23 October, 2021

Service fees for readings

This is a screenshot of page 4 from my website. It is a scroll down website of 4 pages; and tab tops also. Which  is obvious to see when you visit the website. I am continually getting emails from people that can’t be bothered reading this page; asking how much do I charge. The website is well laid out and simple to navigate. Yes, you still do need to contact me to make a payment,  due to me removing PayPal. 

$80 for 30 minutes or $160 for an hour.


I work in a cafe and this is the one question from customers that shows a complete lack of respect

  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13669581/Liam-LeMercier-cafe-respect-customer.html Hospitality is a tough gig, these people work ...