Showing posts with label WES PENRE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WES PENRE. Show all posts

05 September, 2023

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 1 September 2023

It helps to have a strong sense of self when you leave this earth at your appointed time. Trust nothing out there in astral, just like walking into the wrong part of town. Fear will hold you back so remember we have all done this millions of times before. There is no pain involved in leaving your body, everything slows down to almost a trance like state and suddenly you feel a pull and you are free of the physical body. If you have any pain in your body prior to death then you will notice that you are no longer in pain. 

I have had many experiences in mediumship where the person informs me on what it feels like. For some people yes it is true that they can find it difficult to leave the body, but most of the time it is quite quick and easy, like breathing in and out. I can tell you the experience I had a few years ago, when I was taken out of my body to help heal my aunt in Canada. She was very badly injured in a car accident and I was lying in bed just trying to sleep, and my hip was hurting from an old injury. Suddenly my breathing started to slow down and I felt a tingling warm sensation letting me know that spirit was present. I then heard a male voice telling me that “they need to take me out of my body”, and I objected. Next thing I come back into my body and I can feel the pain in my hip again. I had no memory of what happened but in the morning I got an email from my uncle in Canada telling me my aunt was in hospital with multiple fractures from a car accident. This is on my blog by the way; in detail. This also shows the disregard for humans when we are supposed to have a non interference law, not to interfere with incarnated beings. Now being a spiritual healer, I was used as an astral medic to help heal my aunt on an etheric level. 

But getting back to this Wes Penre Q and A, it helps to be stubborn when it is your time to leave, and insist on leaving promptly, let nothing prevent your decision. Nothing can stop you if you are intent on leaving, so hold that firm intention come what may. Ask yourself; what do you have to lose. You have your whole life to get into the right mindset to be firm in your beliefs and intentions. Most importantly do not communicate with anyone or anything once you are on the other side of life. Because you will be distracted and your guard is down and that is a big mistake. 

I am a very strong and stubborn person, so when I set my mind on something woe betide anyone that interferes. There is no way that I will let anything stop me exiting. You must develop a strong sense of self and self awareness. You must be firm in your beliefs and stand in your spiritual power. If you are fearful then you will fail. So practice being assertive and empowered, you don’t need permission from anyone or anything other worldly, because these beings are not what they want you to believe. You are powerful within yourself don’t forget that! You are what you believe you are, and that is what makes the difference. 

I also don’t trust anything outside this universe, remember there are factions that engage in warfare, including spiritual warfare and we are naive collateral. We should not take sides because we truly don’t know who is really benevolent outside of this universe. You can shield yourself simply by thinking that you are invisible, it’s all thought reactive out there. Set your intentions and expectations to go where you want to go, don’t let other thoughts distract you. You can even create a secret place for yourself to go and heal yourself, not to mention recalling your past lives and experiences. Use the time to learn about yourself, the new reality and the  rules of the multiverse etc. There is no such thing as linear time either so even there we may have to either remember or relearn how to go about things in the new reality. 

I do not for one minute trust any of the characters that Wes mentions, I feel they are only self serving even the Orions, put it this way we have been around for countless lifetimes and no one has ever shown any interest in putting an end to all the suffering. You should be asking why this is especially when we know the non interference rules are broken constantly by the overlords. So why should humans put up with this? Why should we accept the bogus claims that the Orions care about us? They have as much blame as the controlling overlords. To think otherwise is naive in the extreme given the fact that we have been doing this for millions of years. Humanity is gullible and never learns from its mistakes and failures. 

Have a look at this link about Blood Demons below, that I shared in March. Now think about how etheric archons are attached to us when we incarnate and even when we die they can still be attached to us in the spirit world according to Wes and other researchers.

29 August, 2023

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 3 August 2023

There are a couple of good questions here. I hope that you enjoy the Q and A sessions, and get a lot out of them. If you have not already read the Wes Penre Papers then this stuff will not make sense and perhaps over your head. It is worth reading the WPP from the beginning right through to level 5. 

On my blog yow will occasionally see my comments if I feel that I have something to say. 

22 August, 2023

Wes Penre: Q and A session 2 August 2023 

I actually expected this to come on Thursday night but it’s early, thanks Wes! I think the question should be, who are the architects of the universe because there are several involved in the creation process. Of course it is a mathematical and electrical universe. Spirit is electrical so it needs an electric universe to function, it’s also intelligent by design not by chance and we spirited humans are needed as a primary food source of loosh for the survival of some of the beings that need our emotional energy as food. We are also to be used eventually as avatars which are needed to enter Orion or the true spiritual multiverse for the next phase of the spiritual war against the Orion multiverse.

 In regards to the reincarnation process if you don’t have children, we are from large soul groups so technically the person can be the offspring of anyone in the soul group. As for AA Michael, I still don’t trust him or anyone mentioned in the WPP etc. I would be very reserved in thinking any of these characters are benevolent towards humanity. What is in it for them and what is in it for humanity?  Caution is the wisest option here. Trust nothing and wait until you leave the matrix before you can form any kind of understanding. 

As far as the forgiveness thing goes, I disagree here because it is entrapment of the gullible and spirituality naive individuals. What Wes has left out or has forgotten here is the forgiveness issue lets others off the hook for deeds they have done and the flow on effect of that, because it is not just human beings deeds involved here. It’s also the dark ET’s and those in the beyond life area that are involved in this. There are definitely individuals that point blank refuse to acknowledge and accept their actions and in turn others are guilt tripped into accepting the karma of these individuals that refuse to accept the consequences of their actions. The said person that accepts this may in fact not have done anything wrong in the first place, but may be led to believe that they did. This can also be something from another life time that the person has no way of knowing if they did anything wrong or was  it someone else’s deeds. 

I myself was put on the spot by a very evil woman many years ago when sitting in a psychic circle in my own home. This evil woman told me, her guides asked me why I did something to some people over two hundred years ago that resulted in their deaths. I was horrified at her audacity and put her straight immediately. This bitch was trying to entrap me to take on a karmic debt. Knowing full well that karma is fake, she herself doesn’t believe in it and scoffs at the notion. 

I looked her right in the face and said, how can I answer something like that? I have no idea if I was around at that point in time and have absolutely no way of knowing what the truth of the matter is and that there is no damn way that I would admit to something that I have no possible way of knowing if I did or didn’t commit a crime or act of criminal activity. Why on earth would I be so stupid as to believe this? She was rather quiet after that. Not just that this is the evil bitch that told me my son was going to be killed in a car crash after having an argument with me. What sort of person says something like that and in your own home? As usual this evil creature would have a sickening smile on her face when ever she imparted such things to me. So when it comes to karma please know this important fact, it is an artificial construct designed to entrap and enslave people into the never ending cycle of reincarnation. Reincarnation by the way serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever, to believe otherwise is a grave mistake that will perpetuate suffering and spiritual injustice and ignorance. 

Wes actually mentioned in the WPP,  the beyond life beings that control this reality and the abuse that they have committed against humanity and others star races. There are beings that refuse to admit their wrongdoings some of which amount to crimes against humanity, spirit and  other beings. This has gone on for millions of years too. Wes also mentioned in the WPP that humans were set up to fail and take the karma ( remember karma is in fact an artificial construct designed to enslave and keep the cycle perpetual). 

The higher self, I like to think of that as like a spiritual hard drive. The main primary spirit that we are outside of the physical body and physical world, it is incorruptible and pure Wes summed it up perfectly with his analogy of a VR computer game, except the game has serious consequences for humans. We in the third dimension are corruptible in thought and behaviour unless we are conscious of our spiritual nature and endeavour to live a spiritual life as best we can under such difficult circumstances in this reality. 

I always maintain that I am spirit first and foremost and then human second. To me my life is about serving true spirit, humanity and the beautiful animals in our world. 

18 August, 2023

Wes Penre: Q and A Session #1 August 2023

With regards to the woman’s daughter involuntary leaving her body, this to me seems like she should be telling whomever is doing this to stop it immediately. It doesn’t sound right and her freewill is being violated. She doesn’t elaborate much on what her daughter has experienced however if her daughter doesn’t want this to happen then she should be refusing to go through this and when awake she should telepathically be saying to whomever is doing this to her that she doesn’t consent and leave her alone. 

That needs to be stated every single day and at night because it can take time to get through to the entities doing this to her. It’s a rather frightening experience and especially if she can’t control this. As soon as she feels it starting she should telepathically shout out NO, leave me alone. She should also state she doesn’t consent. 

Wes is not wrong about the drop in frequency on the planet, as I have mentioned before, the human race is only programmed to go so far and then we hit the wall. A reset then happens and we have to relearn or restart ourselves psychologically and civilly. These things are also part of the astrological cycle of humanity. I don’t believe it is in our best interests either, and our reality is a low frequency reality so of course it will be violent. The results are always around us no matter what time we live in. We are at the tipping point again for war and destruction because those in power want this to happen, nothing is by chance or accidental it is cause and effect. 

Astrologically the planet Pluto represents destruction or reformation and fusion. Pluto has a 248 year cycle. Uranus, Devine discontent, it can be sudden violent and unexpected events. Uranus has a 84 year cycle. These are transcendental planets along with Neptune. Which has a 165 year cycle, and when we think of destruction Neptune governs drugs, drug addiction and alcoholism in its negative effects. So this gives you a little bit more understanding of the times we are living in. 

09 August, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A session 5

In the last question when mentioning the Akashic records and energy being stored. I can tell you that on a psychic level energy is stored on items that belong to a person. That is why we psychic people are able to read from personal items belonging to people. That ability is called psychometry and is part of the Clairtangence ability. I have had to clear energy from items that belonged to people who have died because the person was attached to the item including a very dangerous person that had died. If you go into the index of this blog look for the labels psychic experiences and articles by Alex.

You will see a few posts of my experiences of deceased people who are attached to items but also the living people when I read an item belonging to them. Jewellery is a common thing for our energy to be stored on but so are crystals. As I was reading question 6 Atlantis popped into my mind because the people of Atlantis used crystals as part of their technology and in temples. The reason for me knowing about the temples is, when I was a child of 6 or 7 I had a flashback to life in Atlantis. That is mentioned in a blog post about my psychic experiences. It is not something that one forgets because it is a memory and poof of life from a past lifetime. 

02 August, 2023

Wes Penre: The Orion books 1 and 2 Q and A Session 4 pdf

Most books available on spirituality are not worth reading. I spent a lot of money on them years ago and most went into the garbage bin. I no longer buy any so called spiritual books and a certainly won’t buy the Urantia book. I had a look at a friend’s book many years ago and after the first few pages I shut the book and thought well that’s a waste of my time. You don’t need these books, you need a strong foundation within yourself. It’s in your very core not in a book. Quite often people have to unlearn all the stuff that they took as truth after realising they have been duped by incorrect information. It can leave a person confused and frustrated. Then they walk away from the spiritual journey, sometimes they return with a more discerning attitude or they don’t return at all feeling that they were lied to. 

History is a different matter entirely however that always has a biased view, especially if it has a religious background because it is written with a purpose in mind. Most history in this world is written with an agenda. So what ever you read be discerning and do not take anything as 100% truth. 

I am only just getting around to reading the Orion book 1, as I have read through the Ralph Ellis books on Jesus and Mary Magdalen, his sister-wife. That was valuable information and I reccomend people read Ralph's books for a little historical insight. But again use your discernment with everything you read, learn and unlearn/re learn. It does my head in to relearn or unlearn years of information and I can understand the confusion of many people as they start this journey. It's  bit of an Indiana Jones adventure but take your time don't rush. 

25 July, 2023

Wes Penre: The Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A session 3

The last answer leaves us with something to seriously ponder. But this life time is a crucial one in all human history. One cannot afford to get it wrong. 

18 July, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion Book 1-2 Q and A Session

The WingMakers stuff is not to be trusted. I have it all printed off from years ago, I also mentioned in a couple of posts the artwork is sinister and as a clairvoyant, I got very bad feelings from the artwork I looked through it years ago and have never gone back to look at it again because the energy is so bad. It has a dark psychological effect. Even the art shown in this article has a dark feeling to it. 

11 July, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book 1 and 2 Q and A Session 1

Some good stuff here, with the last question in particular I highly recommend the books of Ralph Ellis. He goes into deep detail on the family bloodline and there are some rather interesting revelations.

01 July, 2023


Not everything is guaranteed when it comes to this particular topic only time will tell. What will be is up to humanity to decide not a corporation or a government. Every human being has the right to decide what is best for humanity because this would affect everyone potentially. 

22 June, 2023

Wes Penre: The Orion book Q and A #18

This has been sitting in my emails since yesterday morning. I finally remembered to stick it on my blog. But just before that. I had this urge to google Rudolph Steiner, and came across this article on blood. It seems to resonate with this Wes Penre Q and A

The occult significance of blood 🩸 

Notice right at the end of Rudolph Steiner’s article it says clairvoyance is diminished if the blood is not compatible! Very interesting, O negative is the psychic bloodline. My father is an O negative and my mother was A positive, yet I am born A positive but I am not just clairvoyant I have seven different Clairs’ as reflected on my introduction on this blog. 

Quote: Rudolph Steiner 

 We have seen that blood united to blood in the case of but remotely connected species of animals, kills; blood united to blood in the case of more closely allied species of animals does not kill. The physical organism of man survives when strange blood comes in contact with strange blood, [except, of course, in the case of incompatible blood types, which mutually coagulate one another] but clairvoyant power perishes under the influence of this mixing of blood, or exogamy.

14 June, 2023

Wes Penre: From the dying moment to exiting through the grid

Please take the time to read this, however if you have not read any of Wes’s work then you need to do that or this will be very confusing for you. I have all of the links to Wes’s work on this blog with his name tag on the bottom right hand side of the list of posts.

One thing in regards to dementia sufferers that I can tell you about from my experience is, I saw with my late mother in law suddenly appear in my house at random times for a while before she died. She didn’t say anything to me just standing in front of me but she felt like she was asleep. For almost a year she kept just appearing between my lounge room and kitchen which is a large open plan room. It was as if she was in a portal and just fixed to the spot. 

Not doing anything other than standing perfectly still almost like a hologram. I assumed that she had fallen asleep in her nursing home and was out of body and somehow remembered my house. But it felt very strange. I don’t think she could actually see me or know where she was. There was a blank look on her face. Which is not like her, she was a warm and funny person easy to talk to and always had a smile on her face we got on very well and I was very fond of her. 

People in spirit are often much bigger than they were in physical life, and I have seen a man attending his own funeral as I was passing by with a lady that knew him. I told her his face was taking up the whole sky as he was watching the mourners leave the church to go to the cemetery. The man had a big smile on his face as he watched over the mourners. 

When we exit the grid expect to be much bigger than what you are in the physical world. We can change our appearance by thought, because spirit is thought reactive. You can choose to be invisible too, that is something that people in spirit can do regardless of being in the matrix or outside the matrix. I have seen spirit beings shield themselves many times using a white shimmer or a blue shimmer of light. My mother used to do this when my father was doing healing on people. A relative on my sister in law’s side of the family used a blue light shield to let me know they were standing next to my little nephew years ago. The person felt male and tall but would not show me who they were. Only they were a guide for my nephew.

I feel the more time we train ourselves to get used to exiting the grid we will be more confident and comfortable with the task. Most people reading the Wes Penre books will be young so they have plenty time to have the intentions filter through the astral realms. But I would not worry about it too much, because as long as you are focused and have firm intentions then you can do this in the blink of an eye. Like Wes said don’t second guess, one single thought and hold onto to it. I am exiting the grid now. 

As you don’t recall what the other side of the grid looks like don’t form an image in your mind because that can cause confusion. Once through the grid call on your higher self and ask where do I need to be now. I personally don’t trust the Orion queen. But once through the grid I will see what thoughts and memories come to me. I would shield myself and make myself invisible to others until I feel confident and aware of my surroundings too. I am a very cautious individual and will keep my own counsel until I understand what the situation is. It is a new adventure and my focus is healing myself and creating a nature environment for myself to heal. That is my priority at this stage anyway. Safety and healing making the transition from the physical body to an energy body is a big change which one needs time to adjust to. 

23 May, 2023

Wes Penre: ORION Q&A SESSION #16

Read this carefully, those mentioned in #2, I strongly disagree my intuition tells me not to accept this “channeled” information. Any channeled information is not trustworthy nor are any beings with this matrix universe. 


Some words of wisdom to ponder. Life is certainly not easy at present but prudence and a wise outlook will help us cope with the challenges and difficulties that we face. Grace and wisdom  help us reflect rather than just react, reflecting gives us a higher understanding in order to respond effectively. If only the human race could unite peacefully and respectfully, acknowledging all our values, differences and practice tolerance and respect for each other. 

War is always inevitable due to arrogance and the never ending insatiable need for control that some individuals harbour. We ordinarily people though need to learn how to live wisely and develop a positive philosophy to live by, to rise above the pressures put on us by evil doers. This makes a difference to us mentally, emotionally and spiritually however that in no way means to turn the other cheek and let these evil doers away with what they do. No, we collectively must hold them accountable. 

21 May, 2023

Wes Penre: Hymn of the Pearl

Before you read this article in the link above, please keep in mind you don’t need all of these Gnostic teachings if you are a good and honest person and live from your heart. and listen carefully to your heart and spiritual inner GPS because it is there to guide you. A person including the spirit within us knows right from wrong. It’s just that some people choose not to admit that they know right from wrong, and have no problem with being deceptive and choose to do bad things because they want to despite it holding them back from leaving this matrix. 

This world rewards bad behaviour as the evidence is all around us every day. The reality we exist in is a negative reality specifically designed this way to keep us trapped in a state of trauma and suffering thus preventing us from awakening and leaving this reality, many people these days just don’t want to be here either because they have had enough suffering and they don’t want to be here anymore. 

A good honest person has no intention of doing bad things but that makes absolutely no difference in keeping us locked into this reality. It boils down to knowing what this world is and is not, and why it is the way it is. Who is responsible for its existence and who locked us in here. Knowing how to educate ourselves and learning about the grid and how to raise our awareness and frequency high enough to exit is what must be done. Think of the Truman show (true man). 

Reading The Wes Penre Papers on Gnosticism, the Gnostics, we are led to believe these people lived in a peace and good will with their enemies yet they were murdered by these enemies thanks to believing in their teachings. Which may have been the influence of archons deliberately misleading them. So it didn’t work out for them did it, and it definitely won’t work for us either. 

Note the mention of the archonic implant that always incarnates with us at a etheric level. That is there to keep us in a reactionary mindset. Supplying a constant source of loosh from millions of human souls over millions of lifetimes; to feed these entities that dislike humanity, spirit and true spiritual fire that we have within us. Energy is power and spiritual energy is like gold it’s highly coveted and must never be disregarded, disrespected or given away, our very existence is based on our spiritual fire. By the way being reactionary is also one of the things in a person’s astrological make up that must be overcome. 

Notice the comment about the physical body, it is a tomb for the soul and spirit. I have commented on this in another post about the human body is a trap and tomb for the human soul and spirit and we are said to be dead when in the physical body. Spirit being suppressed while in the restrictive physical body. I still have not found the article where I wanted to share this information from. But I have not forgotten, I do  extensive reading so I will come across it again eventually. I am pretty sure it was a quote from a Ralph Ellis book, I just have to find the exact book and share the title and page number. This was not his actual words, it was taken from a quote from a biblical text or a historical text. 

I am doubtful about the nano second as being a wake up, sure you could look at it from the perspective of the internet coming into our lives and the push of New Age teachings flooding the internet and people just accepting that information as the truth. Bad mistake on their part because it is part of the control matrix as well as a product of the CIA which has been verified many times over the years. Intuition should tell you this too. I recall reading that we needed to reach 7 billion people to get the mass wake up. There is no mass wake up or this reality would collapse and there are around 8 billion people here now. Yes that number will decline as it is programmed to decline, how that comes about is a different matter. 

Now when reading this article, keep in mind the mention of this space war around 2008, we don’t have physical evidence of this. I recommend being careful of what you accept as truth. I personally sit on the fence because what we see and experience may not be accurate, so I shall wait until I leave this world; and yes I do intend going through the grid, but I am very wary of the Orions  also. I will choose where I want to go and primarily to heal myself and then examine my options. Keep it simple, stay focused and also keep firm intentions. Trust nothing but your instincts and your higher self. 

UPDATE: 27 May 2023, Re:the physical body being a tomb. I came across this early this morning on my iPad. But there is a mention in the link above from an old blog post with St Paul/Saul commenting in the bible about the physical body is a tomb for the soul when in the physical body.

27 April, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book Q and A session 13

Some good questions in here. Question 2 is something that you need to know, actually as I was reading this and got to the part where Wes mentioned Patreon that word jumped out at me. Because it is representative of the patriarchy matrix. Nothing is by accident as I always say, as there is no such thing as an accident. It is cause and effect, yet we call it an accident because we didn’t intend it to happen, but it is the result of our actions that result in an effect. 

What those that are experiencing in waking up is disengaging from their soul group, and no longer feel connected to others including family members. What Wes says about awakened souls observing, is something that I have said to many clients and friends over the years. We are bearing witness as observers to the human condition and experiences such as war, violence, spiritual decline etc. Do not engage in this destructive behaviour remain detached as much as possible as  witness bearers. On a spiritual level you could say gathering evidence of crimes against humanity, life and spirit. I include the animal kingdom in bearing witness to evil and cruelty against the animal kingdom and nature as well as humanity. 

In regards to question 5. There is the ego at work here, the manipulation of the little freewill of humanity and misuse of energy by such individuals whom I believe have a desire for control and possible destruction of other people for particular reasons. The creation of tulpas is one of these misuses of energy and power and most often used for negative effects. The tulpa can eventually become more powerful than the person that created it and eventually it will turn on them, make no mistake about that. 

Crowley like many of his colleagues ended up in a bad way. He died a drug addict and penniless in France. I can see absolutely no benefit to indulging in the energy manipulation and the mistreatment of others. Focusing instead in trying to be a better person and focusing on raising one’s spiritual vibrations for good. 

I personally have never fitted in with the majority of people most of my life. But I definitely felt bigger changes in the mid nineties up to current times. I have felt a difference between how I felt back in the late nineties and early 2000’s compared to the past eight to ten years, and in the past three years I’ve felt a bigger difference. I no longer worry about it. I just get on with my life and life’s purpose., which has recently kicked off in a different direction and where that leads me for the rest of my life. I am not at all worried about my end of life because I am firm in my beliefs and intentions. 

My advice to others that like myself;  who no longer vibrate at the same frequency as the majority of humanity is  find joy and happiness in nature, whether it is by getting into gardening, loving your fur babies or spending time in nature. Read books that bring you happiness, watch movies that make your happy and. I do recommend classical music at a soft volume. If something doesn’t bring you happiness then it is not necessary in your life. Listen to your heart and honour your heart’s feelings as knowing what is good for you. Live honestly and from your heart always, but don’t try to impose your beliefs on others because you will definitely alienate yourself even further. 

Human vibrational frequencies like the aura or energy field constantly changes all day and night. But the quantum leap in awakening has a bigger effect in our energy. Yes that will also vary too just like our emotions because it is all energy in motion e-motion. 

If you like essential oils you may want to consider; rose, blue Idaho spruce for the higher energy to boost your energy levels. Use it with a carrier oil like grape seed as it is quickly absorbed into the skin and it doesn’t stain your clothes. I think Blue Idaho Spruce is hard to obtain outside of the US but it is the highest vibration of any essential oils. There is a blog post on this blog to show you the frequencies of a few essential oils. Just scroll down to the bottom right hand side of the blog and you will see the little white box to search the blog. Type in blue Idaho spruce and up will come the posts with the information you want.

The link to the megahertz for essential oils. Keep the vibes high peeps. 

21 April, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book Q and A session 12

As I keep saying this is a done deal, locked in place. It’s up to the individual to make a judgement call on whether or not they want to exit the grid at the end of physical life. As far as those that want to live off grid are concerned, there are some things to keep in mind also if you drop out of society and you become ill; if you need medication or surgery that may not be possible if what Wes is saying actually happens.Thus you won’t survive off the grid too easily. Even having an abscess in your gums can make you very ill and kill you if you’re unable to successfully treat this infection yourself. Just like in the days before we had antibiotics. So living off grid does have serious consequences if what Wes is proposing is true, but this is up to the individual and if they can find a  good peaceful community that has good alternative medicine available to stop infection.

You will need to have books on not just basic first aid but also herbal medicine books, buy a snake bite first aid kit too; if you live in an area with snakes. Give a thought to books on basic carpentry and building, repair manuals etc. There won’t be electricity unless you have solar panels. How about a woman giving birth off grid without proper medical care especially if she has complications. Will she be allowed into a hospital or what about children that need medical attention such as in the case of asthma, appendicitis or fractures? What sort of transportation is available in an emergency to you if living off grid? How far away is a hospital or a doctor? And will the hospital or doctor be willing to treat you if what Wes is saying actually does happen. 

In Australia and other countries that have venomous snakes and spiders where one need’s access to antivenin quickly, will off grid people be able to get medical treatment? Give serious consideration to the risks associated with going off grid. I have no idea what I will do in the future other than going through the holes in the grid at the end of my life. I live a very quiet and spiritual life as it is, very boring lol.

17 March, 2023

Wes Penre: The Orion book Q and A session #7

Here we are, more tid bits from Wes. Keeping an open mind but also listening to your own intuition. 

On the question of procreation, one has to wonder why we would want to bring souls into such a horrible world of violence and suffering. However this is not a simple matter, in the spirit world or what we think of as the spirit world; things are not cut and dry, we don’t really have much choice as to when and who we incarcerate with and who we are supposed to agree with bringing into the world as our children. This is a programmed  reality that we humans cannot control. We are mere pawns with very minimal free will. 

We are also put into families where we may not get along with other family members such as a parent or sibling.  That birth bump is very real and many people may recognise this within their own families. 

Ancient Origins: Rock Art Discoveries in Eastern Sudan Tell a Tale of the Once ‘Green Sahara’ The entire universe goes in cycles, so this is not unusual...