06 September, 2021

Electric sleep: the gadgetry tracking and hacking the way we rest


I opt for magnesium and non technology, put the light out before 10.00pm; also as they recommend here, no blue light. Read a book before sleeping or a very short meditation just to focus and with the intention of  going to sleep. 

With magnesium, you must do this every night. Most people are deficient in magnesium due to our modern diet. Magnesium needs to be absorbed transdermal the body doesn’t get enough of it orally. Taking magnesium orally will result in loose bowels, if you take more than one tablet per day. You cannot get the right amount of magnesium intake orally. 

I buy two magnesium products, one is a cream- lotion that I buy in a health food shop and the other is magnesium flakes that I buy on line from Blants up in Sydney. I either soak my feet for 20 minutes or I soak in the bath for 20 minutes. But it has to be done every day or night for a couple of months to feel the effects. So perhaps you may prefer the cream. 

Then after that, I get a good book and go to bed. The first thing I notice is my legs don’t hurt after using magnesium. That is the first sign that it’s working as long as my Jack Russell doesn’t try to lick it off my legs first, lol. She can smell the stuff and is right under the covers to get to it. 

But anyway; each person needs to find what works for them and stick to it. If you are working full time; you need to make sure that you are in bed around 9.30 pm and light out by 10.00 pm. Digital clocks can be a pest with the light from them in your face as you try to sleep. I unplugged ours several years ago, and rely on my phone alarm. Because I was born in a time when we didn’t have all the digital technology, I just don’t bother with anything other than my phone alarm. 

I do believe that we need to make ourselves tired by doing things such as exercise or something strenuous to make our bodies get into routine. Perhaps going for a walk in the early evening before it is dark, or doing light gardening, or chores prior to bedtime like putting on the washing machine, ready to hang the washing up in the morning. Making sure you clean the dishes and unpack the dishwasher before bed etc. 

That gives one a relaxed feeling knowing that tasks are done and hopefully your mind is not racing at bed time. A racing mind, forgetfulness and aching legs are often signs of low magnesium. 


Check out the link above and you can see the signs of low magnesium. You will be surprised at the signs.

Oh and just to remind people in Australia, daylight savings ends on 3rd October this year, so that’s an hour less sleep. So get into routine before that date. 

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