13 July, 2022

Awaken with JP: JP reacts to Biden saying there will be another pandemic


Watch and then read the comments. We already have been told by Gates and other idiots to expect another one several times in the past two years. We now know that they are not accident. Ka Ching! $$

One interesting thing is YouTube censor everything that is out of lockstep so why is JP not shut down? Keep that in mind. There are a few channels that are still available yet they shut Wes Penre down very quickly so he is on other platforms now. How long he lasts there is anyones guess as there are platforms that operate the same as YT. Algorithms slow down people coming to my blogs too and many other blogs. 

The first thing to keep in  mind is, who can you criticise and not get shut down. There is always team A and team B, regardless as this is a duality or polarity world, but things are out of kilter now so that means trouble for the masses. 

One other thing. The outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in Indonesia is that accidental or deliberate? Think of the planned food shortages and add this to the equation. Things generally don’t just happen out of nowhere. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...