22 August, 2021

Early spring cheer

 As winter draws to a close for the year, the sun is warm and bulbs are starting to flower. Renewal of life in the garden brings a welcome feeling of cheer once again. It is our second year living with Covid, but I keep my focus on my flowers and that reinvigorating feeling that the early spring brings.

For weeks it has only been the snowdrops and scented violets to herald the awakening garden. Now the daffodils are at various stages of flowering and the blue bells are only a month away from blooming. That sight of the fresh and sunny daffodils just activates joy within me. 

This afternoon; I have been out in the garden tinkering with my camera to get nice flower shots. I have not used my camera for ages though, and it’s back to school to relearn how to use it again, lol. My camera is not that old and I don’t often get the chance to use it. So it is easy for an oldie like me to forget how to use it.

Never mind, lol. I just enjoy being in my garden and enjoying the gifts of springtime. I am not a hot weather person, so I make sure that I enjoy springtime before the real heat makes me hibernate until autumn.

Scented violets which cover a large area of my back yard in winter

A Crimson Rosella on the bird feeder

                                             Hellebores to brighten up a winter and spring garden

This is a female Crimson Rosella eating a rosehip in front of my loungeroom window

Hellebores and jonquils under a crab-apple tree

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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