08 July, 2022

Are my psychic predictions boring or are you just not interested?

 Just looking over my stats for all of my psychic predictions and tarot card of the month and the stats are very poor. So tell me what is it that you don’t want to read? I put tags on everything to make it easier to find. Unlike my old blog because I didn’t know how to tag anything so that people could find anything.  But people did actually find the psychic predictions and other articles. Much of that blog has been moved to this one with the link showing the date of original publication. I don’t post unicorns and rainbows rubbish because it is meaningless it is not spiritual and has absolutely no value, it is manufactured nonsense. 

I share my articles and psychic predictions to Facebook and on MeWe, which turns out to be a waste of time. I post on Wordpress to try to extend my audience, but only a few people actually read them allowing for algorithms. But it all seems such a waste of time, when people just don’t seem to be bothered. Even articles that are written about my psychic experiences, not many people are interested, some of which have been published in magazines.This is my whole life here that I live and breathe for and I feel very invalidated by the lack of interest.

I try doing YouTube tarot card of the month and a couple of videos speaking about my psychic experiences. I honestly think it is all a massive waste of time. What is the point in doing this if no one is interested? Only a small number of people actually  bother reading or listening which is very disheartening for me. 

17 or18 years of being a professional Clairvoyant Medium and Spiritual healer and I have had clients literally come from interstate for readings, I read for overseas clients on Skype or other platforms I had a live radio show in 2015, but suddenly I am irrelevant. Somewhere along the line I have suddenly become invisible and no one wants to read anything that I predicted or my spiritual and psychic experiences.

I can’t do anything more, other than post my predictions, this is my life; it is part of what I was put on this earth for. But I feel like I am irrelevant. Being a clairvoyant is both a gift and a curse, it is by no means an easy life for me. I am devoted to spirit and being a good and honest person. You can’t get any more basic than that. What you see is what you get, with honesty and compassion. I am who I am.

 I would just like people to know that I exist and what I do matters. My work directly affects people’s lives in a positive way when I do readings and mediumship. I give people hope and encourage them to be more self empowered. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...