27 April, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book Q and A session 13


Some good questions in here. Question 2 is something that you need to know, actually as I was reading this and got to the part where Wes mentioned Patreon that word jumped out at me. Because it is representative of the patriarchy matrix. Nothing is by accident as I always say, as there is no such thing as an accident. It is cause and effect, yet we call it an accident because we didn’t intend it to happen, but it is the result of our actions that result in an effect. 

What those that are experiencing in waking up is disengaging from their soul group, and no longer feel connected to others including family members. What Wes says about awakened souls observing, is something that I have said to many clients and friends over the years. We are bearing witness as observers to the human condition and experiences such as war, violence, spiritual decline etc. Do not engage in this destructive behaviour remain detached as much as possible as  witness bearers. On a spiritual level you could say gathering evidence of crimes against humanity, life and spirit. I include the animal kingdom in bearing witness to evil and cruelty against the animal kingdom and nature as well as humanity. 

In regards to question 5. There is the ego at work here, the manipulation of the little freewill of humanity and misuse of energy by such individuals whom I believe have a desire for control and possible destruction of other people for particular reasons. The creation of tulpas is one of these misuses of energy and power and most often used for negative effects. The tulpa can eventually become more powerful than the person that created it and eventually it will turn on them, make no mistake about that. 

Crowley like many of his colleagues ended up in a bad way. He died a drug addict and penniless in France. I can see absolutely no benefit to indulging in the energy manipulation and the mistreatment of others. Focusing instead in trying to be a better person and focusing on raising one’s spiritual vibrations for good. 

I personally have never fitted in with the majority of people most of my life. But I definitely felt bigger changes in the mid nineties up to current times. I have felt a difference between how I felt back in the late nineties and early 2000’s compared to the past eight to ten years, and in the past three years I’ve felt a bigger difference. I no longer worry about it. I just get on with my life and life’s purpose., which has recently kicked off in a different direction and where that leads me for the rest of my life. I am not at all worried about my end of life because I am firm in my beliefs and intentions. 

My advice to others that like myself;  who no longer vibrate at the same frequency as the majority of humanity is  find joy and happiness in nature, whether it is by getting into gardening, loving your fur babies or spending time in nature. Read books that bring you happiness, watch movies that make your happy and. I do recommend classical music at a soft volume. If something doesn’t bring you happiness then it is not necessary in your life. Listen to your heart and honour your heart’s feelings as knowing what is good for you. Live honestly and from your heart always, but don’t try to impose your beliefs on others because you will definitely alienate yourself even further. 

Human vibrational frequencies like the aura or energy field constantly changes all day and night. But the quantum leap in awakening has a bigger effect in our energy. Yes that will also vary too just like our emotions because it is all energy in motion e-motion. 

If you like essential oils you may want to consider; rose, blue Idaho spruce for the higher energy to boost your energy levels. Use it with a carrier oil like grape seed as it is quickly absorbed into the skin and it doesn’t stain your clothes. I think Blue Idaho Spruce is hard to obtain outside of the US but it is the highest vibration of any essential oils. There is a blog post on this blog to show you the frequencies of a few essential oils. Just scroll down to the bottom right hand side of the blog and you will see the little white box to search the blog. Type in blue Idaho spruce and up will come the posts with the information you want. 


The link to the megahertz for essential oils. Keep the vibes high peeps. 

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
