07 July, 2022

‘The ‘mild’ days of Omicron are over’: How COVID’s new strains could double Australia’s 10,000 death toll


The media are stirring up fear again, and most people are seeing through this. The uptake of vaccines will also slow down. There is only so much the public will tolerate from fear-mongering. Eventually people will switch off. The virus will keep on mutating that’s what they do, and eventually it will not be a problem. 

Just keep up with your general hygiene and social distancing, keep your immune system healthy by eating healthy, that’s the best that anyone can do. There are millions of viruses around us everywhere but we are not dropping down dead. Some people have poor immune systems, some people are more robust. We will survive, but when it is a person’s time to leave this earth nothing can stop that, however what the catalyst is to leave this world is the thing to ponder as there are multiple causes. 

Just for a bit of sideline information from a spiritual perspective,  our births, deaths and all our experiences are locked in at our conception, and then when the soul placed is placed into the physical body by the soul bearers it is programmed for the reality they are going to experience. Some of us have very short incarnations and some have very long incarnations. Why that is, I have no idea, as we are not privy to everything from the spirit world. No one has the complete picture, we are given very little knowledge of the spirit world and how it functions. 

We do have “possible” exit points in our  astrological charts. Everyone has this, where there are exit points to end the life or keep going. The soul decides when it is leaving and it prepares weeks if not months in advance. We are not aware of this on a conscious level, although a psychic person will feel this on other people they encounter, and must never reveal that to the person as it will obviously be very distressing. 

Yes there are things that can happen too like being murdered, killed in an accident, that can also be under the exit point. Not being an astrologer though, I would have to ask an astrologer if that shows up differently on a person’s chart or not. Illness definitely will show on a person’s astrology chart and a basic outline of what area of the body is weak. That will also show up in a palm reading also. The human body has many ways of being able to inform us of possible health problems including iridology. The top half of the iris relates to the upper half of the body and the lower half to the lower portion of the body, and also the iris split into segments within that.The left eye relates to the right hand side of the body and vice versa.This form of medical diagnosis is thousands of years old and very accurate. 

People like myself get premonitions and dreams when loved ones are going to die. May be not for every single relative or friend, but we do get warnings from spirit. For instance when I had premonitions and dreams of the deaths of my mother, an aunt not long after my mum passed, an older aunt, my grandfather, and a few others including a friend and a couple of neighbours.  It is not a hard and fast rule, because some deaths have taken me by surprise such as a younger cousin that died three years ago and an older cousin that died days later suddenly and unexpectedly. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...