08 July, 2022

Dry in July

 Are any people reading my blog familiar with the occult roots of Dry in July? A hint is when  the media heavily promote something every year and it becomes like a ritual, that is because it is a ritual. The masses are just unaware of this fact. Even down to the choice of colours used in advertising or promoting events.

 Nothing is promoted without an occult or esoteric reason behind it. Then there is the energy harvesting that goes along with it, because people are paying attention to it. It is embedded in their consciousness and thought is energy in motion. So then people will participate in the event which is giving your energy and consent to the ritual but being unaware of the fact that you are naively participating in a ritual where your harvested energy is needed to participate and make the ritual work.   

I am not one of those people that follows everyone else. When I see things that are seen as virtue signalling. I notice things, but I don't always let on that I know what I know. Years of observing, reading and listening to my intuition make me more cautious and prudent. Today my intuition was directed to Dry in July, while it may be for a good cause look behind the event for other subtle reasons. Also on a health note bowel cancer is connected to heavy alcohol consumption as well as kidney, liver and brain damage.


 What has Dry in July got to do with Ukraine? Nothing, but this is programming. A subtle message from the elite to say we are in control. Google the images for dry in July you will see they are yellow and blue.
Nothing is by chance or coincidence that is absurd to think that. This is the elite communicating a message, I wonder what will follow? Bloodshed? 

Blue is for communication, golden yellow for joy and happiness but there are other meanings to these colours both positive and negative. The shades are important too, whether they are dark and muddy looking or bright and cheerful. 

Blue can represent coldness, aloof, authoritarian, depression, unfriendly or it can be calm, peaceful, creative, intellectual, consciousness and communication. 

Blue can be a healing colour aligned to the heart chakra.

Yellow can represent jealousy, cowardice, bitterness, deception, sickness and mental illness or it can be joy, happiness, hope, sunshine, spirituality, optimism.

Yellow is aligned to the solar chakra.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...