15 July, 2022

Doctors told Hans he was 'young and healthy'. Now he could have less than 12 months to live


Another young person dismissed by doctors and has bowel cancer. I am absolutely disgusted at the arrogance of doctors these days. My blood boils with anger at this. How the hell do these bastards get away with this negligence in the 21st century? I am going to keep posting news articles about young people that are disregarded by their doctors to show how common this actually is, especially with young women. 

 My heart goes out to this poor young man and his wife. They should be enjoying life together not having to deal with this. They probably didn’t know there is a medical advocate in hospital to reach out to if you disagree with the doctor and want results. You can put doctors on notice and say you wish to invoke the equivalent of Ryan’s Rule in your state or territory. That will make them do something fast or else face legal action. This is a medical ruling when a person is facing a serious life and death situation in a hospital, medical centre or even hospital in the home, a mental health facility etc. The law steps in on your behalf to protect you and get the life saving treatment you need. Do not let doctors bully or intimidate you, stand your ground. 

My husband had to do this a few years ago, due to the egos of two doctors over who had the first dibs on treating him. Meanwhile my husband was deteriorating. All hell broke out as soon as the advocate stepped in. My husband was then rushed into theatre for surgery and then on a ventilator after that. I will never trust our local hospital now and any time that we have to go there I am watching them. I have no problem with the general nurses and doctors, they are usually wonderful hard working and dedicated to helping people. It’s the individuals that won’t listen that are the problem. 

Never, ever let doctor push you around. Ask questions and if need be ask for a second opinion. Do not be afraid to go over their heads in a serious situation. Egos and power tripping should never be tolerated. You should see how women get treated having a miscarriage. I have been there and stood up to them and was taken into theatre. I was 38 not a young woman going through a miscarriage that often get sent home to deal with the baby passing in the toilet. I kid you not. This was standard back in the late 1990’s not all miscarriages are easy and there is often tissue left inside that can cause infection. Public health leaves a lot to be desired at times again this is not the fault of the general staff, it’s upper management. 


Every state and territory has its own name for Ryan’s Rule. Read up on this and be informed on your rights. Even in a mental health situation, if you feel a loved one may try to harm themselves in hospital this law applies. Ryan’s Rule is not just for children, it’s for everyone. 


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...