10 July, 2022

Amelia waited more than a year to see her doctor. By then she was dying


Yet another poor innocent girl’s life gone due to carelessness of doctors. She was young, so she was fobbed off. I wonder what would happen if it was an older person that would not be disregarded so easily by doctors. I hope her doctor lives with the guilt for the rest of his or her life. Amelia’s life matters! Lumps under the skin should not be ignored especially if they don’t go away.   Don’t guess, investigate.

That doctor let her down badly and should not be let off the hook for this. A full review of all the medical personnel that she had contacted should be done. The ambulance officer that told her she was wasting her time should bear responsibility for this too. This should not be let go of.

Britain has a poor medical system for choice of general practitioners since the 80's, your are assigned a doctor under the NHS. Unlike Australia, when we can just pick a doctor of our own choice and change if we are not happy with that doctor. Mind you in Canberra it’s getting very difficult to get a doctor due to the shortage and there are many doctors that have closed their books due to them having way too many patients. I am just shocked at how this poor young woman was treated, and wonder how many more people are suffering because of a poor medical system. The buck stops with the government because they created the mess in the first place.

Covid has been used as an excuse to prevent people getting life saving medical treatment too. This is unnecessary and an abuse of human rights. How long are people willing to take this on top of an antiquated health  system?  

Generally speaking we all have the right to second opinions, and should not be discouraged or dissuaded from seeking other medical advice or help. I know many people that have been let down by medical mishandling or negligence. One friend died due to the specialist being unable to see her brain tumor but her GP saw it in her scans, help came too late for her.

My husband was erroneously told his skin condition which continued to grow was eczema; it was melanoma!  I pushed him to see our doctor repeatedly because I intuitively knew it was dangerous. I was ignored, he said it's nothing; as time went on it got much bigger. The doctor both times said it looked like eczema. I told my husband to ask to see a skin specialist. this involved a trip to Sydney because he couldn't get a specialist in Canberra and time is very important to get the cancer under control. That skin specialist did a biopsy which showed melanoma 6 cm x 9 cm. But hey what does a dumb clairvoyant know!! So we had to drive 4 hours to inner Sydney for surgery and follow up care in Sydney after that for months. But at least he got treated eventually. 

Let me say that assumption is the mother of all screw ups. Don't assume anything, when in doubt check it out. Most doctors are very good, but sometimes people can be very unlucky and end up with a dud.That dud has human lives in their hands and an ego. That dud is protected by the system more often than not. So how often do the victims get compensated and acknowledged for being right to be concerned about their health?

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