Showing posts with label Psychic Predictions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychic Predictions. Show all posts

25 August, 2022

Tarot card of the month: September 2022, The Knight of Swords


Planet: Uranus     Zodiac: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius 
                                          Element: Air         Gender: Male

Welcome to TCOM for September, this is a month that always goes fast and the end of another year on the horizon. This card points to fast moving action. The wind is blowing and the clouds are parting, the trees are being blowen in an easterly direction. Which implies coming from the west and fast. The knight of swords is rushing head long into conflict.

Notice the young knight is tooled up for action or a fight, heading forward into battle, this can be foolish and naΓ―ve on his part though. Has he been informed of all the facts? Or does he just dive on in without thinking through the consequences? Notice the knight is heading in a westerly direction too from the east. This implies male aggression driving this aggressive energy.

The knight has his visor up on his helmet so that he can see clearly what lies in front of him such as an enemy or opponent. His sword is raised in an ungloved hand, as in the saying the gloves are off. However the other hand is gloved as he grips the horses reigns firmly. On his helmet is a red feather plume blowing in the wind implies a fast thinking mind, feathers are an aspect of the element air. The knight's red cape blowing in the wind and he is wearing a full suit of armor including the gauntlet  (glove) on his left hand. The cape implies secrecy, protection, silence and also withdrawal and pride.

Gloves can conceal or hold in, they a can be a symbol of power, nobility or a craftsman that has to protect his hands from injury. The sword is in his right hand again that is male dominance and aggression. The sword in hand also covers defending, authority, sweeping action and power.

The ground beneath his horse changes from red to yellow this could imply the knight is going into another country, over a border. The colours remind me of DEFCON  1 to 5. These being going from DEFCON 3  to 2 moving west, bringing conflict to the west. Basically this card is showing us the east is facing off to the west and it is gaining momentum. We are currently at DEFCON 4.

Now what I see are countries in conflict, Russia, Ukraine, Crimea obviously, I also feel other European countries being dragged under the wheels of this conflict as the months roll on. This is NATO/EU countries that sat back and watched are now gradually getting dragged under the wheels of unwanted conflict. This conflict is picking up speed as we head into autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere. Putin is moving into high gear, but in the mean time  financial issues are getting worse. 

Finland needs to be very cautious from here on in and perhaps Latvia. Add Pakistan in another conflict that is simmering with India and Bangladesh and China. 

As I look at the card I am drawn to the butterflies on the horses reigns, butterflies are symbolic of transformation, usually spiritually but I would say this is a transformation of Europe. Remember in one other TCOM, I mentioned the map of Europe is being redrawn as we speak? This is yet another warning to us that this transformation is happening right now. I notice the colours of Ukraine are in this card again 

Now keep an eye on Clause Schwab from here on in. This is a serious issue as he along with his World Economic Forum (WE) are playing a dangerous game. People are being distracted away from watching him and the WEF as they try to implement draconian measures. This is a critical situation that the public as well as governments may be distracted from by the media. This is a big mistake because these are not good not honest intentions being planned. People must keep an eye on the WEF constantly because they are, as many people are fully aware trying to force all of us into a one world government. Reduce our rights, our incomes and life savings. While they get even richer and clearly profiting from this abuse and outright theft of our money. This will also leave nations poorer and dropping western living standards drastically. 

More revelations about vaccines come to light and the urgent push to force us into taking these toxic experiments. Prepare to see further push backs against this but also the counter pushing of this evil agenda. 

Money and unemployment are hot topics in September as is war and new military technology being rolled out in the news. Also what it will cost  nations to gear up for war. War puts nations into debt as well as ordinary people as we know. Only manufacturers and international banks make profit from blood. 

More food crisis is indicated for September as the Northern hemisphere heads towards autumn and winter. The southern hemisphere heads into spring and summer there could be rain and possible flooding or damage to crops, But by December I feel that will be the tail end of this weather pattern. Things will brighten up in December in warm countries like Australia for crop growing.

I see Cherries in summer but they wont be cheap. Alcohol prices will go up twice  before December  to cover transport costs and crop loss. I don't see priced going down for a while if they actually do go down.  I feel sweeping new laws and changes. Keep an eye on China at this time too with regards to law changes and more harsh control. 

More violence and crime is indicated in regards to youth crime and violence. Knife attacks are more common and carelessness, reckless crime and violence including cars being stolen, used in crimes including ramming police, which is the latest  popular violence against police and must be dealt with severely. Poor judgment and hot tempers in September and parents need to step up more in a pro active way. Teaching children right from wrong and the consequences of their actions.

These out of control kids need to be steered away from crime and violence and gang culture. The buck stops with parental responsibility and accountability starting in the formative years onwards.

I hear October, we need to stay vigilant for something bad happening in October too. I don't like the feeling of this so be very careful.

Note: The symbolism here are taken from 21 ways to read a tarot card by Mary Greer.

Update: Out of control young men, mass stabbing in Canada.😭

Dublin Ireland, children stabbed to death 😭

 Flooding in Wee Waa northern NSW.

Putin announces partial military mobilisation. Not good, but he has been pushed into this by the west. It’s a proxy war. 

16 July, 2022

Tarot card of the Month: August 2022, 7 of Cups


                                          Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Pisces   Planet: Neptune, Jupiter

                                         Element: Water   Direction: West  Gender: Female 

                                         Season:  Autumn/Fall in Northern Hemisphere 

Number 7 meanings for this particular card and month are; defiant and impatient

August seems to be a month for caution, where all is on offer with an air of naivety and  mystery.

Who knows what the results will be? Surprises that's for sure.

Beauty and fashion are in the hopes and dreams of some, keep it real and achievable. There is an air of secrecy in major world events, politically, financially and in conflict. There is toxic energy indicated due to emotions of religious fervor and spiritual beliefs showing the ugly side of people. 

Emotional issues are indicated for August, communication must be handled with care, especially if it is of a political nature. This also covers the current unrest in Sri Lanka, and countries  like Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, France and naturally Italy at present.

I feel greed and looting connected to countries like Sri Lanka , Africa, and countries experiencing conflict, especially poor countries.These are opportunist crimes taking place including stealing from the poor. 

Real estate is in the news and this could mean interest rate hikes and house prices rising again. I do not think that the prices will stay high, I do feel there will be a big drop in house prices eventually. That may be due to governments actually doing something to stop the prices being beyond the availability of ordinary people.  This though will take a while if they actually intend to do anything to stop this farce of over inflating the value of houses. 

This card also shows that there is victory over adversity for some people, I feel this is connected to Ukraine in some way. 

All is clearly not what is seems on the face of it, so take time to examine and look behind any offers being presented to you, or even information presented to see what is really happening. I feel this applies to the news coming out of mainstream media, just for a change, lol. The Ukrainian war and covid are just two of the things covered here and all shortages, which are manufactured.

The wool is being pulled over our eyes, so question everything that you see and hear, because you may just be taken for a ride by powerful people with a vested interest in misleading the public.

 Communication is not clear in  August so keep your wits about you especially with scammers, phone and email scams ramping up again. Take no risks with anything. Do not accept anything at face value.

Keep an eye on older relatives that may fall prey to phone scams and hacking. Educate the elderly on dangers and if they don't recognize a phone number do not answer it. If it is a genuine call they will leave a text or voice message.   

I see Putin pushing himself forward again, as do Biden and Xi. I feel impatience and clouded judgement connected to these individuals. Pawns are being moved forward on the chessboard again.  I feel water in relation to this as in the Sea and the Navy. I feel China will be harassing and buzzing around Australian and US naval vessels by air and sea; and possibly Australian and US military aircraft being buzzed by the Chinese military. It is just ongoing mischief and China has no intention of stopping this game of chicken. 

Financially speaking China is showing signs of cracking,The government will resort to tightening the money on ordinary people and obviously that will not go down well.

More embarrassment for BoJo is coming out,this could be in regards to alcohol and drugs connected to Downing Street, parliament and partying. 

There is more confusion around traveling for the world, especially for the northern hemisphere. The UK, Europe, USA and Canada, covid related restrictions and passports. No one knows what to do.  

I see a blond haired, slim built woman involved in a scandal, it could possibly be of a sexual nature. She is a socialite or an actress and I am shown a woman with a tan all over and long straight blond hair, I don't think she is a natural blond. This could be a very embarrassing situation for her. I am not a follower of celebrities so I have no idea who she is I get a vague image of one of the Kardashians as a rough image to how this lady looks.  She is well advised to keep a low profile for a while.

As I look at the & of cups I am drawn to the middle of the card. There is a cup or chalice that has a  figure covered by a white cloth which is shimmering in red energy. This feels like a warning to people that are following fake spirituality. Be warned, all is definitely not as it seems, hoodwinked and deluded, virtue signaling is put on a pedestal. 

Do not part with any money for any so called spirituality event, retreat, membership, charity purposing to be spiritual, it is a con. Hold on to your money, do research on the group or organization and most importantly do not join it! There is an element of a scam or slight of hand going on. This card warns of deception going on and especially where money is concerned.

The number 7 on this card is also a warning of this deception and temptation. The grey colour of the cloud is spirituality, blue is for communication, consciousness and the  realm of the mind. So please don't fall for the "old Jedi mind trick". I feel a dark haired man is involved in this.

You cant con an honest person , so they say. No, but you can deceive them if they are naive. There are a lot of naive people  in this world too, so be wary.

The snake in the card is also touching the cup with the figure under the white cloth, (holy spirit) Is it really a spiritual offering or is it the booby prize or a rip off? 

We are clearly not getting  what we need or want in August 2022, in the important things that matter in life.Stability, financial stability, a stable home, protection from poverty and suffering. Peace from a world in conflict, and restrictions on our lives. 

Notice the little castle in the cup symbolising shelter, protection from the environment and any threats to our  survival. 

The jewels in the cup represent materialism, worldly goods, greed and wealth. The wreath in the other cup represents victory, being a winner. But who is the real winner and the real loser? 

The dragon in the cup represents fear or benevolence, I would also add spiritual energy.

The face in the cup represents a god like being, mysterious, radiant figure, (Think fake spirituality/ guru)

The snake represents the universal symbol of spirituality like the ouroboros ( the snake eating it's tail).

Psychic power, treachery or the underworld of wisdom of the unconscious. Fierce vigilant power of the libido (Scandal). 

Reversed meaning of the card is shadowed, implying secretive activity or thoughts, be they good or bad. Being a darkened figure also suggests duality in any situation. The fact that the figure is all black symbolises mystery, silence, despair, ignorance (unable to make up one's mind or know what is  the right thing to do or even think). Trans-formative energy once one makes an informed decision or choice, including taking action once informed).

This cup is also emotional energy so it could be an emotional reaction or fantasy/imagination running riot. It could be logical, but one must be grounded and rational to make a wise decision because it may well affect other people too.

The white cover on the middle cup can symbolise virtue, innocence, purity, truth or truce (surrender),

I will add naivety  as well as sterility or weakness. This is related to the warning on spiritual scams and also any religious fanaticism and beliefs. 

The grey cloud represents spirit or consciousness, balance, neutrality, poverty, indifference, sadness and loneliness.  Grey also represents our spiritual connection to the all that is or universal consciousness.

Blue: Truth, calmness, peace, cold, melancholy and spirituality. Blue also connects to the healing energy from the heart chakra. Think of the turquoise stone and the calming energy it gives off including warding off negative energy.

Red around the white cloth is glowing and illuminating with life force, action, passion and will. Think of the religious and spiritual energy all fired up. I do warn against fake spirituality. But keep an eye on the abortion issue firing up people with firm religious beliefs too. Leave this alone there are no winners in this situation. This is a world of extreme polarities and that energy can be very destructive in the hands of spiritually young souls, it is dynamite.

Please stay safe, stay calm and above all think before reacting. keep love in your hearts and go forward in peace.

Blessings and free hugs,


Looting in poor countries DRC.

BoJo strikes again. If ever there was a political version of Frank Spencer it is BoJo.

Scams, stop and think before you pay. When in doubt contact the place on a different phone number they have or go in person and ask questions.

Blonde haired woman in scandal 21/8/22

22 June, 2022

Tarot Card Of The Month: July 2022, The Moon


                        ELEMENT: Water        PLANET: Neptune      ZODIAC Pisces

                        SEASON: Autumn (in northern hemisphere)   DIRECTION: West

Note: I was going to go with the 9 of swords, but I had to stop due to interruptions. But this card carries the same number and a similar message is conveyed.

The powers at play are getting too close for comfort, mediation is needed to stop leaders from punching on. I see political ideologies at loggerheads, east and west. Division’s, separations. Reality versus insanity, delusion and not facing reality. This is a powder keg in the making and people need to keep their heads down politically speaking.

This feels like people pushed to their limits of endurance. Not just world leaders, but ordinary people are being pushed to the limit with poverty, food shortages which are entirely man made by design and not what we are told in the media. Financial difficulties, homelessness and conflict,  including Ukraine and the issues with China on the boil and other nations struggles. We are living in a greater unstable world from here on in. We all collectively must take a few steps back and look at the realities of each nation and examine how to resolve these issues. 

Sadly I don’t think the will and intentions are really there. That is not acceptable and unfair on the innocent of the world. Division creates distortion of truth and pushes people apart. Russia and China are highly skilled in destabilisation but so is the US and that must be acknowledged too. 

Look behind who is saying what. What is their reason and agenda? I see tears shed over loss in July, there are mind games being played out with this, so sit back, watch and think before jumping to the conclusions that are presented to you. The masses are being deliberately led to come to a particular conclusion and belief, reaction and or taking action.  Stop and think or you just may live to regret this.

Don’t think the grass is any greener on the other side because it may well just be illusionary, designed to sway your opinion. Beware and savvy on how propaganda works, it is more powerful and ever so more subtle than you actually realise.  Do not engage in anything that generates fear, because the chances are you are being manipulated. Some areas of the media may well be engaging in deliberate miscommunication, jumping the gun so to speak before they have all the facts on something very serious.

There may well be a time gap or delay  of between two weeks to a month before the actual real truth comes out. This is political so be wary this may involve finance/ money. 

Now looking at the card, there is the moon over shadowing the sun. The moon is trying to block out the sun. This affects the human mind and thought process, by such things as illusion, deception, misunderstanding, poor communication resulting in a mix up. Depression, fear and anxiety are indicated in the interpretation of this card.

Now the blue sky is clear, no clouds are present, that is a good sign. We see the yods which look like teardrops and there are 15 of them. The yods symbolise grace. There are 15 of them, adding the 5 + 1 we get 6, meaning the divine feminine. The card is ruled by feminine energy and male energy as the card is 8 +1 = 9, 9 being male energy. 

The sun does it’s best to illuminate the earth with it’s light, notice the little spikes around the sun. There are 16  chief rays around the sun and 16 secondary rays around the sun. 16 + 16= 32. Add 2 + 3=5which is the number of man. The balance of male and female energy is vital, conflict arises when there is imbalance. 

Now as I mentioned the moon is trying to over shadow the sun. Does it succeed?  No, not necessarily it is all down to how we perceive it. However there is also a path, indicating  taking the middle ground, which would be the wise thing to do. If we only stop to think before reacting. July is a reactionary month so please be warned.   

Two animals are present on the card. A wolf and a dog both howling at the moon, they are separated by a path. It looks good divided land. Also it can be looked upon as good guy and bad guy, but which is which? It’s all down to perception. Notice the crayfish coming out of the water, the water is calm where the crayfish emerges from the water. He doesn’t fully emerge though, he gives the suggestion that he will. Hold that thought, it is only suggestion, that is a vital piece of information right there so do not forget that. As it comes back up again shortly.

The dog and the wolf represent the animal self, the crayfish is something different as it comes up from the deep. Deep universal primordial fear in man. Something always keeps that primal fear at bay though, thankfully preventing it from escaping or getting loose and creating absolute mayhem and havoc on the human mind and the world at large. It is a destructive force. So you see there has to be a powerful counter balance between forces.

The towers in the card represent polarity, they  also represent a pathway in the card. The road or path sits in between the towers, and this is more of a metaphysical thing that is taking place here. It represents a spiritual journey between worlds for those that are ready, the towers represent the Kabbalah tree of life. 

This card in a layout can represent the encouraging of a creative mind. Creative, spiritual or artistic practices. The moon card can symbolise spiritual awakening too. Think of the rising of the kundalini from the base chakra as it rises up the spinal column. Great care must be taken not to let this spiritual energy rise too fast or too soon, as it is so powerful and  affects the human mind.

It is advised to see this card as a gateway card according to Rachel Pollack in her book, 78  degrees of wisdom. The tarot cards are such a empowering tool for the understanding of the human condition and spiritual understanding, psychologically and the entire human experience in general. I look upon the tarot as a wise gift to humanity as we do not come with an instruction book to help us navigate our way through life. The tarot are one of the closest tools to human understanding. 

The number 9 is emotionally calm, melancholy, satisfied, content or lonely. Reversed it is lacking discipline and self awareness, dependency, hostility, inner wisdom, humanity compassion and no physical gain, think spiritual enlightenment.

Now unusually, I have done this card of the month over two days due to other things going on in my life. My hands are also getting worse so I do what I can in between times. This turns out to be a serious warning for this month’s TCOM too.

More planetary upheaval is indicated for July 2022, I am drawn to the mountains as I look at the card and we collectively have a long arduous journey ahead of us. Are we fools being taken for a ride yet again? You decide! Clearly things are not what we are being told in the media.

Struggles continue along the same path and no one is paying attention. The leaders of the world and of Ukraine and Russia have taken their eyes off the ball again, distracted by illusion. Seeing things that are not there, communication is not clear in the world of international politics. It’s like start - stop, wait, can you clarify that please. I feel that the relaying of information is not being handled correctly or clearly. It’s like someone is in the middle changing the message deliberately at some point in the communication. A person or a group changing the information.

As I look at the card I am being drawn to the pile of rocks at the edge of the water next to the yellow wolf. There are seven rocks of various sizes. They remind me of the saying, never put all your eggs in the one basket. This could quite rightly be the case with this card for July, because there is a warning that we all must be on guard for. 

The more I look at the imagery I feel that someone is over armed, heavily tooled up. That would be Ukraine and they are doing the west’s dirty work for them. Now notice that both the dog and the wolf are looking up at the moon. Both are actually distracted and do not notice the crayfish emerging from the water, more fool them because they are caught off guard. The crayfish can sneak up on them both and steal the rocks without them noticing. Now that is called being asleep at the wheel folks! Heed this warning. 

Some country is pulling a swiftly right in front of them, a third party opportunist striking at a brief window of opportunity. They are acting in a rather selfish and dishonourable way. While weary nations go toe to toe. Talk about a gutter level low act. This is a European country doing this. I did mention in a previous TCOM, that a third nation becomes involved somewhere in this, but this doesn’t have to be the same nation or third party already mentioned in previous posts.

This skulduggery just adds to the problem. This country is doing so because they can, not for altruistic reasons, setting the cat among the pigeons, charming! This will end up with many nations being angry with each other. Destabilising the situation to cause more infighting. I feel this could become explosive within a month of this particular event. Old rivalry and old issues from the past get dredged up after people have tried putting it all to rest to work for a common good. That turned out to be too good to last unfortunately. 

Young people though just can’t get their heads around this because they believe that countries should move on from the past. Watch the younger people take to social media venting their frustrations with all of this. NOW, bear this in mind everyone!  One simple expression, divide and conquer. See the picture yet?

Dividing people any way possible, disloyalty to each other, destroying society. That sounds deliberate does it not? Now just stop and think who actually benefits from all of this social divide and anger? It is not the ordinary people now is it? But it definitely benefits someone I assure you. 

People are starting to really feel the pinch of shortages now too. Anger, frustration and fear grips society as we lurch from one problem to another. So there is a pattern emerging from 2019 onwards, is it going to be a decade of mayhem? Only time will tell but I am pretty sure that it will be something like that. Life will definitely not be easy for many of us.

My advice and warning is, keep life simple for your own good. Learn to stop, listen and rethink. Because that my just be your saving grace.

Acting in haste spells disaster, be warned, hot impulsive actions are never in our best interests or intentions. So please stay clam and rational. Think twice and when in doubt, do nothing but wait, watch and listen. This is a global warning!

Stay safe, stay calm and stay informed. Peace and blessings, free hugs to all. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸŒ·


31 May, 2022

Lithuanian public buy drone for Ukraine

When I did the tarot card of the month back in April for May, I picked up Lithuania and didn’t know what it was other than a connection to Ukraine in some way. This only just scraped in for the last day in the month. What an amazing and beautiful gesture from the people of Lithuania to the people of Ukraine. 

21 May, 2022

RE: The Australian Federal Elections Today 21 May 2022

Here is my psychic prediction for the Elections today from April 28th. I said Labor will win.  It seems people are looking under the wrong posts. I didn't know when I did my yearly predictions that this was an election year so I wasn't looking for that. Therefore it is not in my yearly psychic predictions.

Below is my YouTube video from  31 March 2022. Tarot card of the month for  April, where I say Labor will win at 7.43 m. This was a surprise to me when it came out of my mouth as I did not put it into the written version on my blog. I had not planned to say anything about the elections. This just came out as I was talking. That happens from time to time and I am as surprised as anyone. Normally I will do a few layouts when I am actually looking at elections as I did  right after this video and I scribble it down on A4 note pads like all readings that I do. To be honest I can't stand politics and know absolutely nothing about politics. 

Sometimes I actually have trance medium experiences as I do readings. Which means I am in auto pilot and June's card of the month had this happen as I was given a strange quote. As I was typing out my blog post and that quote was not in the notes that I had to copy from. I had no control over it as it came out. But I have left it as is because of lessons from the last time I removed something important. 

Which was when I wrote the prediction of Gaddafi's death, foolishly though I deleted a week later because I did not like what was coming through as I was typing it. It felt very archonic. I tried to see if there was something on the way back machine but no there wasn't any copy.  Yeah, I am good at  screwing up like that, lol. Act in haste and repent at leisure as they say. I just need to leave things alone when they are done. Even though it was done in a trance like state as I was typing.

I try to avoid things that come though if  feels like I am being taken over by an unseen force. Even though I am a trance medium, I am very against trance-mediumship and automatic writing because that can often come from malevolent sources. But this source always sounds the same every time I have an experience like this. Once these entities gain your trust they can destroy you and I have seen this happen to other people. So I am very strict with what I do.

 The language used by these beings is always sort of biblical, with the June prediction  though it reminded me of Shakespeare too. How bizarre is that? ALP WON 

20 May, 2022

YouTube: Tarot card of the month: June 2022

The YouTube version is very slightly different to the written version.

Also I am about to do a little video on grief and it’s effect on both the living and the deceased. 


28 April, 2022

The Australian Federal Elections 21 May 2022

 I didn't know if I was going to take a stab at the elections until today. This is the hardest one that I have ever done. Harder to pick than a broken nose as they say.

This year people are quite anxious about what the elections will bring. Some people are angry with ScoMo (Scott Morrison) Some think that Albo or A've been sleazy ( Anthony Albanese ) doesn't have what it takes to lead the nation. One thing to keep in mind on the day is, the winner will bring with them a different set of problems. This is just what we don't need!

Looking at the layout someone is aiming high and their luck is in. The promises made at the election campaign cannot be kept as usual. Both for practical reasons as well as the BS. Money needs to be invested in Australia fast to protect Australia. I see small drops of money given here and there to keep people sweet, but big money must be in defence and border security immediately. Time will move fast when this election is over and the new party takes up office . Whom ever is in office will leave their mark and not in a good way either. There will be losses or stuff ups of great importance because the ALP took their eye off the ball, and the people that were swept off their feet with elation in the election results will feel let down. 

Dirty tricks are being played out at present and some people will be swayed at the poling booths due to deception and dirty tricks. Anthony Albanese I feel is naive and needs to smarten up fast, should he win this election. He must keep looking over his shoulder for the enemies within the party trying to sabotage him. He will be hounded by the usual thugs in the party unless he can lay the smackdown hard on them.

I do not think he has it in him to be able to slay this demon group of thugs. None of them mind you will be prime minister, no they are the ratbags that make a career of destroying people and Australia. 

From the public image that Mr Albanese puts out he comes across as self effacing, this could be a ploy for sympathy though and is unattractive for a leader of a political party. I would say he is sneaky more than self effacing though because to survive in politics one must be tenacious and as hard as nails. Nice guys do not fit the bill.  Now as I look over the cards and doing a few layouts this is what the cards reveal. 

I feel Scott Morrison does not have fate on his side for winning an election this year. He seems to be losing appeal and appears to be scrambling to keep control. The following cards, The World, 5 of Wands and The Tower seem to shows an ending, a fateful situation, as Scott Morrison forges on with the campaign trail. I feel he will be swept aside in the battle. This could also point to a new leader being elected to head the coalition. I feel Morrison's time is up and it is time to move on, perhaps to an overseas position.

The NLP don't seem to do too badly in the election  per say but the time for a new leader is evident. As the dawn breaks after the election day is over, it s time for a new leader and a new direction for the NLP. Too many mistakes and delays have been made over the past two and a half years and this has cost the NLP.

I do not see Barnaby Joyce ( National Party) in that position either as he is rather reckless. He would not be good for the party nor the nation. I would hazard a guess at Josh Frydenberg or Dutton, It will be a dark haired man that will take over the leadership. ( Allow for hair  graying). (update:  22/5/22 Dutton:a strong possibility) Note: Peter Dutton is dark haired but going bald as is Josh Frydenberg. 

Anthony Albanese  has been again offered a golden opportunity just like the last election. He must be prepared to step up to the plate again, this is his second chance at this. As I look at the cards I see he has an important benefactor behind him, supporting him for this position. This is an older man that has schooled him behind the scenes. Someone like Paul Keating comes to mind.

Anthony Albanese must take a stand for Australia and democracy. Something has always held him back I see. This I feel is his own fears of the future as well as dirty tricks in the party. He has this one last chance and his benefactors tell him this is it. There are no other chances to come up with the goods. The path has been paved for him so to speak.

He has to stop playing the poor little me game and get on with it. I feel he has been warned not to blow it this time. Like he did at the last election, losing the unlosable election stuff up. Talk about Frank Spencer!

Mr Albanese must put all that behind him and show leadership. The Empress card shows leadership and abundance around him, so the time is ripe for him to win, time will tell of course. I do feel that the ALP will win this election.

As I look at the cards, Penny Wong keeps showing up, She is a very disruptive individual in the party and has been linked to overthrowing the leaders of the party, Abbott, Rudd, Gillard, Shorten.  Mr Albanese needs to watch out for this little minx.   

One thing that I will keep in mind on election day is, Labor  will not increase welfare payments. The ALP have a penchant for supporting China and over many decades have done a lot of damage to our industry and the economy. Politics is an ugly and dark business, not something that I like to deal with, as I do not trust any of them period!

 On a side note, My wedding anniversary falls on the 13th of May, Scott Morrisons birthday is the same date. Anthony Albanese was born the same year as me too. How is that for a koinkydink πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

UPDATE:  Albanese and ALP win

UPDATE: Peter Dutton is the new leader of the Liberal party.

20 April, 2022

Tarot card of the month: May 2022, 8 of Wands   YouTube version

Element: Fire   Season: Summer   Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 
Cardinal point of direction: South. Realm:  Spirit. Colour: Yellow. Gender: Male 

Key words: Creative energy, Passion, Quick Action, News, Conclusions

Spiritual progress can be made this month also.

Starting with the number, symbols and colours; the number 8 interpretations for this card are Regeneration, Extension, Expansion, Disruption, Complexity, Poor judgment, Control, Dispose, Regiment

Wands  for this particular card symbolise; risk, energy, taking action, status and perception. Emotionally this card is determined, defiant, inflamed and stubborn.

Trees act like the human spine and connect the spirit world to the earth with enduring energy and strength. These trees look small and stunted though and we are looking at them from a distance.
The sky is bright blue which symbolises the  spirit realm, moods and emotions. 
Green is symbolic of nature, growth, rebirth and regeneration and life force, Springtime, healing. Next we notice the body of water; which is still and clam. Notice it sits in between two lands. To me this tells me something that I will cover later in the reading. Water is a purifying agent, it represents the mind and consciousness connecting us to greater spirit and universal consciousness, it is fertile and creative also. 
Yellow, this is just a very slight fleck of yellow here and this is in the distance and the colour of the castle on the hill. To me this represents someone in a far off land cooking up or hatching a plan. Two people on my mind here are Vlad the lad and  Biden. 

Now for the reading itself, Something is coming to a conclusion here, this is not the war in Ukraine though, that will intensify. There are multiple things going on in May so stay focused as this also affects the human thought process and our minds. This is something hitting us continuously or multiple things happening at once, now that in itself is something that worries me. Humanity is being bombarded with several things at once is an overload and overwhelming for us. That is not a good thing as it produces stress and anxiety. Keep your cool and just do the best that you can. Do not over extend yourself or put others in that situation as it will be disastrous. 
Looking at the card we see the sky takes up a large area of the card, this blue sky is to do with spirit and some of us will feel a spiritual connection this month. But that doesn’t mean life is going to be easy or hunky dory either. In this card we see a castle on a hill in the distance and rolling green hills and green fields, in the foreground is a body of water and then more green land. That water signifies emotions and the mind or conscious. 
To me as I look at the card the two parts of green land either side of the water looks like two, separate countries. The body of water separates them. Sweden popped into my mind as I looked at the card as did Lithuania. 
As I look further at the card I am drawn to the trees, which are symbolic of growth and expansion, I get a feeling of things getting progressively worse in Ukraine as Russia steps up the war. Looking down at the right hand corner next to the signature of Pamela Coleman Smith, I noticed three little black blobs and then a little row of more black blobs signifying more military vehicles coming into Ukraine. As we know the second phase of the war has begun, I feel further incursions are coming deeper into Ukraine, but there is another nation involved now. I get the feeling of another nation being caught up in the war, this could be accidental as I feel that a stray missile may go over a border into a neighbouring country (Lithuania?) 
I see a mountainous area involved.  This is by no means the end of war, this is it now and we start to see how things are taking shape. 

Putin has no intention of backing down, he can’t even if he wanted to. He risks losing face in his homeland and worldwide, so Russia is committed to this war now and will stay the distance. This does not look good. The EU are unsure of what to do next, there is talk going on but no real answers of what they should do next. Clearly the EU, NATO and the US are floundering. None of them want to really put men on the ground to push back against Russia. 
The US in the meantime are getting fed up and want to see results, as everyone is pushing munitions and, equipment into the war and nothing is happening that they want. Back in the US they have major problems because of Biden and what to do about him, plus a divided nation. The US are stalling for time back home as they push the EU to do something.  

The EU don’t seem to have what it takes to make intelligent decisions so they just pump munitions into the war and hope for the best. This will not work long term and they know that. It is a tactic to buy time before this war spills over into other countries. 
Civilians are getting impatient and distressed by all of this time wasting as innocent people are being killed, tortured and abused. As the EU sit back twiddling their thumbs reluctant to actually do something.
No one wants to take on Vlad the lad, meanwhile business feel the pinch and people are starving.
As we know Ukraine will get flattened by Russia but guess who profits from this? That’s right big businesses, offering to rebuild and the offer bank loans should Ukraine stay out of Russian hands. 
Russia will not let go of Ukraine because it puts the US right on their doorstep.

Many Ukrainian people will be very angry about this situation as they are the meat in the sandwich here with no one to protect them. Also wondering who benefits from this war because it is not them , the ordinary people. They see Ukraine being a puppet of the US and there will be mounting distrust of the US and Russia; expect this suffering to go on for many years which includes the rebuilding of Ukraine.

By summer Biden is becoming  a thorn in the side of the US  as he will be seen more and more as unfit to govern the country. This will now be the start of removing Biden from office, as summer comes the voices get louder to remove him. 

The times are interesting right now as I said there are multiple events or things taking place in May and this is just the start. People are also feeling isolated, poverty, food shortages and price increases that prevent people from affording food. Financial struggles are biting and people struggle because they can’t pay their bills. Increase of interest rates fuel this situation because young families are hurting, they have crippling power bills on top of that. This could start people taking to the streets to protest because they need help due to the severe hardship.

I see a man picking up,a TV and throwing it, symbolising people no longer believe what is on the news every day. They no longer trust the media or the government. 
Society is lost in the turmoil with no one to trust and no real leadership, there are too many talking heads but no leadership, structure to society.
Health remains a critical issue and I see ambulances in disarray, this feels like industrial action. Now this could be in Australia and other places like the US. This is due to poor work conditions and covid on top of that, with very little staffing and resources. The government will only offer a mere token gesture to these hard working stressed medics, who are broken by years of neglect and being kicked to the kerb for so long that they can no longer cope. 

Conflict is happening in many parts of the world right now, everyone is suffering and I don’t see any improvement to this situation. This is brought about by corporate greed and corruption in government worldwide. My advice to the ordinary people is keep your head down and stay under the radar. Many people are volatile right now and it is only going to get worse. Avoid crowds wherever you can and that includes shopping centers and other public places because many people can no longer keep their anger in check and are likely to erupt and that includes taking their anger out on other people’s children in violence.
Please do not put your children at risk from harm, children in tense situations will become difficult to deal with for parents and all it takes is a child to arc up and a stranger suddenly loses control and attack the child. So please be mindful and if your child is stressed or grouchy avoid taking them to the shops. 
If you can get a babysitter that’s great but not everyone has that luxury unfortunately.
You may have to have a little discussion with your children to, teach them to read the warning signs of danger and how to avoid such things. Boy that is not an easy task. Might be easier for some to say here have a lollipop. I’m worried about children with sensory problems being put in danger and there are  many children like this nowadays. Please take care and shield them from angry people. Kids don’t understand and they are left with trauma after such horrible situations.
I wish we had a better world where people were nice to each other but that is not the reality we live in. I do hope that people do benefit from the spiritual energy for the month of May.  I hope it can defuse some of the terrible problems in this world.

Please stay safe, learn to read signs of danger and get away from the situation before anything happens. Practice being careful and vigilant. Live peacefully and mindful towards others including animals. Mindful is the key word for the times that we are living in. 
Love, blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs from Aunty Alex

 Victoria, Hospitals and Ambulances. Hmm if the minister of health is whining about this then maybe he should man up and actually do something to fix it. The buck stops with him and Labor have been in office for a few years in Victoria so what’s the story? You get the idiots you deserve if you keep voting for chairman Dan, that’s what! Sweden thinking of joining NATO , well there was already talk about this.

UPDATE: 20 May 2022
 Putin sends Terminator tanks into Ukraine.  Russia claims to have taken full of Mariupol . They ain't going to stop any time soon either.

UPDATE:  The something, and multiple things happening in May that I mentioned could be the so called Monkeypox BS. Like I said the mind is involved here. Mind games to keep people fearful. Don’t play the game this is the new normal non stop viruses just like Gates said, he must have the script to follow πŸ€”πŸ˜‘πŸ€¬
UPDATE Lithuanian 31 May,2022. Wow, what a beautiful gesture from Lithuania. 

Update: 6th June 2022 Russia warns Lithuania 

20 March, 2022

Reading on Ukraine and Russia

 This is a complex reading for me and I have gone over the cards again and again. Some cards keep popping up in several layouts. That confirms things when certain cards keep on popping up and that tells the reader that this is not wishful thinking, it is real. Now I could be completely wrong with this outcome, I honestly don't know. I am ferreting through seven sheets of notes on A4; looking for the important stuff. Some of which is written in a hurry that I struggle to read it. But that’s just the way I work, lol. I will hang on to the notes for future reference. Normally after I do the reading I rip up the notes on predictions as it is all put on line. 

Starting with Mr Zelensky, what seemed good at the start of his leadership has changed; now he is literally in the fight for his life. As a tool of western leaders, Mr Zelensky had no idea of how things would pan out and when no longer able to do his job he needs to be very careful as he may just be sacrificed, he will hang on to the bitter end though. 

He did not intend to be a war hero or even be in any conflict. I would call him too trusting and a tad naΓ―ve in the politics game dealing with the powerful west and Russia. I feel Zelensky doesn’t really have the strength to deal with war and turmoil; he is badly shaken by these horrific events unfolding and I don’t see him in office when this war ends. I understand how he feels regarding the western leaders. He feels his country is abandoned except for the arms and supplies. 

The UK and US never wanted Ukraine in NATO or the EU; so the security that they hoped for is not even on the table. The west doesn't have an real big interest in the assets of Ukraine even thought they are a big producer of wheat and the gas pipeline and other things. Mr Zelensky is now in a terrible situation to save his people and his country. I do not feel he has the strength and numbers to handle this and will eventually buckle due to Russian troops on his doorstep. Mr Zelensky’s back is to the wall right now. His frequent requests for peace talks fail. Putin won’t budge an inch from what he wants.

At present Ukraine is left to its own devices apart from donations of weapons and necessities of life. There won’t be any real win in this war, without extra troops from the west, Ukraine is only holding off the inevitable. Sadly Mr Zelensky is not a battle hardened leader nor experienced in warfare due to his youthful inexperience of a war leader. Like a young office boy having to man the fort when others are unavailable. Thankfully he has good advice around him. I feel Mr Zelensky will be very angry with the rest of the world for not stepping in to help physically; dropping his people in a crisis. 

As for Putin, he is not stupid, he is waiting it out, and I don’t see him crossing the border into Poland or any other country. He is proving a point and won’t back down. 

Putin is intent on obliterating Ukraine to teach them a lesson, he is so obsessed with this mission and will bring out the big guns to finish the job. Putin will impose harsh restrictions on Ukraine and peace talks are pure folly at this time. Putin can wait this out due to his troop numbers  but will play dirty. Things later on will hit Russia severely like the days of old with poverty and hardship. Putin is at present redrawing the map of Europe, his way. I don't see him being reigned in any time soon. His own men are so afraid of him that they are afraid to refuse their orders, because they may face death on going home. 

I feel as things get worse, Zelensky may be forced to abandon his position; and may have to leave Ukraine to live in exile perhaps in the US. Ukraine can only put up a battle for so long before being defeated by sheer numbers without the numbers on their side too. I unfortunately don't see Ukraine winning, but they will be very respected for their bravery and courage under terrible circumstance.  

The people will then have to contend with bullies in the black market moving in to take advantage as often happens in these circumstances. 

This is just the start of new rolling warfare and as times go on the battlefront will change. Things will gradually build up over time with sanctions, cyberattacks and money. No one likes money being messed with and that will be the last straw. 

I get the feeling of one leader going into exile I can't be certain if this is Mr Zelensky or Putin. I just know that one of them will, and I feel it will be Mr Zelensky.  Putin I feel  may well become even more distant with his people and especially the military men that have contact with him regularly because he fears they will overthrow him. That day will come but perhaps not for a while. Mean while it is just give him enough rope and things will go from there. High security around Putin as he goes deeper into this war, going without sleep. As for public opinion in Russia, most people believe what is happening in Ukraine and don’t like it. Only 20 to 30  percent of the public are on Putin’s side. 

I do feel Mr Zelensky was put into office by factions in the West such as the US to rattle Putin’s cage. Mr Zelensky will step aside in a few months time I feel and leave 

Mr Putin will turn on his own people to keep hard control, as we already see him quashing protesters. I have always said, once KGB always KGB.  When everyone else thought he was cool, my intuition told me  this is not reality. Mr Putin has always been old school communist not at all what western people think. People need to remember him for what his actions are and not funny memes. There is nothing funny about  Putin. 

I see something that looks like a palace of old, well lit up at night with lots of windows, it's just like something from a movie. This is connected to Putin, no doubt the room where he conducts business. But the feeling that I get is him being trapped. This could be him having to sign some legal documents giving his resignation. I will have to leave it at that, unless I pick up any more information in the cards.

Either way ordinary people suffer and that is just not on. I do not like to see innocent people suffer or lose their lives over evil people. 

NOTE: Don't be surprised if a pro Putin person is installed as the new leader of Ukraine, perhaps the blonde woman that is deputy leader at present. There is no such thing as a coincidence in politics.

I am adding extra information that was missed out last night and then there won’t be any further updates to this post. Having a very sick dog (little Miss Ruby) at present takes my time and focus away from the cards.

Points to remember 

Someone will go into isolation/  exile I feel that this is  Mr Zelensky . Later on Putin may also; but that may be a couple of years down the track.

Russia is out to obliterate Ukraine 

Zelensky will have to step aside for his own safety.

Putin will only stay in power as long as the Military top brass and the oligarchs allow, he may be forced to sign a document to relinquish his power or die. This sets the stage for another day though, and Russia will be out for revenge. A dark haired man in his 50’s to replace Putin at this time he could be a military or ex military officer. 

China will keep quiet until they are ready to invade Taiwan. This I feel will be a sort of rolling warfare or gradual warfare, building up to full blown warfare. Building up of sanctions and cyber attacks then war.

Money will also be a major factor, no one likes their money being messed with and it’s the last straw.

A woman put in place of Zelensky that is pro Russia or pro Putin. This feels like a double-cross to me and people will not be happy about this. 


18 March, 2022

Tarot card of the month: April 2022; 8 of Swords


Element: Earth         Zodiac Sign: Capricorn       Planets: Mercury/Saturn

Restriction of Movement, Release of  energy or power Self inflicted restrictions or decisions

Lack of clear thinking

Number 8: Some of the positive meanings of the number 8 are; acknowledging error, regeneration, restricted movement, results of victory, conclusion of a cycle. 

Negative meanings: Lack of persistence, because it is all too hard. Spiritual progress. generosity, expansion.

Emotionally: Resigned to the fact, giving up, determined to succeed, enthusiasm 

The swords on the card: Cutting implement, insight as in getting right to the bottom of something,  defensive action, authority, conflict, triumph against the odds. justice and law, natural authority.

The blindfold:  Unwilling to see the reality of what is right in front of you or a situation 

Binding: Limitation in current events usually self imposed, not willing to take action or accountability.

This card points to being a prisoner of your own making. A woman stands bound and blindfolded; with swords to either side of her. She must navigate a narrow path in front of her. One foot touches the water. That is her left foot and as I have mentioned before the left hand side of the body is ruled by female energy such as intuition emotions etc. The right hand side is male energy, action, earthly, strength and control etc. 

So in saying this we can deduce that the woman is weighing things up. She must be very careful in this endeavour and would be well advised to remove the blindfold and the body binding in order to see what lies in front of her. Those bindings and blindfold are self inflicted by the way. The restrictions as to what she has done and thus restricting herself to any positive outcomes. She is not willing to face the reality of her own actions. 

Right behind her is a castle which signifies her power and wealth that she comes from. Signifying, authority, structure, preservation of what was or is. The mountains in the far distance show the long journey that she is on, she cannot turn back either due to her choices or decisions that she made whether for good or bad.  Right now she faces major hurdles  of her own making and this sums up the world's current situation right now. There does not seem on the surface to be much real authority and structure as things are very much up in the air at present and everyone is feeling defensive and restricted. No clear thinking of what to do to keep things stable.

The world is on a precipice right now;  one wrong move and boom; things can explode setting in motion a direction that may not be good for humanity and may not be able to be stopped. People are right to be very nervous and cautious. But look behind the scenes of world events right now, there are  clear signs of deception and illusion, nothing is by chance. The stage has been set by hidden hands for the chain of events that follow. Things that were set in place many years ago are now “coming home to roost”. Many deals and double deals; lies told to the world. We the people pay the dreadful price.

We must tread very carefully right now and actively follow world events because skulduggery is afoot for a long time now and things are about to hit the climax  in which the unintended may happen.

Petrol is only one of the things to watch right now as well as gas and oil. Don't be surprised if the price is slowed for a short spell especially in Australia due to the federal elections coming up I feel towards the end of May. But as soon as the election is over the price will go back up as expected. 

Food is the other important thing to watch and many people will not be able to afford basic food items. Because they have to choose between paying a bill or eating this is working people they are the new poor. Now as I look at the card, I see a flash of yellow/golden light cascading down the castle. That can imply happiness and spiritual protection around the home front (family home). The swords stand protectively in front of the castle which is built high up on a rock  also implying a fortress and protection. Given that the castle is built on solid rock that gives one a good strong foundation and strength. This all could mean some sort of surprise is instore or financial help for people to stave off deeper financial suffering.

My advice is don't play the martyr this month, be very cautious and act wisely. Save what you can and protect what you have. Because it can be gone in an instant as many poor souls have found out already via war, unemployment, floods and natural disasters.  Keep realistic in your goals and please heed warnings about travel, money, health and home / family matters. Work out what your priorities are.

On a world reading this covers both sides of the Ukraine war. All is not what the public are being told and this is very complex because of other nations actions/ deals and it muddies the water too much. Things have been hidden; that show foreign states hands involved on either sides of the conflict. That information is gradually coming out; however someone will up the stakes to prevent a particular nations involvement being implicated. I will not name this western nation though. This does not look like a good outcome sadly and it is highly distressing, prolonging the suffering of innocent people.

I see lots of spring time rain creating a very muddy battle ground in Ukraine over the next few weeks. This may cause a temporary halt to heavy tanks and other heavy equipment being transported. That will slow down a little of the conflict. I see new maps being drawn by Russia. Putin is going after something in particular. If he succeeds this could spell disaster for the Ukrainian people. I feel that this is a particular building of significance, not necessarily the Parliament building, but it will be a big game changer.

Europe need to be on their toes and respond quickly but very carefully as they do not want to risk an all out war. Hence the current go slow, which also has a negative effect on the unfortunate civilians.  

China (CCP) meantime are watching all of this and taking note, rubbing their hands with glee as they have picked up useful information on urban combat etc. But they may just be in for a shock when they go after Taiwan. The have underestimated the people and the counter action. 

Boy this is a terrible situation and I cannot bear to see people or animals suffering. This is not the way for humanity to behave. The trauma from this will last a very long time and also please give a thought to all animals caught up in the human conflict. I am so glad to see that there has been a new  side to humanitarianism; caring for animals is becoming highly important and so it should be. What would a world be without beautiful souls like animals. They give us reason to live and love unconditionally.

I am praying for everyone right now. I don't care what side of conflict people are on; through no fault of their own. Sometimes just by being born in a particular place, they pay the most unfortunate price. It is always the ordinary innocent people that suffer.  it really upsets me to see people suffering, it is not the way to be. I want people to be safe and protected and I want all animals to be protected.

My blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs to all


Copyright © Alex Fulford 18 March 2022


Chernobyl radiation ☢️ This may not be the building that I was picking up but if radiation leaks that is a game changer. I just hope they can fix this. Steel plant, the Russians are seeking control of important industrial plants which are in an area beneficial to them for armament production. Coal and steel are vital resources for Ukraine. This is the building for sure. My heart goes out to all of the people that are trapped in here. It is a terrifying situation and heaven knows what the outcome will be. 

15 March, 2022

Australia’s Economic plan

Yet another of my predictions coming to pass; from 2020 onwards. Bringing some manufacturing business back on shore, apprenticeships etc. Only because businesses and the government can no longer hide the fact that they are now up poop creek and are panicking now that the situation is dire.  

If people want quality goods then they must be prepared to pay the price. You can’t have it both ways; as the employees need to be paid a true living wage. Don’t begrudge the worker what they are entitled to. People have complained for decades about cheap poor quality goods but we’re not prepared to pay for quality. UPDATE  14 April 2024.

04 March, 2022

What the cards say about Putin and the current mess

Well this is another fine mess you have gotten us into! Where have we heard this before? Remember me saying that 2022 was like a ball of tangled wool that someone had poured super glue over?

I have been looking at the cards a few days ago and left the paper work sitting, unsure if I should post it or not. I am not a political person. I am a humanitarian and strictly spiritual, life to me is about living in peace and not bothering anyone. I like my privacy and just live a quiet life the same as most people.

What I don't like is seeing others suffer, be they animal or human. I see no need for being bad to others. So the current nightmare we are witnessing is very distressing to me. 

When I looked at the cards I noticed Mr Putin has too many irons in the fire, he is taking a defensive stand and he is not afraid to push back on any perceived opposition. Putin is closed off to others and is keeping his guard up. His mind is quite active as he weighs up his options.

In his opinion he is fully in control of the current situation and a winner; talk about an out of control ego. He takes a hard control over his country and any political issues. Seeing himself as a skilled master of the art of war, politics and in control. Failure is not in his vocabulary nor his opinion of himself.

This reading shows his love for Russia and his firm distrust of outsiders. His pact with China; is really a one man show. He will not be second fiddle to anyone, not quite how Mr Xi  sees the pact as he also will not be second fiddle either. China may just issue a pull your head in notice to Mr Putin as he is going off script.

The moon card signifies illusion  and deception around Mr Putin, he is clearly out of touch with reality and will just keep on cruising along for the mean time. he does not trust his military leaders nor cabinet. They also are afraid of him and are afraid to speak out of turn. Reminiscent of  Stalin and other dictators in the past. No one around him knows just what he is thinking at any given time. Mr Putin likes to keep an air of mystery around himself to create that mystique. He will not; in his opinion be made a martyr either. 

Mr Putin must not be under estimated, he has the tenacity for anything and that makes him very unpredictable for other leaders to work out. He is always several steps ahead of the western leaders due to his cunning. Like I pointed out in my 2022 predictions there is an air of naivety among western leaders. Well alright, dumb as a box of rocks actually. Mr Putin will risk anything to prevent Russia from failing.

In Mr Putin's mind Russia must not fail, Russia must keep up it's image of being as hard as steel and unbreakable. Russia never gives in; Mr Putin forgets time has changed and the Russian people have changed too, many just want peace and in some cases a spiritual life. To Mr Putin , giving in is taboo, he is a man of  fire and steel.

Putin is a lone wolf operator and bides his time before he strikes. So Russian politicians never know what's on his mind. Meanwhile the west have seen the Ukraine war as a mere skirmish and an inconvenience; big mistake!

I see a velvet glove approach here from the west and they'd prefer not to get their hands dirty. So it's rule with  velvet glove and sword from a distance. A soft response and not what the Ukrainian government hoped for. The western leaders are saving their response for another time and situation. Not wanting to spend more money than they would like. The ticking bomb will wait for another day. Western leaders will not sacrifice anything at this stage and only see Ukraine as an unimportant state in the big world. Err big mistake guys, this will come back to bite you.

Sadly many lives will be lost and people will be very angry. Mr Zelensky will be rather put out by all of this; he does appreciate the support that the nation is given and proud of his strong people. The Ukrainian people can hold their own but won't be able to defeat Russia on their own. But now is not the time to take on Russia. That ticking bomb will have to wait for another day. 

Hard control versus strategic planning to prevent total war throughout Europe is what western leaders  are thinking. Buffering themselves against Russia as Russia steps up the sabotage and cyber attacks. It all reads like a script. Ukraine are out on a limb right now and they may in the end back down to Putin.

That is not the way of the Ukrainian people though. If Mr Zelensky is defeated by Russia the people will be very angry, especially if he surrenders. But what can one man do up against the might of Russia? Should this happen the world will react with much more hatred of Mr Putin. Mr Zelensky needs to weigh up when to think about his people and how to prevent more bloodshed. This is a very difficult decision and it must be extremely  difficult for Mr Zelensky or anyone facing such a big military force.

This will never be forgotten and people will be very angry for a long time. This conflict will last for a long time and puts incredible responsibility on Mr Zelensky  What choice does Mr Zelensky have if he has to back down? Mr Zelensky may end up succeeding the two states in question to Russia As he is trying to stop the bloodshed. Explosive cutting energy is indicated and it will last for years. 

Mr Zelensky unfortunately will not have the numbers from Europe and western leaders like he had hoped.  The western leaders are more focussed on China. These leaders see the Ukraine war as a mere nuisance than a threat. And that is their biggest mistake and naivety. They have learned absolutely nothing  from history. Hence the indifference with sending troops in  to push Russia back.

Cyber attacks are what the west seem to be worried about. Yet many countries are behind in their technology upgrades and security.  Mean while this does not bother Mr Putin one bit; he is out to win at all costs and tooled up for a fight, not giving a toss about the young men used as cannon fodder.

Win at all costs is Mr Putin and this is a long journey, Putin knows how to wait though he is like a hibernating bear waking up from a long winter sleep looking for food, Putin is no fool, paranoid yes but no fool.  Shame he doesn't stop to think of his people and shedding their blood for his own agenda.

Mr Putin likes people to gasp when he moves, he enjoys the attention and wants to be a celebrity. Flashy and impressive, constantly seeking adoration. He  wants to be looked up to in awe.

There is a crack in his armour though, however it does not stop him. He cannot back down when cornered and this is very dangerous. The world must be very careful with this man and never underestimate him  or many more lives will be lost; Putin has a goal plan and will activate this if he feels threatened. Don't think he is bluffing that is a fatal mistake to make. You are dealing with someone like Stalin or Hitler. Heed the warning this man is very dangerous as he does not do failure or second place as already stated above.  Mr Putin keeps a tally on everything  and everyone.

He fears assassination, yet he cannot help himself with pushing others to the brink of destruction. Mr Putin feels misjudged by the west and does not like this one bit; it bruises his ego. Not a gentle peace loving person after all. It’s all about him and his love of beauty and dressing well. He loves to be surrounded by nice things , he likes money, power and to be admired by all. Vanity or what!

One thing Mr Putin must keep in mind is; China will drop him like a hot potato when he is no longer useful to them. Mr Putin is more sophisticated than Stalin and operates differently but hard as nails. His weakness is women though, Libras are all about love or war when you upset them. Mr Putin calls the shots with women  and everyone knows their place. I do see a woman with dark long hair around him that he needs to be very careful with. She may well just betray him. She is tall and very elegant, I don't feel she is Russian though. Putin has a very long memory, and does carry a grudge. He is accountable to no one and will not tolerate anyone that betrays him, so take heed. 

Remember Mr Putin keeps everything very close to his chest and will defend himself to the bitter end. Mr Putin is very into fitness and looks down on those that don't do likewise. Surrounded in abundance and well guarded. Only those deemed worthy are invited into his inner sanctum but Mr Putin will always keep his guard up as he trusts no one.   This is the guy that always looks through the peep hole before opening the front door. 

I don't feel he does loyalty with his friends, it is them that must be loyal to him. I do feel he is very fond of one of his daughters though. This girl is his protΓ©gΓ© and he loves her very much. She needs to keep herself very grounded, because I feel that her fathers actions will affect her life greatly.  Grief stricken is what I feel around her. I feel this is the loss of her father at some stage in her life and it will affect her very badly.

NATO reject no fly zone over Ukraine. 5 March 2022. This is awkward!



21 January, 2022

Tarot card of the month: February 2022, Ace of Swords


Element: Air   ruling the mind/thoughts, real or imagined

Cardinal point/ Direction:  Swords suit position North  

Gender: Male

 Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Season: Winter  (sterility)

                                                  Just setting the mood for February!

Action! This card shows a firm grip on reality and mental concentration, this is the focus for February 2022. People want to know where they stand right now. They are not happy with what's going on around them. They want answers, they want the truth, and they want justice. Yeah well you picked the wrong planet for that one folks.

There is one big elephant in the room too. People must be totally clear when asking for the truth, the truth of what and be specific.  What sort of answers are they wanting or expecting; and why?

People must be absolutely clear in their minds of what they seek , what their demands are and are they reasonable or unreasonable. They must be realistic in this and what they expect as an answer.

What sort of justice are they seeking and why? Is this reasonable? Is it rational? If not what do they have as an expectation or outcome?

This feels like a whole range of issues; from people's rights, justice, the Covid issue and vaccines, corruption, the royal scandal etc.

This is all very difficult stuff being brought up; and the whole world is in chaos. The times are changing so fast and many of us just can't keep up. Feeling under pressure and in a world of uncertainty; the need for security is urgent in the minds of the public. This is perfectly understandable as we are  currently facing supply issues, food shortages, new rules around the world, and many things are changing such as health, education, travel and finances.

There is a glimmer of hope for "some" here as they find their work life secure. But not others , add the climate issue into this too because the political affects are being felt by ordinary people; who have the green agenda pushed down their throats and it can impact on the individuals livelihood and choices through peer pressure and propaganda.  

Life is different, we may not be permitted to know some of the answers to the above questions and this will anger some people. I feel the upheaval is going to be part of life now, but it is subject to sudden change. February will be a month for challenges and upheaval. Emotions are running high and don't seem to calm down any time soon.  

Take care to avoid arguments, especially political issues and the dreaded Covid situation. Stunning news is about to hit the world and will roll on for three to four months. Once it breaks keep your head down, if you can avoid being dragged into this on either side, then do so. Yup you guessed it, it is the Covid shit fight.

There is no winner in this just anger and upset. We just don't need this, and when it settles down eventually it  will be with a sad feeling of regret and grief.  

NOTE: Some interpretations for the Ace of Swords are rising to the challenge, false insight, Individuality, mental force, birth of something or someone, 

the number is 1 and then the symbols in the card speaks of a vast number of possibilities, some are positive and some are negative and not good for us. I will discuss this in my upcoming YouTube video soon.

The YouTube video at long last. Not perfect it it has been four years since I last did one.

17 October, 2021

Psychic predictions for Australia in 2022

Politics dominate the year ahead unfortunately. I wish that I had better news for every one.

But one thing to note is we will as a nation stand strong and victorious no matter what. We are all "Team Australia" in the big scheme of things and we will look after each other 😍

To start with I am drawn to Western Australia and tourism, now that is a happy thing is it not. I see a new tourism campaign with the theme of Sun Surf and Sand. Designed to get people outdoors again and enjoy the sunshine. I am not sure if it is to kick off for the summer of 21/22 or the following summer of 22/23.

I see a woman with light coloured hair in politics leaving her current role in disgust. I feel this is Kerry Chant. Worn out after a horrible year and also she does not agree with Dominic Perrotte. Not to worry he won't last long anyway. He may last up until the next elections; but after that he will be gone.

I feel the Queensland Premier; Anastasia Palasczuck will leave her role and move on to greener pastures. No doubt worn out by this horrible Covid business too. So expect a cabinet reshuffle. 

As I shuffle the cards; I can see Scott Morrison's eyes. Mr Morrison has Australia's best interests at heart for 2022. The most important thing on his mind is making sure that Australia recovers from lockdown.

Mr Morrison wants a safe country; and to build up our country again. So he has a big job ahead of him, but folks it is a team effort for our big Aussie family. We will do it! It is a slow process, and we don't have a choice; so we'll just get on with it. 

On a very sad note there will be more than usual drownings this year unfortunately. All that I can put it down to is people throwing caution to the wind now that lockdown is lifting. Please be very mindful and very careful.

After the run of bad luck from 2019 onwards people are just wanting to settle down and make  a new life. Some may choose to go it alone. 

There is a lot of pent up frustration indicated as we get out doors, expect cranky people to be out and about too. Give them space to cool off and don't get caught up in their emotions; these people don't mean to be like this they are stressed. Just relax and try not to stress, there is no need to rush to the shops or anywhere else, so chill out.

It will settle down after a few months. People will then be more level headed. We have all been through hardship; so just go with the flow and remember your manners in public. The Thank yous and all the normal courteous values, and this will make life more pleasant. Put a smile on your dial.

There will be some border confusion around the country and with international travel; be prepared for a little bit of a wait until it is sorted.  Getting a flight will not be the same as we have already been told. People that are still trying to get home may have some delays and hardships, but by April all that is gone. 

I see some individuals coming home and then going right back overseas again. Expect issues with passports and legal issues. No one in government seems to know what to do.  I feel this is due to border restrictions and not everyone is on the same page. 

Australia has a glitch with the US over repatriation. More needs to be done to fix up the mess here. I feel the issue lies on the US side of things. 

I don't see Scott Morrison getting on with Joe Biden next year. Mr Biden becomes difficult to communicate with.  I would put this down to his health; and Scott Morrison needs to chose his words carefully when communicating with Joe Biden.

Scott Morrison; love him or leave him will always put Australia first. He will defend and protect our interests. 

Australian industry struggles in 2022 and needs assistance. I feel there will be a push or national drive to get the public behind Australian businesses and manufacturing. Way ahead of ya sunshine. Many of us already are 😍

China will not like this one bit and will resort to bullying again and try to manipulate the Australian public. What a waste of time because the Australian public are onboard with Australian business on their home soil.

Australia may look to old ways for business to help us get back on our feet. Some light industry is indicated here. Also Australia will look after Asian countries to help them get back on their feet. After all they are our pacific family members. One must always look after family. 

I see Australia helping India, Vietnam and other near by countries with having manufacturing in these countries. This helps all of us and binds us with more family ties; giving these people a better standard of living. 

Australia is beefing up defence of our continent and strengthening ties with allies. There is also an air of deceit indicated. This is individuals whipping the public into a frenzy yet again by feeding them lies. But the government will put this down . Even though the government will make a public  statement on this, some people still refuse to listen to reason. This is due to individuals that have an interest in keeping the fear going. Time to shut them down.

Scott Morrison will be very tactful with China but will not tolerate their shenanigans. By being diplomatic and showing his strength.

I see something big connected with defence next year. I get the feeling of just when you think its all good; something will happen. This is definitely connected with China. Luckily we have the right leadership at the right time.

Defence is the order of the day from here on in. Please keep this in mind this year is where it all begins so to speak. We will come through this so please don't be fearful.

For some reason I have always felt Australia will always be protected by spirit. No matter what happens this is a good place to be.

Trains and transport are in the news; changes are being made and some new train link opens  in NSW.

There might be a fee increase too. Also I see an orange coloured ticket which could be a new ticketing system that will be brought in. I am being shown a person with this orange ticket going through a railway turnstile to catch a city train.

There is some panic in a hospital. I hear Randwick in NSW but also feel Perth WA. It may be a health scare.

John Howard is in the news for something serious, it may be health related.

More trade agreements, including the wool industry. Tinned and processed food in the news too.

Australia is invited to become a member of something. Which puts us in the spotlight and recognition. I don't fee it is good for Australia and Scott Morrison thinks this over and then decides that it is not in Australia's best interests. He is being very wise here because it would end up costing Australia a lot of money and also prevent Australia from recovering financially. As I have said He has the nations best interests at heart despite what others say.

China is trying to paint Australia as the bad guy, Using deception and it just wont fly. They end up with egg on their faces. China will respond with explosive anger. Australia will not be made a victim in this and will very carefully examine the situation and react very carefully. Expect this to go on for another couple of years getting worse and worse. There is no backing down now!

Please take care and look after your loved ones, be mindful of others suffering and what ever you do keep love  in your hearts. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs


 © Copyright Alex Fulford, October 2021

NOTE: Because I start my predictions in October each year there is often an overlap, but it is covering 12 months from the date published. 


UPDATE: So glad they survived 😒


There is one more infant near drowning that happened, it is so terrifying that all it takes is a split second for this to happen. I hope all the children make a full recovery ❤️‍🩹

Girl found motionless at bottom of pool in Perth theme park

UPDATE : Drowning warning  Woman drowns in floods December 10, 2021  poor little lamb  another little child drowned 😭

Near drowning, I pray there is no damage to her brain 😭😭 kids are that fast, you need eyes on the back of your head. woman swept from rocks.

Swimming experts are worried about a spike in drownings.  So heartbreaking. I am going to stop here with these terrible tragedies. This is too overwhelming for me.

This link above is the statistics for drowning in 2021/22. Up 30% we still have this summer of 2022/23 to factor in up to December 2022. It is very distressing to see this as well as the floods this year contributed to drownings.

UPDATE: Health minister stepping down.

Hmmm I may have gotten the health minister wrong, lol. Both have similar hair colours. I will have to wait and see. I have 12 months to see if Kerry Chant steps down. Might need to have these people colour coded 🀣🀣

UPDATE: Perth hospital, Legionella found in deceased patient  3/12/21

W.A. Red alert for W A health with covid 19

UPDATE: Sydney trains


New rail link discussed Sydney to Newcastle

UPDATE: NSW busses to be built in Australia again.

UPDATE: Sydney train strike 21/2/22

UPDATE: Australian business (this is a prediction that was made in previous psychic predictions for Australia so have a look at older predictions too.)

UPDATE: Australians support local business , 8 th April


UPDATE: Australia signs trade deal with India 2/4/22

UPDATE: 9th April 2022 Travel chaos, Sydney Airport   World travel meh pass!

UPDATE:  27th April 2022:TRAVEL , WTF? BoJo needs to go! This is just an excuse to privatise the passport office and a major risk to privacy, and vulnerable to questionable people. This is utter stupidity and very serious Would your trust this? I sure as hell wouldn't. Gee what can possibly go wrong?

Cut back to a skeleton staff for bogus reasons and them come up with an excuse to sell of to mates, sure why not? Most British and Australian government agencies have done this for years and that is why everything is ruined now. It's all about the money but they think we are thick and won't object to our country being sold from under us. There is not one political party that would not do this, they have all done their bit in destroying our nations.

UPDATE: Australia, defence against China.

October 6/22  October

UPDATE: Passports  4/6/22

UPDATE: New Australian Tourism campaign

UPDATE: Western Australia tourism

Investing in tourism to bring tourists back to W.A.

PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...