27 June, 2022

World’s first cyborg’ Dr Peter Scott-Morgan dies aged 64 after motor neurone disease battle


Poor soul, this must have been terrifying for him, but encouraging people to be cyborgs is away from our true spiritual purpose. We are spirit and must return to spirit. Yes the physical body is a trap and endures great suffering. I can understand his wanting to live longer, however where is the quality of life? 

There is a lack of spiritual awareness, and understanding here. That is detrimental to humanity evolving to leave the physical world and the suffering. We are not meant  to be here, in this living hell, literally.

It is heartbreaking to see people going through illness and being unable to help them. I have been here many times with family and friends. It never gets any easier, but death is only a transition to a different reality. However it is how we die and where we go that matters. 

To stay in a cyborg body is not going to give anyone freedom, quiet the opposite and it suppresses spirit and soul so that the spirit can never leave this reality. Transhumanism is a trap, stop and think before you make that fateful mistake. This is not how humans are supposed to evolve. It’s spiritual evolution never technology implanted into us. That’s the ultimate death knell and the loss of any spiritual connection that one has. But that is the agenda being pushed by ignorant people with a vested interest in enslaving humanity permanently. You stop evolving spiritually, however you can nano travel. That again has a dark agenda that most people don’t understand let alone bother to think about. You will have your thoughts based in a cloud to be reprogrammed and be part of a hive mind complex and the loss of individual and independent though. No free will, just programmed to respond and act on command. 

This poor man is free from suffering any longer. He will not be in any pain or suffering now and that is a blessing. We do not experience physical pain in a spirit body, that’s a physical world thing. Our emotions and personality are still intact though when we are in spirit. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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