27 April, 2023

The Biblical Location Of "Armageddon" Is A Real Place


We have known Megiddo is a real place for many years. It’s not a new discovery, nor is  the clearing of the earth is a new thing. Yes the earth has been wiped out five times ( and in nuclear war  according to some researchers  who believe that this took place in the Middle East) in the past and not only do archaeologists have the proof of the earth being cleared, but astrologers can pinpoint these events too. That is why they use an ephemeris and look at the planets, constellations etc in deeper detail. The reality that we live in is like a computer program which runs in repetitive cycles and always will unless the whole system is brought to an end. As in the supposed “consummation of the ages”.

I have mentioned before that humans are only programmed to go so far, or to evolve only so far and then they hit the reset button. That is a cycle that runs in the thousands of years over and over again. The signs of this cycle reaching a climax are what we are living through presently, from the end of the 19th century this cycle has been picked up speed and perhaps earlier than that including the Industrial Revolution. These events in human history are set in destiny they do not alter. There is always a beginning and an end to all things with cycle of varying degrees including cycles that are slow moving, or cycles that last days, weeks, months, years and centuries. The grand finale if you like, is taking shape currently in human behaviour as we respond to the cycle of existence. Whether it is taken from a spiritual perspective, an evolutionary perspective or a scientific perspective, it all comes down to the same results. We cannot avoid these events and effects on the human condition. Everything is governed by astrological laws that can be proven by scientific means. Humanity has very little freewill and only limited scope to respond to any random act and whether we accept this or not doesn’t matter nor change anything. Events and situations play out regardless and each individual plays out their own programming via their astrological profile from the moment they are born. 

The mention of Tuthmoses the pharaoh is actually Moses in the bible and Jesus is a descendant of Tuthmoses. There are a few researchers that have pointed this out over the past 20 years or thereabouts. Jesus was born into an Egyptian royal dynasty. He definitely was not a poor carpenter and he was much wealthier than many of the elite today. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...