28 February, 2021

Angels The Igigi And The Psychic Phenomenon Part 1

 I am going to post three articles over three weeks on the subject of angles and the race of gods called the Igigi/Igigu and do a comparison, which will also be relevant to the spirit world and the psychic phenomenon. I will mention my experiences with this phenomenon too.

This is the first post below.

 Angels: Who are they and what are they?

Let's talk about angels, we have stories about angels from all over the world since the beginning of time. Sometimes they are depicted with wings and sometimes not. Sometimes they are depicted as bright glowing beings.

We are told they are messengers from god and are benevolent. We are also told in the Christian bible not to thank them, all praise must go to god and him alone. From research many people have done over the centuries, we know  there several realms of angelic beings. We also know some of the information was channelled  through to men in the bible and then passed by word of mouth to the non literate people. So it was not just written on tablets. Below is a lay out of who is who of the angelic realms.

 First or top layer of Angels:  Seraphim and Cherubim
Seraphim or burning ones, are supposedly the highest of the angelic orders.

Function; to administer and delegate to other angelic beings down below them in rank.
care takers of god's throne.

Description:  these angels have 6 wings, 2 covering the face, 2 covering the feet and 2 for flying.

Cherubim: (and Putti)
Description: These angels have four distinct features.  Four faces, one of a Lion, one of an Ox, one of an Eagle and one Human.
The Putti are the ones depicted as chubby little male babies. Often depicted in art and architecture.

This is the third and last band of the top layer, also known as Elders, just like in religion.
Supposedly living symbols of god's justice and authority. In association with them comes the Ophanim.

Ophanim is taken from Hebrew meaning wheels, similar to the word Chakra which means spinning wheels.

Description of the Ophanim is rather odd, unusual round objects ( or beings?) Depicted as having their rims covered with 100 eyes and a wheel within a wheel.

They are seen to move along with the angels or the angels on top of them. Perhaps these are a vehicle like the VIMIN, that were used by the Annunaki. They are the colour of Beryl. As I write this I am thinking the colours of Beryl are almost like traffic light colours, as the colours of Beryl vary.

Second Layer of Angels: Dominions , Virtues and Powers

Dominions or Lordships:
They rule over the lower realms of angels sort of like in government from the top down.
It has been said that in very rare occasions these beings have revealed themselves to some humans.
To distinguish themselves from other angelic beings, they have an orb (perhaps a light) attached to the top of their sceptres' and  on the pommel of their swords.

Virtues:  also known as Strongholds
Virtues are for miracles to be made in our world. That sounds rather broad term. Stronghold makes me think of military strength.

Powers or Authorities:
Responsible for the heavenly bodies in the cosmos. Also warrior angels to ward off evil spirits and keeping law and order if you like just like police. bearer or witnesses to history and conscience.
Charged with the duty to oversea the distribution of power among humans.
Description: Wear armour and helmets and carry spears, shields and or chains.

Third Sphere of angels
Principalities or Rulers
These are the angels supposedly given the job of protecting nations, groups of people and institutions such as churches etc.
Description: They wear a crown and carry a sceptre.


There are supposedly seven of them, Michael being the main one. But in modern times more names have been added. Michael, Gabriel, Uriel , Metatron, Sandalphon, Raguel, Haniel (#8 Zadkiel). There names are not not strictly correct order here by the way.

There are also variations in the spelling of their names and also alternate names in various texts and cultures around the world.

These  Archangels guard nations.

In the ranks of Archangels there are two levels. The upper one use  an upper case "A " to distinguish from the lower rank using a lower case " a ". There is also the choir of angels included with the second layer of angels. It is from this rank that our personal guardian angels are supposed to come from. 

The late Gustav Davidson wrote the Dictionary of Angels, including the fallen angels.
It is a handy encyclopaedia, but the vast list of names can sometimes be actually several names for just a few people as some researchers have proven.  

I would say modern man does not really believe in angels per say. We are  more inclined to think that it is all mumbo jumbo.  But there is a resurgence of angels in modern literature and film. In particular the New Age movement, which sprung from the Spiritualist  movement of the late Victorian age,  who are very into the belief of angels.

Many books  are printed saying, that a particular angel looks after such and such function, lost items, lost animals, looks after children, offers protection etc. How to connect with your guardian angel, heal with angels etc.
While others believe in intelligent design and extra terrestrials, including the search for the origins of humanity. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between the two. As many researchers have suggested.
Time will bear this out to be correct I feel, as we move even closer to the real facts.
Have you noticed the Angels are all Caucasian, blue eyed? I find that rather odd to be honest. They are quite tall and winged in all images.
The human soul or spirit when out side of the body is also very tall,( I have seen them often). However that is a light body or avatar, which the spirit being keeps until the next incarnation or if evolved enough, drops the avatar or light body to become pure energy and still maintain a consciousness.

I will leave you now to have a Google search and perhaps you may like to read up on the Nephalim, En-Ki, his half brother En-Lil and their father Anu of the Annunaki .  En means lord and can also mean prince. These people are very important in human history. You may also like to read up on the Epic of Gilgamesh too. You may also read up on the Wes Penre papers for his take on these beings.

Copyright Alex Fulford May 5, 2017

27 February, 2021

Loading this blog , update

 Wow I am up to May 2018 in my file transfer. I am getting through this quicker that I thought. 😀👍 I decided not to transfer everything from the old blog. But still quite a bit. But I think it will be complete in a day or two. Then it is just posting when I have something to say or share.

Happy reading and please be naughty, as there is no fun in being good 🤣🤣🤣

29 Signs That You Are Born To Be A Spiritual Healer



 29 Signs You Are Born To Be A Spiritual Healer

I am from a long line of spiritual healers. Spiritual healing is a form of mediumship. My hands constantly tingle and buzz.. #8 this does not mean you are a real "spiritual healer" in you current life, nor does it mean that you have to do it. But you might have been in a past life.

You "could" be called on, in the after life, to assist in healing, as a guide from the other side of life. That is up to the individual soul to decide though, at the time, (not before). I work with a doctor from the local community that passed, back in 2004. He chose to work with me from 2006 onward.

Remember this is a free will Universe, you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. You do have a choice, and nothing is ever set in stone otherwise that implies there is no free will.
Do not allow others to tell you that because you have a gift you must use it.

It is not their place to tell you and you must not be pushed into this like all spiritual/psychic things and sadly sometimes these gifts can come at a price. I personally refused to use my abilities when I was young , I was afraid of spirits and knew nothing about the spirit world and what it would mean to me with responsibilities, my rights, and the  possible danger etc. No one could explain anything to me, nor did they know the pros and cons.

Yes, I had  psychic relatives  including both grand mothers,( and have younger relatives that are current healers)  but they had no real knowledge other than their intuition or abilities. There was no formal spiritual training back then for ordinary people so they just accepted what came to them.  When I was ready, most of my relatives  had already passed on.  I was most of the time living in Australia my parents had only just started to use their abilities ,even though mum was always claircognisant and Clairhambient. If someone was going to die she knew or had a visit from them.

One thing a healer or empath must not do is allow themselves to be drained by energy vampires. We must keep grounded at all times and know when to rest. Know when to say NO, to others.

Because that will make the healer or empath ill, if they allow people to continuously impose themselves on the healer/empath. One must set boundaries so that others do not take advantage . Yes that does happen with very selfish people. This happened to my father years ago.

He had an embolic stroke not long after this. I am not saying that the healing was the cause though. But he was most definitely physically exhausted though and an old man. These people gave n thought to his age or what this took out of him, an old man in his 70's! He found it hard to say no to people, sometimes working until late.

Healing like all spiritual things is an energy exchange that if left in imbalance is a debt if you will. How we balance that energy is up to the individual. Sometimes it is not possible to do an act of kindness to an individual that helped us, but we can pay it forward to help someone else.

How do we do this? Perhaps acts of kindness, paying it forward, being unselfish and  in service to humanity and the animals in some way. Whatever way the individual consciously decides and puts it out to the universe.

You have to pay the imbalance of energy that is created in the universe by these positive actions. Many people are unaware of that fact because they are not taught in churches or schools. Nor is it common knowledge.

We Psychics, healers are not here to solve other peoples problems. We are here to show the way, not do it for you. That would be breaking cosmic law, and also you would not be learning the lessons set for you. Lessons that you agreed to, (we all do) prior to incarnating.

What will happen is that you are sent back here to do it all again and again, until you have done what you agreed to do. But also there is the fact that you tried to make someone else take on your lesson. That is a most serious misdemeanour. Remember cosmic law and everything must be kept in balance.
Keep life simple and all will be less stressful.

UPDATE: 2019

NOTE: I highly advise you to read Wes Penre and the soul trap and reincarnation etc.  You really have to understand what is going on and it is definitely not in our best interest. I would like people to be spiritually aware and to be able to spiritually awaken, take back their rightful spiritual power and know how to exit the matrix safely and peacefully, nothing more nothing less.   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBPCHTg0_tc  Wes Penre

I also feel that spiritual healing  is questionable now  ( Feb 13, 2019)
 (listen at 6.28 and again at 13.00) he talks about soul energy  harvesting.
I have witnessed  this done in spiritual circles.

I have come across comments made by Wes regarding many spiritual practices are quite harmful to the body such as trance mediumship, automatic writing etc, and it seems plausible that spiritual healing may be harmful too.

I   am no longer doing doing spiritual healing myself due to health problems and it is very painful to even try to do healing. I cannot use my arms for longer than a few minutes due to the pain in my arms and  I start to get a tremor in my arms and hands which lasts for  several hours.
I am left totally exhausted and have to go to bed and sleep.

I have an original copy of the spiritual healers hand book written by George Chapman D.S.N.U  published in England in  1956.

In this book he says a healer does not have to be in perfect health But he like most spiritualists back then or even now don't realise is we are living in a controlled matrix. We are hooked into a grid not of our creation. And that our energy is being siphoned off to unseen beings.

They feed from this energy and give us a placebo energy in return. Sure some real healing does take place. But the healer does not benefit from this at all. Those that say they do are mistaken. They do not know or understand what is actually taking place. To inform them most will dispel what they are told because it conflicts with their belief system.

The spiritualist movement will not acknowledge the real beings behind their beliefs  nor the absolute danger they face.  Research is paramount  to education and safety. Ignorance is our enemy and will lead to danger.

I am a firm believer in keeping an open mind, yes, sometimes it is very difficult. I admit to struggling with it myself.  We are only human and humans can be too trusting and naive  for our own good.

Trust nothing  that is not of this world or taught parrot fashion. Never take one person or organizations word as truth. You must find your own truth and be prepared to change that truth when you come across new information. That can come from personal experience too.  God knows I have been there and have bought many books only to be disappointed and going back to the proverbial old drawing board as they say.


Anzac Day 25 April 2017


Kalbarri ANZAC Day 2015

In memory of all who fought and died fighting for what they believed in.

ANZAC Day is a very special day to all Australians and New Zealanders the world over. It marks something special with in  every one of us.

The Spittoon Joke; Ultimate In Gross

 Alrighty! I was after the ultimate gross out joke that I could find, and this one rings the bell. I recall my dad telling me this one as a kid and I was dry heaving at it. I didn't even read through this as it makes me ill, lol. Just a fast cut 'n paste to put it on here.

These two guys were sitting in a bar that had a spittoon.  The spittoon
was filled almost to the brim with old tobacco juice, phlegm, and other
refuse/secretions.  After a few, one guy says to the other, "I'll give
you $100 if you take a sip from that spittoon."  The other guy
immediately grabs the spittoon and, lifting it to his lips, takes a
healthy slug.  "All right, you win," says the first guy, but his
friend keeps gulping down the goop pouring out of the spittoon.
"Please stop, you're making me sick," says the first guy, but his
friend keeps chugging the phlegm.  "I can't stand it, I'll give you
another $100 if you stop!"

Finally, the spittoon is empty, and the guy puts it down and belches.
"Why didn't you stop" asks his disgusted friend?  "I tried to, but it
was all one piece!"

Alex's Visit to Lanyon Homestead

 Yesterday I went out to Lanyon homestead to see the house, I was aware there was a lady in spirit there. However I was surprised to be greeted by James Wright (one of the men that built the house) in spirit. I informed the staff and they showed me a photo of him; which confirmed to me that it was him as I described the man to the staff; and what he was wearing. He accompanied my husband and myself around the house and property the whole time we were there. How amazing is that?



Right from the moment My husband and I went up to the front of the house I started to see spirit people around the house. The energy was very strong. On entering the house I was greeted by James Wright. He was very pleased to show the house off to us. I expressed how I really loved the house and that I am very much an old world person, preferring things of the early 20th century to modern life. 

When I saw James in spirit he looked much younger than this photo.  His hair was brown , he still had the bushy beard which was grey. He was wearing a white shirt with braces instead of a belt on his trousers, beige  trousers and riding boots. I thanked him for accompanying us around the property.

There were a few spirit beings there at the homestead. Not just the famous lady that is seen my many.
She was in a yellow dress full skirt of the Victorian era. I saw her and felt her presence in the hallway of the house 

At this point I started to inform the two ladies that were working in the house taking admission fees. They were rather delighted to hear about James being seen there as it is only just the lady that many people see. The ladies then went and pulled out a photo of James and an old book to help identify the person that I was seeing.
After having a look through the dining room I suddenly went cold and was surprised to see people sitting at the table enjoying a meal and lively conversation. I thanked them for allowing me to see them and expressed my love for the house again.

From there we went out into the back courtyard and again more spirit activity. I turned to my husband and told him there were a few horses here' I think three or four of them. Some chestnut or dark brown, and people grooming them and getting them ready to be ridden. When I walked in to one of the out buildings where the old saddles and reigns are kept, I heard a young man yell out BLAST. He cut his finger on something. He was not aware that we were there. I just laughed and told my husband what I heard and saw.

Next we went into the servants quarters which were in a separate small building. The bedroom was so sparse a basic bed and a wardrobe, a hand made bedside table  of very poor quality. just planks of rough wood knocked together into a table. Sitting on the bed was a young teenage girl with dark long hair and a night cap on. She looked a happy soul. I did say sorry for the intrusion on her privacy and I did tell her the date. I dare say all of these people in spirit are well used to the intrusions in to their daily lives in spirit. Still I like to be respectful and not treat them as anything less than who they are. Just because they are in spirit does not give others the right to think of them as part of the entertainment.

There are several reasons as to why a spirit being will be seen at different age groups
One is they revert back to looking how they did in their 20s to 30s when being back in spirit. Also it is down to how the individual wishes to be identified by those that see them. If the person was known to you personally they will show you how they looked when you knew them.

Having said that sometimes I have a spirit come through when conducting a reading and they first come through as the looked just prior to death and then show me how they looked at different ages. It is really up to the individual spirit being. The personality, ego, etc stays the same until they reincarnate, only then will that change. Eyes do not seem to change from life time to life time. I have no idea why that is though.

I Will Not Be Dishonest; And Tell A Client What They " Want " To Hear

 I have had a lady this week that decided not to pay the balance of her reading. I sent her a polite reminder to do so and as yet she has refused to respond. She has the time on her hands to do so. I can only assume that this was because I didn't tell her what she WANTED to hear.

I will never tell a client what they WANT to hear. If you do not like to hear the truth then perhaps I am not the reader for you.

One thing to keep in mind too is, if you are fixated on a particular result to come out in your favour rightly or wrongly, it most certainly will throw the reading out. Such as wanting to have a particular person in your life. If you are fixated on that person being with you, yes it can confuse the results and will not be accurate.

I have a highly reputable reputation both nationally and internationally. I will not lie to a client, I will not play into their mind games either. My regular clients can attest to my honesty and integrity. I have nothing to prove to anyone nor will I waste my valuable time doing so. I cannot change what the cards say or influence anything, nor would I ever think of doing so.

Please remember that I am bound by a very strict code of ethics by the International Psychics Association as well as my own strong moral values and Cosmic Law. I take these responsibilities very seriously indeed.

In some circumstances I have to warn clients about the course of actions that should be avoided, however should that client ignore the advice then so be it. All I can do is advise nothing more.

We live in a free will universe also; so please bear in mind the consequences of any individuals actions whether good bad or indifferent. The results are far reaching and each individual must be accountable only for their actions and theirs alone.


31 March 2017

Ghost Nun In The Window



Staging her last act of defiance. Just as well she didn't do a Mrs Doubtfire and give them the finger.

Spirit Caught In Photograph Taken At Garrion Tower: Wishaw, Scotland


This is a photo that was posted on Facebook and it shows a lady in spirit; that lived in the house that the picture was taken in. You will also notice some form of energy above the light fitting as well as just slightly to the right of the light fitting. The lady can clearly be seen smiling. Spirits were the originals at photo bombing, lol.  It is amazing what can happen when taking a photo in old houses.
I find these things really interesting, and often tune in to the person in spirit.

I would like to thank the owner of this amazing photograph for allowing me to share her photo with everyone who reads my blog. The house in which the photo was taken is Garrion Tower in  Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland. I lived in Wishaw when I was about 3 years old back in 1966.

I didn't know about this house in all the time that I lived in Scotland. I would love to see this house. I actually went to Garrion academy back in the mid 70's and I don't recall anyone talking about the house. But  I heard many ghost stories of the suburb of Gowkthrapple where the school is situated. Lanarkshire is a very historical and haunted region steeped in intrigue. I intend ordering some local history books shortly on Motherwell and Wishaw; as it is part of my family history and I really love the history of where I come from.

How to Ground and Attune Yourself


First sit quietly in a chair, with your back straight.

Close your eyes & empty your mind of all the goings on of the day.

Rest your hands on your lap, palms facing up the way.

This is the standard position to receive Spirit.

Now the next step is take 3 deep breaths in & out.

Next , visualize a little mini version of yourself sitting in the Lotus

Position inside your head & facing the front.

Say the following words in your mind.

Little mini –me sitting in the Central position inside my head & sitting in the

Lotus position facing the front. I am now moving my mini- me down the glass straw

(meridian core) inside my head down into the Head Chakra, from the Head Chakra,

I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw down into the Throat Chakra.

From the Throat Chakra I am moving my mini-me down the glass straw to the Heart Chakra.

From the Heart Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw, down into the

Solar Chakra, from the Solar Chakra I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw to

The Sacral Chakra. From the Sacral Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass

Straw to the Bass Chakra. From the Base Chakra I am moving my mini-me all the way down

The glass straw between my legs down to the Star Chakra, between my ankles. From the Star Chakra

I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw deep into the Earth Chakra 30cm beneath my feet.

I am now drawing up into my mini-me, rainbow coloured, sparkly, Earth energy. Lots of Earth energy

Drawn up into my mini-me. I am now bringing my little mini-me back up the glass straw. All the way

Up into the Star Chakra between my ankles, & pausing for a moment. I am now moving my mini-me

All the way up the glass straw between my legs up to the Base Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Sacral Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw again up to the Solar Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw up to the Heart Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Throat Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the head Chakra, pausing for a moment.

From the head Chakra I am moving my mini-me up through the central position & out through

The top of my head, cascading this rainbow coloured, sparkly Earth energy down and around my entire

Body & Aura. From head to toe, & in full circumference of my entire body & Aura.

(pause here a moment)

I am now drawing my mini-me back inside my head to the central position, & dissolving it. I am

Now grounded & attuned.

So may it be, Amen.


The more you do this grounding the better you will get at remembering it. Please remember it is
The intention behind what you are saying & doing that makes this powerful.

Have you ever wondered about Religious pictures, with the person holding their hands out

& their palms facing up. This is how you receive spirit. The left hand works like

an antenna to receive, the right hand is to give. We are all connected to each other & to spirit.

This cannot be broken ever. As we are all part of the Devine Spirit.

The power of prayer is very strong & should never be under estimated. Please remember

The Law of Cause & Effect also. It is very powerful also, with a 3 fold effect. Three is an important

number spiritually, as in the Trinity but it goes much deeper than that.

Do some work on the internet, keep an open mind & don’t accept everything at face value.

If not sure about something check out other sources until satisfied.

How to Gold Light a room or a house

 NOTE: This can be done for the entire house, just name each room or the particular room you want to gold light.

Say the following in your mind.

I am drawing down pure golden light from the Universe/Cosmos, down into this room.

I am flooding this room with pure golden light, from floor to ceiling, wall to wall.

I am now removing all dis-ease and negativity from this room. I am sending it with love

out into the Universe to be turned into pure golden light.

I am now drawing down more pure golden light from the Universe to replace all the

dis-ease and negativity that was in this room.

I am now placing a big protective bubble around this room . This bubble will hold in all

the pure golden light. This bubble will also allow more pure golden light from the universe to entre

this room. This bubble will repel all dis-ease and negativity lovingly back out into the

Universe to be turned into pure golden light.

Any dis-ease or negativity that is still in the room can now leave the room, guided by love

out into the Universe to be turned into pure golden light.

This room is now sealed and protected by the light.

By my will so may it be may it be.

Peace and Love



This is very simple to do, but your intention must be firm or you are wasting your time.
You can buy white sage in a health food shop, new age shop or online. I also sell white sage in a couple of sizes at a cheap price.

Keep this simple ok, no need to open all drawers’ cupboard doors etc. That is silly and makes not one bit of difference. People are often told this stuff word of mouth and believe it without having a proper knowledge of the subject.

First, open the windows in the room you are working in, because this will get quite smoky.
Start in one corner and work your way around the room, making the symbol which resonates with you. Be it a cross, a pentagram or whatever you feel is correct for your faith. 

Then use words similar to this, “I cleanse this corner/space in the name of all that is and all that ever will be” or words that you prefer.
Do smudge over windows, doors, mirrors and TV or computer screens as they can and do act like a portal for negative entities. 

This should be done in every room in the house, hallways, back and front door.
The windows and doors of a house are like the eyes and ears of the house. Doorways are like a portal. So please make sure that you smudge these too.

For most cleansing's this is enough, however heavy infestations of negative energy may require the burning of Frankincense, Myrrh and Dragons Blood resin, which you can buy on line or in a new age
shop, such as the Hierophant at Griffith shops. This should fix most problems.

There are very odd occasions when a nasty entity is present and won’t leave. Don’t try to do this yourself. Please get in touch with someone that knows how to do this, as it can be quite harmful.
Under no circumstances speak to an entity, you have no idea what or who it really is. Nasty entities will try to convince you they are good loving beings until they have won you over, then they start to cause harm. I must point out this sort of thing is very rare indeed.

When moving into a rental property it is nice to clear the energy and gold lighting  and or smudging is a good start. Plenty sunshine through the windows to lift the vibrations of the house too. People tend to leave emotional energy where ever they live so when you walk in to the house it can feel a bit flat or uncomfortable. Hence doing a cleansing or smudging.

Did you know that by law real estate agents must tell you if a violent crime or a death happened in the house? Some people are very sensitive to the energy in such a house and would not be happy living in a house where tragedy has occurred.

How to Gold Light Someone

 This is putting gold light protection around  someone, other than yourself, such as your children.  It is the intention behind this that makes it powerful.

First step is to visualize pure gold light from the universe/ or Multiverse coming in through the top of the persons head, (you can use the person's name) and drawing lots of pure golden light in a continuous stream in through the top of the head. Filling the entire head and neck with pure golden light. Now draw this pure gold light down on to both shoulders, simultaneously.
Now draw this pure golden light down in to the body. (say  either out aloud or in your mind) I am now  drawing down more pure golden light from the universe/Multiverse down through the top of (person's head) and flowing down into the full length of their torso. I am now drawing this pure golden light down both legs simultaneously, all the way down to the knees on both legs.

I am now drawing this pure golden light right down the full length of both legs simultaneously,
and now drawing this pure golden light into both feet simultaneously, all the way to the tips of the toes.
I am now drawing lots of extra pure golden light from the universe/or Multiverse straight down through the top of (name of person's) head and flowing all the way down to the shoulders. Now I am drawing this pure golden light all the way down both arms simultaneously. I am now drawing this pure golden light down into both hands simultaneously, all the way to the finger tips.

Pausing for a moment, and then starting at the feet. Bringing some of the pure golden light all the way up from the feet and up both legs simultaneously, while leaving some of the pure golden light in place for protection. I am drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity up out of the body along with some of this pure golden light.

Drawing the pure golden light, and all dis-ease, evil and negativity all the way up both legs, up into the torso. pausing for a moment. I am now drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity along with some of the pure golden light all the way up the full length of the torso and up on to the shoulders.
I am now drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity  and some of the pure golden light up from both hands simultaneously and up both arms simultaneously. But leaving some pure golden light in place for protection. I am now drawing all this dis-ease, evil and negativity and some of the pure golden light all the way up on to the shoulders and joining with the rest of the dis-ease, evil and negativity and  pure golden light.

Now I am sending all this dis-ease, evil and negativity along with some of this pure golden light straight up through the neck, and up through the head, and going out through the top of (name of person) head and sending all of this dis-ease, evil and negativity out into the universe/Multiverse to be transmuted or destroyed. While the pure golden light cascades down and around (name of person) entire body and aura.

I am now placing a ball of pure golden light around (name of person) to hold in all this pure golden light to protect them.

This ball of pure golden light around (name of person) comes from the on true source in the Multiverse, the all that is and all that ever will be (the divine feminine ), and as such this ball of pure golden light will repel all dis-ease , evil and negativity. Instead all dis-ease, evil and negativity will be carried deep into the Multiverse to be transmuted or else destroyed.

(person's name) is now sealed and protected by the all that is and all that ever will be, (the divine feminine /or what ever you feel appropriate )   by my will so may it be, and it is so.

By the way Dragons blood is a good resin or incense to burn to keep evil away, it is used for purifying as is white sage. But dragons blood is the most powerful followed by Frankincense and then white sage


 This exercise should be done daily, either when you go to bed or when get up, or as part of your daily psychic exercises.

Put yourself into a comfortable position and begin by releasing all tension and anxiety.

Visualize a ball of pure golden light floating above you. Focus on the energy of the ball -know that it is full of love and strength and peace. Try hard to FEEL these qualities in the energy of the ball.
Say in your mind, the following, this ball of pure golden light comes from the one true source in the Universe, the all that is and all that ever will be, the divine feminine.

Now bring this ball of pure golden light down over your head, neck and shoulders, and the aura around your head, neck and shoulders. Now bring the ball of light down the full length of your entire torso, and the aura around your entire torso. Say in your mind, I now also bring this ball of pure golden light down both of my arms simultaneously, all the way down to my finger tips. And, including, the aura around both of my arms too. Leaving, no holes, or gaps in or around my entire aura, and my entire body. I now draw this ball of pure golden light straight down past my torso and down both of my legs simultaneously all the way down to my ankles, and including the aura around my legs.  I now draw this ball of pure golden light down to my feet. Starting at both of my heels, simultaneously and going the full length of both of my feet to the tip of my toes. Including, the aura around my feet. Now tucking the ball of light, under my feet. I am sealed within this ball of pure golden light, leaving no holes or gaps in and around my entire body and entire aura. Safe within this ball of pure golden light, nothing negative can harm me, nor approach me, including negativity from myself. For I am protected, by the all that is and all that ever will be, the divine feminine.

By my will so may it be, and it is so.



Good Bye Miss Lily

Poor little Miss Lily (our  canary) went to the vet this morning. She was in pain after a falcon attacked her on  When suddenly a falcon swooped in and attacked her. We have never had falcons in our yard before, so this was most unusual.

Before being euthanatized; the vet examined her and discovered the leg was broken above the joint with a lot of force that all the tendons etc were broken. Her little leg was dead and the vet said its best to put her to sleep, which I knew had to be done. She wasn't eating or drinking either.

So Miss Lily went over the rainbow bridge with the spirit shaman and, she let me see her soul leave her body. It was like a soft white cloud of energy. I took her home to bury her. But as soon as I got out of the car I saw my dogs Sparky and Gromit in spirit rushing up to greet me as I got out the car. That was a wonderful experience and right out of the blue.

We love you Lily and thank you for being part of our large family, Bless you xxx

Thank you Snu and Puss xxx

I would like to also say thank you to the loving staff at Parkway Veterinary Clinic( formerly known as Wanniassa Hills Veterinary Clinic) on Drakeford Drive at Kambah. The people there are the most loving and caring people that I have ever met. We have been with this practice over 20 years. The care they give and the love they have is wonderful. True fur baby lovers.

Curiosity May Have Killed The Cat


Golden Grounding Cord And Protection

Visualise a golden cord coming from your true heart centre and descending down the

Centre of the Earth.  At the bottom of this cord is a big diamond or precious stone. Then

Create golden aura around yourself, but also to demonstrate to non-physical beings that you are serious, and that you are a strong person who knows what it is all about, and you are claiming your personal sovereignty: telling everybody that no one is allowed to mess with you.

This should be done several times a day. Now this golden cord, should connect from side to side and front to back to your golden aura. So that your whole body is covered. Make this aura 5 inches outside of your visible body.

Please remember that it is important to do this also before you go to sleep. Do it first thing when you awaken and throughout the day. This will keep entities away.

Wax Drawing Readings Now Available With Alex


Just letting everyone know that I am now introducing Wax Drawing Readings.
These readings are complex Clair-tangent readings and nothing like Tarot readings.

These readings will be an hour long in duration using photography quality paper and a variety of coloured wax, in 6" by 8" paper.

The cost of these readings will be $130 and you keep the wax drawing to take home with you.

While doing these readings, there is an element of spiritual reading is involved. This should be a lovely uplifting experience, and you are most welcome to record your reading as we go.

To help you understand the concept, it is like scrying, looking into a crystal ball or inky water.
This expands my third eye and the information flows very fast due to the energy involved. I thoroughly enjoy doing these readings and like the fluidity of the reading. I sincerely hope that my clients will enjoy this as much as I do.

Love Alex

NOTE: As of January 2020 I have stopped doing these as I no longer do face to face consultations for health and safety reasons.

Trance Mediumship And Evil Beings


I would like to talk to my readers about the possible dangers involved in Trance Mediumship. This is a very special skill and not to be done unless you have the correct training and guidance, a clairvoyant must also be present to assist, in case of the situation becoming dangerous or undesirable. 

There are protocols to follow when doing any form of mediumship and especially trance mediumship. Protection is a must, for all taking part. The reason being, a negative or malevolent entity can attach themselves to whomever they please. The room or venue must be protected psychically also.

 Opening the circle with prayers and psychic protection is one of the first steps. As I already said, a clairvoyant must be present, to be the "look out" while the person channelling is working. It is very important that there is absolute silence during the process. It is said that one must never touch the medium while they are in trance, especially if they are a physical medium (able to physically manifest something from the spirit world into the physical world). This is highly dangerous and may result in serious harm to the Medium. Yes, some foolish sceptics have done this, and that is why I am telling you this.

 During the course of events, someone may take notes on what is being said via the medium and making observations. Someone should also be in charge of asking questions.

You may want to record or video the event also.  In any form of mediumship, do not pass on negative information to people as that is irresponsible and just not the done thing.

When the spirit retracts from the medium. The medium  needs time to relax and gain their composure. Discussions can then take place. Once all this is done. The circle must be closed down. Spirit must be sent back to where they came from and then the psychic cleansing of the room  and the medium  must ground  themselves after that . 

With an unexperienced Medium things can and do go wrong.  An example of this is what happened several years ago. I was taking part in some regular trance mediumship with a couple of friends. These friends were natural trance mediums, but did not know a lot about the spirit world or how to use psychic protection. When I first met these friends, it was by them coming to me as clients.

At the time both these men had no idea as to whom they were communicating with, ( they were given false information by the spirit beings). One of these friends told me about the terrible pain in his throat, and how doctors couldn’t detect anything. He told me, the spirit beings said that it was ok. They need the link through his throat Chakra. I was rather concerned about this pain, as I knew that spirit shouldn’t be doing this to him. Physical marks are one of the other things that happened to this particular  man. This is not the ideal situation and is an unwanted situation.

 In the above example, I believe these spirit beings were archons. Anyone in communication with the spirit world really needs to know about these beings, and the harm they can cause. There is a wealth of information all over the internet on archons, including information dating back to bible times, Gnostics warned of them. There is also the very real potential for an entity attachment to happen.

 It is not necessary to turn off all electronic equipment, fans or air conditioning either. I have done mediumship live on radio, via the telephone, via the internet when conducting readings, etc. It makes no difference. If you have a spirit being telling you to switch off any electrical equipment, stop communication immediately. This is an archon that you are dealing with or an interdimensional.

 Remember for mediumship to take place there is no pain or suffering. If this happens stop immediately. Do not attempt to communicate with the entity. I personally would gold light the room again and myself if I were the medium. The room that is being used should only be gold lighted by the person in charge, for protection and unwanted spiritual activity. Too many people trying to gold light the room or venue would cause others to experience what is called; being bounced back.

If you really want to learn mediumship or trance mediumship, please learn through a reputable source, where the correct safety procedures are employed. Should you get into any difficulty during the training, the instructor should be there to help straight away.

You may try several different places before finding one that you like. You need to also know how experienced the people teaching are. Do they follow all the correct protocols? Always check the credentials of the spirit beings; can you verify the messages or give a description of the spirit being?

I am not actually in favour of trance mediumship. After experiences that I have had, and research that I have done over the years. Even though I am trained in   trance mediumship, I do not use it. I had grave concerns about learning this before I was persuaded to learn this ability. Those concerns were to be later confirmed during the training course.

There are suggestions in the Psychic field, that some entities may leave a very difficult to detect link in to the trance medium.

Wes Penre covers this in his research. There are also many researchers that believe inter-dimensional beings may also mimic spiritual beings. This is quite a valid opinion and in some cases points back to the archons.

 We still do not know a lot about the spirit world and may never know. It is a vast and incomplete area of knowledge.

 Don’t be put off by this article; there are many very successful trance mediums in the world. The choice is up to the individual if they feel comfortable engaging in this activity. I leave it to the individuals to make their own choices of their own free will. 

Points to remember are, always gold light yourself and the place that you are at the time before you start communicating with spirit. Do not forget to close down the circle you are working in at the end of the activity.  Then gold light yourselves again at the end. The medium must ground themselves again, and also whomever is in charge must also gold light the room again.

 You do not want to leave the job unfinished. That is irresponsible and you can leave an energy portal open that can or will cause problems until closed off. You do not know what will come through the energy portal if you don't, and it is best not to take the risk. Especially if it is someone's home. Remember, if in doubt  or fearful, do not communicate with  spirit, especially one that sounds malevolent or untrustworthy.


http://alexfulfordclairvoyantmedium.blogspot.com.au/2010/10/how-to-white-light-room.html  This should say Gold in the search string


For an alternate grounding this yoga one is safe to use also.


Copyright Alex Fulford January 2017

Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant -Medium given a 5 star rating in American Book by Maxemillien de Layfayette

 I just came across my name with a 5 star rating in an American book called When Heaven calls you. I am blown away to be honest, lol.

I was googling my name for an advert that I have running, and I wanted to google it just by my name. I just scrolled on and on and suddenly this jumped out at me. It was in an American magazine from January 2015, god it is a weird feeling to come across it to be honest.

The magazine is called American Psychic and Medium Magazine by Maximillien  de Layfayette

Thank you Maximilien de Layfayette, however I am a Clairvoyant-Medium not just psychic! I am also a spiritual healer that can see into the body like a thermal image, and mediumshp often accompanies the  healing proccess. 

What Is Also In Store For Australia in 2017?


Please note : Readings are done from an impartial position, reading the cards in front of me. I  have no interest in politics.

Looking at the cards once more, this time at Australian politics. As many already suspect Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is on a sticky wicket so to speak, he struggles to keep the rank and file of his party under control. There are moves to oust him Rudd Style by his opponents within the Liberal ranks. I feel by winter 2017 or at the very latest it will be winter 2018, he will be replaced. I am pretty sure that it will be winter 2017 though.

In house leadership coups are the new trend in Australian and British politics, and are  here to stay.
I see a man with light coloured hair and an oval face replacing Mr Turnbull, similar in appearance to Kevin Rudd. This is no doubt Scott Morrison. Peter Dutton will be in the spotlight again, a rise to prominence, this feels like a portfolio shift perhaps into finance.
The Liberals will never break ranks with the British monarchy either, it's just not the done thing in their eyes.

In the Australian Labor Party it is Bill Shorten to be tumbled from his position. He seems not to be an effective leader; because he has never really proven himself in the political arena.

Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party is on a slippery slope, she has made very poor choices in whom she lets into the party and this will kill the party. In a few years she won't even recognise the party, as it will be nothing like it's original intended form. She trusts the wrong people and these people will  deliberately  sabotage the party in a seek and destroy mission and then jump ship.

The Australian navy are in the news again I see a navy patrol boat in what looks like border protection issues, Manus Island again.

Heads of Government meeting in Brisbane this winter, Tax reforms and more funding cuts.
More people are turning their backs on the failed government, preferring to be self sufficient.

More unsettling news in the media, protests and  demonstrations to come over Muslim immigration, President Trump and general political unrest in Melbourne and Sydney.   The government needs to look at sedition laws once more.

The race card is being played again by political extremists, some of which are in government positions; and in the community to rile up and confuse people. I do not think Turnbull can handle this one, it will spill over into the community.

The Australian Federal Police are back in the news again.


List of other psychic predictions 

This is the third thing to come up from my 2017 predictions.

Second thing to come up was Pru Goward in the spotlight again she is dark haired. 30 January 2017

Oops my little blunder, lol. I put this under world predictions

Protests in Melbourne are on going in 2017 already

Homeless protests in Melbourne

On Australian predictions I also said Manus Island will be back in the spotlight along with the Australian Navy, however these do not have to be linked. The Navy has already came up with minor news articles. Nothing significant yet.


Mr Turnbull and the Liberals in trouble again. 3/7/2017


Peter Dutton update 18 July 2017

Pauline Hanson, not a happy camper.

Peter Dutton in the headlines.

Perer Dutton did have a change in portfolio in 2017.

19th December 2017 Peter Dutton to head up new department  of Home Affairs.

                                     ONE NATION/ Pauline Hanson 22/10/17



ONE NATION;  PAULINE HANSON .  This is just an example of many if you do a google search. This is an out of control train wreck. One nation is an offshoot of the Liberal party to take the heat off the Liberals anyway.

UPDATE: November 2, 2020

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 5 April 2024

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/QA-Session-5-April-2024.pdf When a medium is speaking to your loved ones in spirit p...