07 July, 2022

COVID-19 fourth-dose boosters to be recommended for people over 50


Yeah, Nah! You can be a living experiment if you want but not me. I am done with it. After this disaster started coming to light not many people are willing to do this anymore. The Australian media are not informing the public of the many young people overseas that have died, nor the multiple miscarriages happening. If the creator of the mRNA vax is warning the public since it release then may be we should be paying him more attention, and the compensation payouts are already starting.  Your call!

Australian borders are totally open now to the unvaccinated like it really made any difference and the philosophy of let it rip was really a clue to the public that the governments of the world had lost control of the situation. Australia had the virus under control until the let it rip agenda was implemented and we were made to open our borders and then the virus was “ out of control “.

The vaccinated people are the ones in hospital not the unvaccinated, keep in mind co morbidity’s and the age of those people that die. This is a psychological game being played out. Guess who is going to die?  Just spin the wheel and see where it stops. You really want to do this to pregnant women, babies and children? Your call! 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...