25 June, 2022

ABC NEWS: COVID cognitive decline more widespread than thought, say researchers at Australia's first long-COVID clinic


This is terrifying for those people affected, I hope they find something to stop this getting worse. I have always maintained that this is a Trojan horse like bioweapon and nothing will convince me otherwise. If you read through some of my psychic predictions you will see my original comments including some American involvement in this great evil. 

No innocent human beings or animals deserve this horrendous harm done to them. Only someone that is pure evil comes up with this sort of horror. I really despair at this stage in my life that any good will come, and real justice be done to those behind all of this, and the instigators of war on both sides, whether people realise it or not this is part of a war against humanity. Why else would such things be created? 

The brain fog and other symptoms sound similar to fibromyalgia, which is actually a broad term name for a group of symptoms  which includes peripheral neuropathy, cognitive impairment, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and a lot of other symptoms. These covid sufferers are in the same situation as myself. Exercise gently and pacing yourself is part of the key for moving forward, don’t push yourself to reach a result or it can cause you a setback. Avoid any form of stress because it will make your situation worse. I speak from experience.

It will take years for this long covid to fully unfold, but nutrition is a must; to have quality of life. Don’t skimp on eating healthy because it will cause flair ups of symptoms, as does stress. For me personally I make sure that I have magnesium cream and magnesium flakes for a bath, vitamin B complex and zinc and vitamin C and D as my basic care. I am lucky that so far I have not had covid, my husband has serious health issues and we strive to keep covid free. We must all keep going, there is no alternative for all of us. Team work is vital for quality life for everyone. Hang in and don’t give up. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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