Showing posts with label HEADS UP NOTICE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEADS UP NOTICE. Show all posts

15 November, 2023

Heads up notice: New website coming soon

 Hi everyone,

Just a quick heads up to let everyone know that I am definitely moving to a new website to start 2024. I am currently making enquiries about a new website and host and new domain name. Everything will be posted on here as soon as I have it sorted. Dream big for 2024 is my mantra. This will probably take a little while to come up in the search engines but as long as you google my name then you will find me. However the new website will be available on my blog as soon as it is available. There is still my Facebook page to follow for news updates, (Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant Medium). I don’t see me subscribing to X because when it was called Twitter there was poor interest in my account. That may change in the years to come but for the meantime I am focusing on what is happening now. 

I intend to pursue my Astrology studies in 2024 and will take it as far as I possibly can. Spirit has made it abundantly clear to me that I have to go down this path. I just hope that the GPS is good on the road 🤣🤣🤣❤️ 

So watch this space and my Facebook page for updates.

Warm and Fuzzy hugs to everyone 

Alex 🐈🐈🐈🔮🧿🪬

After I posted this to Facebook I suddenly rememberd the theme of the number 6 in my life. I was born on a number 6 day. I started tarot reading on a 6 day (6/1/2006) on a 6 year but an number 8 if you add the 6 and the 2. I am in a number 6 personal year this year and turned 60. I went vegetarian on the 6th of February for 10 years. Next year is a number 8 year universally but the number 6 is the 2 and the 4 combined. Patterns forming right there,  the number 6 in astrology is the 6th House of work and service given. The 6th House ir ruled by the star sign Virgo and the planet Mercury (communication). 

Nothing happens by chance in this world. 😆🔮

Update: 21 November,  I checked Dlook today to see if the changes have been made as requested and yes they have been done. But I am definitely leaving Dlook and I am now starting the new website construction. Watch this space for more updates. 

09 November, 2023

Dlook website hosting issues again! Alex is moving to a new website

 Well this year has been challenging to say the least. I have been on to Dlook again twice today with two different matters. I appreciate the account manager may be busy or perhaps not in the office today, and obviously I will have to wait until the emails have been read before any further steps are taken. 

The past year I have been wondering what is going on because work has not be up to the usual standards. So out of curiosity I went online to the Dlook website and typed in Psychics in Canberra., I wasn’t listed!

I have paid to be listed in Canberra, nationally and internationally since 2017. Though that has been an issue every Christmas too, when my service was cut without my knowledge or permission despite me having paid for continued service uninterrupted throughout December and January. 

I only found out by people contacting me to say they can’t get on my website to pay. I was never given a discount or refund only a verbal apology. I told the accountant manager if this happened again I would leave because it has happened every single year. Only this year has been the first year of uninterrupted service but again the service was not what I paid for because I have not been listed properly and not under Canberra at all causing me a loss of income. 

I only today made this discovery that I have not been on my local listing. That was just out of curiosity after getting these two emails via Piivot. I went on to the Dlook website to look for my name in the advertising listing. Angry doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel right now. This is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Enough is enough I am now looking for a new website host. I just refuse to put up with this nonsense anymore.

No name to say that this is me International and National on the front page of Psychics and Clairvoyants, but I am not on the list for Canberra at all. How many people would actually bother to click on this? I am not the only person that doesn’t have their name displayed on the list. 

I looked on my website today at the contact page and suddenly the hours of service are different and medium is misspelled. How very unprofessional is this! 
I only went here because this week I have had two people enquiring and the email comes into my inbox as sent by Piivot with a .IO email address and I thought it was spam and blocked them. Only to find one lady had left a text message on my phone. So she is booked in and I unblocked the email.  I would not have known otherwise.

I am waiting for a response from my service manager to explain what piivot is doing on my website. I  don’t know what it is either. Other than something used by people in the IT industry. I have not been informed of any updates to my website either. That was the same last year too when my emails were unanswered by my account manager only to be told she is ill and hasn’t been able to return to work. So my emails were just left unattended. There are other staff members that can step in but apparently I “fell through the cracks” that was the excuse given. 

This is my contact page that is currently showing. I have no idea when it was changed. 

I only ever worked 10.00am to 3.00pm in all my years. My front page on the website clearly states that I work 10.00am to 3.00 pm.  I also work on weekends and public holidays since I started working. This looks totally unprofessional.

Update: 15 November  2023, 2.17pm Its still saying closed on the weekend. My account manager says we will fix it. That is after another email telling me the last one was sent to be fixed. So yeah I pull the pin the last day of my contract. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

01 November, 2023

Java Braidwood

Located at 91 Wallace Street Braidwood NSW


Want a divine dining experience? My husband and I did just that today at Java Braidwood in county NSW not far from Canberra, en route to the south coast. 
A beautiful restaurant run by a beautiful lady, making the whole dining experience memorable with a welcoming atmosphere from the moment we arrived. We were also very impressed by the hard working and dedicated staff.

The food was outstanding in flavour, quality and presentation served in a beautiful environment with a peaceful atmosphere. The meals are affordable and most definitely value for money. You would be hard pressed to find better prices and such top quality food which is professionally presented to enhance your dining experience.
Thank you Daniar and your wonderful staff for a wonderful experience with genuine warmth from your heart. 

15 October, 2023

Psychic predictions for the world in 2024 update


I found an extra page full of notes for the world psychic predictions this morning.  I do not have any more to add to the predictions so they are now complete. 

 I have added them at the bottom where is says UPDATE, it may look untidy. I am currently  time poor due to family issues this weekend.  I just had to get them on here as quickly as possible and I realise that it may look rather disjointed. The predictions were done over two days and it is not unusual for me to be interupted because I am also a full time carer. So it can be very difficult to keep focus for this type of work. I often comment that I am often working under such situations. I do not always have the luxury of relaxing to do my predictions and as I said before, October is the month for my predictions. I did not choose this month, it was put into my lap so to speak by spirit.

Again I am sorry for any inconvenience.

warm regards


08 September, 2023

06 September, 2023

Here we go again, call the ambulance

 You know how I always say that I never get a break and I live in permanent fight or flight mode and hyper vigilant. Well the culmination of the past two weeks happened today, my husband is ill again and finally he collapsed and had a fit. No memory of what happened. I had to ring for an ambulance, and hubby is now in hospital. Thank you very much universe!! There ain’t nothing like being repeatedly kicked in the guts when you’re down. 

I am stressed to hell right now, but here is the kicker, I knew it was coming because I saw it in the cards. My husband doesn’t believe in what I do and dismisses any warning. His parents and his paternal grandfather have been around in spirit for a week now. Talk about the grim reaper. Not that they can do anything about this. I don’t have a support network to help out either. It’s just get on with it and that is exactly what I will do, just get on with it. Life has made me strong but the misery never stops. So I just keep going because there is no alternative but to go on. I will not be defeated not now not ever! 

Thankfully the Ambulance crew were fast at arriving and got right to the job like the true professionals they are. I am grateful for their patience and support, it Is just another day at the office to them in their job, but to ordinary people they are superheroes. I cannot thank them enough for their service.

UPDATE: 15 September, My husband came home from hospital after having multiple tests and being on a drip. He has recovered reasonably well. There are ongoing health issues so we will keep an eye on these things as best we can. 

05 August, 2023

Too young: why are Australians under 50 increasingly being diagnosed with cancer?

Bowel cancer can happen at any age so don’t kid yourself, and insist on a colonoscopy if you are passing blood frequently. There are others diseases too like Chrons disease, ulcerative colitis and Chrons -Colitis. With ulcerative colitis you definitely pass vast amounts of blood and left untreated it can kill. There are a few doctors that are not well versed in these diseases striking young people because they may not see this disease very often but they should send you for a colonoscopy if you are bleeding. There is a big difference between haemorrhoids bleeding and passing blood from bowel movements.  

 Don’t be fobbed off by a doctor that treats your concerns as over reacting. As I have pointed out in several posts about my husband at the age of 21 being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and he was unfortunately in the worst category with his  illness and his body did not respond to treatment so he had to endure several surgeries and blood transfusions. He also had a DVT at the same time, talk about seriously unlucky. 

Don’t ignore the symptoms of passing blood in your stools regularly it is serious. Fear often delays people going to the doctor too. But if you catch the symptoms early enough you can be in with a good chance of survival so don’t delay out of fear. Your diet definitely affects your health in multiple ways,  and processed foods are the main culprit especially eating processed meats like ham and sandwich meats. Tinned processed foods are also in the unhealthy category due to preservatives and sugars. Corn syrup is a major contributor to health issues. 

Your intestinal health must always be monitored because this is where most symptoms for serious illness occur. The intestinal walls are very thin and it doesn’t take much to have a leaky gut which then is the catalyst for many diseases or other health issues including depression and anxiety. Leaky gut syndrome is extremely common and is part of the reason why people are getting sick. The stomach is also the second brain when it comes to serotonin although it works differently in the stomach, and this was know by scholars as far back as Hippocrates time they believed if the stomach was unhealthy it could cause depression. 

One thing that I learned in my early 20’s by going to naturopaths was the importance of taking probiotics and good quality ones prescribed by my naturopath or purchased at a health food store that are refrigerated.When taking antibiotics you should simultaneously take the probiotics to assist in fighting the infection. Lactobacillus acidophilus combined with other good bacteria should be taken for three month to restore the gut bacteria to a healthy state. If your lactose intolerant acidophilus may cause bloating and diarrhoea. Acidophilus can cause weight gain too so be careful. There are other good bacteria alternatives that are available so talk to a natural therapist or enquire at your health food store about what the best probiotics are for your body. There is a specific probiotic for people that suffer from IBS too. 

Also fermented food like sauerkraut and pickled vegetables are very good for your body just read the ingredients of the product before buying it in case it has sugars that are not good for your health especially corn syrup which is a known neurological toxin. Apple cider vinegar made from the whole apple or mother apple is also a good health choice. I have always had this in my kitchen since I got married because I am well aware of its health benefits due to my father taking it for his ulcerative colitis when I was three years old. 

Remember to always inform your doctor on what alternative health products you are consuming because they may interfere with your medication and perhaps there is a better alternative for you. 

Below is information on how gut health affects the whole body.  how to improve your gut health

Pease read this link above. Do not take probiotics if you have these health conditions.

You will find this philosophy article quite informative also, notice how everything comes full circle eventually. Nothing on earth is new, everything goes in cycles including the way we think. 

Humans are creatures of habit though and often get fed up with food and then go looking for chocolate and other goodies that they crave. So it’s a bit of a vicious circle with our eating habits not to mention long working hours and coming home tired and not wanting to slave over a stove to make dinner for the family.

Modern society is on a treadmill without sufficient balance between working and relaxing at home in order to stay healthy. Working in retail and hospitality especially can mean long work hours or not enough work hours to be able to afford good quality food for optimal health. Add the cost of living into the equation and you can see the dilemma. Then factor in having or not having sound knowledge of nutrition, while struggling with food affordability, keeping a roof over your head while juggling your finances. Healthy choices are not easy on a limited budget and so the cycle of health can be a constant struggle for many people. 

It’s best to just try to avoid takeaway foods and fried foods and soft drinks to start with, make some healthy choices such as switching to apple cider vinegar instead of other vinegars. Apple cider vinegar can be used with olive oil to make a salad dressing too. Not to mention apple cider vinegar has multiple benefits and uses. Did you know that apple cider vinegar helps balance the acid in your body? 

Switch to healthy foods as soon as you can to obtain the best quality life before you hit old age, by the time you reach 60 your health could already be compromised. Compare your body to an old rust bucket of a car to a Lamborghini. Shit box or a cool looking car, hmm tough decision! 

One final thing though, check out the ingredients of everything you buy, because there are preservatives, food colouring chemicals and other things which are just a number on the packaging. You need to learn what they are and what they do to your health. These are all factors which may affect our gut health and our entire bodily health and wellbeing. 

04 July, 2023

I’m sick at present with a pesky sinus infection again

 It’s that time of year again for me. Laid low with a sinus infection again! So over it, I usually thrive in winter as I don’t like the heat in summer. But in recent years I have a habit of getting sinus infections with a thumping headache that accompanies it. Just before lockdown I was getting them one after the other. 

The past week they are back again alongside a cough like a smoker, a sore throat and swollen glands. I have managed to get to July relatively healthy but now the wheels have fallen off my trolley 😳 I have a bit of a wait to see my doctor for antibiotics. So I am just taking it easy for now and hopefully I will be back to normal soon. Tissue manufacturers must do a roaring trade through winter with everyone blowing their noses. I am churning through the tissues presently.

25 June, 2023

Alex moving up in Google search for psychic predictions for 2023

Today just for fun I googled  psychic predictions for Australia in 2023. I discovered that I have moved up a notch but also Google is not displaying the number page as from today. That's a bummer, including sponsored pages I sit at number 13 for Australin predictions.

I do 2 sets of predictions every year in October! One is for Australia and one is for the world.

So they stand from the date published to the following year. Yes we psychics' can sometimes have a prediction a year or two out of synch. We don't know why that is other than time being fluid and never a fixed thing.  

18 June, 2023

What are phone porting scams, and is there anything you can do about them?

The times we are living in 😳 A warning to older people especially because many older people are not tech savvy. They rely on family members to help them with technology and buying things online or fixing their computers and phones when something goes wrong. 

28 March, 2023

Death Toll Rises in Outbreak Linked to Contaminated Eye Drops

Holy Cow, this is frightening. I know using expired eye drops is highly dangerous but this is a whole different story. Using expired eye drops can result in losing your eye or eyes. But this is contaminated medicine out of the factory. 

Check your medicine cabinet immediately and do not use these eye drops.

18 March, 2023

The Picnic Train is back in Canberra

Yay! This is a good fun outing, and there are bookings available for April for all you Easter Bunnies that love steam trains. When boarding the train try and get a seat opposite the platform because you will get a great view of the Gorge as you head out to Bungendore. It is a spectacular view and worth taking a video or photos. Kids will love this and have great memories of the day out for years to come. So why not take advantage of the opportunity. I do believe this is going to be an anual event as this is the second year after lockdown ended. I went last year and really enjoyed the atmpsphere with people waving to the train along the route. I garuntee this will put a smile on your face.


Slowing down and lightening the pace

 I am going to slow down posting things on the blog. As I devote more time to studying. The blog may also change in content to reflect more on esoteric things of interest. I will still share funny memes and jokes as that is just who I am. The sort of person that you take somewhere twice, the second time to apologise 🤣🤣🤣

I think I need warm and fuzzy stuff occasionally too. I am fond of warm and fuzzy things to do with animals (fur babies) nature and things that make the heart lighter and warmer. I think the world needs some of that rather than constantly focusing on the nasty and manipulative stuff that is going on in the media circus.

Yes; we need to be realistic about the seriousness of the world situation but don’t drive yourself crazy with worrying. That doesn’t help you as an individual or your loved ones. Just try to focus on your mental health and your family’s well being. Be kind and thoughtful to yourself and others. Don’t engage in the evils of this world, instead engage in the human qualities that make us better human beings. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 


21 February, 2023

I am tinkering with the date on my blog

 Just letting everyone know I am just tinkering with the date and time thingy on my blog to see how it looks. If I like it then I will keep it. I learned my lesson with my old blog not to go messing with it and ended up creating this one 🤣🤣🤣 I am no longer adventurous with my blog after all that. 

Update, it looks fine so I shall keep it. The Mrs Bean of psychics. 🤣🤣🤣 screwing up my blog with regular monotony. 

06 February, 2023

ABC NEWS: ‘Brushing' scams send people free items, but could be a warning sign about a data breach

People need to smarten up and keep aware of these things. The government has introduced heavy fines for companies that have data breaches now too, so it is in a company’s interest to keep track of anything dodgy. 

27 December, 2022



I am informing everyone for the last time! People that have not paid at least 30 minutes before a reading will have their appointments canceled immediately.

Yet again a small percentage of people that don’t pay on time have thrown my schedule out. I will not waste my time trying to chase clients up to remind them of their appointment.

 It is the client’s responsibility to keep note of their appointments, not mine. It is the clients responsibility to pay in advance as I have often several clients lined up and ready to read for. These clients do not deserve to have their appointments disrupted due to other people selfishness. The attachments sent via email or by phone to every client now have this warning included in the service and fees notice as from today and effective immediately. 

Also I am not in good health as I have to keep telling people. My arms and hands are in terrible pain and unfortunately they won’t be getting better. 


22 November, 2022

Alex has medical issues at present

 Hi Everyone,

Just putting the word out that I have multiple on  going health issues some of which affect both my hands, wrists, elbows and my left shoulder and neck. I am in constant pain and discomfort which is making work very difficult.

This is partly due to fibromyalgia which developed after a serious car accident in 1984 and injuries from the last car accident in 2015 which did some serious damage to my upper body. I do not have much power in my hands which is getting worse along with my hands locking up. I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists and ulna nerve entrapment in both elbows. This on top of chronic fibromyalgia which causes severe fatigue nerve pain all over my body especially in my arms and legs, head and multiple other issues.

I have cut my appointments right back for health reasons, I will still do readings for the foreseeable future but please understand that I am in a lot of pain; and my condition is worsening.

I may not always do tarot card of the month for this reason. I started December 2022 TCOM yesterday but I am unsure if I will get around to finishing it. It's not the end of the world so to speak. I just need to slow down again and rest more.

 Medical treatment is rather slow and not much chop so far' as there is practically no continuity with multiple specialists with little communication between them, and it is a couple of months between appointments at the hospital. The next option is steroid injections and if that fails it's surgery. Surgery will put me out of action for a couple of months; and I really don't want to go down that path because the success rate is not very high for ulna nerve entrapment. Not sure what the success rate is for carpal tunnel surgery is, but that really depends on how good the surgeons is. 


13 November, 2022

Alex is looking for a new website host

Heads up notice! It seems like my current website hosts are not very responsive to emails of late, which is quite unusual. Mind you; when they want paid they are very prompt and push for you to pay up two months before your old contract is even finished. Then suddenly come January there is no website for people to reach me. I only find out when a client phones me to tell me my website is down. This can be days to a couple of weeks in January every year! 

Last year was the icing on the cake. I warned my account manager that I would drop them if this happened again after several years in a row. So when January 2022 rolled around there wasn't any interruption to the website. 

Not just paying for 12 months service, but saying, we will throw in an month for free when making a yearly contract. So why am I having my website down every January? I get no answer to this other than staff on holiday. Well when one has staff on holiday there are others that are still there to see that the websites are not interrupted. No one pulls the plug on  websites just because staff are on leave ever for a start, that would be ridiculous and cause a loss of income to business. 

People pay for a service and when the service is annually disrupted then that is just not on. I have recently had no response to emails in the past two weeks I have emailed my account manager on 31 October 2022 asking for them to post my psychic predictions on my website as I normally do at this time of year. Two weeks have gone by without a response. I sent a second email  on 6 November  to info@dlook and a week has now lapsed again with no answer. I was hoping that this email would have been forwarded on to my account manager, but still no response to date. 

So I may have to drop this company as this can cause me to lose potential business. I will phone the account manager first thing in the morning to find out what is happening before coming to a decision. If she was on leave then normally someone should fill in and emails read. There wasn't any out of office notice from her email address to imply that she was on leave.  

Normally when an account manager leaves or changes position a hand over is done and the account manager phones the customer (me in this case). As has been the case over the years with this website hosting company.

It is rather concerning that I have not had any communication what so ever, but I am aware that they should be contacting me any day now to arrange a new 12 month service. Now I am also a very busy person and I always tell the website hosting company to communicate via email only, not via phone. I have made this very clear to my account manager every single time I have to take a phone call from them and have said so via email; so that there is a record of my wishes in regards to communication. What is it about contact me by email only don't they understand? 

So in the mean time please watch this blog for updates and my Facebook page. I will be looking at alternatives  

UPDATE: I finally got through to someone, it turns out my account manager is very ill and has been working from home for the past six months, the poor soul. I pray she recovers soon. However no one had been looking at my emails, and clients should be informed that they will have a new account manager and not left in the lurch when something happens.  I was told by the person on the phone that I  “fell through the cracks “.  I have now be given a new account manager and my requests actioned. I am still not sure if I will stay with this company but I am glad things are resolved.

My heart goes out to my former account manager, as she is very ill and they are unsure if she can return to the office. I pray that her health returns and that she has a full quality of life. I will keep her in my prayers and just hope that she recovers. So if you are reading this, please know that I care very much. Please look after yourself 😻🤗🤗🤗 and I hope that 2023 will be the year you get your health back.

09 November, 2022

Bookings are closed for November and December 2022


Just a quick heads up to let you know that I am booked out for November and December 2022. So bookings will now start from January 2023. Readings will start on 6th January 2023. 

02 November, 2022

'Didn't really think it was much more than a normal bug': Mum's warning after son dies from meningitis

What a terrible tragedy, luckily mum is a nurse, however the poor little soul didn’t make it. Please read the entire article because it tells you the symptoms to look out for. Do not be dismissed by a doctor if you think they are misdiagnosing, you can invoke the state that you live in’s version of Ryan’s Rule. That sets off alarm bells in the medical system so be aware of your rights in health matters. If there is no equivalent of this law then there is a medical advocate to call or the minister of health.

My sincere condolences to the family and other families that lose a loved one.

This is the list of state and territory equivalents, so learn your rights and stand your ground because a life may be in the balance, this covers mental health issues and also hospital in the home. This article is from 2016 so things may have improved where you live, but there is also the minister of health and your local mp to contact. If you feel that you are not being listened to and your loved one is in danger of dying then be empowered to stand up for their rights.  

 This is the link to the little Ryan’s coroner’s inquest. I found this highly distressing reading but necessary reading to understand what happened.

My husband almost died through medical negligence four years ago here in Canberra and had to call in the medical advocate from the hospital (CARE plan) or he could have died from a severe infection while doctors argued over who had the right to operate on him. So I am very cautious when dealing with the medical industry and the Canberra hospital has been in the news a lot due to deaths and other issues over recent years.  Most of the time doctors are very good but there are times too, when things go very wrong so I want people to be informed and empowered to take a stand when necessary. Be respectful and also informed on your rights. A life can be lost quickly if you are not paying attention to the signs and symptoms on time. 

Canberra health services link.

NSW, health REACH Keep Patients Safe link below.

Ed Dwight, first African American candidate for space travel, takes off 60 years later How wonderful for him to ...