15 November, 2022

A huntsman spider on my kitty eek!


I almost had a heart attack a few minutes ago. My cat doll, Catalina Pursnikity (yes that’s the name it came with ), had fallen off the chair on my bookshelf. So I picked her up and tried to reposition her, it just wasn’t happening for me so I moved her and just as I looked back at the doll, my eyes focused on her head. There was a humongous huntsman spider on the head and it was crawling around. Christ on a bike,  I screamed in horror as I realised that I had just been handling that doll. I took the doll out the front door and gave it a shake into the garden, but the damn spider decided to land on the steps instead. I shot back indoors quick smart shuddering. I am still shuddering at the thought of that horrible spider, lol. Where is the cricket bat when ya need it? Better still a flame thrower. 

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 5 April 2024

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/QA-Session-5-April-2024.pdf When a medium is speaking to your loved ones in spirit p...