03 December, 2023

Thalidomide survivor Trish Jackson reveals heartbreaking way she had to qualify for disability pension


This lady could have worked in an office absolutely no problem. I worked in the public service with a lady that had been a victim of Thalidomide in fact she was my supervisor at one point and was born with one arm. She drove a car, she was married and she was a mother too. Back in my youth the public service was required to hire people who had disabilities and just like everybody else in the public service they would get proper on the job training through every rank the same as everyone else. 

The lady that I worked with was no different to anyone else and she was a friend to me and we shared the same sense of humour. I have a lot of respect for her and was amazed by how nothing phased her. It is disgusting that after all these years that people are still struggling with the government for support. 

What’s the problem in sorting this mess out? Couldn’t be arsed taking responsibility for all of these people because it’s all too hard. Not to mention that these days the government deliberately tries to avoid granting pensions to people who have a genuine disability as it is. It seems that our government doesn’t understand what it means to be human. To care for people in need or people with disabilities. 

For a first world country where is the respect and responsibility to people with disabilities. Where is the desire to serve these people and right the terrible wrongs done to them? We are talking an entire lifetime of suffering and government neglect. Buck passing by every political party elected since this terrible tragedy happened. The public must not tolerate this long protracted issue, we must demand change now. Are we all supposed to just sweep this under the carpet like we have done for over sixty years? The responsibility is at the feet of the federal government to step up and sort this once and for all.

An apology is cheap, compensation and a pension for those that need it is way overdue. That compensation needs to be back dated with interest for every single year of the person’s life. Claiming a pension should be made under a special status category without the horrible dignity robbing practices that are the standard procedure. Are the government hoping that people will die so they don’t have to grant pensions? It sure looks like it, if it has already taken this long to get any kind of acknowledgment or recognition for granting pensions and compensation. 

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 4 January 2025

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Q-and-A-Session-4%5EJ-2025.pdf Please read these comments carefully and you may need...