16 September, 2024

Springtime joy with Jack Frost visiting

 We had a freezing cold start to the morning today, it was -5.1 degrees in sunny southern Canberra. Yikes, I don't remember having such a cold morning in September in the 29 years I’ve have lived here. But the morning turned out to be lovely by 10.00am. 


The other side of town got down to a record breaking -6.9 which is unheard of in September, however it did snow here in September 1976, so I have been told when I first moved here by someone that was getting married at the time and clearly remembered that. There was snow just outside Canberra on the weekend and the chill was in the air throughout the weekend. Thankfully these cold snaps don’t last long and the sun comes out to make the day cheerful and I intend to celebrate the spring’s return. 

Floriade is back again for its 37th anniversary, and I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful colours of spring in Commonwealth Park; where the next 4 weeks will be buzzing with excitement as everyone is out to celebrate Floriade. I would love to have a mini version in my backyard as I really love springtime flowers and the magic of spring. I just want the mornings a bit warmer again so that we can enjoy drinking a cup of tea in the garden. 

This cold snap has taken me by surprise but the day turned out pretty good in the end. There is still tonight going down to -3 and here is hoping that this will be the last we see of Jack Frost for the rest of the season. Still the people of Canberra know not to plant tomatoes until after the first week of November because there is a chance of frost right up to then. We also love to see snow falling in town and the beautiful Brindabella mountains dusted with snow in our skyline, it’s a magnificent sight to behold. Southern Canberra has such beautiful natural scenery to enjoy, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else to be honest. 

https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/2814397.  A1949 news article about snow in Canberra breaking the record from 1929. 

14 September, 2024

Doctors issue health warning over excessive intake of common vitamin that can cause weakness, numbness and pain


The sensible thing to do is have a full blood count done before taking over the counter vitamins and minerals. There is also any medication that one is taking that must be factored in to the equation. Even some herbal medicines can harm you if used incorrectly and some actually affects the medication that you are taking. Alway consult your doctor and your pharmacist. 

13 September, 2024

US Federal Election 2025 and J D Vance

 I don’t know if other psychics are getting the same vibe from JD Vance, but that guy doesn’t just creep me out, he scares me too. I get the feeling that he will take over from Donald Trump at some stage and that worries me. Trump is a business man and is often saying inappropriate things, but J D Vance is a different kettle of fish altogether. Being a Leo star sign he will not be happy unless he is in charge of anything. Leo’s are leaders and never followers, they need attention, to be noticed and adoration from everyone. They don’t do second fiddle. So keep this in mind as you go to the polls America. 

I have not done an actual reading on JD Vance yet though I do intend to do that tomorrow. I don’t think he is going away. As I have said for the past few years there will be a Republican president for 2025, and he is a young dark haired man. I do believe that Trump at some point will hand over power to Vance or else Vance does the main work on the global stage. 

This guy is not shy and when push comes to shove he will not back down. He is patriotic all the way, on his own terms. I will update this post asap with more information in the meantime please check out this link below on the new US Republican Party president. I have been seeing this man since 2021. 


Sunday 15/9/24

As a Leo, JD Vance is a leader Leo being a fire sign it is a star sign that puts the person in the heart of things to demonstrate their skills, abilities etc. Here We see J D Vance come across as a stable and well balanced individual with a legal and military background. In this layout, the knight of cups shows him protected and perhaps defensive. The knight can be seen as a messenger bringing a message of peace or hope to the team. He is prepared for the work to be done and is no shrinking violet in conflict but he must keep his temper under control.

He will try to uphold the law as he sees it, however he is only human and must guard against greed and all the other temptations. Currently Mr Vance has an emotional sea to navigate both in the US and globally. 

He must think very carefully over every action or inaction in his role from here on in. Because the eyes of the world are on him. He can get hot under the collar and needs to keep this in check. Vance has his eye on the ball and will not play second fiddle to anyone, that is a Leo or any fire sign for you. They need action and are need constant stimulation. Mr Vance is very firm on his decision making and he will defend them to the end; perhaps through stubbornness. Timing is the key, he needs to learn to bide his time before responding or reacting. I feel he enjoys the finer things in life that hard work and money brings. We know that he has military discipline behind him and has leadership skills from his time in the military to advance his career. He hasn't done too badly to date, and I see that he is a hard talking deal maker.

 It may be what the Republican party needs as a person out front showing strength and leadership with world leaders. He must not jump in without sound knowledge of subject matter unlike Trump. He seems to study the game board first them moves his players. I do think that he would make a more stable president than Donald Trump. Mr Vance does show signs of being fair, yet at times he can be closed off. Heaven help those that upset him because he will have them on toast. He does have a lot of clout behind him; this worries me though because it may not be good for the US as a nation nor for the international standing. This is due to the powerful backers behind the scenes, it is not about lives, or doing what is right. It is about power and money. I do not see this as a unifying of the US. 

I have already said I do not like the energy from JD Vance and I do feel that the public must exercise caution, as both sides of the political spectrum spell bad news for ordinary Americans and the world. We need transparent  unity and diplomacy to move forward and I do not see this happening. 

12 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #2 September 2024


Karma is an artificial construct designed to entrap humanity and as for free will, no,  we don’t have much free will, because everything is programmed into our experiences in each incarnation for a reason. It is not to our benefit. That includes our astrological makeup too, it is all part of this complex system. But we definitely can use astrology to our benefit by taking the time to understand this concept. Knowing how to make it work in a positive manner is the key. 

You don’t need talking heads that pass themselves off as authority in spiritual matters or anything else for that matter. You know what is right for you; and yes, you will change your mind on many things throughout your life, which is normal and shows one is growing in wisdom. There is also your intuition that is there for you to use throughout your life to guide you through life’s challenges. 

The more one uses their intuition the stronger it becomes. Your guide is your higher self, not external beings unless they are from your actual soul group. These are your loved ones in spirit and whom you have reincarnated with over thousands of lifetimes. 

The best advice comes from yourself, so learn to listen to yourself, your intuition and gut feeling. When you’re in doubt about something, just wait a little longer and the answer will come to you. Never just jump into something without knowing what you are doing. It’s more prudent to sit back and watch how something unfolds when you are hesitant, because then you have clarity. Sometimes it’s our higher self that holds us back from making mistakes as in; should you buy that car. When you have to think about it and are still uncertain. This is where you must listen to your higher self and not the ego. It takes practice, patience and courage to accept and listen to one’s higher self. I too have times when I am not in tune with my higher self and; I admit that at times it can be as clear as mud when facing making a serious decision.

But when I hold off making a decision then I start to see clarity. Spiritually speaking this can be very difficult when one is new to metaphysical matters. There are no experts in metaphysics in this world, we are all learning but at different stages of learning and our experiences are not all the same. I would never claim to be an expert on anything including spirituality and the psychic phenomena. I know what I know from experience and my intuition. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

11 September, 2024

Catch Me If You Can,Berra - Part 2 by Craig Hand and Spaceman Africa


This is quite a funny song, especially for locals. Using the names of places and iconic symbols of Canberra. I think it would be a great tourist advertisement for people to come to our wonderful town/city.

We are very proud Ken Behrens 😁😂😆 

P.S, for those not familiar with Canberra and Ken Behrens; this name came about a few years ago during lockdown thanks to auto correct on ABC news and the technology just couldn't pick up the name Canberra so it sounded like Ken Behrens and this a new expression was created. 

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-20/meet-the-creator-of-canberra-covid-19-hero-ken-behrens/100393472  So funny

10 September, 2024

RIP James Earl Jones 1931 to 2024


What a sad loss to the film industry, 93 years old is good innings though. This man is loved by millions of fans around the world and will be dearly missed. 

I couldn’t not put a picture of JEJ on the Big Bang Theory with Carrie Fisher and Jim Parsons. I loved that episode. Rest in peace dear man 🤗❤️

07 September, 2024

Have you ever wondered how people call their cats indoors around the world?


Today’s useless information, lol. Just so you know in the future 🤣🤣🤣😻😻🐕🐈‍⬛🐈🦨

Just don’t call the stripy fart kitties 🦨 

06 September, 2024

Australian economy records smallest non-pandemic annual growth in decades


How long have the Labor government been in power? All this time and they still can’t run an effective government without screwing the economy into the ground. The media also do a good job of covering up Labor screw ups as usual. You can see in many of my psychic predictions where I have mentioned Australia was in a recession, yet most of the mainstream media avoided mentioning the recession. You will see though that I have actually shown the news articles that do mention that we were or are in a recession. You either are or you aren’t, there is no in between as in a slight recession. 

04 September, 2024

Chilling photos show 10,000 year old ‘saltmen’ mummies found in Iran


Just imagine what hard lives these men had and the working condition’s would have been horrendous and detrimental to their health , before a cave in. They may have been slaves and therefore they were expendable. Salt is a good preservative and to see remains of people from thousands and years ago that can be scientifically examined with modern technology will yield amazing information of their lives. 

02 September, 2024

You can come out now, Mercury retrograde is ending


Well Retrograde ended officially on the 28th of August, but there can be three days of residual energy when a planet ends its retrograde cycle as it goes direct. So, it’s wise err on the side of caution. There was a classic example of this on the weekend, when my online shopping order that was due to be delivered last Saturday afternoon was canceled. The delivery truck broke down; which is a classic Mercury Retrograde effect. Mechanical breakdowns, electrical issues, communication issues, yada yada yada. 🤣😂🤣 

Springtime joy with Jack Frost visiting

 We had a freezing cold start to the morning today, it was -5.1 degrees in sunny southern Canberra. Yikes, I don't remember having such ...