30 September, 2024

Lunar calendar 2024


You may want to look at this amazing lunar calendar website, I assume it will be updated to cover 2025 as we draw closer to the end of this year. 

Astrology: Lunar calendar for checking when to have your hair cut


Ever wondered when is the best time to get your hair cut? This is to do with energy and how the moon affects your hair and body. This is similar to when is the safest time having surgery or the days that are detrimental. Each year we need to know the exact dates each month; for different procedures, situations or events in our lives to work out which ones are favourable or not. This is a handy tool for checking out the best days versus the worst days. 

You need to set the calendar (which is at the top on the right hand side of the screen) for where you live in the world. Lunar calendars are important for knowing when to have surgery and when to delay the process. This health aspect must be taken seriously as it does affect everyone on earth, the moon plays a crucial role in our lives and we need to understand its influence on our bodies and minds. 

RIP Kris Kristofferson 1936 -2024


Another big star has left this world, thank you for sharing your gifts with the world Kris, may your light forever shine brightly. 

                                    Kris Kristofferson 1936 to 2024 with Barbra Streisand 

28 September, 2024

Floriade 2024 in Canberra

 We went  to the annual Floriade spring festival on my birthday last Tuesday for the 37th anniversary of Floriade. The weather was perfect  and it wasn’t too busy as we went very early for it opening. Every year Commonwealth Park near the Australian parliament, hosts a spring flower festival which attracts  people from all over the world as well as locals 

I took a few photos of our morning visit to share  online. However I don’t think the flower displays are as big as they used to be, which is a big upkeep really. And there is a definite reduction in the stalls compared with how it was originally. Still it was a lovely morning outing and a beautiful view of Lake Burleigh Griffin. 

Time capsule installed in 1988 in Commonwealth Park to be opened in 2088

Multiple surgeries could lead to cognitive decline, study finds


A very interesting article, anesthetics always have an element of risk involved and it is pointed out to patients prior to agreeing to surgery. Dementia is on the rise regardless and that includes people that have never had surgery in their lives. A diet heavy in processed foods is a bigger threat to our health than surgery. My paternal grandmother had dementia and never had surgery in her entire life. Genetics will also play a factoring role in getting dementia.

Interestingly, there are also the astrological aspects from the time we are born and these factors contribute along with all surgical procedures. 

Astrologers have always known the time of a person's birth along with the placement of planets and asteroids in a natal chart affects the individual. Astrology also tell us when surgery can be detrimental due to the astrological influences on particular days of the month and why despite successful surgery a patient dies for no apparent reason.

A Google search will show the dates of when to avoid surgery including retrograde planets. This was something that I checked out before my husband went into hospital a few months ago especially because his surgery was very risky. His natal chart shows good recuperative abilities as does my natal chart. Unfortunately I have  a risk of dying under a general anesthetic or in my sleep because I have Neptune in my 8th house which is a house of  surgery and endings. 

Former Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to be honoured with bronze sculpture


Can you believe this? The sheer audacity of rewarding one of the most hated politicians in Australian history. 

RIP Dame Maggie Smith 1934 to 2024


What sad news to waken up to this morning Australian time. I recall watching her in the prime of miss Jean Brodie when I was young. The world has lost a great actor but her name will live on.

Rest peacefully grand lady, knowing you did your family proud and the entire world 


27 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 4 September 2024


I am not convinced of the whole Moon thing. It really makes no difference to me anyway. I focus on where I want to go after this life. No, I do not trust what has been said about the Orion’s being good guys. Why would Hollywood be using the Orion name for their movies when we already know the evil within Hollywood? To me it’s just good cop, bad cop with Orion and The negative oriented controllers of this reality. I just try not to put my focus on this and try to have some quality of life and know my options when this incarnation is over. Holding onto a firm intention is very important when it comes to leaving this world and having an intention for going somewhere that we can rest and heal unaffected by any negative influences. We need clarity of thought and intention in the afterlife, just as we also need an understanding of how things function in the non physical world. 

Lepidolite 101: The Benefits Of This Crystal + How To Work With It, From Experts


I just came across this crystal last night and thought there must be a lot of people that made not have heard of it before. So like a good little possum, I thought I would share this link with everyone. 

I am about to place an order for some for my personal use.

25 September, 2024

Bizarre scene on the side of American road highlights country's 'real problem'


When will people learn to respect wildlife? Kangaroos are wild animals that must be protected, they are also dangerous when upset. Have you ever heard the term unzipped? That is when a kangaroo slashes your body open in a quick swipe with its claws. You will die if you don’t get to a hospital immediately, meanwhile you’re trying to hold your intestines in. Please leave kangaroos alone, take a photo of them from a distance but don’t approach them. No Aussie will just walk up to a kangaroo and try to pat or pet it, we know better than that. 

On a road they can suddenly hop out in front of your car and I have had it happen to me in the middle of town. A kangaroo hitting your car does terrible damage. If the car is going at a decent speed the kangaroo can go through your windscreen too. This actually happened to a lady on her way to work in Canberra a few years ago on the Tuggeranong Parkway, near my house. The kangaroo died on impact and went right through the windscreen as she was driving to work. There are many accidents like this every year in Australia. 

22 September, 2024

Tarot Card of the Month: October 2024, The Hermit


                                  Introspection, Guidance, Searching, Solitude, Wisdom 

 Some meanings of the number 9 are initiation, completeness, male energy, aggression, pregnancy

Astrologically the number 9 covers the 9th House of the zodiac, Which is Long distance travel; as in overseas, higher education, religion, spirituality, the higher mind, consciousness, the law and in-laws

Astrologically the 9th house is ruled by Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter (expansion).

The Hermit is a wise old man depicted with his lantern of reason in his right hand (male energy is the right hand side of the human body) and his cloak of protective mantle of self possession, it also alludes to secrecy.  In his left hand is his staff representing the everlasting forces of nature, life, faith, strength, comfort and to lean on in hard times.  The number 9 vibrates to the planet Mars. Thought it is also connected to the planet Mercury and the zodiac sign of Virgo.

As we look at the card we see the white colour under the Hermit's feet, which symbolises purity. Notice the black squiggly line at his feet, this is a snake and represents the Kundalini rising up from the base chakra, thus the snake represents spiritual energy. 

Now as I get in to the card of the month for October 2024, there are things that I need to point out. October is a volatile month with very sensitive energy, so please be very careful with what you say publicly and especially online. The energy this month is like a powder keg and it won't take much to ignite this restless energy. There is a need for fairness and transparency in regards to the Ukraine/Russia war. Leadership is uneven and next to useless, the EU is pushing Ukraine to wrap things up to move on to the next phase of rebuilding Ukraine. This is more about money than anything else and definitely not helping the public. More like big business lining their pockets and the enormous amount of money spent by the west is like water, easy come, easy go. 

There will still be ongoing problems with Ukraine and rebuilding may not start for another year or two, with another freezing winter on the way again. The Ukrainian government will not be happy with the deals set out by the EU and NATO, and this will expose the harsh  realities of truth that the western people will suddenly see that they have been mislead in their opinions of this terrible war. More is to come by Christmas and the western public will have had enough (not the fault of Ukrainian people), as they realise that they have been misled on some crucial points and they will not be happy. 

I also feel there will be a division with European people happening; as people have lost all faith in their leaders to tell the truth and also the refugee crisis impact on Europe as a whole. Factor in woke and left wing views.

I see the US at a flashpoint, not just on home soil but in the Middle East and the Asian Pacific.

The Hermit card is about seeking answers, solutions and finding one's way in the darkness or the great unknown in the current world circumstances. The Hermit has his staff to support him and his lantern of reason to illuminate his path and is reasoning which also covers his spiritual reasoning, which is vital for this month. There is a heavy air of mystery and deception over the month of October, be warned! 

The Hermit is walking on very unsteady ground here and if he misses his footing he could be injured or worse, not seeing the cliff before him and tumble. October is a precarious month and there is definitely no turning back now.  This is a journey humanity is on be it a spiritual one or a temporal (physical world) journey. October calls for critical thinking and insight at all levels.  It would seem our collective world leaders are short sighted and have their collective heads down looking in the dark for a solution. They need to be thinking long term plans not short term. Leave nothing to chance and put plans in place now.

Only small baby steps will be made this month, but there is a warning to be very careful and think of the long  term ramifications for the entire world. The general public of the world are rightly worried about the current world leaders, when it comes to the cost of living not being under control, nor the homeless crisis and the global refugee crisis with thousands of people on the move constantly. Then there is the threat of terrorism rising to a new level currently. 

Education is in the news in regards to the Universities not being safe places for many students on campus. This must be improved quickly and no disruption to student studies or safety. The Hermit card also covers education and lost items, leaving no stone unturned until one finds what they are looking for. 

Travel is highlighted again in October, heed the warnings set our by your government; and do not travel to places that are either not safe or where you could be trapped due to natural disasters, conflict or even running out of money. Make sure that you have the right travel insurance to cover you wherever you are going and factor in medical coverage and accommodation in the instance of being trapped overseas due to unforeseen circumstances. If you do not have enough money to survive on if you are forced to stay, then avoid traveling overseas.  

People are definitely on the move in October for one reason or another. Factor in mass protests and riots. These situations feel connected to Europe and the US mostly. Please stay very vigilant in October and DO NOT take any risks especially if traveling. Check your travel insurance, ask the right questions about what it covers and doesn't cover. Do not travel without insurance. 

Tensions in the Middle East are like a powder keg and are ready to explode. Understandably people are very frightened, so please listen to official warnings and do not go over there if you can avoid it. This will add to the the chaotic situation and remember there is limited medical assistance that you may put pressure on. The people there need their medical resources to live, and there are no spare medicines. 

I do feel earthquakes are a high possibility for October given the seismic activity recently, check online at GeoScience Australia  https://www.ga.gov.au/  or where ever you live in the world. 

Heavy rain is also indicated for the month in Europe and then will move to a big freeze possibly in November/December in parts of Europe, factor in Poland here. 

Public opinion is swinging like a pendulum in October and I again stress, be very careful. Things  can be taken out of context and things will get ugly. This is the effect of Jupiter and Pluto. Do remember that Pluto is in the sign of Aquarius from now until 2044 and it ain't pretty. 

Religious conflicts will be extremely highlighted this month. The world does not need this and I see the gap widening between East and West. I do not see a cap being put on this any time soon either. We do not need this negativity in our lives. Have we learned absolutely nothing from 2 world wars and a nuclear bomb? No, we haven't! 

I do not think world leaders are really capable or inclined to want to stop this runaway train wreck. There would have been a solution by now if they cared instead of wasting tax money on nonsense. This will come back on these leaders with the general public globally, as they feel they are being disregarded.

This is a huge mistake by western leaders, as this negative energy is building up within the public who demand answers. Answers are short on the ground and these leaders are deliberately avoiding taking their responsibility  for their actions. They had better check their footing because this may well backfire on these elected leaders.

The takeaway message for the entire human race is also, check your footing, just like the Hermit. 

Think first, check the path ahead. If it's dangerous to continue on this trajectory then you must find an alternative path to avoid disaster. 

On a positive note this month looks rather fertile, so do not be surprised to find yourself pregnant or hear of a pregnancy.  How sweet is that? This reminds me of the old saying; If you can't be good be careful and if you cant be careful buy a pram. 

Blessings to everyone and Warm and Fuzzy Hugs


UPDATE: Earthquake 6.5, in Tonga 😭🤗 


UPDATE: people on the move, British people fleeing Dubai


21 September, 2024

Essential oils and oil diffusers could be harming your pet


Very important information for fur and feather parents. I use essential oils every day, but in my kitchen and family room or in my office. My office door is always open unless I am doing a reading and I make sure that miss Ruby is not exposed to any harm. I hope that readers find this useful information in their care for their fur babies too. 

19 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 3 September 2024


I am not into the flat earth beliefs, but when Wes mentioned the egg shape, it made me think of when I am grounding and doing my psychic protection. I do notice the shape is egg shaped and not a round ball of light around me. 

What’s the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? Less than you might think


There is quite a fixation about this subject in recent times and it is understandable given that society is in the crash and burn phase cycle again. Psychopathy is not any different to other hereditary illness, disorder or disease in respect to being in the DNA and soul group. So therefore it may not be able to be eradicated from the genetic makeup of a particular family. 


16 September, 2024

Springtime joy with Jack Frost visiting

 We had a freezing cold start to the morning today, it was -5.1 degrees in sunny southern Canberra. Yikes, I don't remember having such a cold morning in September in the 29 years I’ve have lived here. But the morning turned out to be lovely by 10.00am. 


The other side of town got down to a record breaking -6.9 which is unheard of in September, however it did snow here in September 1976, so I have been told when I first moved here by someone that was getting married at the time and clearly remembered that. There was snow just outside Canberra on the weekend and the chill was in the air throughout the weekend. Thankfully these cold snaps don’t last long and the sun comes out to make the day cheerful and I intend to celebrate the spring’s return. 

Floriade is back again for its 37th anniversary, and I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful colours of spring in Commonwealth Park; where the next 4 weeks will be buzzing with excitement as everyone is out to celebrate Floriade. I would love to have a mini version in my backyard as I really love springtime flowers and the magic of spring. I just want the mornings a bit warmer again so that we can enjoy drinking a cup of tea in the garden. 

This cold snap has taken me by surprise but the day turned out pretty good in the end. There is still tonight going down to -3 and here is hoping that this will be the last we see of Jack Frost for the rest of the season. Still the people of Canberra know not to plant tomatoes until after the first week of November because there is a chance of frost right up to then. We also love to see snow falling in town and the beautiful Brindabella mountains dusted with snow in our skyline, it’s a magnificent sight to behold. Southern Canberra has such beautiful natural scenery to enjoy, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else to be honest. 

https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/2814397.  A1949 news article about snow in Canberra breaking the record from 1929. 

14 September, 2024

Doctors issue health warning over excessive intake of common vitamin that can cause weakness, numbness and pain


The sensible thing to do is have a full blood count done before taking over the counter vitamins and minerals. There is also any medication that one is taking that must be factored in to the equation. Even some herbal medicines can harm you if used incorrectly and some actually affects the medication that you are taking. Always consult your doctor and your pharmacist. 

13 September, 2024

US Federal Election 2025 and J D Vance

 I don’t know if other psychics are getting the same vibe from JD Vance, but that guy doesn’t just creep me out, he scares me too. I get the feeling that he will take over from Donald Trump at some stage and that worries me. Trump is a business man and is often saying inappropriate things, but J D Vance is a different kettle of fish altogether. Being a Leo star sign he will not be happy unless he is in charge of anything. Leo’s are leaders and never followers, they need attention, to be noticed and adoration from everyone. They don’t do second fiddle. So keep this in mind as you go to the polls America. 

I have not done an actual reading on JD Vance yet though I do intend to do that tomorrow. I don’t think he is going away. As I have said for the past few years there will be a Republican president for 2025, and he is a young dark haired man. I do believe that Trump at some point will hand over power to Vance or else Vance does the main work on the global stage. 

This guy is not shy and when push comes to shove he will not back down. He is patriotic all the way, on his own terms. I will update this post asap with more information in the meantime please check out this link below on the new US Republican Party president. I have been seeing this man since 2021. 


Sunday 15/9/24

As a Leo, JD Vance is a leader Leo being a fire sign it is a star sign that puts the person in the heart of things to demonstrate their skills, abilities etc. Here We see J D Vance come across as a stable and well balanced individual with a legal and military background. In this layout, the knight of cups shows him protected and perhaps defensive. The knight can be seen as a messenger bringing a message of peace or hope to the team. He is prepared for the work to be done and is no shrinking violet in conflict but he must keep his temper under control.

He will try to uphold the law as he sees it, however he is only human and must guard against greed and all the other temptations. Currently Mr Vance has an emotional sea to navigate both in the US and globally. 

He must think very carefully over every action or inaction in his role from here on in. Because the eyes of the world are on him. He can get hot under the collar and needs to keep this in check. Vance has his eye on the ball and will not play second fiddle to anyone, that is a Leo or any fire sign for you. They need action and are need constant stimulation. Mr Vance is very firm on his decision making and he will defend them to the end; perhaps through stubbornness. Timing is the key, he needs to learn to bide his time before responding or reacting. I feel he enjoys the finer things in life that hard work and money brings. We know that he has military discipline behind him and has leadership skills from his time in the military to advance his career. He hasn't done too badly to date, and I see that he is a hard talking deal maker.

 It may be what the Republican party needs as a person out front showing strength and leadership with world leaders. He must not jump in without sound knowledge of subject matter unlike Trump. He seems to study the game board first them moves his players. I do think that he would make a more stable president than Donald Trump. Mr Vance does show signs of being fair, yet at times he can be closed off. Heaven help those that upset him because he will have them on toast. He does have a lot of clout behind him; this worries me though because it may not be good for the US as a nation nor for the international standing. This is due to the powerful backers behind the scenes, it is not about lives, or doing what is right. It is about power and money. I do not see this as a unifying of the US. 

I have already said I do not like the energy from JD Vance and I do feel that the public must exercise caution, as both sides of the political spectrum spell bad news for ordinary Americans and the world. We need transparent  unity and diplomacy to move forward and I do not see this happening. 

12 September, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #2 September 2024


Karma is an artificial construct designed to entrap humanity and as for free will, no,  we don’t have much free will, because everything is programmed into our experiences in each incarnation for a reason. It is not to our benefit. That includes our astrological makeup too, it is all part of this complex system. But we definitely can use astrology to our benefit by taking the time to understand this concept. Knowing how to make it work in a positive manner is the key. 

You don’t need talking heads that pass themselves off as authority in spiritual matters or anything else for that matter. You know what is right for you; and yes, you will change your mind on many things throughout your life, which is normal and shows one is growing in wisdom. There is also your intuition that is there for you to use throughout your life to guide you through life’s challenges. 

The more one uses their intuition the stronger it becomes. Your guide is your higher self, not external beings unless they are from your actual soul group. These are your loved ones in spirit and whom you have reincarnated with over thousands of lifetimes. 

The best advice comes from yourself, so learn to listen to yourself, your intuition and gut feeling. When you’re in doubt about something, just wait a little longer and the answer will come to you. Never just jump into something without knowing what you are doing. It’s more prudent to sit back and watch how something unfolds when you are hesitant, because then you have clarity. Sometimes it’s our higher self that holds us back from making mistakes as in; should you buy that car. When you have to think about it and are still uncertain. This is where you must listen to your higher self and not the ego. It takes practice, patience and courage to accept and listen to one’s higher self. I too have times when I am not in tune with my higher self and; I admit that at times it can be as clear as mud when facing making a serious decision.

But when I hold off making a decision then I start to see clarity. Spiritually speaking this can be very difficult when one is new to metaphysical matters. There are no experts in metaphysics in this world, we are all learning but at different stages of learning and our experiences are not all the same. I would never claim to be an expert on anything including spirituality and the psychic phenomena. I know what I know from experience and my intuition. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

11 September, 2024

Catch Me If You Can,Berra - Part 2 by Craig Hand and Spaceman Africa


This is quite a funny song, especially for locals. Using the names of places and iconic symbols of Canberra. I think it would be a great tourist advertisement for people to come to our wonderful town/city.

We are very proud Ken Behrens 😁😂😆 

P.S, for those not familiar with Canberra and Ken Behrens; this name came about a few years ago during lockdown thanks to auto correct on ABC news and the technology just couldn't pick up the name Canberra so it sounded like Ken Behrens and this a new expression was created. 

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-20/meet-the-creator-of-canberra-covid-19-hero-ken-behrens/100393472  So funny

10 September, 2024

RIP James Earl Jones 1931 to 2024


What a sad loss to the film industry, 93 years old is good innings though. This man is loved by millions of fans around the world and will be dearly missed. 

I couldn’t not put a picture of JEJ on the Big Bang Theory with Carrie Fisher and Jim Parsons. I loved that episode. Rest in peace dear man 🤗❤️

07 September, 2024

Have you ever wondered how people call their cats indoors around the world?


Today’s useless information, lol. Just so you know in the future 🤣🤣🤣😻😻🐕🐈‍⬛🐈🦨

Just don’t call the stripy fart kitties 🦨 

06 September, 2024

Australian economy records smallest non-pandemic annual growth in decades


How long have the Labor government been in power? All this time and they still can’t run an effective government without screwing the economy into the ground. The media also do a good job of covering up Labor screw ups as usual. You can see in many of my psychic predictions where I have mentioned Australia was in a recession, yet most of the mainstream media avoided mentioning the recession. You will see though that I have actually shown the news articles that do mention that we were or are in a recession. You either are or you aren’t, there is no in between as in a slight recession. 

04 September, 2024

Chilling photos show 10,000 year old ‘saltmen’ mummies found in Iran


Just imagine what hard lives these men had and the working condition’s would have been horrendous and detrimental to their health , before a cave in. They may have been slaves and therefore they were expendable. Salt is a good preservative and to see remains of people from thousands and years ago that can be scientifically examined with modern technology will yield amazing information of their lives. 

02 September, 2024

You can come out now, Mercury retrograde is ending


Well Retrograde ended officially on the 28th of August, but there can be three days of residual energy when a planet ends its retrograde cycle as it goes direct. So, it’s wise err on the side of caution. There was a classic example of this on the weekend, when my online shopping order that was due to be delivered last Saturday afternoon was canceled. The delivery truck broke down; which is a classic Mercury Retrograde effect. Mechanical breakdowns, electrical issues, communication issues, yada yada yada. 🤣😂🤣 

31 August, 2024

‘Profoundly positive influence’: Study reveals brain hack to instantly lift your mood


This is basically common sense; and humanity has always known we need nature around us to be grounded and nature is needed for our mental health and for our general wellbeing. We are part of nature and not separate, just the same as we are a body- mind- spirit composite. Take one of these things away and we become ill and we create disharmony within ourselves. To be disconnected from nature is humanities downfall, we were not designed to live in a concrete jungle and lived cheek by jowl as this creates tension or disharmony and dis-ease of body, mind and spirit. 

Also the movement or flow of energy is harmonious without sharp edges as observed in Feng Shui. The elements play a large part in our lives whether we realise or not. But the experts in Feng Shui have been able to demonstrate this for centuries. The west has lost much of its ancient wisdom to its detriment and especially its spirituality. 

Why are they not also mentioning in this article the fact that most houses are not designed for harmony and harmonious energy to flow freely? A square house or building is like a box, it’s closed in and restrictive. The sharp edges of the building should be smooth. Small windows don’t allow the sunlight and thus affects the chi or energy flow. 

My house has large windows front and back, my gardens are green with shrubs and trees and inviting to wild birds and insects. I have a seat next to a window so that I can sit and relax when I need to. This is bringing the outdoors, indoors. So that I can feel immersed in nature no matter what the weather is doing.

Your house also needs to have things in each room that are not just attractive to the eye but must be placed in the correct location for the energy to be harmonious. That includes certain types of plants and again working with the elements in Feng Shui. You will definitely notice the difference when done correctly.

Clutter is bad for us mentally too, so things need to be stored in cupboards and drawers. Hoarding is also something that affects our mental health and this becomes a huge burden on the individual. 

Colour also plays an important role to lift the mind. There are plenty psychologists that will attest to the correct use of colours to create a harmonious environment. Colour does stimulate the brain just like shape and nature does. You will notice that hospitals use pale calming colours and this is to stimulate healing and ease the mind.

I often have clients that need to be near water often to feel grounded. These people come from various walks of life. Others prefer forests to feel grounded, I must admit that I love being near forests, however I do like rivers and little streams to enhance my sense of calm. 

Unfortunately many people are not in the position to introduce these harmonious elements into their work environment and even their home environment. Due to the nature of their work and also living conditions.

This makes the ability to relax difficult but not impossible. Meditation and mindfulness are an option, as is listening to calming music, switching off the tv and read uplifting books or novels. Avoiding distractions that are stressful is vital as is taking time out to unwind from the daily routine and pressure. Use magnesium cream on your body to relax and at night to get a peaceful sleep put the magnesium cream on the lower back, behind your knees and on the top of your feet before getting into bed. Do this every night to build up the magnesium levels in your body as 50% of the population are deficient in magnesium which leads to depression and other health problems. 

Please read the information about magnesium here https://www.ancient-minerals.com/ scroll down to where it says “required reading “ then click on each page. This is valuable information for anyone, I use magnesium all the time. I started off with this brand at my local health food shop, but they stopped stocking it for some reason and started stocking Amazing oils magnesium which is just as good, they add chamomile and lavender for the night time cream and I love that stuff. Below is the link to Amazing Oils magnesium.


I find soft classical music is very therapeutic as is meditation music which you can find on YouTube. My favourite meditation music at present is Thai meditation music 

https://youtu.be/QZbuj3RJcjI?si=a6A6xadI8y7flk7_ This is the YouTube link to the 3 hour meditation video I love. I haven’t put the video on here because some YouTube channels don’t like others uploading videos to their blogs. If you choose not to click on the link but would like to hear the music. Then type in 3 hour relaxing music, evening meditation. 🧘 You will see a picture of candles, a rolled up towel and a pile of stones on the left side of the picture. I hope that you get so much pleasure from the music as I do. 

I would like to caution people, that certain music on some individuals can open up the chakras unintentionally. So please be mindful of this. Ground and attune your body before and after listening to any music designed to work on the mind. If you feel a strange sensation like floating or a feeling of leaving your body, stop immediately because that should not be done. Refocus and ground yourself immediately. Then perhaps have a cup of tea. The goal is to de stress yourself only.

So whatever floats your boat and is enjoyable is perfectly fine for the individual. Create what you feel is harmonious in your home or bedroom if you live in a shared house. But do look into the Feng Shui position for your bedroom as that is a place of rest. The position of the bed is important. Often using mirrors can improve the energy flow and a sense of calm. 

30 August, 2024

Peacocks in Dunfermline Scotland given the freedom of the city


I had no idea that there were free roaming peacocks in Scotland. We have free roaming Peacocks in Canberra too, in the suburb of Narabundah and out in Pialigo near Canberra airport. They are magnificent birds to see, and seeing them flying is surreal. However there are tragedies in the management of these birds as they are not easy to contain and will often escape into the busy streets and get hit by cars. Even at our local zoo and aquarium, peacocks are wandering around the grounds because they just fly over the enclosure the live in and go for a walk around to interact with visitors. 

They are such beautiful birds like something out of a fairy tale or from mythology that bring joy to everyone just by their presence. 

29 August, 2024

‘I wish I was listened to’: NSW to respond to landmark birth trauma inquiry


Here we are again, medical professionals arrogance on steroids. The gestation period is 40 weeks, and normally if your baby is late it is not allowed to go past 42 weeks because it is dangerous for your baby. Twins usually arrive early anything from 36 weeks, but 38 weeks was the ball park week back when I was young. 

This poor woman put through this awful treatment and her baby suffering dangerous medical conditions. This is absolutely horrific and a classic example of negligence by health professionals. How dare they tell her to hold on and calm down. No effort made to check the baby’s vitals or the mother’s by the sound of the news article. Surely these would have been done especially given the heart conditions running in the family. 

If you feel that you are not being listened to or you believe your baby is in danger then stand your ground and ask for the medical advocate or what ever name they are known as in your state or Territory. That is your right and don’t forget that please. 

Do not let anyone intimidate you or insult your intelligence when you are obviously concerned. You have every right to be concerned. Medical professionals can make mistakes and I am speaking from experience. If you read my blog you will see what my husband has gone through over the past few years and especially this year prior to life saving surgery. The treatment of women has never changed since I was young in the 1980’s. In fact it has gotten worse over time and now people are fearful of hospitals with the stuff that is in the public domain and on top of that the changes that have transpired since COVID. 

It is up to the public to demand the change happens and not leave it to politicians to use as an election platform tool and then buck-pass  when elected. 

I can tell you when I had my children there were horror stories about the hospitals in western Sydney, and the treatment of women when the AIDS epidemic started through sheer ignorance women were traumatised. When I fell pregnant I was somewhat nervous about what sort of treatment I would receive as the two local public hospitals had a reputation for the way they treated women in the maternity ward. I made enquiries about what was the best place to go and was told to try the country hospital near where I lived. I am so glad that I did because the staff there treated women much better and were very supportive of women’s rights. Not so with the partnering hospital  nearby. 

 I discovered that I couldn’t go into labour at all, my body just didn’t work. So both of my children were induced and instrument delivery. My first baby was born at 41.5 weeks and was still sitting too high up. I had a fantastic doctor, but my baby did have foetal distress at birth and pooped everywhere. He was 8 lbs, red and puffy or cooked (what they called a post term baby at the time) looking but very bright eyed. 

The second baby was a different story, as I was ill all the way through and under weight because I couldn’t stop vomiting until the day before my baby was born. But what angered me was when I asked for an epidural the arrogant misogynist told me, I shouldn’t be having a baby if I can’t handle the pain. My husband and I just looked at each other in shock. This from a supposedly educated man, he  is lucky that I was not in a physical condition to bitch slap him. I was almost 30 and having some misogynistic pig speaking to me like that left me flabbergasted. My baby was born one day short of the EDC, which I had calculated as it was part of my day job anyway. The doctors kept saying that I was wrong. Bull shit, if you know the exact date of the LMP then count 40 weeks that gives you the exact EDC. That is a fact that I have always known and always kept a diary on from the age of 15.

 My second child did have problems and wasn’t moving at the end of the pregnancy. The doctor told me that is normal because there isn’t a lot of room for him to move, which is true. Now this was a female doctor that I did my antenatal care with,  and she kept saying that I was further along than I thought. She wouldn’t listen when I told her I have big babies, my husband’s side of the family are big solid people. She was otherwise a good doctor, but she also didn’t listen when I told her my EDC was correct. Arrogance must be included in the medical degree! I ended up having to go on maternity leave earlier because my health was suffering as was the baby, there was already a threatened miscarriage at the start of my pregnancy too which required bed rest, and the same at the end of my pregnancy. The birth was an induction yet again and another 8lb baby. 

Geez what would a stupid woman know about having big babies and knowing how to calculate the EDC. I already had experience in babies by the second birth and surrounded by 10 other women in my office who were pregnant and experienced parents. 

On the day of the birth I was apprehensive about the outcome, the baby’s face was blue at birth and not breathing so he had to be put on oxygen. The misogynistic doctor admitted that the boy’s EDC was right as I had said. I replied, yes I know I am right. 

So ladies stand your ground be empowered but be polite too. Manners cost nothing and you will look competent and confident in your actions and decisions. First up is learning your rights as a patient and a woman. Never let anyone undermine you or disrespect you, remember respect is a two way street.

Best of luck to all the parents that have been through this trauma I hope you heal and have beautiful children and boundless happiness and joy in your lives. 

Thank you to all of the good medical professionals out there who know how tough it is in the medical profession, it is no walk in the park but with the public and the medical community surely we can band together and make the changes that we all need. 

28 August, 2024

The use of Saltbush to feed cattle and sheep in times of drought


Tonight I was reading a news article about deforestation in Australia and the supermarkets supporting the anti deforestation movement. This made me think about the saltbush plant and its use in feeding livestock during drought conditions. Droughts are a constant problem in Australia and trying to feed livestock becomes a serious challenge.

 I knew about saltbush being a plant that can help farmers feed their livestock. Going back to the days of early settlers in Australia, farmers used saltbush to help keep their livestock alive, especially when droving over long distances. This was also mentioned in poetry by Andrew Barton (Banjo) Paterson. I have three large volumes of his poetry and CD’s and  books of poetry by Henry Lawson. Both men have written about life back in the 19th century and early 20th century in their personal stories of life in the bush and the terrible droughts of the times. 

Some variants of saltbush have  toxic levels in new leaves and taste bitter however there are at least 130 different varieties of saltbush. Dogs can eat salt bush but only in limited quantities. You would have to consult your vet before considering giving it to your fur babies though.

This 1934 article below mentions the medicinal properties of saltbush. This was a plant used by the indigenous peoples for multiple purposes from health care to culinary purposes. So it is a little treasure trove of goodness for man and animal. 


This article mentions the farmers feeding saltbush to their stock in the 19th century (1880’s)


26 August, 2024

Happy International Dogs Day 26th August 2024

 Happy International Dogs Day to all the beautiful doggies all over the world. Thank you to all service dogs and therapy dogs world wide and those amazing military, police and and all our beautiful and brave dogs of the world. 

                                            Miss Rubby (Madam Minx) sends you all big doggie cuddles 💝🐕🦮

Warm and fuzzy hugs to everyone 

24 August, 2024

Anger in WA after 800-year-old ‘Bob Brown’ eucalypt tree cut down


Wow, Unbelievable what morons, maybe the government officials should have been there in person to supervise this. But hey that would be too intelligent. Contracts are put in writing, how hard is it to read and comprehend  the detailed instructions? 

23 August, 2024

Weekend lols

lol, that was me this morning, went to put the green waste out, D’oh! That’s a Sunday night thing oops.

22 August, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #2 August 2024


Unless you have read the majority of Wes's work this will not be understood. 

As for the question about Mary Magdalene, you will see a few books that I have mentioned in this blog and on my old blog about reading books that shed much light on her as the sister wife of Jesus both whom are of royal Egyptian bloodlines. Ralph Ellis, John Lamb Lash and Lynn Picknett to name just three authors. There is plenty information out there, however people have very strong opinions as to what they choose to believe. Fair enough, as we are all entitled to what we believe in any subject. We should not though keep shoving our beliefs on others, let them find their own way in life to what they are comfortable with.  

Tarot Card of the Month: September 2024, The 9 of Cups


                              Element: Water, Zodiac Sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 

                       Planet: Jupiter, Season: Autumn/Fall Cardinal direction: West

                     Gender: Female 

                         Spiritual, Wish fulfillment, Satisfaction, Sensual Pleasures

First I just want to jump in to the colours and symbols before doing the actual card.

Yellow, covers intellect, joy, happiness, confidence brightness and light in is positive symbolism,

negatively it is jealousy and cowardice. 

Blue, The heart chakra, healing, cool intellect, calmness, spirituality, peace, fidelity, truth, 

Grey, Spirituality, neutrality

The number 9 meanings some of which are limitation, strength, prudence, culmination, completion, idealism, temporary stability,  astral, consciousness. 

Emotionally 9's are calm, melancholy, satisfied or lonely

Reversed 9's are lacking in discipline, and self awareness , dependency, hostility, inner wisdom, humane, compassionate, non physical gain.  

The man sits front and center of the card feeling rather pleased with himself and his results. A labour of love perhaps. Behind him are 9 cups in a row symbolising his attainments. They sit on a blue cloth, but one must enquire what is the blue cloth concealing? Is something to be unveiled to the public in September? It could be but the man is waiting until the time is right (October?).

September is the 9th month of the year and marks the end of summer in the Northern hemisphere and the end of winter in the Southern hemisphere. The 22 September is the Equinox  to be precise for the Southern hemisphere. Virgo rules the first half of the month and is ruled by Venus, then we glide into Libra which is ruled by Mercury. Mercury goes direct from the 28th August after being in retrograde.

May I point out that Virgo rules the 6th house of the Zodiac and  health and work and is very organized and industrious, where Libra rules the 7th house of relationships and partnerships, the ruling  planet is Mercury.  

So expect health related issues to be in the news in September. As I look at the card, I see its a bright and cheerful card and cups are generally about love and happiness. The man on the card sure looks pleased as punch does he not. His red hat tells us he is very intelligent, passional about his work  and of his deeds.  This man is ambitious and has the drive to succeed. 

I notice the yellow and blue symbolise Ukraine again, as we saw them cross the border and into Russia in August. Who would have expected that in August? The same colours also represent the EU. The Ukrainian troops feel confident with their results and perhaps we are seeing a closer end to this terrible war. Putin is now in panic mode as he did not expect this to happen. I do not see the politicians and the heads of the Russian military being in a good mood because Putin will be in a rage over this and will do something stupid. 

Ukraine has the support of the West/NATO and armed to the teeth to do the job, there is no backing down yet. Russia will have to fight on to save face. This is seen as a major embarrassment on a global scale. I do feel that we are closer to seeing an end to this war than we are with the Israel-Palestine war.  I think that war will go in for a few years. That being because Iran is behind the scenes funding terrorists to attack US and Western interests. That ain't going to end well for anyone. 

Looking back at the blue cloth beneath the 9 cups, I am again wondering what is hidden, what is it that we need to know? That smug little man in the foreground has a secret.  Implying that something is happening in September. However it may not come to light until October. This is a political thing, and it could be connected to the US elections in November and Ukraine. 

There is an air of authority and superiority here and some truth will be revealed in September, I feel the second half of the month. So it is wise to pay attention to the news this month, as this is something big and very important involving the military and big business

France will pick a new leader, but not everyone will be impressed, this feels like another left leaning individual. 

Looking at the 9 cups lined up, keep your eyes on the middle one, above the man's head. Something shifts to center stage for an event, but not for long. A wild card situation will unfold  as a surprise, which I feel is taking place within America. Someone least expected comes to the front, I hear the words "shades of grey" with this. This is a very high profile man and some will laugh at this situation but not for long. 

I saw Robert Kennedy Jr's face, but he is out of the running and would not be suitable in world politics.

Now looking elsewhere, contracts are being made with the military and big corporations as I already pointed out. Which seems to be taking place in a hurry, the feeling is that many countries are trying to build up their militaries' in a hurry.

There will be more ongoing problems with immigration and refugees in the news, that of course will last for many years. There are travel changes at short notice in September, especially for international and overseas travel.  

Freight and haulage is also involved, rail transportation is connected to getting goods delivered on time.

Notice the little white blob above the cup third from the end; on the right hand side? This is a deliberate mark not a printing error. To me it reminds me of a communion wafer above the cup as if it is some sort of ritual or offering. Perhaps a sacrifice of something to come as it does have a religious feeling to it.

Actually the mans clothes look like robes, and not something worn by a manual worker or a peasant. One would expect such clothes on a member of the clergy or some sort of spiritual celebration. The man on the card is not a manual laborer, he is an educated man. His hat and its colour indicate this too.

The plumes on his hat also reflect this as a quick mind like Mercury, the winged messenger. This card also  signifies the element of water, so it is emotional energy too. Jupiter rules this card which also sub rules Pisces and Cancer, so it's all nicely tied in together.

The key word for Jupiter is expansion, so it's go big or go home. Jupiter rules wealth, leisure time, big business, growth and prosperity. It also covers long distance travel (9th house of the Zodiac). Jupiter is the judge and the lawmaker (9th house) but it is also a helper. The planets actions are orderly and beneficial to health and healing. We may expect some good news in  health matters  in September and perhaps that includes mental health. Though Jupiter is not the planet for mental health. 

Do expect good news with finances and perhaps a lucky streak winning some money. 

I wish everyone well for September and please stay positive no matter what is happening.

Warm and Fuzzy hugs

14 August, 2024

This is why our Aussie cyclists are so fast

 Magpie season, swooping has begun. I can tell you where I live the Magpies take no prisoners. Even the posties are under attack. Just as well we don't have the Magpies filling up on mulberries or it would be a strafing run, lol.  

12 August, 2024

Olympic mayhem


Are we going to live this down? Hold my beer, yeah..nah, you’ve had enough already by the looks of it! 

Tonight’s giggle