14 October, 2021

More scams aimed at Aussies


Seriously?? Are people really so silly that they think this is legitimate? Perhaps you shouldn’t have the remote for the tv if you are this foolish. There are so many scammers out there right now, how can people actually fall for this? I suspect these individuals never read the news, watch the news on TV or look up the ACCC scam watch website. 

Screenshot the email and report them immediately to the authorities and don’t click on links at all, it is all a money grab of the gullible. When in doubt hit delete, it’s that simple! 

If you are up to no good you will get a letter in the mail from the ATO with an actual reference number and real contact details. If you have to pay a fine then you would have an official letter in the mail with a traceable reference number to keep official records of your  transactions with the government department.

That also includes your legal rights ect, including how to appeal against a decision, which is standard in all government agencies in Australia. The AFP will come calling directly to your house, and if you are not home; a business card is left with real contact details and the name of the AFP officer to contact. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...