16 August, 2021

UN call to slash red meat to 14gms per day per person


A vegan diet or a diet suggested like what is being pushed will stunt brain development and physical development and thus inhibit intellect and critical thinking. What could possibly go wrong here boys and girls? Do you really want to abuse your children like this; or damage both their health and your own? 

Christ even with the rations of food back in ww2 ( British people were on these rations up to July 1954) they had better nutrition and it was carefully measured to ensure that public health was not compromised. What sort of idiots would endorse this terrible abuse on humanity? It is a basic human right to have a healthy balanced diet and it should not be for the likes of the UN to dictate anything to anyone. 

I used to be a strict vegetarian and much as I feel guilty about going back to eating meat last March; after ten years for health reasons. I am aware that people need to have meat in their diet for balanced nutrition and development of a healthy body. 

Some people have medical conditions that require them to eat red meat for iron etc because they can’t make it or retain vitamins after having radical gastrointestinal surgery, which means removing large parts if they’re intestines. Therefore they lack the ability to make vitamin B12,  store iron and other minerals that the rest of us take for granted. They can’t rely on iron infusions constantly either, and these people need vitamin B 12 injections on an ongoing basis for life, my husband is one of these people. To deprive these people of red meat is intolerable, to dictate what people in general  can eat is intolerable.

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationing_in_the_United_Kingdom Read this because it was not just food and petrol that was being rationed. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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