20 July, 2022

'It was bad enough giving birth to a dead baby': another traumatic birth experience at Canberra Hospital


Poor woman, I am astonished at the poor treatment and then  told to get over it. Yeah, I would be lodging a formal complaint. Not just that I would have called the medical advocate and the health minister and anyone else that would put a rocket up the Canberra Hospital and the doctors. 

This is totally unprofessional and inhuman treatment of any one going through what this woman has been through. Misogyny on steroids mentality. I hope she sues the arse off the hospital. This is utterly disgusting and inhuman behaviour from health professionals. Like I said already, I am going to keep posting things about the shocking state of the medical system. I am utterly disgusted by this and the woman put through this shocking treatment not to mention the arrogance and insensitivity in the way she has been treated. This should never be tolerated ever. 


  We made it to the end of another week of  whatever passes for  the ongoing game of Russian Roulette called life with crazy shit happening ...