Showing posts with label TAROT CARD OF THE MONTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TAROT CARD OF THE MONTH. Show all posts

01 December, 2022

Tarot card of the month: December 2022, 10 of Pentacles


Due to having problems with my hands, I have not been able to post Tarot card of the month.
 I have ongoing issues with carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists, Reynauds syndrome in my fingers and trapped ulnar nerves in both elbows also and losing feeling in my hands is an ongoing problem which is getting worse. Sometimes my hands are clenched shut in my sleep and numb, so I literally have to pries them open as soon as I wake  up. Talk about all your Black Fridays coming at once, sheesh. Such is life , I just have to roll with it and just take it easy. 
But, I will do a short reading for the month, nothing flashy. So this post will be updated tomorrow some time. 

UPDATE: 2/12/2022

Abundance, Convention, Materialism, Affluence, Success and Abundance

OK, I am back with a short and sweet post, my hands are ok at present. As the end of the year draws to a close, this card tells me it is time to be thinking of family, like we should always! Our world is going through critical times right now and our priorities need to be examined.  While there is a feeling of abundance for some, it is the exact opposite for many. Take note of this because financial difficulties will be around for a while and people need to use common sense when spending money. This is hard for some people to do but they had better smarten up and learn the meaning of economize fast.  
This card is also ruled by the number 10. That is one with the power of the Universe, which is a great number and especially for a door number. Ten is for material gains, power and energy basically.
The card is also about spiritual power which to me is quite important. And this reminds me of how we affect each other. Heed that warning about affecting other people.

What I do see in December is a transfer of power, wealth  and spiritual authority being carried out. Now while some look at the spiritual meaning of Christmas, others are looking at more important events which will reshape the world in ways and in powers that many of us just can't imagine. Because they are not trained to look for the signs, symbols and rituals being carried out under their noses.
This new age or new world order  if you want to call it that is taking shape. The legal framework and power transfers are being done.

I do feel Egypt was chosen for the COP27 for a reason, with regards to esoteric and religious significance dating back to the first century AD. A particular royal  bloodline moved to Great Britain from ancient Egypt and the new British king Charles plays a part in uniting the two worlds. 

This also ties in with the climate issue to bring in laws to share the debt. However this is an illusion because it is taking from the hard working and naïve western nations tax payers; to give to some countries where the rich will profit and give nothing to the people. These rich individuals live at the expense of the poor Now they are free to plunder the west , so don't expect that money to go to where it is said to be going. It is a permanent cash cow as intended by the elite.
as I look at the card I notice how the  pentacles sit, 3 to the right hand side, 4 in the middle and 3 on the left hand side. my observations tells me that the middle man takes the biggest cut for himself. That being the climate industry officials paying themselves from western tax payers funds. 
I do feel this will bring conflict because many people see what is taking place and are clearly not happy.

These people are being ignored and treated as a nuisance by the powers that be and the media who are under the direct control of the "powers that be'. So it remains to be seen at this point if this will be  successful and permanent for a long time. The UK and the US set the trend on the world stage currently, but this is a different type of rule we are seeing take shape, which includes corporate control.Not by presidents or prime ministers, but a conglomerate of leaders and powerful people reshaping the world around us. 
I do feel that this will take about two years to put up the framework for the entire world to see and then respond to.
Power sharing is not the idea and never was. This is a new type of dictatorship unfolding, but who is the top man? 
I see snow falling in December in the UK, this will be a bleak winter and Christmas for many unfortunately. It is wise to keep sensible with money and Celebrate in a more simple way with loved ones. After all Christmas is just one day so don't make it stressful. A meal or just a cup of tea and a bit of cake with loved ones is fine. It is the companionship and love that matters. This card tells us that focus will be on family as well as keeping warm through winter. Establishing permanence, hope and success with those that matter to us.

Please keep an eye on the elderly and the lonely over this season and over the winter months. Some people may not tell you they are in financial distress because they feel ashamed to tell anyone. So please be thoughtful and live from your heart. Just help in what ever way you can, even if it is by showing others that you are there and listening to them.

Be safe and take care . Think of the animals that are suffering also and perhaps you may be able to assist them in some way too.

Peace and blessings to everyone where ever you live in the world
Go in peace and in love.   

UPDATE: Snow in December 

25 October, 2022

Tarot card of the month: November 2022, Ace of Pentacles


                                                        Planet:   Satu             Zodiac:  Taurus , Virgo, Capricorn          

                                                        Element:  Earth          Cardinal point of direction: East

                                                        Gender: Female   Realm: Home   Season: Spring

Lets start with the symbols, the background is grey which is a neutral colour but it is also a spiritual colour. Mixing black and white combined with light or spiritual wisdom.  The hand of fate pushes through the cloud making an offer. That cloud represents a barrier between the spirit world and the physical or temporal world. It shields the unseen world from view like a deliberate barrier.

The hand is also illuminated as we can see the rays emanating from the hand. As we see the hand is holding a pentacle, and pentacles represent both money and spirit. The pentacle is a representation of Vitruvian man. Clearly something is being offered to us collectively. What is it? Is it good for us?

It looks like a golden opportunity for someone. Aces are the start of something new  generally they are positive.  

Now as we look at the foreground we see  white lilies. White symbolises purity, especially spiritual purity. Lilies also are connected to the ancient biblical past and the cult of Isis. Next there are red roses which also allude to both of these. Red represents the souls desire in the card too as spiritual beings we as human beings; seek to attain higher spiritual attainment. The red and white also represent the royal ancient houses of upper and lower Egypt as well as the cult of Isis, because both are connected and also connected not just to the biblical history but modern times as well. We cannot escape the historical past even if we tried. It is an intrinsic link to the modern world. Hence the reason the tarot is heavily influenced by these symbols.

Notice the golden sunlight popping up along the hedgerow too, signifying the new dawning of something. We are at the dawn of a new era globally, not one that I relish either. Notice the hedge is longer on one side than the other. This may look out of balance but there is wisdom in this. It co-relates to the position that the hand is in and the sunlight emerging. Which I will explain in a minute. 

An object in the middle of a card signifies front and center. We are to pay attention to it for a reason, hence its deliberate placement. It represents joining or separating. as we see the hand is facing the right hand side. which is east. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it is a circular event . The right is aggressive, active energy, out going or giving, it relates to the future and future events. It is called Dexter due to it following the path of the sun. 

So as we can see this is an interesting card for November on the world stage. On an esoteric level this card also signifies a physical manifestation or transition. Bringing from the realm of the mind into the world of mass and matter or if you like manifesting in the physical form. 

This card not only signifies new beginnings, something is being presented here to the world. This can be financial inducement for business, tax cuts and of course prosperity.  But to whom does it benefit really?  Money matters will dominate  the month of November, so please be very careful  this month with your money. Do not spend unless you need to and plan carefully your expenditure. I see more going out than coming in, but we all are aware of the current financial crisis. 

There are also major new beginnings indicated here as Aces are always the beginning of something. Workwise I see new business ventures, mergers and business empire building. There may be name changes with the business mergers and brand names. I get the feeling of a generational change taking place connected with business and money. Universities are in the news with expansion, new positions or posts. A big push globally for more students in key areas is also indicated, such as medical students, science and research. I also feel a church and state connection to this. Meaning the Vatican is involved. November is also a month of breakthroughs of all sorts of things, this also relates to Ukraine in some way.

That is all that I have for TCOM for November peeps, so play nice and be good to each other and stay safe. Warm and fuzzy hugs and blessings.


Acknowledgements to Mary Greer for some of the esoteric information from her amazing book 21 ways to read a tarot card. Such a gem of a book.  

23 September, 2022

Tarot card of the month: October 2022, The Devil


                                              Planet: Saturn                     Zodiac sign: Capricorn

                                              Element: Fire                     Number 6 (1plus 5)

Mr Chicken drumstick legs 😂 Last month I warned that something big is going to happen in October, We just seem to be getting a never ending can of whip-ass; non stop for the past few years and the can is getting bigger. Lets see what the TCOM says about this. 

Temptation, Emotions, Ego, Excess, Blind Authority, Anger, Rage, Disobedience, Vice, Hopelessness, Materialism, Enslavement/Bondage, Ignorance, Jealousy

Right  at the offset the first thing we notice is the male and female chained to a black cube. Notice they have little horns on their heads, this implies daemons rather than humans (or is it really souls/spirit?), that fall from grace that is mentioned in the bible. The primordial Adam and Eve. However there is a deeper story to this that the average person is totally unaware of due to being in a  state of spiritual ignorance or unawareness. Humanity for a start did not fall from grace, they were pushed. But that is a much bigger story than we have time for just now.

As I get into this; let me point out the black cube which represents the planet Saturn, it can allude to evil. Evil is the word Live backwards. That is a clue right there to humanity's present place of residence.

Looking at the Devil's hands he is  implying "As in as above, so is below." Add to that "As within, so is without" to this card too. The Devil card represents the Human ego, vices, addictions and enslavement in the third dimension. This card shows a lack of spirituality, and a lower vibrational frequency that keeps humanity here, it also reminds us that this is a dualistic world that we inhabit. 

Notice also the two individuals have red hair too, this is further secret esoteric knowledge of humanity's origins and also Jesus and Mary Magdalen were also redheads; which runs through royal families of the world and the elite of the planet. Red hair is often seen in religious art conveying a secret message too. The male in the card looks at the female not as an equal here, he is not looking at her face, he looks as if he is looking at her with lustful intent. She on the other hand is looking at something unseen. Is that another astral plane, a higher spiritual knowledge? The female is a higher intuitive than the male as she is seen as a creator and an aspect of the goddess. Both are chained to the black cube, enslaved in the third dimension by evil means due to their naivety and trusting nature. 

The devil with his left hand is holding a burning torch pointing downwards to the ground (earth) It looks like it is just about burning the male beings tail. The devil seems to inflame base emotions within the male such as lust and jealousy. 

The female though has a tail that looks like it is purple grapes on a vine. Temptation, fertility, abundance, the blood of Christ. Purple is associated with royalty and the crown chakra so this points to a royal bloodline, the family of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Mary was a high priestess in the cult of Isis.

As a side note did you know that purple apples imply secret esoteric wisdom? There is a stained glass window artwork in Lincoln cathedral church England, in which purple apples are symbolic of Mary Magdalen. I came across this in the book entitled, The murder of Mary Magdalene by Dan Green.  However this is supposed to be grapes depicted on this card, which grow on a vine then this could still relate to the bloodline of Mary and Jesus. Fruits do often mean fertility so there can be  a couple interpretations of this symbol. 

Looking at the Devil's eyes, they look like they are boring right into what is in his line of vision, us the collective humanity. Getting into the mind of his victims. His right hand (male energy) is gesturing the hand sign Vau  from Hebrew which also carries the number 6 vibration, it is also the Vulcan sign made by Mr Spock on Star Trek. But notice the female is standing to the right and not the left hand side which is female energy. Remember 6 is the feminine number and 9 is male. So the Devil has a spite against the divine feminine and takes it out on womankind. (This is interesting reading) Duality again.

I also feel communism as I looked at this right hand and the white wing, I thought that was weird, I don't know why that came to me but it may be relevant given China is aligned with Russia, not to mention the New World Order is also communist.

Notice the inverted pentagram on the Devil's head right at the third eye or crown chakra, this to me symbolises infecting the human psyche with negative thoughts. His horns remind me of the goat of Mendes,  however the horns actually represents the zodiac sign of Capricorn which is the 10th house in astrology and ruled by the planet Saturn (restrictions). Now on his right palm is a symbol that I have trouble seeing clearly, It has a cross and something next to it, which is unclear to me but I suspect this is the symbols of male and female, so if that is the case the Devil has them in his hand so to speak, under his control. 

This entire message is telling us of  the age old spiritual fight between good and evil, a spiritual war that has raged  since the dawn of time. Not just in the physical world but also in the unseen world of spirit.

This card keeps informing us of the adage As above, So is below. Also the other  As within, So is without. This being a dualistic reality, there has to be opposites to everything. 

The black background is absorbing energy, some meanings for the colour black are Mystery, Knowledge,  Evil, Transformation (energy), Ignorance  (on a spiritual level in this case), Despair and Inertia (energy/emotions) 

Looking at the wings of the Devil we are again seeing duality, black and white, male/female, ying/yang, Duality. White in this card can symbolise Purity, Virtue (virtue signaling) Weakness, Sterility, Innocence.

Notice there is more black than white present. Energy is out of balance (ying and yang) here and that is not good. All energy must be balanced.

Nudity as depicted by the male and female symbolise the soul laid bear, they have no hidden agenda, nothing is hidden, all is out in the open, it can imply they are vulnerable and unprotected from any attack or harm. One other thing that dawned on me is the way the devil is symbolising and the male and female standing under the devil is almost like a holding spell or ritual. Also there is a triangle in the way the are standing as in the trinity or three levels of consciousness. Three is an important number in esoteric teachings, also when something is repeated three times it works as a spell.   We live in the third dimension also which is ruled over by the demiurge/ the devil/Lucifer or what ever name you want to use. 

So as you can see the male and female are held in a binding spell or ritual in the third dimension or hell. The devil's hand signs remind me of a binding spell, especially the symbol written on his right hand. I need to find out what this really is because it is so small all I can make out is the cross but not the other symbol. Basically humanity is under the influence of dark control for thousands of years in the physical world, which is a heavy energy or frequency. 

Now as for October 2022, the message is a warning and a message of caution and keeping our emotions in check for our own good. Act in haste and repent at leisure, choose your words and actions carefully people. Words can and do hurt and offend. They can inflame tensions, so it is best to not engage in conflict. Avoid any temptation to speak up against anything controversial.

This is a volatile energy and I feel it will continue to the end of the year and I am not looking forward to next year with the way things are going. This can include monarchists V's republicans, Pro-Ukraine V's Russia/China. I do feel the media as stoking the flames politically  and with many issues to get peoples backs up. Stay neutral and do not takes sides. This is a cat and mouse game to draw people into conflict deliberately just like the lead up to both world wars.   There is always two sides to everything, hence polarities or dualities  and this world is the devils playground.

The world is on an unsure footing right now, no one knows where they stand. I am drawn to the white wing on the right hand side of the devil. This tells me this is a distraction being created, while you are watching this space the left hand side is where the action really is. Outright deception played out right under our noses and we are unable to see what is happening on the other side.

The little white patch is like a window, it is only a very small window which means we cannot get a full view of what is taking place. Notice too the colour black is more prominent than white, the energy is way out of balance here. As I study the right hand side of the card, the black feels like I am looking at the back of a crowd of people who are all trying to see out of that small window. The crowd cannot really see what is happening so will rely on hearsay. But is it true information or yet more lies and deception?

The whole reality is not presented, nor is it meant to be. It is just enough to get the desired results from the masses; a fait accompli. This is a world event that is happening, it requires the entire world's attention. It is not what is actually taking place either, only a staged event. The real issue is taking place elsewhere out of sight of the public.  These events will not be made apparent until after the events. 

I feel the EU, UN, and the WEF connected to this, something big is happening in Europe politically and financially; banking it is connected to other situations also. I do not like the feeling of this. I get the feeling of other countries being made to join in unison  to an event or situation or miss out as in being penalized. This is an economic thing that whole nations must sign up to such as the WEF or the Climate scam. Don't forget the military side of things which will also drain money, a virtual cash cow for bankers.

I feel lots of money being funneled into this, draining many nations financially. This is a huge mistake, instant poverty for many nations. Talk about slight of hand movements. Watch the right hand while the left hand is doing the evil deed. I am talking billions of dollars here being funneled away this is stupidity on steroids. Dim witted politicians are being manipulated here and there are a lot of them, afraid to be seen as anti climate change so they will follow like lambs to the slaughter and be held unaccountable for the disaster this causes.

There is no concrete proof of these climate allegations but that is not the point, this is a heist of public funds on a global scale. I urge people world wide to stay  vigilant with financial matters in the news, also war, not just in Ukraine but in other places too.

Shortly Europe will start to really feel the pinch of not having any heating also and this will be yet another sore point. I feel something will also happen in France, this feels like social unrest yet again. I notice Australia doesn't have the same energy upheaval yet. All eyes will be on the northern hemisphere due to war, violence and unrest. Keep your eyes and ears open at this point because other things are happening in the shadows.

This card reminds me that humanity is under a dark and heavy spell, and that most of humanity are unaware of this and the fact that they are spiritual beings first and foremost.  

This world is actually what the bible would call hell. The physical body is a prison or tomb which is also alluded to in the bible. While we are "incarnated" in the flesh we are said to be dead. So everything that we believe is inverted.

I do realise that this comes as a shock to most people unless they actually read esoteric literature but here we are; and it is openly stated in the bible. However most people either do not read the bible or forget that part. Everything is inverted in the third dimension because it is a negative and locked frequency. New agers often talk about the planet being in quarantined due to other star races saying we are violent and can't be trusted. However this is not correct. As I always say this is a world of lies and deception.

Absolutely nothing is truth here and the longer humanity is here in spiritual ignorance the further deep into darkness they sink. Losing their connection to spirit and our true purpose. But what happens when the person hits the very bottom, is there any chance that they will have a spiritual epiphany and try to rectify this? Who knows, they may have to wait for the consummation of the ages to be absorbed back into primary source if that is even possible. Perception is the key to getting out of here.

Stay safe and look after your loved ones, warm and fuzzy hugs


Note: I am looking for the bible chapter that states the human body is a tomb for the soul etc. I have been aware of this for many years, but I will post it here as soon as I can find it. 

UPDATE: Belarus joins the war 11 October 2022. 

UPDATE: 23 May 2023, Re: the physical body being a tomb for the soul, it is in the link below. I only came across this by accident looking on my iPad for something else. Notice th comment by St Paul/Saul.


25 August, 2022

Tarot card of the month: September 2022, The Knight of Swords


Planet: Uranus     Zodiac: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius 
                                          Element: Air         Gender: Male

Welcome to TCOM for September, this is a month that always goes fast and the end of another year on the horizon. This card points to fast moving action. The wind is blowing and the clouds are parting, the trees are being blowen in an easterly direction. Which implies coming from the west and fast. The knight of swords is rushing head long into conflict.

Notice the young knight is tooled up for action or a fight, heading forward into battle, this can be foolish and naïve on his part though. Has he been informed of all the facts? Or does he just dive on in without thinking through the consequences? Notice the knight is heading in a westerly direction too from the east. This implies male aggression driving this aggressive energy.

The knight has his visor up on his helmet so that he can see clearly what lies in front of him such as an enemy or opponent. His sword is raised in an ungloved hand, as in the saying the gloves are off. However the other hand is gloved as he grips the horses reigns firmly. On his helmet is a red feather plume blowing in the wind implies a fast thinking mind, feathers are an aspect of the element air. The knight's red cape blowing in the wind and he is wearing a full suit of armor including the gauntlet  (glove) on his left hand. The cape implies secrecy, protection, silence and also withdrawal and pride.

Gloves can conceal or hold in, they a can be a symbol of power, nobility or a craftsman that has to protect his hands from injury. The sword is in his right hand again that is male dominance and aggression. The sword in hand also covers defending, authority, sweeping action and power.

The ground beneath his horse changes from red to yellow this could imply the knight is going into another country, over a border. The colours remind me of DEFCON  1 to 5. These being going from DEFCON 3  to 2 moving west, bringing conflict to the west. Basically this card is showing us the east is facing off to the west and it is gaining momentum. We are currently at DEFCON 4.

Now what I see are countries in conflict, Russia, Ukraine, Crimea obviously, I also feel other European countries being dragged under the wheels of this conflict as the months roll on. This is NATO/EU countries that sat back and watched are now gradually getting dragged under the wheels of unwanted conflict. This conflict is picking up speed as we head into autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere. Putin is moving into high gear, but in the mean time  financial issues are getting worse. 

Finland needs to be very cautious from here on in and perhaps Latvia. Add Pakistan in another conflict that is simmering with India and Bangladesh and China. 

As I look at the card I am drawn to the butterflies on the horses reigns, butterflies are symbolic of transformation, usually spiritually but I would say this is a transformation of Europe. Remember in one other TCOM, I mentioned the map of Europe is being redrawn as we speak? This is yet another warning to us that this transformation is happening right now. I notice the colours of Ukraine are in this card again 

Now keep an eye on Clause Schwab from here on in. This is a serious issue as he along with his World Economic Forum (WE) are playing a dangerous game. People are being distracted away from watching him and the WEF as they try to implement draconian measures. This is a critical situation that the public as well as governments may be distracted from by the media. This is a big mistake because these are not good not honest intentions being planned. People must keep an eye on the WEF constantly because they are, as many people are fully aware trying to force all of us into a one world government. Reduce our rights, our incomes and life savings. While they get even richer and clearly profiting from this abuse and outright theft of our money. This will also leave nations poorer and dropping western living standards drastically. 

More revelations about vaccines come to light and the urgent push to force us into taking these toxic experiments. Prepare to see further push backs against this but also the counter pushing of this evil agenda. 

Money and unemployment are hot topics in September as is war and new military technology being rolled out in the news. Also what it will cost  nations to gear up for war. War puts nations into debt as well as ordinary people as we know. Only manufacturers and international banks make profit from blood. 

More food crisis is indicated for September as the Northern hemisphere heads towards autumn and winter. The southern hemisphere heads into spring and summer there could be rain and possible flooding or damage to crops, But by December I feel that will be the tail end of this weather pattern. Things will brighten up in December in warm countries like Australia for crop growing.

I see Cherries in summer but they wont be cheap. Alcohol prices will go up twice  before December  to cover transport costs and crop loss. I don't see priced going down for a while if they actually do go down.  I feel sweeping new laws and changes. Keep an eye on China at this time too with regards to law changes and more harsh control. 

More violence and crime is indicated in regards to youth crime and violence. Knife attacks are more common and carelessness, reckless crime and violence including cars being stolen, used in crimes including ramming police, which is the latest  popular violence against police and must be dealt with severely. Poor judgment and hot tempers in September and parents need to step up more in a pro active way. Teaching children right from wrong and the consequences of their actions.

These out of control kids need to be steered away from crime and violence and gang culture. The buck stops with parental responsibility and accountability starting in the formative years onwards.

I hear October, we need to stay vigilant for something bad happening in October too. I don't like the feeling of this so be very careful.

Note: The symbolism here are taken from 21 ways to read a tarot card by Mary Greer.

Update: Out of control young men, mass stabbing in Canada.😭

Dublin Ireland, children stabbed to death 😭

 Flooding in Wee Waa northern NSW.

Putin announces partial military mobilisation. Not good, but he has been pushed into this by the west. It’s a proxy war. 

16 July, 2022

Tarot card of the Month: August 2022, 7 of Cups


                                          Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Pisces   Planet: Neptune, Jupiter

                                         Element: Water   Direction: West  Gender: Female 

                                         Season:  Autumn/Fall in Northern Hemisphere 

Number 7 meanings for this particular card and month are; defiant and impatient

August seems to be a month for caution, where all is on offer with an air of naivety and  mystery.

Who knows what the results will be? Surprises that's for sure.

Beauty and fashion are in the hopes and dreams of some, keep it real and achievable. There is an air of secrecy in major world events, politically, financially and in conflict. There is toxic energy indicated due to emotions of religious fervor and spiritual beliefs showing the ugly side of people. 

Emotional issues are indicated for August, communication must be handled with care, especially if it is of a political nature. This also covers the current unrest in Sri Lanka, and countries  like Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, France and naturally Italy at present.

I feel greed and looting connected to countries like Sri Lanka , Africa, and countries experiencing conflict, especially poor countries.These are opportunist crimes taking place including stealing from the poor. 

Real estate is in the news and this could mean interest rate hikes and house prices rising again. I do not think that the prices will stay high, I do feel there will be a big drop in house prices eventually. That may be due to governments actually doing something to stop the prices being beyond the availability of ordinary people.  This though will take a while if they actually intend to do anything to stop this farce of over inflating the value of houses. 

This card also shows that there is victory over adversity for some people, I feel this is connected to Ukraine in some way. 

All is clearly not what is seems on the face of it, so take time to examine and look behind any offers being presented to you, or even information presented to see what is really happening. I feel this applies to the news coming out of mainstream media, just for a change, lol. The Ukrainian war and covid are just two of the things covered here and all shortages, which are manufactured.

The wool is being pulled over our eyes, so question everything that you see and hear, because you may just be taken for a ride by powerful people with a vested interest in misleading the public.

 Communication is not clear in  August so keep your wits about you especially with scammers, phone and email scams ramping up again. Take no risks with anything. Do not accept anything at face value.

Keep an eye on older relatives that may fall prey to phone scams and hacking. Educate the elderly on dangers and if they don't recognize a phone number do not answer it. If it is a genuine call they will leave a text or voice message.   

I see Putin pushing himself forward again, as do Biden and Xi. I feel impatience and clouded judgement connected to these individuals. Pawns are being moved forward on the chessboard again.  I feel water in relation to this as in the Sea and the Navy. I feel China will be harassing and buzzing around Australian and US naval vessels by air and sea; and possibly Australian and US military aircraft being buzzed by the Chinese military. It is just ongoing mischief and China has no intention of stopping this game of chicken. 

Financially speaking China is showing signs of cracking,The government will resort to tightening the money on ordinary people and obviously that will not go down well.

More embarrassment for BoJo is coming out,this could be in regards to alcohol and drugs connected to Downing Street, parliament and partying. 

There is more confusion around traveling for the world, especially for the northern hemisphere. The UK, Europe, USA and Canada, covid related restrictions and passports. No one knows what to do.  

I see a blond haired, slim built woman involved in a scandal, it could possibly be of a sexual nature. She is a socialite or an actress and I am shown a woman with a tan all over and long straight blond hair, I don't think she is a natural blond. This could be a very embarrassing situation for her. I am not a follower of celebrities so I have no idea who she is I get a vague image of one of the Kardashians as a rough image to how this lady looks.  She is well advised to keep a low profile for a while.

As I look at the & of cups I am drawn to the middle of the card. There is a cup or chalice that has a  figure covered by a white cloth which is shimmering in red energy. This feels like a warning to people that are following fake spirituality. Be warned, all is definitely not as it seems, hoodwinked and deluded, virtue signaling is put on a pedestal. 

Do not part with any money for any so called spirituality event, retreat, membership, charity purposing to be spiritual, it is a con. Hold on to your money, do research on the group or organization and most importantly do not join it! There is an element of a scam or slight of hand going on. This card warns of deception going on and especially where money is concerned.

The number 7 on this card is also a warning of this deception and temptation. The grey colour of the cloud is spirituality, blue is for communication, consciousness and the  realm of the mind. So please don't fall for the "old Jedi mind trick". I feel a dark haired man is involved in this.

You cant con an honest person , so they say. No, but you can deceive them if they are naive. There are a lot of naive people  in this world too, so be wary.

The snake in the card is also touching the cup with the figure under the white cloth, (holy spirit) Is it really a spiritual offering or is it the booby prize or a rip off? 

We are clearly not getting  what we need or want in August 2022, in the important things that matter in life.Stability, financial stability, a stable home, protection from poverty and suffering. Peace from a world in conflict, and restrictions on our lives. 

Notice the little castle in the cup symbolising shelter, protection from the environment and any threats to our  survival. 

The jewels in the cup represent materialism, worldly goods, greed and wealth. The wreath in the other cup represents victory, being a winner. But who is the real winner and the real loser? 

The dragon in the cup represents fear or benevolence, I would also add spiritual energy.

The face in the cup represents a god like being, mysterious, radiant figure, (Think fake spirituality/ guru)

The snake represents the universal symbol of spirituality like the ouroboros ( the snake eating it's tail).

Psychic power, treachery or the underworld of wisdom of the unconscious. Fierce vigilant power of the libido (Scandal). 

Reversed meaning of the card is shadowed, implying secretive activity or thoughts, be they good or bad. Being a darkened figure also suggests duality in any situation. The fact that the figure is all black symbolises mystery, silence, despair, ignorance (unable to make up one's mind or know what is  the right thing to do or even think). Trans-formative energy once one makes an informed decision or choice, including taking action once informed).

This cup is also emotional energy so it could be an emotional reaction or fantasy/imagination running riot. It could be logical, but one must be grounded and rational to make a wise decision because it may well affect other people too.

The white cover on the middle cup can symbolise virtue, innocence, purity, truth or truce (surrender),

I will add naivety  as well as sterility or weakness. This is related to the warning on spiritual scams and also any religious fanaticism and beliefs. 

The grey cloud represents spirit or consciousness, balance, neutrality, poverty, indifference, sadness and loneliness.  Grey also represents our spiritual connection to the all that is or universal consciousness.

Blue: Truth, calmness, peace, cold, melancholy and spirituality. Blue also connects to the healing energy from the heart chakra. Think of the turquoise stone and the calming energy it gives off including warding off negative energy.

Red around the white cloth is glowing and illuminating with life force, action, passion and will. Think of the religious and spiritual energy all fired up. I do warn against fake spirituality. But keep an eye on the abortion issue firing up people with firm religious beliefs too. Leave this alone there are no winners in this situation. This is a world of extreme polarities and that energy can be very destructive in the hands of spiritually young souls, it is dynamite.

Please stay safe, stay calm and above all think before reacting. keep love in your hearts and go forward in peace.

Blessings and free hugs,


Looting in poor countries DRC.

BoJo strikes again. If ever there was a political version of Frank Spencer it is BoJo.

Scams, stop and think before you pay. When in doubt contact the place on a different phone number they have or go in person and ask questions.

Blonde haired woman in scandal 21/8/22

22 June, 2022

Tarot Card Of The Month: July 2022, The Moon


                        ELEMENT: Water        PLANET: Neptune      ZODIAC Pisces

                        SEASON: Autumn (in northern hemisphere)   DIRECTION: West

Note: I was going to go with the 9 of swords, but I had to stop due to interruptions. But this card carries the same number and a similar message is conveyed.

The powers at play are getting too close for comfort, mediation is needed to stop leaders from punching on. I see political ideologies at loggerheads, east and west. Division’s, separations. Reality versus insanity, delusion and not facing reality. This is a powder keg in the making and people need to keep their heads down politically speaking.

This feels like people pushed to their limits of endurance. Not just world leaders, but ordinary people are being pushed to the limit with poverty, food shortages which are entirely man made by design and not what we are told in the media. Financial difficulties, homelessness and conflict,  including Ukraine and the issues with China on the boil and other nations struggles. We are living in a greater unstable world from here on in. We all collectively must take a few steps back and look at the realities of each nation and examine how to resolve these issues. 

Sadly I don’t think the will and intentions are really there. That is not acceptable and unfair on the innocent of the world. Division creates distortion of truth and pushes people apart. Russia and China are highly skilled in destabilisation but so is the US and that must be acknowledged too. 

Look behind who is saying what. What is their reason and agenda? I see tears shed over loss in July, there are mind games being played out with this, so sit back, watch and think before jumping to the conclusions that are presented to you. The masses are being deliberately led to come to a particular conclusion and belief, reaction and or taking action.  Stop and think or you just may live to regret this.

Don’t think the grass is any greener on the other side because it may well just be illusionary, designed to sway your opinion. Beware and savvy on how propaganda works, it is more powerful and ever so more subtle than you actually realise.  Do not engage in anything that generates fear, because the chances are you are being manipulated. Some areas of the media may well be engaging in deliberate miscommunication, jumping the gun so to speak before they have all the facts on something very serious.

There may well be a time gap or delay  of between two weeks to a month before the actual real truth comes out. This is political so be wary this may involve finance/ money. 

Now looking at the card, there is the moon over shadowing the sun. The moon is trying to block out the sun. This affects the human mind and thought process, by such things as illusion, deception, misunderstanding, poor communication resulting in a mix up. Depression, fear and anxiety are indicated in the interpretation of this card.

Now the blue sky is clear, no clouds are present, that is a good sign. We see the yods which look like teardrops and there are 15 of them. The yods symbolise grace. There are 15 of them, adding the 5 + 1 we get 6, meaning the divine feminine. The card is ruled by feminine energy and male energy as the card is 8 +1 = 9, 9 being male energy. 

The sun does it’s best to illuminate the earth with it’s light, notice the little spikes around the sun. There are 16  chief rays around the sun and 16 secondary rays around the sun. 16 + 16= 32. Add 2 + 3=5which is the number of man. The balance of male and female energy is vital, conflict arises when there is imbalance. 

Now as I mentioned the moon is trying to over shadow the sun. Does it succeed?  No, not necessarily it is all down to how we perceive it. However there is also a path, indicating  taking the middle ground, which would be the wise thing to do. If we only stop to think before reacting. July is a reactionary month so please be warned.   

Two animals are present on the card. A wolf and a dog both howling at the moon, they are separated by a path. It looks good divided land. Also it can be looked upon as good guy and bad guy, but which is which? It’s all down to perception. Notice the crayfish coming out of the water, the water is calm where the crayfish emerges from the water. He doesn’t fully emerge though, he gives the suggestion that he will. Hold that thought, it is only suggestion, that is a vital piece of information right there so do not forget that. As it comes back up again shortly.

The dog and the wolf represent the animal self, the crayfish is something different as it comes up from the deep. Deep universal primordial fear in man. Something always keeps that primal fear at bay though, thankfully preventing it from escaping or getting loose and creating absolute mayhem and havoc on the human mind and the world at large. It is a destructive force. So you see there has to be a powerful counter balance between forces.

The towers in the card represent polarity, they  also represent a pathway in the card. The road or path sits in between the towers, and this is more of a metaphysical thing that is taking place here. It represents a spiritual journey between worlds for those that are ready, the towers represent the Kabbalah tree of life. 

This card in a layout can represent the encouraging of a creative mind. Creative, spiritual or artistic practices. The moon card can symbolise spiritual awakening too. Think of the rising of the kundalini from the base chakra as it rises up the spinal column. Great care must be taken not to let this spiritual energy rise too fast or too soon, as it is so powerful and  affects the human mind.

It is advised to see this card as a gateway card according to Rachel Pollack in her book, 78  degrees of wisdom. The tarot cards are such a empowering tool for the understanding of the human condition and spiritual understanding, psychologically and the entire human experience in general. I look upon the tarot as a wise gift to humanity as we do not come with an instruction book to help us navigate our way through life. The tarot are one of the closest tools to human understanding. 

The number 9 is emotionally calm, melancholy, satisfied, content or lonely. Reversed it is lacking discipline and self awareness, dependency, hostility, inner wisdom, humanity compassion and no physical gain, think spiritual enlightenment.

Now unusually, I have done this card of the month over two days due to other things going on in my life. My hands are also getting worse so I do what I can in between times. This turns out to be a serious warning for this month’s TCOM too.

More planetary upheaval is indicated for July 2022, I am drawn to the mountains as I look at the card and we collectively have a long arduous journey ahead of us. Are we fools being taken for a ride yet again? You decide! Clearly things are not what we are being told in the media.

Struggles continue along the same path and no one is paying attention. The leaders of the world and of Ukraine and Russia have taken their eyes off the ball again, distracted by illusion. Seeing things that are not there, communication is not clear in the world of international politics. It’s like start - stop, wait, can you clarify that please. I feel that the relaying of information is not being handled correctly or clearly. It’s like someone is in the middle changing the message deliberately at some point in the communication. A person or a group changing the information.

As I look at the card I am being drawn to the pile of rocks at the edge of the water next to the yellow wolf. There are seven rocks of various sizes. They remind me of the saying, never put all your eggs in the one basket. This could quite rightly be the case with this card for July, because there is a warning that we all must be on guard for. 

The more I look at the imagery I feel that someone is over armed, heavily tooled up. That would be Ukraine and they are doing the west’s dirty work for them. Now notice that both the dog and the wolf are looking up at the moon. Both are actually distracted and do not notice the crayfish emerging from the water, more fool them because they are caught off guard. The crayfish can sneak up on them both and steal the rocks without them noticing. Now that is called being asleep at the wheel folks! Heed this warning. 

Some country is pulling a swiftly right in front of them, a third party opportunist striking at a brief window of opportunity. They are acting in a rather selfish and dishonourable way. While weary nations go toe to toe. Talk about a gutter level low act. This is a European country doing this. I did mention in a previous TCOM, that a third nation becomes involved somewhere in this, but this doesn’t have to be the same nation or third party already mentioned in previous posts.

This skulduggery just adds to the problem. This country is doing so because they can, not for altruistic reasons, setting the cat among the pigeons, charming! This will end up with many nations being angry with each other. Destabilising the situation to cause more infighting. I feel this could become explosive within a month of this particular event. Old rivalry and old issues from the past get dredged up after people have tried putting it all to rest to work for a common good. That turned out to be too good to last unfortunately. 

Young people though just can’t get their heads around this because they believe that countries should move on from the past. Watch the younger people take to social media venting their frustrations with all of this. NOW, bear this in mind everyone!  One simple expression, divide and conquer. See the picture yet?

Dividing people any way possible, disloyalty to each other, destroying society. That sounds deliberate does it not? Now just stop and think who actually benefits from all of this social divide and anger? It is not the ordinary people now is it? But it definitely benefits someone I assure you. 

People are starting to really feel the pinch of shortages now too. Anger, frustration and fear grips society as we lurch from one problem to another. So there is a pattern emerging from 2019 onwards, is it going to be a decade of mayhem? Only time will tell but I am pretty sure that it will be something like that. Life will definitely not be easy for many of us.

My advice and warning is, keep life simple for your own good. Learn to stop, listen and rethink. Because that my just be your saving grace.

Acting in haste spells disaster, be warned, hot impulsive actions are never in our best interests or intentions. So please stay clam and rational. Think twice and when in doubt, do nothing but wait, watch and listen. This is a global warning!

Stay safe, stay calm and stay informed. Peace and blessings, free hugs to all. 🤗🤗🤗💕🌹🌷


31 May, 2022

Lithuanian public buy drone for Ukraine

When I did the tarot card of the month back in April for May, I picked up Lithuania and didn’t know what it was other than a connection to Ukraine in some way. This only just scraped in for the last day in the month. What an amazing and beautiful gesture from the people of Lithuania to the people of Ukraine. 

20 May, 2022

YouTube: Tarot card of the month: June 2022

The YouTube version is very slightly different to the written version.

Also I am about to do a little video on grief and it’s effect on both the living and the deceased. 


14 May, 2022

Tarot card of the month: June 2022, Page of Cups


Element: Water,       Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pieces   Cardinal point of direction: West

Season:  Autumn/ Fall   Realm:  Heart  Gender: Female  Colour: Red

Note: Pisces is ruled by the watery planet Neptune, and water runs through this month. 

Welcome to Tarot card of the month for June 2022, The Page is a messenger in this tarot card, his message can be one of hope, unexpected surprises, he can also be naive due to his youth and inexperience in the big wide world.  The key words here are cool logic, naivety, communication, hope and romantic charm. he is intelligent and represents new beginnings. 

June follows on with the realm of thought, the mind (consciousness) and emotions. I am very cautious about June because I feel unexpected events or situations may happen. Ukraine and Russia dominate the news still and obviously will do for quite a while.  China is stepping up it's game too. Life goes on else where but with some interruptions to our daily lives.

As I look at the card I notice the young man on the card is seriously engaged in looking at the fish in his golden chalice. The fish is the bearer of a message to the page, who is also a messenger and the page is listening to the message. Can he carry out the request of the message bearer? Who is the message bearer and what does he want? I feel the messenger in the form of a fish is the US.

This message comes from the West and I would say the US as the US seems to be the money holder calling the shots, or at least is appearing to be the one calling the shots, but who is behind the US pulling strings? 

For that answer one needs to be keeping an eye on the world news constantly. I mean really paying attention and noticing the message between the words as in the Hegelian dialect. There is a mystery or deception behind what is currently being played out on the world stage at present. Not everyone is aware of what is really taking place and many leaders are unsure in how they should respond or react. The veil of this situation is gradually lifting to reveal what is taking place behind the scenes. This may shock many people all over the world because it is nothing like what they believed it to be. 

This card does not miss the message or the reality of the world events. it is to the point and hard to miss. The young page is a representation of Vlodomir Zelensky He is young in the big world of international politics and is playing up against the big boys, he has no idea what levels they will go to and he is actually wedged in to the current political situation. He must listen very carefully to what he is told by the west. There is no room or margin for error and time is vital in order to pull this off. This is not actually to the benefit of the people, it is to the benefit of some world leaders as time will soon reveal.  “Oh what a mess“ are the words in my ears as I type this. Something is afoot and it is going to be disastrous for those left to sort out the mess that has been left behind. This will take a generation or two  to repair and heal if healing is at all possible.

Woe is to the heart of those lost in war; they have no chance to tell the truth nor were they meant to. It is not for us to reason why it is for the lords of time to adjust and right the wrongs!” These are the words given to me as I write this article. I am as flabbergasted by this, as you are who read this.

Now to get on with the article, the page on the card looks self assured and cocky. He is a thinker with a cool mind and intellect. But intellectual  is not what gets him to where he is going. No it is the wisdom of others that stear this willing young man along his path to history, is it victory? If so for whom?

As I look at the page eyeing up the prize to be won I feel he is highly motivated in his goals and dreams. He wants  or needs recognition from others on a world level. I do feel he has restrictions on him though. He must listen to advice and not be foolish. Many depend on him. What I feel though is what is going on in the background. Emotions and thinking, the world leaders put their heads together for this situation guiding the page (Zelensky). Zelensky is now on a public world wide platform all eyes are on him front and center. He is given advice from an unseen source connected with pieces (Scandinavia, or cities such as Seville, Boston and Warsaw) Pieces also rules hands and feet.

The page holds up the golden chalice like a microphone in order to speak but he also looks like he has to listen first then speak. The fish in the chalice is looking directly at the page as if communicating with his on a telepathic or psychic level. The fish is seen to be imparting information or an order/instructions to the page.

The page is naive but willing to  listen to what he is told, he feels he is standing on solid ground and knows what he is doing.This is his actual undoing though, he has yet to realise and will eventually no longer trust the west, he forgets he is dealing with the big boys. His back is to the water in the card  rather than looking directly at the water, big mistake. Thus he cannot see what is coming, Thus unprepared for an attack or an unforeseen event.

A page is a young and inexperienced in the school of life, yes he may well be very intelligent and well educated but he must not be too cocky or try to tell others what to do or he will be cut down to size. He must learn to be savvy and know when things are not in his best interests or his countrys best interests and also to know when he is being used. 

The page strikes me as listening to advice but he needs to also be smart and use his logic, not to be outsmarted by older and wiser powers. 

As I study the card I look at the blue hat and matching scarf and a blue tunic with what looks to me like red  tulips. Red tulips symbolises peace, true love, wisdom, tranquility, heightened senses, spiritual enlightenment and spiritual rebirth.

This symbol is very important with regards to current world events unfolding so please, keep this in mind if you pardon the pun. The month of June is about mind games, deception and being in a stupor, the mind not on the ball as it were. Pay close attention to detail with regards to what is said in the media. pay attention to their words and meanings. 

Air travel issues are in the news , this feels like Europe, UK and possibly the US. I also feel there is a small window of opportunity for something, this feels like conflict, sea and air issues. I see a submarine here for some reason. Water is important for the month of June. 

The gray background feels very strange to me and it feels like a veil as if it is covering something and the page is being used as a decoy. The page doesn't even realise that he is being used as a decoy. He stands proud and dutifully listening to and taking orders and advice from key men in the US and the west. He is the front-man yet he cannot see this yet. but he is in for a shock. I do feel this young man the page must be ready to pack his bags at some stage. I see him (Zelensky) on a flight out of Ukraine.

Meanwhile everything in Europe is getting difficult between the EU/UN  and NATO. Plans are being made and disagreements over what to do are sticking points among these old war horses. 

The curtain behind the page is lifting gradually and reveals a great mystery or agenda. This feels like the Ukraine/Russia situation and as I look at the cards I am drawn to the Blue and Yellow at the bottom of the card isn't that interesting. The page is standing on the  golden-yellow  ground (Sunlight/enlightenment and the national flower is a sunflower). Is he making a statement of some sort here?  His boots tell me he means business. Also they tell me of a journey to be taken, a mission. Is this a physical journey or an inner journey of the mind? 

Notice his red puffed sleeves on his tunic suggesting muscles and strength, one hand casually on his waste tells me he is kind of relaxed about this. The page is looking to the right hand side which is the west in cardinal direction points. Male energy is the right hand side also. His hand on the chalice implies strength, and acceptance of an offer in this particular reading of the card. it also covers the future and it is active energy; be ware!  The chalice is a vessel that holds something usually liquid such as wine. This can also be the human body which is a vessel for the soul or spirit. 

The belt around the waste of the page is binding, cutting energy or limiting power, energy and movement. This is both a negative thing and a positive thing depending on the situation. The belt is kind of like the lemniscate or infinity symbol implying stuck in a ongoing situation, time or event as in a loop that keeps repeating. 

Hat: Consciousness and intellect and thought mode. Blue colour of the hat implies coolness of thought, consciousness and truth in this particular card.

Red sleeves, leggings and tunic trims, Power, life force, passion, anger, courage, revolution and action.

Yellow, bitterness, confidence and deceit.

Golden chalice, Harvesting riches, greed, wisdom. Chalice is a vessel too, to hold things. The physical body as I said earlier is a vessel for spirit or the soul to dwel in physical form. 

Brown and boots, imply grounded, journey, practical, decay, earthy.

The sea/ocean it is deep and mysterious, salty and bitter tasting. it also implies wisdom. Salt water tastes bitter when swallowed such as in drowning. However water is an energy moving or still. In the card the water is moving at a steady flow. So the situation is moving but not fast it is a steady flow.  Is there really any progress? No, it is just treading water with no real gains. Why is this?  What or who is holding things up? 

Now looking at the card again the earth beneath the feet of the page looks dry, not lush and fertile soil. Behind him the sky is dull and gray, it is not a bright lit sky. It looks depressing , the feeling for June in some ways is depressing and not a happy month for some people.  It is definitely a month to be watching world events play out. 

Money must be handled carefully, do not rush off to spend ot or you may regret it later. The year is not a year to be careless with money. Interest rates as we know are rising. 

Now Madrid, Spain is in the news this could be a political issue. Sweden has the same coloured flag as Ukraine and both are depicted on the card right at the feet of the page of cups. I get the feeling of water here connected to both nations. But I get the feeling of water generally for the month of June. Consciousness and the human mind just like last month. Now with regards to Sweden and Ukraine this feels like NATO and we know that this is still on the cards for membership.That is a slow drawn out procedure itself  , hence the feeling with the waves not being fast moving. 

I do feel the Swedish people are apprehensive with all the sudden news, it is just so new to them. They are not used to conflict.I feel the Swedish peoples emotions are slow to anger, however I am not so sure if they will be so calm over this issue with Ukraine and Russia. They just want the status quo and to live in peace like most people do.

In the UK this summer as the weather warms up the young want to go out and have fun. Care is needed with alcohol use outdoors in public places such as at the beach. Violence is possible due to immature young people that imbibe too much, and fighting starts of course as the football season is in full swing.

Be ware of suspicious phone calls, scammers are busy, phone hacking and internet hacking is rife and money will be stolen in higher amounts than usual  through scams and hacking. Better security is needed for all devices. Have at least two step verification on all your devices. 

Stay safe and warm and fuzzy hugs


UPDATE: I said water is important this month, Ukraine used  harpoon missiles on gas platforms. The combination of Air and Water hat I mentioned. Spain in political row.

NATO looks at historic Madrid summit 29/30 June 2022.

UPDATE 28 June. NATO: meeting in Madrid Spain to boost NATO troops by 300,000.

22 April, 2022

YouTube: Tarot card of the month: May 2022, 8 of Wands

Here is the video version of tarot card of the month for May 2022.

Update: The Lithuania thing, turns out to be a gift of a drone to Ukraine from the people of Lithuania. What a beautiful gesture. 31 May 2022.

20 April, 2022

Tarot card of the month: May 2022, 8 of Wands   YouTube version

Element: Fire   Season: Summer   Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 
Cardinal point of direction: South. Realm:  Spirit. Colour: Yellow. Gender: Male 

Key words: Creative energy, Passion, Quick Action, News, Conclusions

Spiritual progress can be made this month also.

Starting with the number, symbols and colours; the number 8 interpretations for this card are Regeneration, Extension, Expansion, Disruption, Complexity, Poor judgment, Control, Dispose, Regiment

Wands  for this particular card symbolise; risk, energy, taking action, status and perception. Emotionally this card is determined, defiant, inflamed and stubborn.

Trees act like the human spine and connect the spirit world to the earth with enduring energy and strength. These trees look small and stunted though and we are looking at them from a distance.
The sky is bright blue which symbolises the  spirit realm, moods and emotions. 
Green is symbolic of nature, growth, rebirth and regeneration and life force, Springtime, healing. Next we notice the body of water; which is still and clam. Notice it sits in between two lands. To me this tells me something that I will cover later in the reading. Water is a purifying agent, it represents the mind and consciousness connecting us to greater spirit and universal consciousness, it is fertile and creative also. 
Yellow, this is just a very slight fleck of yellow here and this is in the distance and the colour of the castle on the hill. To me this represents someone in a far off land cooking up or hatching a plan. Two people on my mind here are Vlad the lad and  Biden. 

Now for the reading itself, Something is coming to a conclusion here, this is not the war in Ukraine though, that will intensify. There are multiple things going on in May so stay focused as this also affects the human thought process and our minds. This is something hitting us continuously or multiple things happening at once, now that in itself is something that worries me. Humanity is being bombarded with several things at once is an overload and overwhelming for us. That is not a good thing as it produces stress and anxiety. Keep your cool and just do the best that you can. Do not over extend yourself or put others in that situation as it will be disastrous. 
Looking at the card we see the sky takes up a large area of the card, this blue sky is to do with spirit and some of us will feel a spiritual connection this month. But that doesn’t mean life is going to be easy or hunky dory either. In this card we see a castle on a hill in the distance and rolling green hills and green fields, in the foreground is a body of water and then more green land. That water signifies emotions and the mind or conscious. 
To me as I look at the card the two parts of green land either side of the water looks like two, separate countries. The body of water separates them. Sweden popped into my mind as I looked at the card as did Lithuania. 
As I look further at the card I am drawn to the trees, which are symbolic of growth and expansion, I get a feeling of things getting progressively worse in Ukraine as Russia steps up the war. Looking down at the right hand corner next to the signature of Pamela Coleman Smith, I noticed three little black blobs and then a little row of more black blobs signifying more military vehicles coming into Ukraine. As we know the second phase of the war has begun, I feel further incursions are coming deeper into Ukraine, but there is another nation involved now. I get the feeling of another nation being caught up in the war, this could be accidental as I feel that a stray missile may go over a border into a neighbouring country (Lithuania?) 
I see a mountainous area involved.  This is by no means the end of war, this is it now and we start to see how things are taking shape. 

Putin has no intention of backing down, he can’t even if he wanted to. He risks losing face in his homeland and worldwide, so Russia is committed to this war now and will stay the distance. This does not look good. The EU are unsure of what to do next, there is talk going on but no real answers of what they should do next. Clearly the EU, NATO and the US are floundering. None of them want to really put men on the ground to push back against Russia. 
The US in the meantime are getting fed up and want to see results, as everyone is pushing munitions and, equipment into the war and nothing is happening that they want. Back in the US they have major problems because of Biden and what to do about him, plus a divided nation. The US are stalling for time back home as they push the EU to do something.  

The EU don’t seem to have what it takes to make intelligent decisions so they just pump munitions into the war and hope for the best. This will not work long term and they know that. It is a tactic to buy time before this war spills over into other countries. 
Civilians are getting impatient and distressed by all of this time wasting as innocent people are being killed, tortured and abused. As the EU sit back twiddling their thumbs reluctant to actually do something.
No one wants to take on Vlad the lad, meanwhile business feel the pinch and people are starving.
As we know Ukraine will get flattened by Russia but guess who profits from this? That’s right big businesses, offering to rebuild and the offer bank loans should Ukraine stay out of Russian hands. 
Russia will not let go of Ukraine because it puts the US right on their doorstep.

Many Ukrainian people will be very angry about this situation as they are the meat in the sandwich here with no one to protect them. Also wondering who benefits from this war because it is not them , the ordinary people. They see Ukraine being a puppet of the US and there will be mounting distrust of the US and Russia; expect this suffering to go on for many years which includes the rebuilding of Ukraine.

By summer Biden is becoming  a thorn in the side of the US  as he will be seen more and more as unfit to govern the country. This will now be the start of removing Biden from office, as summer comes the voices get louder to remove him. 

The times are interesting right now as I said there are multiple events or things taking place in May and this is just the start. People are also feeling isolated, poverty, food shortages and price increases that prevent people from affording food. Financial struggles are biting and people struggle because they can’t pay their bills. Increase of interest rates fuel this situation because young families are hurting, they have crippling power bills on top of that. This could start people taking to the streets to protest because they need help due to the severe hardship.

I see a man picking up,a TV and throwing it, symbolising people no longer believe what is on the news every day. They no longer trust the media or the government. 
Society is lost in the turmoil with no one to trust and no real leadership, there are too many talking heads but no leadership, structure to society.
Health remains a critical issue and I see ambulances in disarray, this feels like industrial action. Now this could be in Australia and other places like the US. This is due to poor work conditions and covid on top of that, with very little staffing and resources. The government will only offer a mere token gesture to these hard working stressed medics, who are broken by years of neglect and being kicked to the kerb for so long that they can no longer cope. 

Conflict is happening in many parts of the world right now, everyone is suffering and I don’t see any improvement to this situation. This is brought about by corporate greed and corruption in government worldwide. My advice to the ordinary people is keep your head down and stay under the radar. Many people are volatile right now and it is only going to get worse. Avoid crowds wherever you can and that includes shopping centers and other public places because many people can no longer keep their anger in check and are likely to erupt and that includes taking their anger out on other people’s children in violence.
Please do not put your children at risk from harm, children in tense situations will become difficult to deal with for parents and all it takes is a child to arc up and a stranger suddenly loses control and attack the child. So please be mindful and if your child is stressed or grouchy avoid taking them to the shops. 
If you can get a babysitter that’s great but not everyone has that luxury unfortunately.
You may have to have a little discussion with your children to, teach them to read the warning signs of danger and how to avoid such things. Boy that is not an easy task. Might be easier for some to say here have a lollipop. I’m worried about children with sensory problems being put in danger and there are  many children like this nowadays. Please take care and shield them from angry people. Kids don’t understand and they are left with trauma after such horrible situations.
I wish we had a better world where people were nice to each other but that is not the reality we live in. I do hope that people do benefit from the spiritual energy for the month of May.  I hope it can defuse some of the terrible problems in this world.

Please stay safe, learn to read signs of danger and get away from the situation before anything happens. Practice being careful and vigilant. Live peacefully and mindful towards others including animals. Mindful is the key word for the times that we are living in. 
Love, blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs from Aunty Alex

 Victoria, Hospitals and Ambulances. Hmm if the minister of health is whining about this then maybe he should man up and actually do something to fix it. The buck stops with him and Labor have been in office for a few years in Victoria so what’s the story? You get the idiots you deserve if you keep voting for chairman Dan, that’s what! Sweden thinking of joining NATO , well there was already talk about this.

UPDATE: 20 May 2022
 Putin sends Terminator tanks into Ukraine.  Russia claims to have taken full of Mariupol . They ain't going to stop any time soon either.

UPDATE:  The something, and multiple things happening in May that I mentioned could be the so called Monkeypox BS. Like I said the mind is involved here. Mind games to keep people fearful. Don’t play the game this is the new normal non stop viruses just like Gates said, he must have the script to follow 🤔😡🤬
UPDATE Lithuanian 31 May,2022. Wow, what a beautiful gesture from Lithuania. 

Update: 6th June 2022 Russia warns Lithuania 

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