08 March, 2025
Wes Penre: Q and A Session 9 , 2025
It’s still bloody obvious that people are not taking the time to read everything that Wes has written. It needs to be read over and over again to sink in. If you have to keep asking questions you either aren’t that interested or not paying attention. That said, you should perhaps sit on the fence about the information if you are unsure.
When it comes to all these so called experts, I don’t waste my time with them or the BS that is allegedly channeled. It is definitely not something that I would trust or have anything to do with. I have no time for any of the individuals that Wes mentions be they supposedly spiritual or otherwise. I don’t read spiritual books either because they are a money spinner. I don’t need someone telling me what to believe and there way is the right way. That’s total BS.
I have my own very strong spiritual beliefs and very strong intuition that I can see right through these individuals. Elon Musk especially from the time he first became famous, I had a strong dislike and mistrust of him. He feels evil and I can tell you right now that he is pro Singularity. I have mentioned this in blog posts numerous times, including my old blog.
Firm intentions and a strong sense of self are vital, spiritually, it’s not negotiable. You will only get one chance at exiting the matrix. Don’t waste your time on supposedly spiritual experts, you are your own expert, nobody else, not even me. Listen to yourself and your heart for guidance.
07 March, 2025
Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
How sad to lose this service after 400 years. People just don't send cards or letters anymore. I am old school and I still send cards to people but use email instead of letter writing. There is nothing nicer than getting a birthday card, engagement, wedding anniversary card, Easter card or a Christmas card in the mail. Then there are formal bereavement cards that people send, an email is not appropriate for a bereavement.
Children especially will miss out on birthday cards unless they are hand delivered or posted with a gift. No money in a card (not that that is a good idea due to theft), there are many people that still write letters and stationary is still sold in the shops. Overseas mail from places where there isn't any internet connection rely on the postal service. This has a flow on effect to stationary manufacturing and job loss that some people have not factored in to this closing of this side of mail delivery.
Postman Pat will not be a happy camper but then he is a van driver, his job is safe.
Cyclone Alfred
With cyclone Alfred to be touching down on the Eastern seaboard of Queensland and Northern NSW some time tomorrow. It was originally scheduled to hit land this morning, it is now expected tomorrow. It has been on my mind for the past few days, as I have a few friends up in the region, from Brisbane to Coffs harbour. Some friends have already been impacted with storm damage as the weather turned nasty yesterday and again today. It is a nerve wracking wait now until the storm passes.
I am stunned at the individuals that take no heed of the warnings and continue to surf and take crazy risks. Giving absolutely no though to possible harm to themselves or those that may have to risk their lives to save theirs. That is utterly selfish and shows the lengths that some people are prepared to go to for their egos. Please stay safe and don't take risks.
Thank you to all the amazing volunteers, emergency service and military personnel that are doing their wonderful roles in helping those in need, I pray that their families and homes are safe as they give their assistance to others.
Something to read about keeping your house safe during a cyclone (This was published on 7/3/25, I only just got this on my Google newsfeed today). Please read this article because it may be useful in the future.
03 March, 2025
01 March, 2025
28 February, 2025
Female Physicians Are Dying by Suicide at Astonishingly High Rates
Holy cow this is totally unacceptable, what price do we put on a human life ? Or any life for that matter!
It says so much about society and this world. Without doctors and veterinarians we are stuffed, remember that. The establishment doesn’t care about the welfare of the doctors anymore than they do about the rest of us. They are sociopaths and it’s a trickle down effect, when it reaches the bottom of the barrel that’s women. We don’t count for shit and it’s always been this way. Even female doctors can be like this with female patients, it’s a case of shit flows down hill. Those without a voice cop the most shit, that’s the patriarchal system, it’s predatory and merciless.
Man 'in limbo' waiting for consultant appointment
These situations are created, they don’t happen by accident. This is politicians at all levels who are to blame. If you have been reading my blog over the past couple of years you can see what my husband has been through and it became critical, and potentially close to dying because of mismanagement in the local hospital.
I have absolutely no time for politicians and the medical establishment hierarchy because of the screw ups we have been through. I can relate to how upset and frightened this man is. I pray that he get help sooner rather than later because he could die while waiting. Ideally he should keep pressure on his local mp, the health minister and anyone that can help him get the care he needs. How much value do you put of a human life? Asking for a friend.
27 February, 2025
Ready for the weekend humour
This is miss Ruby, she can clear the room 🤣🤣🤣 it’s her superpower
Wes Penre: Q and A Session 8, 2025
The first question made me sit up, due to a vision that I had many years ago involving black pods like this, which were set up in a darkened room. This was way before Avatar came out too. It’s a very frightening scenario when you think about it. Dreams and visions like this tend to be very quick for me but they leave a vivid impression
I have read the Urantia book years ago, when a friend loaned it to me, and I thought it wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. It was written by a group of doctors with a ‘new agey’ type of outlook. I would not waste my time reading it ever again. I have already commented about Wingmakers on other posts so, you can read that elsewhere. Ut when you are new to all of this, I guess you need to learn about what is available to read and draw your own conclusions from experience and hindsight when you have enough experience in this area of metaphysics.
Just always err on the side of caution and never put your trust into anything 100%. You must learn to trust your intuition first and foremost. If it doesn’t sit right with you then that’s fine that is your higher self telling you not to accept this information. First impressions are usually correct, though we may not understand or know why at first. It will come clear as time goes by.
24 February, 2025
Parents warn never to kiss a baby on the lips after their daughter suffered brain damage
I saw an article come up on Facebook and knowing that they don’t fact check anything now, I googled this particular article, it’s actually from 2019 but still relevant and really important to get the message out to the public.
What does it take for people to use their brains when it comes to babies and germs? Viruses and bacteria live around us and transmit diseases, use your brain and do not kiss babies or children on the mouth. Never mind the fact that some children are neurodiverse and don’t like to be touched. The whole COVID pandemic has done nothing to make people think about infection and virus control. Nope, everything was just discarded as soon as people felt there was nothing to worry about. Back to the usual habits.
My mother, if I can call her that, was notorious for kissing on the mouth. She had a history of cold sores, but never gave a single thought to transmitting her viral infection. No, my baby got it as did I because of her ignorance. I don’t want others to pay the price of ignorance. Stop and think before you act. Do not touch a baby or child without permission from the parent. It’s called respect and manners for a start. The herpes virus stays in your system permanently, it never goes away. It will keep coming back regularly and you will transmit it to others.
You do not have the right to touch a child or baby, ever, without permission from the parents. Do you want to risk the health of a child because of your stupidity and ego? I am not a tolerant person when it comes to child safety, my newborn baby was infected by my mother due to her ego. Not once did she admit fault. Her enormous ego would never permit fault.
When the damage is done it can’t be undone, the baby lives with the consequences. The immune system is just developing in a new born baby, so please keep that in mind. My husband had a very serious autoimmune disease when my children were conceived and thus both have a damaged immune systems. It’s not rocket science to work this out, unfortunately as young parents we didn’t know that at the time. We obviously knew about infection control, just not DNA damage when it comes to reproduction, back in the day doctors were just learning about DNA damage, so being in our youth we had no idea.
Please keep a watchful eye on your babies and children and educate your family members about transmission of herpes and other viruses. You don’t get a second chance with this.
21 February, 2025
Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice
Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial
Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025, not at all surprising given the state of world affairs these days. March is a month of authority and power, this energy flows on from last months tarot card of the month. remember I said that February and March are connected this year. This is due to unfolding events unfolding in last months post. This year is all about law and order as it is a number 9 year anyway.
Laying down the law old school is the vibe for March 2025. This is easier said than done though. We will see president Trump putting himself in the drivers seat of authority, looking angry and forceful. He is very focused on his purpose at hand, as he seeks to bring back law and order, as he sees it. To bring balance into the world into what he feels is America playing the world policeman. This has many people worried as Mr Trump, like the figure on this card is sitting in front of a curtain or screen, with something to be unveiled. Notice the bright golden sunlight peering over the top of the curtain. This is something on the horizon, meaning it’s just about to happen. I do feel that April is the month the revelation will take place though.
The first half of April is ruled partly by Aries and the planet Mars (warfare/conflict ) which means dynamic action and leadership. This is aimed at the Ukraine-Russia war, Gaza and the economy. The second half is ruled by Taurus and the planet Mercury, this governs earthly matters especially finances and communication of all sorts. Money will play a key figure here too.
Travel will be in the news in March too, expect sudden changes, new rules and laws to be revealed in regards to travel. Inflation will also affect government services and fees, even though interest rates have been cut, (in Australia).
Mr Trump is in no mood for games and he will show the world just how determined he really is. I do feel some countries are afraid to push him because he will snap and retaliate. However with some of the main European nations, they are prepared to push back. These leaders do not like being told what to do in their own countries, which is fair enough. Many of these nations will struggle with the left wing, right wing politics. Which will be very difficult to deal with or drop the left wing, wokeism. This will definitely not sit well with right wing and middle of the road people and politicians.
Mr Trump is more likely to steamroll any woke politicians, he doesn't do live and let live, it's his way or the highway. This includes dealing with foreign nations, he wants to tell them what to do. This is a strong influence of Neptune in his birth chart and his personality. Neptune is the planet that does not respect boundaries.
Meanwhile in Australia, we are in election mode and Mr Albanese is all fired up with a silver tongue to attract the voters. He needs to be very cautious with what he says in public with regards to the Gaza situation or he will upset many people. This is an extremely sensitive situation so he is advised to be very cautious.
There are last minute jitters when it comes to voters, as usual. However this is a divisive election due to the current situation with Gaza. Expect some sudden change of opinion from younger voters.
I see gasps of shock and disbelief in April connected to president Trump. I feel something very serious is going to happen to him or around him. This will take the world by surprise and shock many.
I hear the word sacrifice connected to this situation or event. This is an act of passion and justice. I will leave it at that. As I look back at the tarot card, I see the throne is sitting slightly off kilter or off center. This feels like a world leader being dethroned. I am being drawn to the sword held by the figure on the card and I feel this is a violent act that is about to happen, in the name of "justice". I do not like the feeling of this and this could be the Israeli government moving into higher gear to clear Gaza completely.
I do not want to say anymore on this. I do not like violence, politics or war. I am strictly spiritual and will never choose sides in any conflict because I see all of this as a horrible failure of humanity. I just can't handle people suffering or animals either.
Please take care of your loved ones including all fur babies wherever you live in the world.
We need more love, compassion and grace right now.
Alex 💖
Here is the link to my psychic predictions for the Australian Federal Elections stating the dates 5th and 12th of April for the elections to be held.
20 February, 2025
Looking back to 2005 regarding the state of America
This is from my old blog posted back in 2020, I commented about the state of the US and how I saw the state of America back in 2005, when I had not even started doing tarot readings, but I felt this coming. I said America will be left on its own politically from the rest of the world to sort itself out. This has been taking shape for years and look where we are right now.
Take note of this, because as I have said in previous posts this new Republican administration will shape the next ten years of US politics. After Trump I feel JD Vance will run the country, being elected President that is. This is serious right now not just is the US in a struggle for survival, so are the UK and commonwealth nations in particular and Western Europe.
Western Europe is going to disintegrate in front of our eyes. This is a really sad situation for ordinary people, we don’t deserve to be put through this willful destruction of our lives and countries by the rich and powerful, just because they can.
Tomb of missing pharaoh found in biggest discovery since 1922
What a stunning find after so long, it will be good to see what else is in the tomb. I don’t think there is the same level of excitement in the public these days like when Howard Carter made his great find. But it is still something of interest nonetheless.
What your mouth has to do with your risk of dementia
This is an interesting article not just for us older people, we all need to learn about this terrible disease. Please take the time to read this article. One thing that I am curious about is people my parents age and older having a full set of dentures at a young age, yet still have dementia.
Young women in the old days had all their teeth removed around the time they were having babies, so did this cause infection to get into the bloodstream in their late teens or early 20's? That is decades before the disease takes hold. For instance many of my aunts that died in their 90's did not develop this disease in their 60's or 70's and only one or two ever smoked I have no idea about alcohol consumption, other than at New Year family gatherings. Most of my mum's side lived to ages 88 to 96 and only be in a nursing home in their 90's it is puzzling as to why it takes decades for the disease to manifest.
Yes, some succumb to dementia in their 70's or 80's but some later in old age. Genetics obviously plays it's part too, I just hope that we find a cure soon, as there are young people that are now diagnosed in their 20's with dementia, yet we don't know what triggers it in young people.
The Mediterranean diet has been touted as one of the ideal diets since the 1980's, yet look at the junk food in English language countries as well as a high dependance on processed foods. I personally try to avoid processed foods as much as possible. And almost never eat take away foods, the cost of living crisis is a major problem in food affordability in Australia and Britain meaning many people have to feed their families unhealthy foods just to survive. Add to the problem; the cost of visiting a dentist, many people just cannot afford to see a dentist and that is getting worse in the past 5 years.
18 February, 2025
16 February, 2025
The Empires of Atlantis
A very interesting article that I came across rummaging around in the internet. This makes a lot of sense with the continent sinking gradually and not like the titanic over one day or night. The gradual movement of the people also is more probable and not how it is perceived by ancient scholars, there is no way that a population can just disappear from history or all perish in one day.
13 February, 2025
PFAS or forever plastic in paper straws
With all the talk about Trump banning paper straws, there is a good reason for this. PFAS, which are linked to serious health issues in humans and animals. The picture here is a screenshot of paper straws containing PFAS, click on it to enlarge.
From 1st July 2025 PFAS will be illegal in Australia which means banning anything made overseas entering Australia as well as made in Australia. This is in line with others countries which have already banned PFAS due to the dangers of for ever chemicals.
I am glad that I bought several stainless steel straws a few years ago, I do find it hard getting used to using them and often just don’t use a straw. I did manage to get some new PFAS free plastic straws recently which are handy for going out in the car for a drive or going on a picnic.
12 February, 2025
Australian Federal Election 2025
Well folks it's that time again and everyone is clearly unhappy with the state of affairs. It isn't going to change any time soon. Firstly I would like to say , I feel the elections may be called for 5th or 12th of April, as Easter and ANZAC DAY quickly follow on 18th April and 25th April.
There could be delays or problems with the printing of voting advertising, this should be done before a full moon as to leave things incomplete or started on a full moon tends to be disastrous and doomed to fail.
Mr Albanese is trying to appease the public right now due to numerous factors such as the cost of living crisis, the ongoing war with Palestine and Israel, and homelessness to name a few things. He is under the pump to do something constructive. Emotions are high with the public and he is seen as ineffective where it counts. There is still an air of naivety with the public and politicians that doesn't seem to change. Mr Albanese also tends to put his foot in it and seen as a lightweight leader by many.
I do see the ALP robbing Peter to pay Paul, however there is money put aside for something specific and only a portion upfront to be used publicly. Right now Mr Albanese has to weigh up his options while sticking to the ALP rule book. He is now in overdrive to sell his pitch to the public, trying to prove why he deserves another 4 years in office. Now is the time that he must declare himself to the Australian people, bearing in mind that the Australian government dare not upset the US government. Mr Trump does not take prisoners even with his allies, so expect Australia to bend to his will.
In the current world and national climate Mr Albanese's government is trying to balance the economy, and I see Mr Albanese reaching out asking for advice. He is using the old tactic of offering money to the public to soothe their anger, yet he knows his goose is cooked so to speak. This is his last chance at prime ministership and leadership.
Mr Albanese tries to give the impression that all is good, as he displays an air of confidence to the public. This is rescue mode to save the ALP from disaster. I do not feel that Mr Albanese is actually as confident as he portrays, there is inner turmoil going on behind the scenes, while contending with Donald Trump's tariffs. It is clear that Mr Albanese is only holding on by the skin of his teeth. While he may worry about the election outcome, Peter Dutton does not stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning the elections.
The ALP does seem more together than the LNP coalition (Liberal and National Parties). The risks are way too high for the public to accept Mr Dutton, he is seen as a mini Donald Trump which frightens the public, and I do not feel he is the right fit for a prime minister. I do feel that there will be a replacement to Mr Dutton after the elections. I do not see the LNP taking up office again until 2029. By that time things will be a lot more serious globally and strong leadership will be required in Australia.
The touted replacement for the Liberal leadership position at present seems to be Angus Taylor. There will not be a female leader for many years due to the mindset of the male politicians. However they have allowed a female to be deputy leader, Susan Lay.
I do feel the ALP will lose many seats at this election, while having to rely on the Greens to help them over the hurdle. There is clearly no love lost between the Greens and the ALP, however they need to unite to prevent the LNP from winning the election.
We are not sitting pretty by any means due to so much political instability globally. As I pointed out in my psychic predictions for 2025, this is a year of transformations for the world and this is only the start of the long haul. The ALP has many bases to cover and the public are not fooled one bit as the quality of life is diminishing fast for many people. The ALP have been putting money in all the wrong places as well as overspending in all the wrong places. There is clearly too much left leaning politics which angers the public as well as poor policy handling.
The new US government will definitely affect Australia as our leaders lack the backbone to lead effectively. Can our economy survive? That is the big question, we need a leader who is well skilled in economic stability and diplomacy, who can demonstrate strong leadership skills globally. The election date is a matter of urgency due to the current global instability and things will take a quick turn from here.
The Australian government tends to be trapped by their own fears and insecurities on hot political issues both nationally and globally. By doing this they are made to jump through hoops by others which undermines Australia on the global stage. The politicians though bear the brunt of this by the Australian public. There is clearly division within the Australian public due to politicians inaction and inability to take a firm stand on serious matters. The public have made it clear that they want an end to woke culture and now that Mr Trump is in office we are starting to see the flow on effect hitting Australia. Can the ALP walk back wokeism?
We must again brace for the cost of living rising in certain areas as prices are most certainly going to rise due to the metal industry import export business and other tariffs. Supermarkets will pass on the cost to the consumers as will Petrol prices rise again adding to the price of haulage and putting petrol in your tank for work adding more suffering to ordinary Australians. This cost would rise regardless of who is in office, as we have industry to rebuild and defence to build up to defend our nation.
Expect new legislation to be introduced such as Justice, Law and Immigration changes. A labour crisis will be filled with new arrivals to our shores especially from India to fill job quotas. The Labor government though must clearly state its intentions right now before the elections because people are clearly disappointed with social issues such as the poor handling of crime ( a state government issue), health and homelessness (a state government issue).
No real effort is being made for public housing construction or affordable housing and neither parties seem capable of resolving the issue, yet flood the country with more new arrivals than there are houses to accommodate everyone. The public have had enough of the "be patient" lip service from government as homelessness continues to rise. I do feel that it will take many more years to resolve this problem.
This will be remedied with more high-rise apartments and high density housing, which is very unhealthy psychologically for the public who will have to contend with over crowding and the social ramifications this brings. No lessons have been learned form the social housing experiment in Europe and Britain in the decades following the end of WW2.
Australia is definitely not set up for this lifestyle due to the outdated infrastructure in cities like Sydney and Melbourne. So expect problems arising later down the track.
Copyright Alex Fulford 12 February 2025
Update: Australia is building less houses than 30 years ago. The buck stops with the government, don’t make excuses!
11 February, 2025
RE Australian Federal Election for 2025
I’m currently working on the Australian Federal election for 2025 predictions presently, I already said who will win in my psychic predictions for Australia. However I will post my reading of this tomorrow, so stay tuned, for the other information that I see as I release my predictions.
Peter Dutton will never be prime minister, he makes people nervous as he is seen as a mini Donald Trump. Regardless of the election results we are in for a bumpy ride. Did we expect anything else now that Mr Trump is in charge?
10 February, 2025
Update on Herbie 53 from my US elections for 2025
Doing psychic predictions can be funny at times and this particular one was amusing as well as baffling to me. When my guides showed me Herbie the love bug car.
Then the mystery was finally solved this morning because I googled Elon Mush and Herbie 53. He made a cyber truck to look like Herbie. I don’t know when that was done though but it sure explains why my guides showed me the image of Herbie with the number 53.
I also mentioned a man in the elections being tall, slim and rather mechanical in nature, Elon Musk to a T.
Please click on the link to see the entire article, it turns out as we know the mass deportations happen immediately and Elon Musk in charge of DOGE.
I do feel Donald Trump will only make a short distance in his presidency due to assassination or being dumped and replaced. I am more inclined to say the former. April is a month to watch out for in this regard, whether it’s this year or next year.
09 February, 2025
Tarot Reading on Peter Dutton 2018
This is a tarot reading on Peter Dutton that I did back in 20 August 2018.
I do not think he will ever be Prime Minister, but as we know he is the leader of the Liberal Party currently. He has come close enough though.
I don't think the LNP will win the elections this year but definitely the next elections. Dutton will not be the Prime Minister then either.
I will have a look at the cards for the elections when I have time. I will update this post at the time plus the elections reading on its own page. Remember nothing is set in stone, things do change unexpectedly.
08 February, 2025
My beloved Box Elder
I have a beautiful and huge old Box Elder (Acer negundo) tree in my garden which is around 50 years old, and sadly its at the end of its life. The life span of this type of tree is 50 years. My tree has lost its leaves over the past couple of years and only has a smattering of tiny green leaves left, it can no longer offer any shade like it once did.
I love this tree very much and I am very sad to lose it. The first time I saw this tree, it struck me as special when my family and I came to view the house we intended to buy. Its presence in the back yard was quite something, with beautiful shady branches which kept the ground under the canopy nice and cool on a hot day. Some branches were almost touching the ground back in the day, and everyone admired this tree for its magnificent canopy and height.
My children played under the tree in summer, and we had a table and benches underneath to enjoy the cool shade. I always felt this tree was a beautiful protective tree that had a nice energy about it. I always referred to the tree as a protective guardian. Strong, silent and protective are the words that come to mind when I think of this tree, it has been benevolent and loving like a mother caring for her children.
This coming week the tree has to be cut down and I really dread this loss of this beautiful friend. Having had the pleasure of this tree for 30 years I just don’t want to see it go.
I decided to google the mythological and spiritual meaning of the tree and it comes as no surprise that the native Americans looked upon this tree as a spiritual messenger of transformation and to ward of evil. 2025 is a year of spiritual transformation as well as transformation in other ways.
So with the end of the tree’s life span, a new beginning will take place. I intend to make the ground the tree stood on a spiritual place, and will put plants and shrubs that reflect spiritual growth and protection in this part of the garden. I actually planted a Holly bush next to where the Box Elder stands in the late 90’s so it is East facing and is over 6 foot tall. Holly is important spiritually as it too is protective and wards off evil and bad luck. Holly also represents everlasting life and rebirth. I have another Holly bush planted at the top of the garden too, which acts as spiritual protection too. The wood from a Holly tree was used to make wands for Druids. Did you know it is also planted to act as a lightning conductor? Neither did I, you learn something new everyday.
I love my Celtic culture and wanted to grow shrubs or trees that relate to my Celtic heritage. The interesting thing is I didn’t know that I was psychic when I bought the house or the plants that I planted when we moved in. I didn’t know anything about spiritual protection from trees, that came later. But my intuition must have been guiding me as I bought everything back then. A couple of days ago I was looking up plants and positions for good Feng Shui in the garden including the colours to use and to my surprise I have planted things that tick the right boxes for good Feng Shui. I still need to buy new plants for after this spot has been cleared.
Saturday evening humour just keeps on coming
Especially when you are dealing with a psychic 🤣🤣🤣

This year I am doing the predictions in short bursts and writing them down; and then reviewing them before I post them. Not as easy for me a...