12 March, 2022

Colour: It’s all in the symbols


Regardless of what this article says. The reason for using red and blue is of symbolic significance and no other reason. Team red and team blue in collusion. Look at banking, politics, royal, symbols of the world dating back centuries. They couldn’t be any more obvious if they tried.

They all use red and blue for identification their deeds, it’s a coded message as usual. It is damned freemasonry; how gullible are people when it is right in your face, hidden in plain sight as it always has been. Every where you look we have occult symbols. Once seen they cannot be unseen. The public just don’t care about what controls their very lives, they happily accept the abuse of their intelligence  and even obey orders to kill for any cause  they are told to. Trained performing monkeys for the elite, but you pay for their sins never them because you agree to this by compliance, even our silence is taken as a yes by the elite, that is their way of doing things because the individual must utter the word , no! 

11 March, 2022

JP Sayers: Klaus Schwab


To those that haven’t looked through my blog(S) enough. This comedian has dumbed it down and straight to the point. There are no coincidences and there are no accidents in this world. Our arses are on the line; and as I have already said many times, there is no turning back. I have said on this blog our DNA is programable it can be hacked and has been hacked. What do, you think the covid mRNA shots are? The joke is on us and nothing can stop what is being implemented. Just prove me wrong folks! Call me Cassandra, but this is right in our faces. This is what the Nazis we’re planning as well and America came up with operation paperclip to get the scientists to the US to get their information, and not just space information but medical research. This is no longer a secret either, not for decades.

So you think the Ukrainian leader is honest too, well he is slowly getting exposed as part of this by the media. American deep state installed him. All governments are involved worldwide in the current NWO including Putin, and what it entails, the media are onboard as if we didn’t already know. We the people; are innocent so forget about race, religion etc. Funnily enough the wold leaders want to abolish nationality and sovereignty of nations because they are going with corporate Marxism.

This is about the takedown of humanity and our spirituality and creating a new human hybrid race. I will not get bogged down in this as it is not good for me to invest my energy into. I have enough crap going on in my life and need to distance myself as much as possible from this evil. The real target is young people, because people over 50, are of no use to these psychopaths because we can see through the agenda and will question everything. Young people don’t yet have the life experience of an older person to see what history told us. It’s young people that go to war not old people because older people will not comply, it has always been that way since the beginning of time. It’s young people that embrace new technology and the virtual world is where they are heading, there is no real spiritual anything in in an augmented reality it’s all fake. 

10 March, 2022

Victoria to offer redress for mothers whose babies were taken under forced adoption


Too little, too damn late, typical of a patriarchal, misogynistic controlled society. It is a subject that has always angered me. Humanity gone wrong and supposedly Christian values of compassion, yeah right that preaches forgiveness bull crap. 

How on earth do people heal from this damage? Some people would have died before getting the chance to find their child or parent. This is utterly unforgivable and even the parents of young women that made the poor young women  give up their babies should never be forgiven; parents that have no compassion for their  daughters but don’t make the man that impregnated their daughter man up, and be held accountable.

 But the young woman is treated like a social leper and the young man is treated like a hero, and sometimes it can be a married older man that is responsible for this and  gets no flack for what he does. Men get away with destroying lives of the mother and child and just shrug it off as dodging a bullet. No one gives a thought to what the young woman is suffering mentally and emotionally. How on earth can a mother put their own daughter through this abuse?

This is a horrendous abuse of power by anyone that is in a position of authority over a young and vulnerable woman, including the parents. Nothing can make up for this damage. There is the psychological harm done to the children as the grow up and find out the truth and that leaves them feeling lost and incomplete. Respect is a one way street even to this day. 

Petrol today be like

Might need to take out a loan for petrol from now on. 


Pfizer vaccine side effects: New documents uncover a shocking 158,000 adverse events


Now go back to tarot card of the month for February 2022, and see where it says the elephant in the room. 

Ernest Shackleton's ship Endurance found beneath Antarctic ice after more than a century


Wow what a find.

08 March, 2022

Photos show Poland’s acts of kindness as Ukraine mums flee


Isn’t this wonderful, so many lovely and selfless people leaving prams with stuff to give to the children.

I have no idea if this has ever been done before during war and other conflicts but it just shows you what good people can do when called on to help. 🤗🤗🤗 

Let’s hope humanity can keep this up world wide to help people in need. Big corporations could also pitch in to do this and celebrities. Just what a difference it can make in this world and it lifts the vibration of the earth when people come together with pure unconditional love. 

I have a MeWe account why not join me 😻

 Hi peeps look for me on MeWe, this new platform is gaining momentum and is now a challenge to Facebook 😻🎉✨✨✨✨🤗🤗  Just type in Alex Clairvoyant Medium and you will find me.

07 March, 2022

Coca Cola and Pepsi still doing business with Russia


So are MacDonald’s still doing business in Russia. Blood money!  


There’s disrespect for war victims right there folks. That’s three companies that will never get a cent out of me. Coca Cola sold Fanta to Germany during the Second World War, so they already have a questionable reputation. Do you expect anything else from them? 


There is a list of companies still doing business with Russia. As far as I am concerned these bastards are human rights violators. Shame on them.

UPDATE: Finally  public pressure has made them do something. 


Poor stats means no freedom of speech!

 Looking at my stats for the past two weeks, I have noticed Google is slowing down who can see my blog.

There is also a notice that tells me due to law’s in some countries people can’t see my blog and no stats are available. Hmmm if that ain’t control and suppression of free speech then I don’t know what is.

There is nothing bad on my blog, nothing that isn’t in the news or easily found. Is it a crime to be caring and honest? I view my little blog as a sort of rummage place to find things that might interest others and of course; I like humour, fur babies, nature  and spiritually. I am definitely not the sort of person that gets involved in protests or anything that is questionable, just a down to earth mum of a certain vintage 🤣🤣🤣

Ah well, those that make the effort to read my blog will, such is life 🤣 no big deal 🤣🤣

Neil Oliver: I will continue to air my doubts and ask my questions


Understand this, all war is a spiritual attack and war against humanity by design. The ordinary people never win, we are cannon fodder and collateral in this sickening spiritual warfare against humanity. War will always be here, metaphysically speaking, this world is geared and programmed for conflict and polarities. We are programmed with conditioned responses, good versus bad, spiritual versus the profane. 

Most humans are good but are hampered by evil people in positions of power, the elite bloodlines.  It is heartbreaking, sickening and terrifying seeing such suffering and sadly this will escalate, not straight away but it will build up to a world war as most people are aware. The years 2026 and 2027 are the years to worry about because this could be when the poop hits the fan big time. I feel this will be world war and heaven help us if this happens. 

 Humanity is already at the reset stage, where we crash and burn; then restart again. This all takes time to go through the astrological process of a humanity reset, which goes in large cycles. Humanity was never intended to rise out of this swamp; only to be loosh for the archons that control and programmed this  reality and nothing more. Only the exceptional individuals that have spiritually awoken after thousands of lifetimes; and have figured out what it is all about; and have made the effort to leave this reality and will do so. 


Very sad, but some people may not want to know the truth because; it is inconvenient and so they go into denial. Where have we seen this before boys and girls? We are all human beings and must care for others or we lose our humanity, end of story. 

I am so shocked and saddened by all of this suffering, knowing that it will get worse from now on. Just pray for the animals and humanity please. Keep people in your hearts and minds as you pray for peace.

UPDATE: 5 April 2022 ⬇️ the next couple of years. 


06 March, 2022

130 survivors set to sue over abuse at Scots residential girls' school



Humanity never cease to horrify me with acts of evil.  I hope these poor women get justice and healing. I had never heard of this place when I lived in Scotland. How many more stories like this will come to light around the world. The mindset to create such abuse is universal, and this abuse would happen all over the world at any given moment in time and not everyone gets justice delivered.

FORBES: Antibody-Activated Endothelial Cells Increase the Risk of Blood Clots with Covid-19


It will be years before the full impact of this pandemic is realised. So many innocent people suffering or dying. 

A Case of Axial Spondyloarthritis Triggered by SARS-CoV-2 Infection


I have said from the start of the pandemic that this virus is a Trojan horse that will cause other health issues. 

Canberra Times: Sunday Space: Why a rocket can accidentally crash into the moon


Typical humans leaving junk wherever they please. We must be more responsible in disposing of space junk. If the so called carbon footprint is frowned upon on earth then why not in space too. It is part of nature and we don’t have ownership of space. Whom ever is responsible for the individual bits of junk in space should be legally responsible from bringing it back to earth to be recycled or whatever needs to be done with the items for safe disposal. 

04 March, 2022

Russia-Ukraine war live updates: Fire extinguished at Europe's largest nuclear power plant after Russian attack


This is heartbreaking and terrifying. How can humans be so evil? People need to speak out about this evil and support each other. We will be facing poverty like the Great Depression form this war so get used to it. This is not the world we want to live in. We must not tolerate violence  and human rights abuses or we become like savages losing our spirituality. Our world can only heal if we adopt peaceful and spiritual lives. 


What the cards say about Putin and the current mess

Well this is another fine mess you have gotten us into! Where have we heard this before? Remember me saying that 2022 was like a ball of tangled wool that someone had poured super glue over?

I have been looking at the cards a few days ago and left the paper work sitting, unsure if I should post it or not. I am not a political person. I am a humanitarian and strictly spiritual, life to me is about living in peace and not bothering anyone. I like my privacy and just live a quiet life the same as most people.

What I don't like is seeing others suffer, be they animal or human. I see no need for being bad to others. So the current nightmare we are witnessing is very distressing to me. 

When I looked at the cards I noticed Mr Putin has too many irons in the fire, he is taking a defensive stand and he is not afraid to push back on any perceived opposition. Putin is closed off to others and is keeping his guard up. His mind is quite active as he weighs up his options.

In his opinion he is fully in control of the current situation and a winner; talk about an out of control ego. He takes a hard control over his country and any political issues. Seeing himself as a skilled master of the art of war, politics and in control. Failure is not in his vocabulary nor his opinion of himself.

This reading shows his love for Russia and his firm distrust of outsiders. His pact with China; is really a one man show. He will not be second fiddle to anyone, not quite how Mr Xi  sees the pact as he also will not be second fiddle either. China may just issue a pull your head in notice to Mr Putin as he is going off script.

The moon card signifies illusion  and deception around Mr Putin, he is clearly out of touch with reality and will just keep on cruising along for the mean time. he does not trust his military leaders nor cabinet. They also are afraid of him and are afraid to speak out of turn. Reminiscent of  Stalin and other dictators in the past. No one around him knows just what he is thinking at any given time. Mr Putin likes to keep an air of mystery around himself to create that mystique. He will not; in his opinion be made a martyr either. 

Mr Putin must not be under estimated, he has the tenacity for anything and that makes him very unpredictable for other leaders to work out. He is always several steps ahead of the western leaders due to his cunning. Like I pointed out in my 2022 predictions there is an air of naivety among western leaders. Well alright, dumb as a box of rocks actually. Mr Putin will risk anything to prevent Russia from failing.

In Mr Putin's mind Russia must not fail, Russia must keep up it's image of being as hard as steel and unbreakable. Russia never gives in; Mr Putin forgets time has changed and the Russian people have changed too, many just want peace and in some cases a spiritual life. To Mr Putin , giving in is taboo, he is a man of  fire and steel.

Putin is a lone wolf operator and bides his time before he strikes. So Russian politicians never know what's on his mind. Meanwhile the west have seen the Ukraine war as a mere skirmish and an inconvenience; big mistake!

I see a velvet glove approach here from the west and they'd prefer not to get their hands dirty. So it's rule with  velvet glove and sword from a distance. A soft response and not what the Ukrainian government hoped for. The western leaders are saving their response for another time and situation. Not wanting to spend more money than they would like. The ticking bomb will wait for another day. Western leaders will not sacrifice anything at this stage and only see Ukraine as an unimportant state in the big world. Err big mistake guys, this will come back to bite you.

Sadly many lives will be lost and people will be very angry. Mr Zelensky will be rather put out by all of this; he does appreciate the support that the nation is given and proud of his strong people. The Ukrainian people can hold their own but won't be able to defeat Russia on their own. But now is not the time to take on Russia. That ticking bomb will have to wait for another day. 

Hard control versus strategic planning to prevent total war throughout Europe is what western leaders  are thinking. Buffering themselves against Russia as Russia steps up the sabotage and cyber attacks. It all reads like a script. Ukraine are out on a limb right now and they may in the end back down to Putin.

That is not the way of the Ukrainian people though. If Mr Zelensky is defeated by Russia the people will be very angry, especially if he surrenders. But what can one man do up against the might of Russia? Should this happen the world will react with much more hatred of Mr Putin. Mr Zelensky needs to weigh up when to think about his people and how to prevent more bloodshed. This is a very difficult decision and it must be extremely  difficult for Mr Zelensky or anyone facing such a big military force.

This will never be forgotten and people will be very angry for a long time. This conflict will last for a long time and puts incredible responsibility on Mr Zelensky  What choice does Mr Zelensky have if he has to back down? Mr Zelensky may end up succeeding the two states in question to Russia As he is trying to stop the bloodshed. Explosive cutting energy is indicated and it will last for years. 

Mr Zelensky unfortunately will not have the numbers from Europe and western leaders like he had hoped.  The western leaders are more focussed on China. These leaders see the Ukraine war as a mere nuisance than a threat. And that is their biggest mistake and naivety. They have learned absolutely nothing  from history. Hence the indifference with sending troops in  to push Russia back.

Cyber attacks are what the west seem to be worried about. Yet many countries are behind in their technology upgrades and security.  Mean while this does not bother Mr Putin one bit; he is out to win at all costs and tooled up for a fight, not giving a toss about the young men used as cannon fodder.

Win at all costs is Mr Putin and this is a long journey, Putin knows how to wait though he is like a hibernating bear waking up from a long winter sleep looking for food, Putin is no fool, paranoid yes but no fool.  Shame he doesn't stop to think of his people and shedding their blood for his own agenda.

Mr Putin likes people to gasp when he moves, he enjoys the attention and wants to be a celebrity. Flashy and impressive, constantly seeking adoration. He  wants to be looked up to in awe.

There is a crack in his armour though, however it does not stop him. He cannot back down when cornered and this is very dangerous. The world must be very careful with this man and never underestimate him  or many more lives will be lost; Putin has a goal plan and will activate this if he feels threatened. Don't think he is bluffing that is a fatal mistake to make. You are dealing with someone like Stalin or Hitler. Heed the warning this man is very dangerous as he does not do failure or second place as already stated above.  Mr Putin keeps a tally on everything  and everyone.

He fears assassination, yet he cannot help himself with pushing others to the brink of destruction. Mr Putin feels misjudged by the west and does not like this one bit; it bruises his ego. Not a gentle peace loving person after all. It’s all about him and his love of beauty and dressing well. He loves to be surrounded by nice things , he likes money, power and to be admired by all. Vanity or what!

One thing Mr Putin must keep in mind is; China will drop him like a hot potato when he is no longer useful to them. Mr Putin is more sophisticated than Stalin and operates differently but hard as nails. His weakness is women though, Libras are all about love or war when you upset them. Mr Putin calls the shots with women  and everyone knows their place. I do see a woman with dark long hair around him that he needs to be very careful with. She may well just betray him. She is tall and very elegant, I don't feel she is Russian though. Putin has a very long memory, and does carry a grudge. He is accountable to no one and will not tolerate anyone that betrays him, so take heed. 

Remember Mr Putin keeps everything very close to his chest and will defend himself to the bitter end. Mr Putin is very into fitness and looks down on those that don't do likewise. Surrounded in abundance and well guarded. Only those deemed worthy are invited into his inner sanctum but Mr Putin will always keep his guard up as he trusts no one.   This is the guy that always looks through the peep hole before opening the front door. 

I don't feel he does loyalty with his friends, it is them that must be loyal to him. I do feel he is very fond of one of his daughters though. This girl is his protégé and he loves her very much. She needs to keep herself very grounded, because I feel that her fathers actions will affect her life greatly.  Grief stricken is what I feel around her. I feel this is the loss of her father at some stage in her life and it will affect her very badly. 


NATO reject no fly zone over Ukraine. 5 March 2022. This is awkward!



03 March, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 294 Q and A session 94


#3 This is why I always tell my clients never to put anyone on a pedestal or worship them. Definitely not any psychic or clairvoyant; we are not perfect either. I have met some very bad people that are psychic and people that profess to being spiritual but are anything but. 

Only a fool gives away their personal power and energy, through ignorance of spirituality. Have you any idea how much energy is built up in a church or any religious building? I can feel it when I enter  such a building. It is a very strong electrical energy which feels warm and magnetic. That energy needs to be cleared regularly.

#5 From a mediumship perspective, there are two things that occur, first it is the deceased that contact the living. Not the other way around, the spirit can be newly deceased and still around the earth plain and try’s to contact someone that can hear, feel and see them. Secondly; if they deceased person is past the earth plain then it is their essence that we communicate with. But having said that, when I have someone in spirit that comes to pass on a message the energy connection makes my body buzz or tingle. Sometimes it makes me go hot or cold too. It depends on the individual contacting me. Sometimes the spirit person is a few meters tall. Much taller than when they were in a physical body. 

Sometimes there is no buzzing or tingling, I get a weaker impression but I can describe the spirit person to my clients and provide other information that I have absolutely no way of knowing. There is nothing cut and dry about spiritual communication either. I have had a friend in spirit try to come through for years and he only managed that to confirm his passing about seven years ago. He was 45 when he passed and we had lost touch when I was about 19 or 20. I had found our mutual friends via Facebook and let them know that he came through to speak to me. There was a very powerful energy in the room at the time and I had been seeing signs of him for weeks before he made contact. Another man that I worked with many years ago also comes through often and has been in my dreams a lot lately. 

I have had famous people in spirit contact me for their loved ones. Again it is these individuals that contact me. I can’t contact them because that is just how it is. Forget what you see on tv, that is fake. I have absolutely no time at all for fakes and theatrical nonsense; it is dishonest and not the spiritual way as far as I am concerned. 

The personality of the deceased is exactly the same as it was prior to bodily death. Also for people that regularly read my blog and are familiar with this subject understand we here in the third dimension are the dead. Spirit beings are the ones that are alive. Everything is inverted in this low frequency of ours. If you find that hard to understand, please conduct some deep metaphysical research you will find that it confirms what I am saying.

One further thing a person is born a medium, however they may need to learn how to protect themselves energetically and learn how to tell a negative entity from a beloved spirit (a deceased person). A medium needs to be aware of what an archon is and not to communicate with them. Archons will present to a medium as an angelic being, a master guide, ascended master guide etc, these are egotistical negative energy beings which we call archons or archonic beings. They gain your trust and slowly start to turn your life upside down and will cause mental health issues and can attach to a person given the chance. Under no circumstances should you talk to these beings; they only have negative intentions.

One doesn’t need to go on spiritual training courses to be a medium but many need to attend training classes at a spiritual church to basically understand there are other beings in the non physical worlds  and to be careful and learn psychic self defence, grounding. I never have and never will do any of the recommended training other than the trance mediumship one that I did many years ago and I regretted it. I knew exactly what would happen but I was pressured by a so called friend. and this friend was unsupportive as expected. 

A genuine medium doesn’t need someone to validate them and tell them they are qualified. The individual knows they are mediumistic and can demonstrate their abilities quite well. The individual must not misuse their abilities or exploit others there is a duty of care that must be observed and there can be a price to pay for the abuse of power. 

Medical news today: What to know about phantom smells (phantosmia)


This is rather interesting, I have been waking up to the smell of burnt toast on and off for ages. But lately it’s the smell of a combination of dust and the underfloor gas heating with one of the vents right at face level. But it is not in use throughout summer and the vents are closed. I have floorboards only in the bedroom and have to vacuum regularly because of pet hair and I am recently diagnosed with asthma and sleep apnea. 

On top of that I am clairhambient (taste) and clairallient (smell), so that is something that I have to factor in to the equation. I have just purchased an air purifier for the bedroom because my allergies and sleep apnea. I have noticed as soon as I waken and remove my sleep mask, my sinuses are clear for a minute and I notice the smell of what I can only describe as a combination of dust and the gas heating starting up after summer is over. My husband can’t smell this at all. I can only put it down to my sinuses and asthma.

I have not slept well in over 20 years at least and I am always exhausted when I wake up.  I never thought that I had sleep apnea until my results came back shockingly high last week. At present I am struggling to sleep with the sleep mask on and have had to change to different masks three times. There is always a week or two of adjustment to find the right size of mask and the best type. The masks do leak air and one has to keep adjusting the mask over night. That causes me to panic if I can’t feel the air straight away. 

After reading this article though I definitely will report the strange smell to my gp. More than likely it is my sinuses that are the problem as I always have a blocked nose. Next step shave the dog, lol. Just kidding 🤣🤣

28 February, 2022

Neil Oliver: We watch Russia, but we must watch what our leaders are up to here in the West


Right on the money, I totally agree with everything he says. I am surprised that he didn’t go further, but he needs to be very careful or he will be out of work. 

Dr Jan Watson 1927 to 2021


What an incredible woman and well worth reading about. A pioneer of her time, I find it strange that men were so misogynistic back then and some even today, but Marie Currie was long before this woman and there already were well established female academics, doctors and whatever by the 1930’s and 40’s. Australian women were permitted to study at university from the 1880’s. 

I know an old lady here in Canberra that is a volcanologist and she would have no doubt found difficulty when she started in her field. I often see her when out shopping; I used to chat at a local club to her husband who is a musician. 

Pets welcome: Safe havens allow Ukrainian evacuees fleeing across the border to bring their animals without vet paperwork


It is wonderful to see fur babies and feathered babies are allowed to go with their families. To leave them behind would be very cruel. War does terrible things and unimaginable suffering. I pray that this situation comes to an end very soon. 

People do not ever want war, the only people that benefit are the arms dealers and banks. You can’t put a price on a human being's life, or an animal’s life for that matter. People must live in love and peace; war is not acceptable. 

27 February, 2022

26 February, 2022

The Dodo: Pets in Ukraine


This really tugs at the heart strings, I can’t bear to see animals suffering. How on earth will they manage to feed, medicate and comfort all the animals? People can help themselves to an extent but animals are helpless and totally dependent on humans. 

I know that I could never abandon my fur children, I would go without to food to care for my own fur babies. Animals have been victims of human wickedness since the beginning of time. This world will never change unfortunately because it is a low vibrational frequency. No matter how much unicorns and rainbows rubbish is spouted in social media. To think otherwise is naïve and shows a lack of understanding on how this dimension is set up for humanity to fail and engage in violence. 

I wish it was possible to lift the entire world vibrational frequency much higher and permanently, so that evil would perish. A realistic understanding of metaphysics; and our reality needs to be understood by the masses and then there would be changes. There would be no need for this reality or dimension to exist if that were the case.

Saturday laughs


25 February, 2022

Heartbreaking situation in Ukraine

 It’s such a horrible situation unfolding in Ukraine right now. My heart goes out to all of those suffering right now; they are so helpless. I struggle to find the words to express my heartfelt sympathy for all those people and animals caught up in this nightmare. 

War is a horrible thing and I never expected to see such a situation in my life time in Europe. Looks like it could spread from here if a solution can’t be found. Western leaders will take time to carefully respond to this, but in that time a lot can happen and that is the worrying thing. I think this will escalate quickly and turn in a direction that drags the western world into conflict. This in turn will affect the world economy and the cost of living will sky rocket. We already know that the cost of living is starting to sky rocket during the covid situation and it won’t be getting any better from here on in. 

I am glad to see people in Russia feel the same way as the rest of the world. Good people don’t like to see others suffering. There are no winners in human suffering; only heartache. 

My lovely Tarot bags

The Crystal Ball by John William Waterhouse 1902


The Prince wakes Sleeping Beauty by Heinrich Lefler, 1900
I also have this in a lilac silk handbag 

These are some of my silk Tarot bags from Baba Studio in Ireland. I also have a messenger bag with  a tabby cat reading the cards and some silk handbags. The Tarot bag second from the top signifies Mary Magdalene and the cult of Isis, the red dress tells us she was a high priestess of the cult. The skull also tells us she followed John the Baptist. Skulls in any old paintings are a reference John the Baptist. 

YOUTUBE: Tarot card of the month, March 2022, 3 of Pentacles


Dorothy Hill, Australian geologist


Dare I say rock on, lol. Geology 🤣🤣 I came across this website mentioning another amazing Australian woman. 

24 February, 2022

News.com.au: Mystery of Tutankhamun’s meteorite ‘space dagger’ finally solved


Purple Poppy Day, for all the animals killed in war (24th February)


I only found out that this was today. I feel sad that I didn’t know sooner as I bought an official purple poppy badge to we’re on ANZAC Day and remembrance day. So I will mark my calendar for next year. 

https://www.purplepoppies.com.au/products/  This is the link to buy a badge. 

https://militaryshop.com.au/collectables-gifts/ I generally buy from this website or shop in their local shop.

ABCNEWS: Blood Cobolt


 Very  disturbing article; human beings lives are worth more than this. Yet greenies don’t tell you about this human suffering that is involved producing  ethical and green products. You have to ask yourself why they don’t but also put that question to the greenies themselves. I have yet to see anything good that greens endorse without a negative impact somewhere. Just like the compact fluorescent bulbs and the green shopping bags. Many people have no idea that their electrical goods are produced via this and other horrific processes. 

People need to be aware of these horrific working conditions used in the production of  the goods people are demanding. Is it really worth the deaths and suffering of the poor and unfortunate of the world who live literally hand to mouth every day of their lives?  We don’t need all this technology we don’t need the latest and greatest phone, iPad or high definition tv. There is a price to pay for everything on this earth and sometimes the price is too high and not worth all the suffering is causes.

What is the spiritual debt to be paid for all of this; whether one is aware of this facts or not? This earth has spiritual debts going back thousands of years, and unless you know how to circumvent this then you will be held accountable on a spiritual level. 

RIP Anna Karen


Such a shock to waken up to this very sad news this morning. I loved; On the busses, and any time it is on tv  I watch it for the nostalgia having watched it all through my childhood. 

What a terrible way for Anna to die. She will always be loved and remembered in our hearts. ❤️❤️❤️

23 February, 2022

Nine news: First-ever recording of a dying human brain shows we may relive memories before death


The brain is like a cross between an engine and a computer storing information. Did you know the human body vibrates at between 62 and 67 megahertz and at death it drops down to 25 megahertz. Also the human soul starts to retract anything from two weeks to a couple of months prior to death. I have witnessed this myself in a relative when they were not long from death, but they were not ill prior to death. The person is totally unaware this is actually taking place thankfully. It would be a very frightening thing to become aware of otherwise. 

The higher self is fully aware when death is imminent and starts to prepare for death. The etheric body can be seen by a psychic person as this process is in action. Some of us may see a grey aura around the person or actually see them almost like double vision; as the etheric body moves slightly to the side of the person.

Having seen the ethnic double of a relative though I have no desire to see such a thing again. I don’t want to know these things as it is distressing for me. It is hard to live with the knowledge that a person is about to pass to spirit. I also get a knowing when people are going to die. Even a person that is about to become ill, I have seen with a grey tinge to their face. That person had a stroke that night, I am glad to say the person recovered.

One day the information in our brains will be downloaded to a computer and that time is not very far away; because scientists are currently working on that. I strongly disapprove of this, as I feel it is an intrusion on a person’s personal and spiritual sovereignty; and if a person has absolutely no concept of the importance of guarding their thoughts they could be making a huge mistake. Who knows what the information would be used for. There may not be any legal protection for such situations and potential violations of other people’s privacy that were part of an individual’s private thoughts, and absolutely anything could be revealed about themselves or other people that knew the person.

 A bit creepy when you think about it, just prey that they don’t trap a human or any other souls in a form of faraday cage or such a device. That would be just going to far and would be very wrong. The only reason to attempt such a thing would be for rather nefarious purposes. It should be illegal to attempt such a thing; should anyone try to do this. 

https://fortune.com/2022/02/22/elon-musk-neuralink-brain-implant-claims/ Elon Musk, Neuralink. 

Now read the other post on Neuralink.


22 February, 2022

Wedgwood: How to care for bone China


Good to know if you have any good bone China that needs a little TLC. 

Nexus Magazine: Elon Musk’s brain phone, will humans be rendered unrecognisable?


Pffft, only idiots would succumb to this stupidity. We are no longer human at this point, we become cyborgs; end of story. Do you honestly want to be part of a hive mind complex? That’s what we become if we go down this path. Goodbye humans, hello freaks. Our spiritual energy is no longer there for us to use and experience, because it will be suppressed by technology. Our spiritual energy is very important and vital and especially at the end of our lives to move us out of this reality and into the next. Our spirit and our souls need to be respected; not to be crushed and suppressed, it is part of us and it is powerful but it is also bio-electric energy too so it can be subject to manipulation as is our DNA.

What about people with intellectual disabilities or mental health issues? How will they understand this and cope with this; being vulnerable people they need protected from this destructive violation of their rights and humanity. Who will be there to protect their rights? They cannot give informed consent in some cases. 

There is a hell of a high price to pay if we accept this abomination. Intelligent people know the clear and present danger and will refuse this evil. To be frank I am surprised people tolerate this guy and others like him. These individuals do not have any respect for humanity, they see us as commodities to be used, bought and sold. These individuals are void of compassion, respect for others and any form of true spiritually and they want to kill our spiritually because they see it as a threat. Why is that you ask?  Well if you have to ask that, you lack any understanding of spiritually and how important the human beings are. We are very unique and irreplaceable from a spiritual perspective, there is nothing else like us in this universe. 

Just as something to ponder, how long can you go without using your phone, social media or a computer?  These things are very addictive but just wait until the VR technology is in your hands and see how well you can resist that. This is the next thing that is currently being rolled out to keep people addicted to technology and will be used in everyday lives for many things including banking. 

Get used to the end of cold hard cash, because it’s going to be obsolete  in the next handful of years. Too many idiots are allowing this to happen, including people in banking, government and big business. They don’t care what we ordinary people think; and most people will just accept this. Our existence is then under the control of the bank when we switch to a cashless society. If there is a power outage the cash cards don’t work, we can’t buy food, petrol or anything. How do you feed your family without money?  Australians experienced this during the 2019 bushfires, they couldn’t use their cards to buy anything and had to depend on the emergency services helping them. That was a real eye opener for the people that it happened to, along with many losing their homes. 

Take a look at this news article below about Neuralink. I found this rather distressing, as I am very against animals being used like this. 


The past two years were a dry run for the brave new world. The pan demic was a perfect opportunity to trial a few social experiments. They were a huge success, however many people are well aware of this.

Nexus magazine: Enoch’s encounters with extraterrestrials


This subject never gets old. It will always be of interest to people with an enquiring mind. We may never get the truth in our world because there are individuals with a vested interest in keeping this secret.

However secrets never really stay a secret because there are people that feel everyone has the right to know the truth of everything. 

These giants are what we believe to be the Nephilim/Titans/ becoming what we know as archons after they died and stayed within our world in a non physical form, and have plagued humanity ever since. 

Wes Penre: Glossary for the Wes Penre Papers

 Note: This came in via email today, it has been on the website from the beginning; but some people are still asking what these terms mean. People are obviously not reading them if they keep asking what these mean. 


https://wespenrevideos.com/  The home page with site map reference.

By Wes Penre, February 21, 2022

“Better late than never,” here is a glossary of common terms used in the videos and articles on this blog. The terms will be continuously updated and are in alphabetical order.

AEONS: The first emanations of Source/All That Is/Monad. A Gnostic term of twelve main spiritual attributes of the Monad. The Monad separated Itself into these twelve units, so It could experience Itself from a perspective outside Itself. Sophia/the Orion Queen, is an Aeon.

AIF (Alien Invader Force): The term I used in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP) for the extra-terrestrial species, such as the Sirians and Alpha Draconians, who are interfering with our human evolution. See also, ANUNNAKI, KHAN KINGS.



ARCHONS: A Gnostic term. There are 7 (12 according to some sources, which I find more correct) main Archons, and Yaldabaoth is the original Archon. The other 7 or 12 Archons (with a capital A) are “offspring” of Yaldabaoth, each one representing some of his traits, respectively. It’s an imitation of the Monad (All That Is/Source) and “His” creation of the 12 Aeons/Spiritual creators in the Pleroma/Spiritual Realm. Subsequently, we have the archons (with a small a), who are sub creations in Yaldabaoth’s Kenoma, having smaller roles.

ARY: An “Orion” term used by those outside the Kenoma/Matrix, being closer to the original term for Orion, which is merely a word homo sapiens sapiens use for ARY. From here, ARYAN (see this term) derives. The real original term for Orion/ARY is MARY, which is a name for the Mother Goddess Sophia, aka the Orion Queen (see this term).

ARYANS: The more accurate term for the Namlu’u (the original humans discussed in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP). I, Wes, will start using the term Aryans more and more to get closer to the source terms. Aryan derives from the Aryan noun, ARY, which in its turn derives from MARY (another name for Sophia/the Orion Queen. Think Virgin Mary in the Bible). ARYAN is basically two words in Aryan language, ARY.AN, where AN stands for “Heaven” (see also ARY and MARY). Thus, ARY.AN means “Mary’s Heaven,” i.e., Sophia’s Heaven (her being the Creatrix).

DOME (The): Mentioned in Genesis 1 of the Bible, but also in older texts, from which the Bible is derived. It’s most likely a plasma field surrounding Earth, keeping intruders out and isolated beings, like we humans, inside and under the Dome, unable to get outside in our 3D physical body form.

EARTH: Earth is just a very small part of Gaia (see this term). The Kenoma/Matrix (see these terms) is also only 4% of the entire Universe outside the Kenoma, and possibly 4% of the Gaia landmass (see this term).

GAIA: A term we use here on the forum for the greater landmass, where the Namlu’u/Aryans and other races live. The Earth is just a very small, isolated part of Gaia, separated from the rest of Gaia by having been placed under a cupola, a DOME (see this term).

GRID (The): The energetic network that keeps the human soul group connected to each other. This network/web/grid is surrounding the Kenoma (see this term) and held together with Orion technology, stolen from the Mother Goddess, Zoe Sophia.

KENOMA: The Gnostic term for the Matrix, comprising Earth and the solar system, surrounded by the Grid.

KHAN KINGS: A better and more original term for the AIF, Anunnaki, and the Sirians, Alpha Draconians, and other interfering extraterrestrial species in the Kenoma.

MARY: A name used outside the Kenoma/Matrix for the Mother Goddess Sophia, aka the Orion Queen. From here, we get the terms ARY and ARYANS (see these terms).

MATRIX (The): See Kenoma.

MONAD: The Gnostic term for Source/All That Is/The All Encompassing, etc. It is, according to the Gnostics, undefinable and unfathomable–even for the Aeons (see this term).

NAMLU’U: The term I used in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP) for the Original Spirited Humans, which are also us, being a part of the original soul group outside the Kenoma (see this term). A more accurate term for the Original Humans is ARYANS (See this term). The term ARYANS will be used more frequently on this blog from now on and replace NAMLU’U.

ORION: Derived from the original word n. ARY (see this term), which is the term for Orion outside the Kenoma/Matrix, even further back derived from MARY, which is a term for the Mother Goddess Sophia. From this, the term ARYANS originates (see this term). Orion/ARY is so much more than a constellation–it’s the original name of our entire Universe. We are the Aryans living in (M)ARY, i.e., Sophia’s Universe.


PLEROMA: Gnostic term for the Spiritual Universe from where Creation starts.


SOPHIA: The Gnostic name for MARY and the ORION QUEEN (see these terms).

20 February, 2022

Tarot Card of the month: March 2022, 3 of Pentacles


Element: Earth                         Season spring (northern hemisphere)

Cardinal point:  East                 Zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn  

Ruling number: 3                      Energy: Female

Realm: Home                          

There's work to be done! ( This is what I hear as I pull the card)

The three of Pentacles is an interesting card, and for March it tells me the silly season is long over and the serious part of the year is in full swing. I personally  always feel the year doesn't really kick in until March.

Key words for this card and the month of March are:

Health, finance and physical action.

I will keep the symbolism to a minimum for this card and just focus on the important things that I feel in the cards. There are just too many symbols and hidden meanings in each individual card that it is absolutely mind boggling and I don't want to bore people. 

So, without further a doo, I shall introduce the card. The important messages here are the individuals covered by this card are skilled people, well informed individuals, individuals with skill and talents to use. Let them do their job and don't hinder them; including apprentices and students that are in the process of learning their vocation.

The number three (Trinity) in this card is about teamwork and some of the numerical meanings  are, forming partnerships, integration, sorrow. Education I feel falls into this category for March. The negative vibration of the number three includes,  uncooperative, overindulging, recovery, healing.   

Emotionally three is fulfilling.  

Notice the people are inside a church, meaning they all hold the same beliefs and have a common interest in what is happening. One person is wearing a cloak alluding to among other things; secrecy, silence and withdrawal. There are secret dealings going on. The cloak is orange meaning; vital energy, active mind and pride. The other person is a clergyman  representing the priest class in spirituality. 

The young man in the card is called the apprentice, He is a skilled young man and knows exactly what he is doing; and is under the influence or guidance of his patrons depicted in the card, and follows their instructions to the T.  Notice he is wearing a yellow apron. As in perhaps a secret society in which an apron is worn during ceremonies. The yellow alludes to the intellect  and confidence of the young man. In his hand is a masonry tool called a bolster, yet again implying a secret society,  he is actively working or chiselling away at his task. As I have mentioned in other TCOM posts Freemasonry symbols are inserted into the Rider Waite Smith deck. So there are little humorous hints in many of the cards to be noticed by those in the know.

The black in the archways signify mystery, knowledge, transformation, and silence. Negatively  it can mean evil, despair, ignorance. There are two arches implying duality; meaning you have to make an active decision as to which path you will take. Arches are also portals to move from one reality to another, hence transformative. 

The pillar implies stability, support and strength, upholding beliefs such as religious or spiritual beliefs  

Bricks can be to build lasting foundations and joining together; to create something big or they can be made to block your path or your view of something that must remain secret. 

There is a white rose in the middle of the arches alludes to the house of York and Mary Magdalen and the ancient Egyptian mystery schools including the royal houses of upper and lower Egypt; their royal colours were white and red respectively. 

The pentacles signify spirit, humanity with the circle of spirit surrounding man. The pentacle also means money. Notice the apprentice is standing on a bench and also he is wearing boots. This signifies elevated position and intellect; but also protecting him from dirt and the unclean of the earth. Clothes don't just imply social status, rank and  honour. They show the outward symbols of the person, what others see, but they protect and conceal that which is within us; spirit. Not all is as it seems, hence the saying; never judge a book by its cover.

As for the full message for March 2022, It is a month for putting skills in to action, showing others you have what it takes to get something done. This card signifies people that have a job to do and let them get on with it. These people can back up their words with action and skill. 

They may be frustrated because they are being prevented  or held back by others from doing their job. For example nurses and aged care workers are eager to get their work done but are being hampered by restrictions around them. These people also have to work hard and fast to make up for lost time through no fault of their own. This also includes students and apprentices of all types.

People don't like their lives disrupted or on hold, they want to go back to normal, but there is a new normal not the old normal. There are still going to be disruptions and delays to cope with.

Plans wasted and skills wasted; poor advice given without any accountability. Is there going to be a skills shortage? Yes, in certain areas of employment; especially in aged care, healthcare, communication and haulage. 

Money is the other important message, people want a decent income for their jobs. Especially in aged care, child care and health care. Employers also will try to avoid paying up especially in small businesses because they may not survive especially just after lockdown. This will cause more upset because small businesses are suffering without relief and the cost of living is rising rapidly.

Some people will lose their jobs and may have to learn a new skill. This takes time and effort and may not be very easy for older people. Some older  people may just give up hope of ever working again.

This will take its toll globally causing more problems. People are getting frustrated with all the disruption to their lives  and not having any money. Noting that the healthcare system is failing them too. I feel there will be more loss of lives due to this especially the elderly due to a poor quality healthcare system world wide. I see delays in health care and apathy. The world governments owe the elderly for all their suffering. These good people gave their best and paid their taxes and they are let down badly by the authorities around the world. 

Meanwhile people that want to work are being prevented from returning to work in healthcare. Some are burned out from the past two years in particular and are in need of help themselves. Guess what; a shortage in mental health workers.  So, as we can see the healthcare system is on its knees with very little done to fix this. 

There is no quick fix to any of this because governments are in turmoil and no one seems to be actually doing anything proactive or of real consequence to get the ball rolling. Add elections in various countries holding up necessary help where it is needed. Health, education, money, production of goods and food are what are governed by the 3 of pentacles for March. 

Blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs 



  Note: There will be a video version on YouTube shortly. I will post the link here asap.

19 February, 2022

Wes Penre: Q and A 93 Video 293 pdf


This is the link to the text version, you can look for the video on his website. 

Charged tarot cards ready to use

 Last night I had a dream involving a client of mine; I was giving her a reading, and in the dream I noticed the deck of cards that I used was The Aquarian Tarot deck. I used these cards as my very first tarot deck and then moved on to other decks. The Aquarian Tarot deck had been sitting in a silk bag in a drawer unused for years. 

Today I went to the drawer and pulled them out wondering how they would feel after many years. I was surprised that they were still charged with energy as I shuffled them and reading them just flowed. I expected to have to work on them to get them to where they were ready for use again. 

I guess it was my higher self letting me know that the cards were ready to use. Also the lady in the dream was in fact one of the clients that I was reading today. Things just happen when they are meant to happen. For a few weeks I have been seeing random Aquarian tarot cards in my mind instead of Rider Waite. I feel that has been my higher self getting me prepared to use them again. As cards do need a rest from time to time and and also need a cleanse too.  But what a great surprise for me to pick these cards up and just work with them so easily.

Tarot cards must be treated with respect and care; they are not like playing cards and must never be treated the way playing cards are treated. The energy on the cards is very sensitive hence the care and how they are stored is very important.

18 February, 2022

Elon Musk's Neuralink confirms monkeys died in project, denies animal cruelty claims


How horrible, poor little monkeys they cannot give consent to this. This is for humans in the future for what ever reason be it for health or an upgrade in intelligence. If it is used for an upgrade then there will be no individuality and your can be programmed. How scary is that! 

The whole thing is disturbing and thinking of the suffering of animals used in the experiments is just horrendous. 

NSW bans killing of shelter animals


Its about time, however; people need to be able to afford to feed the dogs and cats and be able to give them a good loving forever home. Perhaps former shelter animals need follow up welfare checks to see if they are being cared for properly and settle in to their new home. That would be expensive to implement though so I guess it won't be possible.

I just don't want to see these fur babies back on the streets again after being abandoned. People can quite easily do this and not bat an eyelid when it all gets too hard. 

16 February, 2022

St Mary McKillop


I always have a photo of Mary McKillop in my office, I have read for her relatives several times, and all the women have her distinct eyes. I am  deeply honoured to have such a close brush with her family.

This woman had true Aussie grit and didn't backdown. I highly recommend reading her biography. She is Australia's first saint also. 


PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite

https://www.labirintoermetico.com/02Tarocchi/Waite_Pictorial_Key_to_the_Tarot.pdf#page7   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...