12 July, 2024

‘Frantic and desperate’: Full-time carer mother faces homelessness


Where is the humanity guys?   This mother and child are unnecessary put through hell thanks to the South Australian government incompetence beyond belief. This should have been escalated immediately, my heart goes out to this poor little boy and his mother who is trying desperately to get a safe place to live and have the  correct care that the little boy needs to survive. This is not bloody good enough Australia, look after the vulnerable and the sick as a priority and human right. How many more people are in this situation  with medical conditions and homeless in Australia? 

Have you ever wondered how people call their cats indoors around the world?

  https://www.boredpanda.com/cat-calling-in-different-languages/ Today’s useless information, lol. Just so you know in the future 🤣🤣🤣😻😻...