22 June, 2022

Tarot Card Of The Month: July 2022, The Moon


                        ELEMENT: Water        PLANET: Neptune      ZODIAC Pisces

                        SEASON: Autumn (in northern hemisphere)   DIRECTION: West

Note: I was going to go with the 9 of swords, but I had to stop due to interruptions. But this card carries the same number and a similar message is conveyed.

The powers at play are getting too close for comfort, mediation is needed to stop leaders from punching on. I see political ideologies at loggerheads, east and west. Division’s, separations. Reality versus insanity, delusion and not facing reality. This is a powder keg in the making and people need to keep their heads down politically speaking.

This feels like people pushed to their limits of endurance. Not just world leaders, but ordinary people are being pushed to the limit with poverty, food shortages which are entirely man made by design and not what we are told in the media. Financial difficulties, homelessness and conflict,  including Ukraine and the issues with China on the boil and other nations struggles. We are living in a greater unstable world from here on in. We all collectively must take a few steps back and look at the realities of each nation and examine how to resolve these issues. 

Sadly I don’t think the will and intentions are really there. That is not acceptable and unfair on the innocent of the world. Division creates distortion of truth and pushes people apart. Russia and China are highly skilled in destabilisation but so is the US and that must be acknowledged too. 

Look behind who is saying what. What is their reason and agenda? I see tears shed over loss in July, there are mind games being played out with this, so sit back, watch and think before jumping to the conclusions that are presented to you. The masses are being deliberately led to come to a particular conclusion and belief, reaction and or taking action.  Stop and think or you just may live to regret this.

Don’t think the grass is any greener on the other side because it may well just be illusionary, designed to sway your opinion. Beware and savvy on how propaganda works, it is more powerful and ever so more subtle than you actually realise.  Do not engage in anything that generates fear, because the chances are you are being manipulated. Some areas of the media may well be engaging in deliberate miscommunication, jumping the gun so to speak before they have all the facts on something very serious.

There may well be a time gap or delay  of between two weeks to a month before the actual real truth comes out. This is political so be wary this may involve finance/ money. 

Now looking at the card, there is the moon over shadowing the sun. The moon is trying to block out the sun. This affects the human mind and thought process, by such things as illusion, deception, misunderstanding, poor communication resulting in a mix up. Depression, fear and anxiety are indicated in the interpretation of this card.

Now the blue sky is clear, no clouds are present, that is a good sign. We see the yods which look like teardrops and there are 15 of them. The yods symbolise grace. There are 15 of them, adding the 5 + 1 we get 6, meaning the divine feminine. The card is ruled by feminine energy and male energy as the card is 8 +1 = 9, 9 being male energy. 

The sun does it’s best to illuminate the earth with it’s light, notice the little spikes around the sun. There are 16  chief rays around the sun and 16 secondary rays around the sun. 16 + 16= 32. Add 2 + 3=5which is the number of man. The balance of male and female energy is vital, conflict arises when there is imbalance. 

Now as I mentioned the moon is trying to over shadow the sun. Does it succeed?  No, not necessarily it is all down to how we perceive it. However there is also a path, indicating  taking the middle ground, which would be the wise thing to do. If we only stop to think before reacting. July is a reactionary month so please be warned.   

Two animals are present on the card. A wolf and a dog both howling at the moon, they are separated by a path. It looks good divided land. Also it can be looked upon as good guy and bad guy, but which is which? It’s all down to perception. Notice the crayfish coming out of the water, the water is calm where the crayfish emerges from the water. He doesn’t fully emerge though, he gives the suggestion that he will. Hold that thought, it is only suggestion, that is a vital piece of information right there so do not forget that. As it comes back up again shortly.

The dog and the wolf represent the animal self, the crayfish is something different as it comes up from the deep. Deep universal primordial fear in man. Something always keeps that primal fear at bay though, thankfully preventing it from escaping or getting loose and creating absolute mayhem and havoc on the human mind and the world at large. It is a destructive force. So you see there has to be a powerful counter balance between forces.

The towers in the card represent polarity, they  also represent a pathway in the card. The road or path sits in between the towers, and this is more of a metaphysical thing that is taking place here. It represents a spiritual journey between worlds for those that are ready, the towers represent the Kabbalah tree of life. 

This card in a layout can represent the encouraging of a creative mind. Creative, spiritual or artistic practices. The moon card can symbolise spiritual awakening too. Think of the rising of the kundalini from the base chakra as it rises up the spinal column. Great care must be taken not to let this spiritual energy rise too fast or too soon, as it is so powerful and  affects the human mind.

It is advised to see this card as a gateway card according to Rachel Pollack in her book, 78  degrees of wisdom. The tarot cards are such a empowering tool for the understanding of the human condition and spiritual understanding, psychologically and the entire human experience in general. I look upon the tarot as a wise gift to humanity as we do not come with an instruction book to help us navigate our way through life. The tarot are one of the closest tools to human understanding. 

The number 9 is emotionally calm, melancholy, satisfied, content or lonely. Reversed it is lacking discipline and self awareness, dependency, hostility, inner wisdom, humanity compassion and no physical gain, think spiritual enlightenment.

Now unusually, I have done this card of the month over two days due to other things going on in my life. My hands are also getting worse so I do what I can in between times. This turns out to be a serious warning for this month’s TCOM too.

More planetary upheaval is indicated for July 2022, I am drawn to the mountains as I look at the card and we collectively have a long arduous journey ahead of us. Are we fools being taken for a ride yet again? You decide! Clearly things are not what we are being told in the media.

Struggles continue along the same path and no one is paying attention. The leaders of the world and of Ukraine and Russia have taken their eyes off the ball again, distracted by illusion. Seeing things that are not there, communication is not clear in the world of international politics. It’s like start - stop, wait, can you clarify that please. I feel that the relaying of information is not being handled correctly or clearly. It’s like someone is in the middle changing the message deliberately at some point in the communication. A person or a group changing the information.

As I look at the card I am being drawn to the pile of rocks at the edge of the water next to the yellow wolf. There are seven rocks of various sizes. They remind me of the saying, never put all your eggs in the one basket. This could quite rightly be the case with this card for July, because there is a warning that we all must be on guard for. 

The more I look at the imagery I feel that someone is over armed, heavily tooled up. That would be Ukraine and they are doing the west’s dirty work for them. Now notice that both the dog and the wolf are looking up at the moon. Both are actually distracted and do not notice the crayfish emerging from the water, more fool them because they are caught off guard. The crayfish can sneak up on them both and steal the rocks without them noticing. Now that is called being asleep at the wheel folks! Heed this warning. 

Some country is pulling a swiftly right in front of them, a third party opportunist striking at a brief window of opportunity. They are acting in a rather selfish and dishonourable way. While weary nations go toe to toe. Talk about a gutter level low act. This is a European country doing this. I did mention in a previous TCOM, that a third nation becomes involved somewhere in this, but this doesn’t have to be the same nation or third party already mentioned in previous posts.

This skulduggery just adds to the problem. This country is doing so because they can, not for altruistic reasons, setting the cat among the pigeons, charming! This will end up with many nations being angry with each other. Destabilising the situation to cause more infighting. I feel this could become explosive within a month of this particular event. Old rivalry and old issues from the past get dredged up after people have tried putting it all to rest to work for a common good. That turned out to be too good to last unfortunately. 

Young people though just can’t get their heads around this because they believe that countries should move on from the past. Watch the younger people take to social media venting their frustrations with all of this. NOW, bear this in mind everyone!  One simple expression, divide and conquer. See the picture yet?

Dividing people any way possible, disloyalty to each other, destroying society. That sounds deliberate does it not? Now just stop and think who actually benefits from all of this social divide and anger? It is not the ordinary people now is it? But it definitely benefits someone I assure you. 

People are starting to really feel the pinch of shortages now too. Anger, frustration and fear grips society as we lurch from one problem to another. So there is a pattern emerging from 2019 onwards, is it going to be a decade of mayhem? Only time will tell but I am pretty sure that it will be something like that. Life will definitely not be easy for many of us.

My advice and warning is, keep life simple for your own good. Learn to stop, listen and rethink. Because that my just be your saving grace.

Acting in haste spells disaster, be warned, hot impulsive actions are never in our best interests or intentions. So please stay clam and rational. Think twice and when in doubt, do nothing but wait, watch and listen. This is a global warning!

Stay safe, stay calm and stay informed. Peace and blessings, free hugs to all. 🤗🤗🤗💕🌹🌷


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