10 April, 2023

Try a little social experiment just for the day… lift the vibe

 Try a little social experiment for the day; to see how being nice to everyone that you meet or interact with in your day responds. Smile and be courteous to everyone and you will notice that you feel better, your day will seem nicer and happier just by making the extra effort of being mindful and sharing the happiness vibe. Watch how other people respond to you too, do they smile too? Are they not bothered by your positive energy or do they to feel more upbeat and happy? Do they smile back at you or are they not interested? Don’t be discouraged by them, just keep going through your day being happy, polite and positive. I guarantee that your day will feel much nicer within yourself and you will feel energised by your own happiness.

The important thing here is happiness is contagious, you are not just lifting up your vibrational energy or frequency but you are helping others to do likewise in their own lives. A chain reaction of happiness can spread just by one person making a positive effort and being mindful in their thoughts, intentions and interactions with others they encounter during their daily activities. Things have been very stressful for everyone over the past few years and there is so much uncertainty in the world right now. There is poverty increasing daily, but we can lift each other up in a psychological way just by being respectful towards each other. 

There are many things we can accomplish by being patient with each other whether it involves queuing up in shops, traffic, or going through a crowded shopping mall. Just practicing simple things that can defuse tension in public spaces. Simply making an effort to engage in light conversation with people if you are not taking up their time. People used to be kinder and more mannerly not so long ago but since we hit the 21st century it seems like we are living at a very fast and stressful pace which affects our mental wellbeing and how we respond to others in society. The past three years have notched up the tension even further. So it is time to stop, take a step back and adjust our approach to engaging with others around us carefully and mindfully. 

We don’t know what suffering others are going through and just by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can have a profound impact on the other person. How would we react in the same situation if the roles were reversed. Impact is a strong word and words can have an impact on anyone in any given circumstance. So just try to be mindful and give this little experiment a try. You may just give one person a wonderful uplifting experience that may even change the direction of their life in an amazing and unexpected way. Isn’t that a beautiful gift to give another person. They may in turn be that special person that goes on to uplift someone else who is at their lowest ebb and give them joy and hope. 

Kindness costs you nothing but it’s worth so much more to the person that needs it most. To be that person that goes out of their way to make the effort to be happy;  and in turn goes on to make someone else feel better without seeing the wonderful result and flow on effect of kindness is truly an example of what it means to be human. Not expecting anything in return but has made a lasting impression, by lifting their own spirits and in turn enabling others to benefit from the experience of  not just interacting with another human being but lifting the energy of the world for someone.  One cannot change the world but for another their world has changed by this energy exchange, so why not give it a go? I hope that your day will be much better than you expected and that you will always remember the positive feelings that you created from just trying this. Perhaps you like the results and intend to continue working towards making your own world better. 

Be the change that the world needs, and keep working towards a better life don’t let negativity pull you down. Build your own world within and let your light shine. We are what we think we are, remember that. We live in a thought reactive reality; so what we think we thus create this is energy in motion or emotion.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...