16 July, 2022

Tarot card of the Month: August 2022, 7 of Cups


                                          Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Pisces   Planet: Neptune, Jupiter

                                         Element: Water   Direction: West  Gender: Female 

                                         Season:  Autumn/Fall in Northern Hemisphere 

Number 7 meanings for this particular card and month are; defiant and impatient

August seems to be a month for caution, where all is on offer with an air of naivety and  mystery.

Who knows what the results will be? Surprises that's for sure.

Beauty and fashion are in the hopes and dreams of some, keep it real and achievable. There is an air of secrecy in major world events, politically, financially and in conflict. There is toxic energy indicated due to emotions of religious fervor and spiritual beliefs showing the ugly side of people. 

Emotional issues are indicated for August, communication must be handled with care, especially if it is of a political nature. This also covers the current unrest in Sri Lanka, and countries  like Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, France and naturally Italy at present.

I feel greed and looting connected to countries like Sri Lanka , Africa, and countries experiencing conflict, especially poor countries.These are opportunist crimes taking place including stealing from the poor. 

Real estate is in the news and this could mean interest rate hikes and house prices rising again. I do not think that the prices will stay high, I do feel there will be a big drop in house prices eventually. That may be due to governments actually doing something to stop the prices being beyond the availability of ordinary people.  This though will take a while if they actually intend to do anything to stop this farce of over inflating the value of houses. 

This card also shows that there is victory over adversity for some people, I feel this is connected to Ukraine in some way. 

All is clearly not what is seems on the face of it, so take time to examine and look behind any offers being presented to you, or even information presented to see what is really happening. I feel this applies to the news coming out of mainstream media, just for a change, lol. The Ukrainian war and covid are just two of the things covered here and all shortages, which are manufactured.

The wool is being pulled over our eyes, so question everything that you see and hear, because you may just be taken for a ride by powerful people with a vested interest in misleading the public.

 Communication is not clear in  August so keep your wits about you especially with scammers, phone and email scams ramping up again. Take no risks with anything. Do not accept anything at face value.

Keep an eye on older relatives that may fall prey to phone scams and hacking. Educate the elderly on dangers and if they don't recognize a phone number do not answer it. If it is a genuine call they will leave a text or voice message.   

I see Putin pushing himself forward again, as do Biden and Xi. I feel impatience and clouded judgement connected to these individuals. Pawns are being moved forward on the chessboard again.  I feel water in relation to this as in the Sea and the Navy. I feel China will be harassing and buzzing around Australian and US naval vessels by air and sea; and possibly Australian and US military aircraft being buzzed by the Chinese military. It is just ongoing mischief and China has no intention of stopping this game of chicken. 

Financially speaking China is showing signs of cracking,The government will resort to tightening the money on ordinary people and obviously that will not go down well.

More embarrassment for BoJo is coming out,this could be in regards to alcohol and drugs connected to Downing Street, parliament and partying. 

There is more confusion around traveling for the world, especially for the northern hemisphere. The UK, Europe, USA and Canada, covid related restrictions and passports. No one knows what to do.  

I see a blond haired, slim built woman involved in a scandal, it could possibly be of a sexual nature. She is a socialite or an actress and I am shown a woman with a tan all over and long straight blond hair, I don't think she is a natural blond. This could be a very embarrassing situation for her. I am not a follower of celebrities so I have no idea who she is I get a vague image of one of the Kardashians as a rough image to how this lady looks.  She is well advised to keep a low profile for a while.

As I look at the & of cups I am drawn to the middle of the card. There is a cup or chalice that has a  figure covered by a white cloth which is shimmering in red energy. This feels like a warning to people that are following fake spirituality. Be warned, all is definitely not as it seems, hoodwinked and deluded, virtue signaling is put on a pedestal. 

Do not part with any money for any so called spirituality event, retreat, membership, charity purposing to be spiritual, it is a con. Hold on to your money, do research on the group or organization and most importantly do not join it! There is an element of a scam or slight of hand going on. This card warns of deception going on and especially where money is concerned.

The number 7 on this card is also a warning of this deception and temptation. The grey colour of the cloud is spirituality, blue is for communication, consciousness and the  realm of the mind. So please don't fall for the "old Jedi mind trick". I feel a dark haired man is involved in this.

You cant con an honest person , so they say. No, but you can deceive them if they are naive. There are a lot of naive people  in this world too, so be wary.

The snake in the card is also touching the cup with the figure under the white cloth, (holy spirit) Is it really a spiritual offering or is it the booby prize or a rip off? 

We are clearly not getting  what we need or want in August 2022, in the important things that matter in life.Stability, financial stability, a stable home, protection from poverty and suffering. Peace from a world in conflict, and restrictions on our lives. 

Notice the little castle in the cup symbolising shelter, protection from the environment and any threats to our  survival. 

The jewels in the cup represent materialism, worldly goods, greed and wealth. The wreath in the other cup represents victory, being a winner. But who is the real winner and the real loser? 

The dragon in the cup represents fear or benevolence, I would also add spiritual energy.

The face in the cup represents a god like being, mysterious, radiant figure, (Think fake spirituality/ guru)

The snake represents the universal symbol of spirituality like the ouroboros ( the snake eating it's tail).

Psychic power, treachery or the underworld of wisdom of the unconscious. Fierce vigilant power of the libido (Scandal). 

Reversed meaning of the card is shadowed, implying secretive activity or thoughts, be they good or bad. Being a darkened figure also suggests duality in any situation. The fact that the figure is all black symbolises mystery, silence, despair, ignorance (unable to make up one's mind or know what is  the right thing to do or even think). Trans-formative energy once one makes an informed decision or choice, including taking action once informed).

This cup is also emotional energy so it could be an emotional reaction or fantasy/imagination running riot. It could be logical, but one must be grounded and rational to make a wise decision because it may well affect other people too.

The white cover on the middle cup can symbolise virtue, innocence, purity, truth or truce (surrender),

I will add naivety  as well as sterility or weakness. This is related to the warning on spiritual scams and also any religious fanaticism and beliefs. 

The grey cloud represents spirit or consciousness, balance, neutrality, poverty, indifference, sadness and loneliness.  Grey also represents our spiritual connection to the all that is or universal consciousness.

Blue: Truth, calmness, peace, cold, melancholy and spirituality. Blue also connects to the healing energy from the heart chakra. Think of the turquoise stone and the calming energy it gives off including warding off negative energy.

Red around the white cloth is glowing and illuminating with life force, action, passion and will. Think of the religious and spiritual energy all fired up. I do warn against fake spirituality. But keep an eye on the abortion issue firing up people with firm religious beliefs too. Leave this alone there are no winners in this situation. This is a world of extreme polarities and that energy can be very destructive in the hands of spiritually young souls, it is dynamite.

Please stay safe, stay calm and above all think before reacting. keep love in your hearts and go forward in peace.

Blessings and free hugs,


Looting in poor countries DRC


BoJo strikes again. If ever there was a political version of Frank Spencer it is BoJo.


Scams, stop and think before you pay. When in doubt contact the place on a different phone number they have or go in person and ask questions. 


Blonde haired woman in scandal 21/8/22


Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
