news.
Travel is in the news for Aussie tourists going overseas. I see political unrest and riots in an Asian country, not Hong Kong. This feels more like Indonesia or the Philippines. Stay right away from any political riots or you will be trapped there and possibly locked up.
Keep checking with DEFAT for hot spots to avoid. Make sure like I predicted last year that your visas and passports are up to date and DO get travel insurance and check where it covers and for what.
I do feel many will opt for a traditional holiday back home in OZ which helps our economy. That is a good thing to do, we must help our local small businesses.
I see school choices in the following year. Which school is a) The safest for your children, b) Which school provides a better education for my children? c) private v's public or d) Home schooling.
Factor in school bullying, what are they doing to protect your children.
More choice in shopping and the way we shop. On line or traditional shopping. also more bang for the buck and this is having an effect on retail, especially clothing, electrical, household items, but oddly enough I don't see it affecting the price of furniture.
Children voicing their worries over the climate, and how it is having an affect on their mental health is a major issue. This affects mostly younger children under 13, and parents are voicing their anger over this.
Stop bringing political issues into schools and to children's attention they are way too young and impressionable. They are being used by evil people for a political agenda and it must stop now! Let children be children.
The buck stops with parents on this by telling the education department to butt out of their children's lives. Our children cannot vote, they are not mature enough to work out lies from truth or political agendas. A school is not the place for this political indoctrination nonsense and schools must never be politicised that is communist mentality and must not be tolerated.
I see a ferry on a harbour, it looks like Sydney, however this feels like the ferry being caught up in a storm. I see this in cooler or winter weather.
The climate change activists are at it again and they are being more brazen. I see the police being called in to break up the unrest. People have had a gut full of protesters getting out of hand and causing mass disruption to the public. This I feel will spark new laws regarding protests. Reminds me of the old tactic problem, reaction, solution. That feels exactly what this is all about.
The ATO (Australian Taxation Office) are looking into suspicious bank accounts in 2020. Not regular Joe Public's bank accounts though. This is targeting money laundering criminal ill gotten gains and big business. Well there is a surprise, lol.
Sadly a spate of road accidents involving young children crossing roads comes up. Please teach your children road safety and perhaps a supervised training session with mum or dad, so you know they get the hang of it.
More safety campaigns are needed to target kids using a phone while crossing the road or other distractions. Wait until the bus drives off before you cross the road because the bus blocks the view of oncoming traffic.
Hospitals are back in the news again due to overcrowding again in city hospitals. This may lead to
patients that are able to be moved, being sent to regional hospitals to free up beds in the public city hospitals. However this could spark upset with people that have no way of getting to visit their loved ones especially the elderly.
The government will need to work hard to come up with a better plan. Overflow happens from time to time but it is usually filtering through near by hospitals.
As our population is going to expand enormously in the next few years we need better infrastructure and more hospitals which means more staff to cope with the changes.
Sydney is a dogs breakfast when it comes to infrastructure and as most people there are already aware, any disaster that occurred would become a nightmare to cope with. It is an out of date and highly problematic city which lacks foresight for civil disasters.
Copyright Alex Fulford 2019
Update: Australia in new partnership deal but it includes China. Guess who will bow down to China 🤣
You ain't seen nothing yet. These guys will not stop, they feel no one can touch them and they will push and push until someone snaps. That will come. You have to ask yourself why the Western nations don't take any action. Could it be that the plan is China is supposed to take over the world?
Who knows but it sure looks like the west are indifferent as long as the money keeps rolling in. This is very suss to me. It is not normal for a communist nation to be so powerful that it controls the west. No such thing as an accident, it is allowed to happen, an agreement on both sides for this to happen. it is all about money and the loss of our sovereignty and human rights.
UPDATE: Buckingham Palace affecting commonwealth nations, this is only the start.
UPDATE: Australia has an image problem
Keating and Hawke are hardly men of quality and virtuous. She is nothing more that a spin doctor. But yes we need to get rid of the communist PC crap. This is no more than a smoke screen in the game of divide and conquer though so do not be fooled.
UPDATE: Child death connected to cars, it is so heart breaking. I guess I should have factored in deaths involving hot cars. This still is relevant with children dying in car accidents. ðŸ˜
Please be very careful with children, anything can happen in a split second, so stay vigilant.
Playing the pokies in the pub while baby is in a hot car. This is an epidemic of selfish and stupid people. As the school term starts expect more incidents such ad children hit by cars etc. This doesn’t have to happen it’s carelessness.
I am sad to say this has come to pass, it is not pleasant.
Yet another child injured :( The council had rejected requests for a proper crossing.
I hope heads roll in the council for this. Wishing all victims a speedy and full recovery. Poor boy I hope he recovers well. Please teach kids to be more vigilant on the roads. Drivers may find it hard to see you or stop in time. Drivers have a duty of care also to drive with caution. Two little babies injured, when will this all stop?
Greedy business people pushing for that extra buck at the cost of human lives and selling inferior goods so that we have to buy more often. People are sick of this crap.
Watch the rich man tumble, though some it will be a mere paper shuffle and re-emerge under a new name. I did say in a posted prediction last year Australia will take decades to recover, but this has not even started yet. It will become a nightmare for many. (this Harris Scarfe article was kindly sent to me by a client just a few minutes ago)
Jeans west bites the dust. Have a look at the list of shops or companies mon the list omg.
David Jones to close three stores. An iconic Australian department store. Jeans West Closeures So sad to see Colette closing stores. It is heartbreaking to see businesses fold.
Heaven only knows how many more are to close.
Wow, I did not expect Target stores to close and so many.
UPDATE: ATO coming after rich people with yachts, race horses etc.
Live a dishonest life expect to get caught.
Well there you go. Water on the agenda. Do read the comments. If our government was not selling our water off and committing disgusting acts against us we would not have a bloody drought. Stop the Geoengineering, fracking etc and selling off our water and resources. Australians should be bloody angry with this. 7 NEWS China trucking water from the Southern Downs . Read the comments! Very sad as if they don't have enough suffering with the bush fires.
Level two water restrictions for NSW.
Maintain the rage and don’t give in. It is our water our land!
UPDATE: Australian Tourism, with the singing budgie. Can’t say I like the advert, a tad tacky, lol. Averted pulled
South Australian tourism needs a lift This is our bloody water. How dare they! But the buck stops with our traitorous government, state and federal. Maintain the rage Australia!!
24 June water still in the news
UPDATE Infrastructure
Now go up to the predictions and read where I said I saw dry land without any grass or trees. Bushfires anyone? Land cleared ready for the rail link. October 8, Infrastructure
UPDATE: Travel. Health issues
UPDATE: Infrastructure and the recovery of our economy, as I said will take many years. I had no idea the bushfires were going to happen. I find it strange that spirit sometimes tells me nothing of such things. But I could feel as well as see our country was in a very bad financial situation that will take decades to recover from. I also have warned many people as far back as 2006 that Australia will go through very hard times for a very long time. If you look through old posts you will also see me commenting on this.
It is heart breaking to see such destruction and loss of life, let me also say the truth will come out. Something needs to be done about the media spreading lies and the individuals held accountable.
UPDATE: Economy could be affected due to the bushfires and the Corona virus etc, Steps need to be taken to prevent this.
UPDATE: Australian business, apprentices, infrastructure March 2022. Somethings take a while to emerge and expand.
UPDATE: Children killed in car accidents , This is horrific and should be dealt with severely.
Heavens, I just can’t believe the heartache and suffering with these deaths or injuries to children at present. We are only in February and so much has happened involving children 😢
UPDATE : POLITICAL UPHEAVAL: This woman is not suitable for the role.
UPDATE Syria, Isis children,
Expect more in the next few weeks. These women made a choice, it is still sad for the children though. The public nor the government are responsible for this.
UPDATE: Refugees, asylum seekers; April 2 2020 June 13, 2020
UPDATE: Five eyes agreements, wiretapping
Australia in trade agreements with the UK (five eyes nation) Free trade deal, Aussies working in UK
UPDATE: Holidays at home in Australia, there ain't nothing better than that 💓😆😊
This helps our economy and we need the money spent at home. Things will turn ugly on the financial front this year. Don't throw your money around be smart and keep it afordable, because hard times are coming.
UPDATE Hospitals in crisis. March 22, 2020 Expect this to be a full on crisis
UPDATE: Economy
I would say a Depression not a recession is the outcome. Just watch this space for further updates.
This does apply to Australia September 2020, it is a Depression not a recession.
UPDATE: Sydney Harbour