01 April, 2023

Astrology Birth Charts 101


The importance of knowing the exact time of a person’s birth is vital is creating a natal chart. As I am currently studying astrology for the long haul, I was looking into how  the time of a birth changed in a person’s natal chart; I thought it was 10 minute intervals but that turns out to be way, way out. It is 4 minute windows that changes a person’s chart and personality. Check out this link above for further details. 

This is why new parents need to write down the exact time of their baby’s birth accurately and the location. I don’t know if  the time is on many birth certificates nowadays. It was the law in Scotland when I was born to have the time of birth on the birth certificate. Though England didn’t have this as a legal requirement. Australia doesn’t record the time of birth on the birth certificate either at least not in the 1980’s and 1990’s. I knew prior to my babies births to make note of the time and I made sure that the medical staff were aware of my wishes. They were happy to oblige and understood why I needed to know the exact time of the births. If you are unsure of the time of birth, it is advised to contact the hospital for the birth records; as the time is usually on the medical records. 

In the old days people often mixed up the birth date, because they didn’t always go and register the birth immediately. My maternal grandmother celebrated her birthday on the wrong day most of her life. She was still a Libra but the date she was born and the day she thought was her birthday were almost a week apart. 

The reason that I found this out was my mum and my gran were talking about birthdays and she went to her bedroom to check out her birth certificate and she discovered the proper date. So she had not actually noticed that until well into her old age. I was around 19 then and was quite surprised by this. That was when my mother informed me that the time of birth is important for not just legal matters if something happened at the time of birth or the baby dies after being born. Then of course you must have the exact time of birth as well as the place of birth to make a natal chart. These days though the Longitude and Latitude are calculated by software, the astrologer just puts in the name of the town and the country along with the correct name and date of birth and the software produces the chart and astrological wheel with the colours that are selected to stand out to help interpret or delineate the chart. 

In the meantime I am head down in books trying to absorb as much information as I can. Already I am drawing comparisons with the Tarot which is helpful to me as I slowly put together the jigsaw puzzle that is to be my next calling. I never thought that I would actually be studying anything at my age but here I am. I am very enthusiastic about this study and every day a little bit of knowledge sinks in to the little grey cells as Poirot says. 

Below is a rough guide to what the software creates as the astrology wheel.

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