16 July, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 3 July 2024


Q1: That‘s a Yeah, Nah with me. I don’t agree with the person’s question, it’s s just too much disinformation. This is a realm or planet of lies and deception by design. I trust nothing as we have seen so much disinformation in the past 24 years with the turning of the new millennium and it has moved up several notches since the turn of the century.The last 10 years have been rather hyped up by everyone trying to make a name for themselves trying to be experts on everything. 

The spiritual and new age stuff in particular is in overdrive with rubbish aligned with this particular theme.  I always maintain that I am not an expert on anything, I go from personal experience or what ‘seems’ to be reasonable. I may well be wrong on somethings in the areas that Wes Penre delves into, but it is food for thought. I also find this very dark energy, so I don’t want to spend  much time dwelling on this. 

Q2: The term  ‘Out Ethics’, sounds like new speak, lol. Unethical or without ethics why not just use the correct terminology rather than using stupid made up expressions trying to sound cool. ‘ Seem powerful’, that’s exactly it, they seem to be powerful only if you believe them. With billions of people on the planet, how many people would actually believe in magic? Manipulating energy can be done yes, but that depends on what and how a particular energy is being used. If it’s a human being  that is being manipulated then that’s on the individual giving away their person power, and a person that is emotionally and mentally vulnerable.

Yes, there are evil people that do black magic rituals all over the world, and always have been since the dawn of time. But how much is actually the power of suggestion with the use of mind altering substances and how much is unexplained? Tulpa are soulless beings created by thought,  by people that practice the dark arts. These Tulpa are said to carry out the wishes of the person that created them. Those tulpa can and do get out of control too according to the likes of Dion Fortune. These entities are very dangerous when out of control of the person who created them as they take on a life of their own. 

Dion created one and she allegedly lost control of it according to her book. Why the hell create something like that in the first place? That is an irresponsible ego that manifests such a creature, and it is not done for peaceful purposes. 

These entities are more along the lines of the terrifying shadow people. I have experienced them and so did my neighbour on the same night. I didn’t even know the woman at the time as she was new in the street. It was a few years later that we were talking and the subject came up. Neither of us had anything out of the ordinary happening on that night either. 

Yes there are dark energy beings, but most people never encounter them, so don’t worry about them. It’s not an area that you want to get involved with either, as it can affect your mental health and wellbeing. So leave it alone please.

Q4: I would not put much stock in this to be frank, this is silly disinformation again. Trump is a walking ego like all politicians, his energy is not nice and neither is his new chosen VP. I don’t like politics and I am not a political person. But I certainly don’t like Biden and his team either. You don’t have to take sides or agree with anyone. Sometimes it’s best to stay neutral and avoid the negativity. 

This world is set up metaphysically for negative energy, it is a low dark energy by design. Yes it is a realm of death and we are entombed in the flesh to keep us enslaved physically and spiritually. You can investigate this should you be interested but it involves a lot of reading, including learning, unlearning and being led down blind alleys. I am speaking from experience over many years, which can be so disheartening. 

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