21 April, 2023

Tarot card of the month: May 2023, The Star


As I picked this card, I went huh? My mind was blank and I thought what the hell am I supposed to make of this card. Well as I started to look at the card and my pen or scribbling stick in hand , lol. My  guides started to inform me. Just as well cause I had nothing to quote Seinfeld, I got nothing!

Card number 27 of the Major Arcana, The Star. One big bright golden yellow star surrounded by seven white smaller stars. Notice there is one white star that is not sitting in the grouping. It is sitting on the left and almost touching the mountain in the distance.

No clouds in the sky, there is a tree on the right hand side of the card behind the woman. The tree has three distinctive branches and a bird sitting on the branch closest to the woman. The woman kneels at the edge of the water, and there is one foot resting on top of the water. It is not immersed in the water as in immersed in consciousness, the knee of her other leg is on the fertile green grass as in being grounded.  

As we see the woman appears to be pouring water into the pond or body of water and also is pouring water onto the ground as if she is feeding the grass to keep it hydrated, so that it doesn't die.

This is Aquarius the water bearer of the zodiac sign which is ruled by Uranus. Aquarius being an air sign and as fixed sign which in astrological terms is succedent and covers the 11th house in the zodiac.

So basically what the whole thing is warning us of is sudden surprises and situations that may be beyond our control.  This card shows us concentrated energy to create balance, mental force and concentration. I think these are key words for the month of May; to bear in mind too. 

The element of water represents the unconscious mind, Uranus represents the unexpected in this reading, please be aware that Uranus also covers sudden and unexpected violence.  But here in this card I feel this is connected to concentrated power spreading throughout the world. I feel this is connected to globalism, the EU  (the stars), WEF, NATO/UN and power spreading. I feel the expansion of authority, power and global politics. Financial power reshaping our world is currently taking place.

I also feel a careless waste of money and resources under one authority. Notice how big the woman is in this card, she dominates the card. Notice the flowers in the grass, 10 of them sitting at gapped  intervals. yet behind the woman is a cluster of flowers. To me these flowers are countries around the world. Which ones are benefitting here? Which ones are protected and which ones are left to decay? This can be reversed too because the 10 flowers or countries sitting individually could also be seen as being under control and their very survival depends on the woman depicted on the card. In other words under the firm control of a super power or globalist cabal dictatorship. See the picture and perspective?

This card also tells me of a cycle playing out globally. But this cycle is like a magic trick involving sleight of hand.  Just look at the water pouring from the jugs; is this an illusion being performed? Does the water come from the pond or body of water in the foreground or from another unseen source? This must be considered as it could be something being added to the mix so to speak.

Nothing is fully explained because to do so will reveal the deception. Notice the bird upon the tree branch, the bird is a messenger from up high. In the tarot birds are always messengers and that includes from spirit. Here though this is a physical world messenger from a lofty position of power; giving orders to the body below to carry out the instructions given. This is thinking outside the box, but only to a point. I now direct you to the lush green lands, fertile and lush productive lands full of abundance.

To supply great abundance to the entire world, yet this fair maiden has all the power to control this land, who will she bless and who will she deny? All is not clear, because what you see in front of you is clearly not what you think it is. Who actually benefits and who doesn't? The have's or the have not's?

I can tell you that the have not's are us ordinary people the general population of the world. This is a new evolution of sorts and the world is forever changed, there is no going back to life as it was pre 2020. We see before us a carefully measured world. There is a mathematical feel looking at the numbers but more precisely it is numerology involved because each individual number has a positive as well as a negative meaning and operates on a vibrational frequency of its own. 

I see the numbers 1,2, 6, 7, 8, 9 10, 27 as I scutinise the card.1 big yellow golden star, 6 white stars in a formation plus 1 white star out of formation. Together makes 7 white stars. The card number is 27 and you can add the 2 and the 7 and in numerology it is 9. 10 flowers in sporadic gaps, 1 woman, 1 bird, 1 tree, 1 mountain, 2 jugs of water, 3 lot of water (trinity or body mind and spirit),  1 vast green landscape. It looks like an inventory broken down like that, or assets. 

Now to me the woman represents a global power  or cabal. Under a quasi spiritual belief system she is seen as a particular goddess, that we are not privy to know about as the masses are seen as profane. I will leave it at that as I don't feel the deeper esoteric stuff should be brought into this, it’s only just an observation that strikes me. 

May will be a month of gathering, harvesting and manifesting for many, it is time to grow up and open ones eyes and stay vigilant because something big is transpiring. This month it starts being rolled out slowly, I am particularly feeling the last two weeks of May here. Watch for sudden announcements and  warnings in the media. But I stress; do nothing, just watch and stay safe. The time is to be used wisely and prepare. Intuitive people will know what to do and stay safe, gather what you can and hunker down in place. Something big and shocking is coming. At this stage that is all that spirit is telling me, but it is on!

I feel travel is connected to this, movement of people is important. People could be drawn to take sides here. My advice is do not take sides, just watch and wait then you will be better informed and safe. That is all that I am being given at this stage.

Warm and fuzzy hugs


PS, I am in the dark as much as anyone as I am being given this information. I feel though that we need to make sure we have food and resources to tide us over. The clue here is monetary as in a financial crisis and not by accident. You can look through both my blogs on the financial crisis, to me I see it as a revolving door where financial crises are rolled out reversed and rolled out again, sleight of hand! 

You can find the tag for Tarot card of the month at the bottom on the right hand side of my blog as well as my psychic predictions. 

UPDATE: Movement of people 

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