Showing posts with label VIDEOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VIDEOS. Show all posts

06 May, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 300 Q and A # 98

When Wes mentioned the keeping the soul group together as one, stop and think about the pandemic propaganda advertising at present, “We are all in this together”.  That is part of the programming of our consciousness and it is very negative occult (hidden knowledge) in nature. This is often seen in advertising with two hands, one above the other. In the As above, and so is below/ As above, so is below hand sign which is also ancient esoteric negative teachings. People such as myself that study metaphysics are well aware and know many of the signs and their meaning, the general public are very unaware of this so it easily seeps into an unaware mind and thus programmed. 

This is the one used for the pandemic, it has also been used for the Commonwealth Bank in Australia and other advertisements.

Baphomet  doing another form of As above, so is below 

Creating synergy, bringing from the non physical into the physical or temporal world. Thought into action or blending energies.

Robert Sepehr: Mysterious origins of Finland and Sami

Sami, Wes Penre talks of a race of off planet beings called the SA.AM.I that is interesting as there would be a link here in their origins.  The thermal image on the video is what I see on a person when I do healing, especially when working around the head of a person. 

I like how Robert has added Jordan Maxwell and the Intelligence officer in this. Many do us psychics know some of these things discussed on a intuitive level, myself included. I put that down to the fact we a tuning in to the universal consciousness/ Akashic records of humanity and this reality. 

29 April, 2022


I can’t stress enough that reading the Wes Penre Papers is vital to understanding all of this. Fear is a major drawback. You can’t get enough information from the videos, they are not enough. But if one does not put in the effort to read and learn; then that is their own fault. This is an individual choice to make the call. 

27 April, 2022

Neil Oliver: Why do we find it hard to keep an open mind? 

The western powers that be don’t want us having independent thought, they are hell bent of taking away our freedom of speech, expression, though and anything else that they can intimidate us to give up. There is no such thing really as democracy and what we are witnessing is a communist ideology in your face and the masses just look the other way. I will remind you again that you and your children will have to fight a manufactured world war for these people in the very near future. Do you think the war in Ukraine started accidentally or was caused by Russia completely? If so then you are not paying attention to reality. Putin is no damn saint but neither are the US and their cohorts, have the intelligence to see what is really happening in the world. 

These are the real enemies of humanity, if you cannot object to their ideology or question it then where are your rights as a human being? The first rule is who can you not criticise and there is your enemy. These individuals are redacting history and trying to destroy everything that we hold dear, as we know it and no one publicly objects, at least not loudly. Our very lifestyle is being destroyed and manufactured food shortages, manufactured pandemics with more to come, including manufactured warfare. Manufactured financial crisis and a financial reset moving to full digital currency where you can be cut off from your own bank account, you think that is impossible? Then go online and see how many journalists have had their bank accounts suspended including PayPal accounts suspended for not towing the line. 

Don’t you think it’s pure hypocritical when the western leaders such as the US , UK and their cohorts can suspend access to the finances and assets of Russian oligarchs and politicians yet the western criminal society are left untouched? 

All human beings regardless of where they live or were born are being used and abused by wickedly evil people in powerful positions around the world with agendas. Theses psychopaths don’t care about us, we are collateral and are used to do the killing of other people that have done nothing to us. Just keep in mind there is  no such thing as an accident only cause and effect. The puppet masters behind the scenes in conflict, pandemics etc have orchestrated everything that happens for their benefit never ours. 

The media are guilty in their wilful participation and manipulation in all of this, we owe them nothing but our mutual disgust and the contempt they truly deserve. 

25 April, 2022

Robert Sepehr: Etidorpha the end of the world

I like the video of the inner world it reminds me of the lord of the rings. Most people that are into this sort of thing are well aware there are several ways into the inner earth including the Himalayas. There are entrances dotted around the earth. We have seen the Afghanistan caves and others in documentaries. We don’t know who built the tunnels but we know there are networks all over the world for a reason.

Technology that is thousands of years old must have been used sometime in the far distant past to make these tunnels. Modern man has only been able to do this in the past two hundred years with explosives and then the invention of boring machines.

23 April, 2022

Wes Penre: VIDEO 298: Q&A SESSION #97

It looks like some people just can't be arsed actually reading the Wes Penre Papers and just want to take shortcuts by asking questions. To have to keep asking similar questions again and again must be very disappointing for Wes, because it shows a lack of respect by not taking the time to actually read and learn.

I don't think that I would have the patience to put up with that. Wes has gone to the effort of adding bibliographies for sources if information at the end of each chapter in 5 large volumes of the WPP. He has put things in a very clear and concise format in his writing as well as in his videos. How hard is it to understand? If I can follow what he is saying then anyone can. It comes down to each individual making the effort to pay attention and read. Lazy people will never extend themselves and neither will the spiritually ignorant.

It's your call if you wish to remain ignorant; but do not waste someones time that is clearly very busy and has to stop what they are doing because some individuals cannot be bothered in learning. You and you alone are responsible for anything that you want to know and learn in this world. It is impossible for someone else to do it for you,  not to mention wrong.  I too get people asking me things that I know for a fact will not be respected not the advice given taken onboard by individuals. So I can understand Wes must feel very unhappy after all his tremendous hard work that he has shared with the world for free.

I am most grateful for everything that Wes has given the world. I take it on board and sometimes I share things of a spiritual nature with Wes in thanks for his amazing work. One thing to remember though is, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

The written format in the link above

My take on the Q and A

1, Yes it is a prison planet and like all other heavenly bodies, they have different dimensions and frequencies. The third dimension being almost the lowest, with a heavy negative vibration. However in our universe all the dimensions we know of in metaphysics are low and are controlled by beings of low frequencies who manipulate reality for their own needs. So when we die and stay within the matrix up to the seventh dimension we just keep recycling over and over.  Also it should not take thousands of lifetimes to become more spiritual or you are seriously avoiding the truth. We are spirit and were advanced before we were put in to the fleshy tombs and put through soul splitting and the veil of amnesia. All of this makes it almost impossible to awaken and leave the reality, add being unaware of the soul trap and the matrix controllers into the factor. You have a snow balls chance in hell of  awakening and avoiding the reincarnation cycle.

2. Chanting opens up the chakras and our energy is being leaked out or harvested. I used to do this many years ago and with one particular chant I was almost right out of my body. That was unintentional and I was at a spiritual church spiritual development circle when this happened. I had been a non believer in chanting. But that one night I learned how easy it is to come right out of the body unexpectedly. This was a CD that is available in most shops that sell spiritual or New Age items.

If you really don't know what you are doing this can be very dangerous and can have unintended outcomes. I still feel this is a waste of time and if you cannot see clairvoyantly what is around then that is a warning to avoid this activity. I have seen beings around people in meditation and these beings were harvesting the energy of all in the circle. The instructor was unfit to be teaching or guiding anyone due to ignorance of  real spiritual contact. Except these beings are not spirits at all they are using technology. I have seen them many times. But no matter how often I warn people they keep going with the activity. Be it on their own heads. When a mental health breakdown occurs what are you going to do and are you going to open up to a doctor or a psychiatrist? Your call!

3. In a nut shell don't worry bout the other aspects of your soul. Just focus on your current self and get out. It's as simple as that. Firm intention and no distractions, do not talk to, acknowledge any other beings until you are outside the grid. Keep it simple as you are in a thought reactive environment. 

Do not be fearful or unsure, you must be clear and firm or you will end up who knows where.

4. I have no time for Barbara Marciniak, so I avoid her work completely as I do with many in this field, it doe not feel right nor good to me so. I will avoid this information I do not have faith in this as truth. 

I do agree about the heard mind and I see it in many formats around the world. It is not just one heard mind. I feel humans have always had a few variances of heard mind. Such as which religion one follows, Even round earth, flat earth concept and evolution etc. The world is made dualistic or has polarities for a reason, to divide and conquer and herd.   

As Wes says there is no afterlife for these controllers, they are terrified of death too as are their minions. Remember a person that is fearful and also fears death is easily controlled. A person with no fear has nothing to lose.

5. Nothing to add here at present.


22 April, 2022

YouTube: Tarot card of the month: May 2022, 8 of Wands

Here is the video version of tarot card of the month for May 2022.

Update: The Lithuania thing, turns out to be a gift of a drone to Ukraine from the people of Lithuania. What a beautiful gesture. 31 May 2022.

17 April, 2022

JPSears: Disney is grooming your children?

I have been aware of this for years and the occult symbols that have been used by this company for years. 

It seems many people have lost the ability to be discerning in regards to what is safe and appropriate for their children. Read the comments below the video please. For the record I do like the Aristocats,  but that was made back when life was more wholesome. 

13 April, 2022

Robert Sepher: Secrets of esoteric Christianity

Read the comments in this video post. As always there are people that are very aware and informed in the subject matter. 

10 April, 2022

Neil Oliver: During covid much more has been taken from children than might ever be measured

Food for thought and a reality check. Make no mistake this covid-19 was a deliberate act. I will stand my ground on this; as I have always maintained this is a deliberate bioweapon; designed to harm the entire world and has multiple purposes. Both the US and China have blood on their hands with this. This was designed to bring about the global financial reset. That’s no conspiracy theory it is fact and more people are realising this. 

Our future’s have been taken from us, our children are denied a future with freedom and an education. Yet no one will ever be held accountable. No and in fact a war will be made to go global; to stop real questions being asked. Take that as a given, the US will make damn sure of that after all it’s what they always do even to their allies. 

The population cull has already started it the masses are too dumbed down and trained by MSM to believe anything other than the official narrative. Control the narrative and you control the people, just like control the food and you control the people, Kissinger is on record for that famous speech in 1973. 

The Tavistock institute is one of the most diabolical re-education creations in modern history. Very few ever question their evil agendas. Read up on the social engineering experiments that they have been doing since their creation. The devil’s playground of unspeakable acts of abuse and wilful destruction of civilised society. 

So what the hell are parents doing when all of this is happening?  Nothing because they don’t want to be out of step with the masses. Canada is one of the worst countries for pushing filth disguised as education. But hey parents let it slide in western nations by not objecting and not questioning this. Even my parents generation didn’t interfere when this was in the early stages. They would have felt that teachers know best and accepted everything. 

Our children born in the late 80’s and 90’s were the next generation to be exposed to more graphic sexualisation yet how many parents objected? You want your kids screwed up? Many of the current kids will be suicidal no doubt about it. How many parents are actually aware of this, this abominable social engineering being taught to their children? Who picks up the pieces when these poor children have a full mental breakdown? Who will be accountable? 

Most people have not even worked out the fact that grooming is being taught in a covert way so that parents don’t notice. This has been going on for close to 20 years incrementally in a few countries. Has anyone ever bothered to look into the countries that want to make pedophilia legal (minor attracted)?  Then add the work in progress; the transhuman agenda on top of that, I have often seen transhumanism  thinly veiled in advertising and entertainment on tv, which keeps in with cosmic law. Which means the intention has to be revealed to the public. But if the message is obfuscated it still counts as us being informed. That way it doesn’t violate cosmic law. 

To do away with gender completely is the next step; then once that is in the bag the next step comes. Which they are already pushing, from genderless non binary to  you guessed it AI humanity. Et voila transhumanism; as in synthetic super intelligence. Unless people fight this humanity is over. Keep an eye on infertility over the next 20 years too. 

Much as I am not a fan, look through the archives regarding the sexualisation of children, Tavistock, pedophilia etc.  I have been aware of this stuff since the early 2000’s  and have watched the rapid growth of the psychological abuse and degradation of children and it sickens me to see very little being done to stop the filth peddling in public schools and on children’s tv shows and music. 

Let’s not forget the clothes that young girls are wearing and their parents do see anything wrong with this. Clothes for boys any young men seem to be getting more effeminate. Even aftershaves are no longer the traditional fragrances and what man wants to smell like he is wearing ladies perfume? 

Children are the most precious thing on this earth and to see this degradation, abuse and the loss of their childhood, freedom and their parents rights to say no to anything that is deemed inappropriate for their children. Is it any wonder that Muslim nations are so anti western world. Don’t get me wrong, I do not approve of the way women are treated in some Muslim countries. We are talking about decency and moral values, these things are not negotiable when we are talking about protecting our children.

08 April, 2022

Wes Penre: Video 296 Q and A 96

In regards to question 3, you can demand the return the energy that was taken from you. You did not give consent to it being taken because you were totally unaware of this energy being harvested. Also get into the habit of gold lighting yourself and your home each day. It is easy to do and the serious intention makes it powerful. You will find how to gold light yourself, others and your home on this blog under the psychic protection index. Down the bottom right hand side of this blog. You need to do this with firm intentions. 

I do this daily because of what I do for a living. Working with spirit I can’t take chances. Please read the Wes Penre papers and the Wes Penre Videos for assistance in your spiritual awakening and journey. Be firm in your intentions and live as honestly as possible. 

May I also recommend when you meditate, use an essential oil such as Idaho spruce, rose 100% which is in a jojoba base or a high frequency essential oil. Idaho spruce is the highest vibration of all essential oils. It can be hard to obtain outside of the US. So Google essential oils that are a high frequency and then Google essential oils that sell online. If you are near a health food shop that sells these oils go in and have a look at what is available that is of a high frequency. 

07 April, 2022

America Uncovered: Don’t say Gay Bill; does a new Florida law ban schools from saying gay? 

Now after watching the video please read the article in the link below. This is getting all too common, but what I find equally revolting is that many men don’t have a problem with a female doing this. Some think it’s funny. Until you have seen the psychological damage done how about you shut your ugly vile mouths. May be you would like to do suicide watch on the poor soul that is the victim, if it’s your child is it funny then huh? 

This is pedophilea, just because it’s done by a female doesn’t mean it is not abuse and a criminal offence. 

Neil Oliver: Neil Oliver on Joe Biden and the 'new world order'

There you go, the "new world order" uttered again. Do you think they are deliberately making fools of the public? It sure looks like it doesn't it. Insulting the public's intelligence, sure why not; after all the public are too afraid to stand up and call this out because they are worried about what others think of them. 

 A thought criminal; oh no, gee who'd have thunk it? Hell I was still at school when this started, I remember it well. While the masses were distracted by the game called the cold war, this was carefully fed to us at school and in our homes. Here we are again playing the cold war crap but the game has been drastically change now. Here we are in 2022, so used to the thinly veiled communist plot with political correctness on steroids in all aspects of our lives and our children's lives for at least 50 years yet everyone just lets it slide. 

As for what Neil says on universities in Australia; don't get me started on Australian indoctrination centres pretending to be places of higher education known as universities. I have read for umpteen lecturers, students and admin staff over the years. I see what happens to those that don't obey the propaganda. Same deal in government departments and in public health. They are all made to fall into line with the agenda, smart people leave if they can; because they want to keep their dignity and self respect. How can one actually have self respect and dignity when bowing down to evil?

How can  the western world be so screwed up mentally and morally; that they can no longer think rationally and instead react like communist fanatics? They have been deliberately dripper-system programmed since the 1960's and 70's perhaps a little earlier. Those that made this possible are traitors to their nations, they should have been halted right at the start. But these individuals were under instruction from a very powerful hidden hand to destroy western nations from the inside. Hidden within the government systems and untouchable. Placed there I might add by a cabal of western men with a hatred of  western values. These individuals as I said were put in powerful positions deliberately to bring the nations down morally and economically at the beginning of the 20th century.  

Easy done when the masses watch mainstream tv "news" and trashy social engineering leftist ideology. Allowing themselves and their children to be fed propaganda, lies disguised as news and current affairs followed by  immorality for entertainment.. Down to the point that they have taught themselves to think anti western and the real culprits are untouchable. 

Politicians and those that serve banking, big business, the media giants and secret societies these are the true enemies of the western nations. Traitors to their own nations moral values, beliefs, laws and sovereignty. They are hell bent on destroying everyone and everything. But here is the kicker, they trained the masses to do it for them. 

Many of the public gladly do the bidding of these evil doers and that includes fake conspiracy groups leaders and being angry when told to be angry and protest violently on demand. Encouraging the public to applaud and imitate the perverse of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.  These people must be so proud of themselves to take joy in the destruction of their nations for a commy overlord and their own debasement.  Guess who will be held accountable for this subversion and wilful destruction of their homeland ? That's right the masses they accepted this and made no attempt to stop the evil doers, hell no, they were only too glad and expected reward for being such good bootlickers. 

Now just watch; war is coming next this is it; there is no turning back. This was all pre-planned by the same individuals; as most well read people are aware. This is where things will get frightening. If you think Ukraine is bad you ain't seen nothing yet. But try to work out who is the good guy and who is the real bad guy in all of this is almost impossible for the average person. That is the very difficult part, because the bad guys are on both sides of this, the media leads the public to the conclusions that they want the public to come to. We the public are innocent and naïve. But will be made to take a side in all of this as usual. 

Shortages of food, fuel etc is only the first step along with rates rising and poverty due to the rampant cost of living. These things go in cycles because this reality is designed that way. This is part of the enslavement of souls to keep people in the reincarnation cycle with spiritual debt. Spiritual warfare has always been in existence long before this world existed, but the worse a soul/spirit becomes the lower down in vibrational frequency they descend. Remaining there until they decide to change which can only be done via a spiritual awakening which is a slow process. 

This is all about money, resources and the enslavement of humanity and always has been. Divide and conquer has always been the main tool, but please don't forget there is always a spiritual component in this too and always has been. Communism is anti spirit and this is part of the agenda, like the left hand path of new age witchy poo and spell casting  satanic practices. But, if you are that way aligned then you are held accountable for doing so, no if’s or but’s. You will be accountable.

05 April, 2022

Take on me, Alexandra Shankland


My little cousin in Canada Alex Shankland. Alex is the singer for the Canadian band Ellis in Transit.

04 April, 2022

America uncovered: Biden doubles down: Putin can’t remain in power

And now for something completely different!Chris Chapel brings the real deal in reporting the news. Putin is a war criminal but the American government is not squeaky clean either. What about all the regime changes they forced on other nations and death of millions? Installing their preferred person in government that the American government controls. But, Oh look a squirrel! 

 Ya’ll had a gut full yet of dat  pesky virus gift that keeps on giving? Yeah, giving to big pharma and millionaires, Ka Ching, Ka Ching! 🤣🤣 If you haven’t listened to Neil Oliver on this them you need to.

Those N95’s will block up to 0.1 to 0.3 microns, ah, but the pesky little bugs can still get ya. Ain’t that a kick in the pants inconvenient. For a mask to be effective it must have a tight seal around the nose and mouth. If you have facial hair then you can’t get that secure seal. 

Please have a look at this link below. It explains how the masks work and what they can’t do. Ditch the cloth ones though, if you have to mask up, you are better off with N95

Neil Oliver: There are consequences of covid coming, a great wave of them

Neil Oliver is a man that speaks the absolute truth, and nothing but the truth. A man with intelligence,  a strong moral compass and a voice of rational reason.

 As I always say, “Tell the truth and shame the devil”. Many people seem to have lost the critical thinking ability and easily bend to what the media tells them. Anyone that questions the narrative is branded a conspiracy theorist. Welcome to the new dumbed down dystopia for the western masses. Soft communism anyone? 

How the hell can people that went to school, can read and write, hold down a job and walk upright be so thick as to accept the violations and insult to their intelligence and their rights? How can the world public not en mass stand up for honest medical researchers, virologists and doctors that tell the truth but accept lies from the media and our corrupt leaders, yet can spot the BS at elections?

How can those in the medical field know the lies hold  still their  heads up and ignore the truth just so that they can keep working and living a comfortable existence while others live in poverty and they  keep getting paid knowing the truth though some just simply go into denial? How can they accept the discredit others scientists etc? How can people not see the US government’s hand as well as China’s in the preconceived creation of this bioweapon and its implementation? 

The masses of believers of lies and evil aided and abetted  this crime and partook in the wilful harassment and public ridicule  others that rightfully questioned the narrative. This can only happen when the under-educated are the majority; actively participate in the intimidation, persecution and ridicule of critical thinkers. 

You reap what you sow; and so shall yea reap. The destruction  of human lives, children’s health, education and freedom taken, the wilful destruction of the world economy, the loss of freedom and the loss of income and even in some cases the loss of your job, business and all that you have. To allow it all to be taken from you; by evil doers that planned this whole thing yet you don’t call for a full investigation and prosecution of these criminals for crimes against humanity is itself astounding.

Don’t you think that as a clairvoyant I don’t see and feel things coming, I may not have known about covid exactly but the gut wrenching fallout I saw and felt 30 odd years ago? When I can make predictions that are read by people worldwide every year and from reading my blog, where people can read about my visions going back to childhood (example the death of the Shah of Iran in 79 and I was a 15 year old kid ), prophecy and predictions with a high accuracy and yet you can’t see what truth is. 

I don’t need to know much about anything; but when it comes to psychic predictions and prophecy this information is given to me in various ways by spirit. I am just a dumb housewife after all, but I am extremely  honest and tell the truth, I have no time for liars and those that harm others. I live by my strong spiritual beliefs and don’t waver from them, I tell it how it is.

The results are there to see in this blog, it is not a nice feeling to be shown what is to come, it is distressing for me, it scares the hell out of me, that includes the death of family members. I have to live with knowing when death is coming quite often; and I get very distressed by this and there is nothing I can do to prevent this or stop the gut wrenching fear; knowing what is to come. Yes, I do literally feel this horrible feeling. I not wish anyone to experience this feeling and the powerlessness. But what scares me most is the human race doing nothing to prevent evil, other than attack people that try to tell the truth such as scientists, doctors and other experts in their fields who are dedicated to helping and saving others lives.

These people may never work again in their professions, ruined by evil doers because no one bothered to listen to and support them in telling the truth. These people could have saved countless lives past and to come. The media ridiculed these good people and shut them down. Where is the freedom of speech for the righteous, honest and truthful?  Where is the right to speak the truth in the saving of lives? The public voice is powerful when it wants to be, but also cowardly and selfish when it wants to be. I don’t forgive this abuse at all and I don’t forget either. 

At the end of life when each individual has their life review, they are going to be sickened by their own actions and their wicked bullying of those that speak the truth, the deliberate violations of other peoples human rights; for selfish reasons and the sick pleasure in the power tripping of such actions. That is forever on your Akashic records so that when you die you will be judged accordingly. We do not have to take to the streets going hog wild to protest, but we can make our voices heard and stand by our morals and self respect.

We have the right to raise our objections and question things, it is every person on this earth's right to question and be heard. It is every person’s right to be given the truth, it is not a crime. But it is a crime to abuse, withhold, pervert and deny any evidence of the truth. It is a crime to withhold medical treatment and prevention of health care. 

It is a crime to lie about medical treatments that have not been proven to work. It is a crime against humanity to medicate with DNA /mRNA altering medications that are experimental and are not proven to be safe, cover up the injury or deaths caused by the medication, vaccination or therapy and to deny that it is in fact gene therapy and not an actual cure for a virus. It is a crime against humanity to lie about this and seal the truth for 75 years to prevent legal recourse. It is a crime against humanity to suppress truth and justice. 


PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...