20 July, 2024

Tarot Card of the Month: August 2024, 10 of Wands


Struggles, being over extended, buckling under pressure, driven to succeed, attainment, originality, creative, knowledgeable 

This card rules Aries, Sagittarius and Leo Astrologically the card relates to the 9th House

Planet: Saturn, the Teacher or great malefic. Ruler of the 9th House of Philosophy, Religion, the higher mind/Superconscious, higher education. It covers long trips such as overseas travel. 

A lone person struggling with too much, he can't see where he is going and his head is facing downwards. Meaning he cannot see what is in front of him and sure to have an accident due to over extending himself. Tripping himself and dropping all his wands.

Notice there is one wand that looks to be touching the ground directly in front of him, which he needs to be aware of. To trip up will have a domino effect and upset his plans. Wands can be seen as something manifesting, coming from the non physical into the physical, this could be a thought coming to fruition in the physical world. In metaphysics, first there is thought which then manifests into physical reality in action or anything even illness because everything carries an energy vibration or signature. However here we are seeing energy in motion as actions driven to succeed in power, politics, political agendas and education mainly. It is original and creative energy.

The month of August is going to be a very busy month globally. Not just with the Olympics going on in France, but many world governments will be taking  action. Plans coming to fruition, political power struggles, intrigues and ideologies clash. Then there is academic struggles in August especially for those seeking higher education and exam results.  Factor in political issues and agendas pushed in educational settings such as universities.

August is a month to be vigilant, do not take on too much otherwise you will end up with a disaster. Keep it simple and manageable.  My guides are telling me to keep an eye on spending too, because there may be a shocker of a power bill or other large bills for some people. So hold off spending until you have paid your bills or you will be sorry. 

Mercury goes Retrograde on 5 August to 28 August just to make things a bit more spicy. Which affects communication of all sorts including words, intelect, reasoning abilities, technology (think the internet as it is part of the communication system),  transportation of people and goods. Mercury's actions are quick, uncertain and can be volatile.  Mercury covers travel, especially short trips (3rd house ruler). 

This is  Murphy's law in action, anything that could go wrong, will go wrong.😂

There is a clear blue sky in this card; which shows there is no clouded judgment, it's all in the open so to speak. This is not a happy openness though, it is conflicts of opinions, beliefs, action, war etc, because this Tarot card is ruled by Saturn (The Teacher or great Malefic) Saturn represents the urge for safety and security. Which aligns with the  9th House of the Zodiac which is also ruled by Sagittarius. Therefore please be mindful with religious differences and philosophies and higher learning settings. Don't poke the bear.

Canada will be in the news in August as the people are unhappy, so expect protests. I see littered streets with what looks like scrunched up newspapers, as the paper is black and white. Though I am not sure if this is in Canada. France as we know is in turmoil and I do not see this issue with the government settled until close to the end of August. 

The Greens look like they are being pushed to the sidelines in August as people wake up to their destructive antics. including their negative effect on other political parties such as labour/ ALP Australian Labor Party. I do not see this being resolved. Times are changing fast and the public are extremely wary of politicians. 

Africa descends further into chaos that no one seems to be capable of putting a lid on. Nor is it in their interests to put a lid on this situation. That old daemon Money and Power is behind the reluctance of course. China has been the latest country to plunder the continent in modern times. 

Russia will up their game in August by pushing the west, but China will be very cautious  with this because they do not want to jeopardise their own agendas. Same old, same old! 

More spies will come crawling out of the woodwork in August and getting caught. 

Turning back to the image in the card, I notice the man holds the 10 wands in an awkward  way. The wands are held showing most of them at the top and not evenly balanced at the bottom. 

Thus, top heavy like too much power at the top and little below. Is the lower end hidden power behind what is seen publicly? Too many chiefs and not enough Indians as the saying goes. 

The man is facing the right which implies the future. Though this card  also covers past, present and future too. This is aggressive energy here too, it's me first and self serving. Not good with Mercury retrograde biting you on the ass. 

What is the main goal in August? Politics and power, absolute power; driving political change. Notice that one wand touching the ground. There is a single important drive here, everything depends on this one factor. One main power, one main goal to be achieved. 

The card feels very political for August, no doubt about it. And after seeing how July has turned out this is understandable. There has been so much violence, including domestic violence, high crime, poverty, war and political upheaval driving unrest around the world. 

I feel a big name in politics will resign. This feels like a female politician in Europe. She has light coloured hair and is connected to the EU or UN. I am getting pulled to France and Germany with this.

I feel she is offered something too good to refuse. France will have its problems drag on as it seeks a new leader and this could perhaps bring about a new vote. France is now weakened and unstable (volatile) This of course was a deliberate act and action needs to be taken to plug this vacuum quickly before things get worse. The French people are not going to be tolerant for much longer. There is a strong similarity with France and the US with political factions trying to destroy both nations. 

Looking at world events, we see the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, the power seems to be way out of control due to very poor leadership. More focus and adjustment is needed throughout politics, business and everyday life needs. Which seems to be lacking in the respective leaders. 

Remember that bad boy planet Pluto is affecting everything too and its disruptive power will be here to stay until 2044. Pluto in Aquarius is not a happy situation it brings out the worst of humanity,  

Uranus (the freedom urge) the planet that rules Aquarius is humanitarian, scientific and is  known for sudden and unexpected events that are often violent. It is utopian and egotistical, it rules electricity, aeroplanes/ aviation, earthquakes and provides insight into nature's functions.  It is humanitarian and futuristic too and rules inventions. Remember too that Uranus is a breaker of traditions, so adding Pluto into the mix you can bet we will be in for a rough time.

Pluto is known for destroying and reforming  and fusion. Transformation is its thing.

Pluto governs amongst many things, the underworld, it rules the masses, subversion, waste, nuclear power and weapons. It rules obsessions coercion, disappearances, kidnappings. Pluto governs that which was hidden and exposes it, and also things that have been developed in secret.  It also covers dictatorships. An important point to remember is Pluto's actions are slow and deliberate and Pluto spends 12 to 13 years in each zodiac sign or house.   

Whatever happens now has long term effects so please keep that in mind. When the Genie is out of the bottle it ain't going back in.

I wish everyone all the very best and warm and fuzzy hugs



PS: I was debating whether to do a TCOM or not as my house is in an upheaval as we are starting some renovations next week. But I just could not disappoint anyone. 


Protests in Canada 14 /8/2024 


More spies coming out of the woodwork 


Chinese dissident arrested for spying in New York. 


2025 Psychic Predictions are under way

 Just a heads up to let everyone know that I am working on my 2025 psychic predictions. The Australian ones are almost ready to be posted.  ...