21 March, 2023

Try not to spit your tea all over the screen


Private records of some Canberra Health Services patients 'deliberately' sent to industrial partner


WTAF?? I saw this on the news tonight and felt absolutely sickened. They won’t say if those responsible were sacked or not. A small amount of patients; as if that makes it ok?? One leaked is serious but 13 human beings life’s circumstances exposed. This is a cold premeditated deliberate act of absolute wickedness, god knows what effect this has on these individuals. I do hope that those involved are prosecuted and removed from the hospital never to work in healthcare again. These people are harmful to vulnerable people. 

I do hope that a satisfactory outcome for the innocent individuals affected is possible. A full apology from the hospital, the department of health and whom ever is legally required to provide an apology. I hope that these people are adequately compensated for their suffering and dignity being violated for someone else’s gain. The recipient of this information should also be prosecuted, let’s hope that adequate justice will prevail in this matter. 

18 March, 2023

The Picnic Train is back in Canberra


Yay! This is a good fun outing, and there are bookings available for April for all you Easter Bunnies that love steam trains. When boarding the train try and get a seat opposite the platform because you will get a great view of the Gorge as you head out to Bungendore. It is a spectacular view and worth taking a video or photos. Kids will love this and have great memories of the day out for years to come. So why not take advantage of the opportunity. I do believe this is going to be an anual event as this is the second year after lockdown ended. I went last year and really enjoyed the atmpsphere with people waving to the train along the route. I garuntee this will put a smile on your face.


Slowing down and lightening the pace

 I am going to slow down posting things on the blog. As I devote more time to studying. The blog may also change in content to reflect more on esoteric things of interest. I will still share funny memes and jokes as that is just who I am. The sort of person that you take somewhere twice, the second time to apologise 🤣🤣🤣

I think I need warm and fuzzy stuff occasionally too. I am fond of warm and fuzzy things to do with animals (fur babies) nature and things that make the heart lighter and warmer. I think the world needs some of that rather than constantly focusing on the nasty and manipulative stuff that is going on in the media circus.

Yes; we need to be realistic about the seriousness of the world situation but don’t drive yourself crazy with worrying. That doesn’t help you as an individual or your loved ones. Just try to focus on your mental health and your family’s well being. Be kind and thoughtful to yourself and others. Don’t engage in the evils of this world, instead engage in the human qualities that make us better human beings. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 


Neil Oliver: Mass Distraction


Let’s just call it as it is. It’s all a bloody scam that has been going on for over a hundred years on this particular theme. But it has very long tendrils going back three thousand years at least. 

Only now things are moving along at a rapid pace for non stop perpetual war on humanity from every single aspect of life and you ain’t seen nothing yet. This beast has its claws in every corner of the world, make no mistake about that. Infesting every single occupation, religious ideology, political ideology, spiritual ideology; you name it they have it covered or should I say controlled. There will be no saviour coming to help humanity. Each individual human being is their own saviour spiritually speaking and responsible only for themselves and needs to man up. 

Nexus magazine: Steiner & the Blood Demons


March-April 2022

Something to seriously ponder! Though I am not a fan of Rudolph Steiner this is something to take into consideration especially if you are not too familiar with esoteric studies. This world has always been under spiritual attack almost from the beginning when this reality was hijacked. Humanity has definitely been under constant spiritual attack since our creation and especially in our physical form which is a tomb for the soul. When we incarnate there is always a achonic implant within our etheric body which goes undetected apart from subtle signs. This can be overcome or over powered by a strong and healthy sense of self and living a spiritual lifestyle which includes cleansing and meditation. This is very simple to do but must be a habitual part of our daily spiritual hygiene; which is just as important as breathing. Most people just don’t understand how this works and they have no interest in knowing or understanding, to their own detriment as things are quickly transpiring beyond their control. 

Notice the mention of the year 1897 and evil spirits being cast down as in the biblical sense. How often does this really happen though? Bear in mind spirit doesn’t work in linear time. Linear time is a physical world construct and incarnation is not always linear. Our consciousness is split into multiple timelines and realities. Spiritual beings are onoto-energetic beings meaning they don’t need a physical body. They can and do exist as thought forms. Time is non existent in the non physical world, it is a constant continuum forever evolving. 

Also the year 1897 makes absolutely no difference to the agenda in the grand scheme of things. The Industrial Revolution that took place in the 1700’s is closer to the mark if you want to pinpoint an event. But that is only a very small part of the scenario. These things are in place for thousands of years and using astrological observations; the elite and these entities carry out their missions incrementally and inter generationally. Why do you think there are so many powerful secret societies around the world? They are a network working in tandem. With the use of esoteric wisdom dating back thousands of years things are implemented under the right astrological conditions at the right time to be effective.

The invention of machinery was vital to bringing about change, building mass wealth and centralisation of power in the hands of key stakeholders. That is no different to how it was pre-biblical times. The priest classes have always ran the world and they were embedded with royalties of the world. There is always factional fighting within this establishment; we the masses are their expendable collateral. 

We are living in an artificial reality matrix, which is a sealed integrated unit; nothing gets in or out generally speaking. Souls do get dragged into this from the multiverse and once inside they become trapped. 
Think of the lemniscate or infinity symbol, that shows you there is a continuous loop without a beginning or an end. However that is not entirely true, some individuals in my line of work are aware of the flaws in this; and the answer lies within us. This world is indeed thought reactive, so what we think we then create, good bad or indifferent. We are creator beings in physical form. The same with the non physical universe, it too is thought reactive and this is how spirit or non physical beings move around and communicate. 

Only a person that is ready and willing can exit, because they know that nothing can really stop them when armed with the knowledge and means of exiting. This also has to be a very strong and firm intention or it won’t work. Intention is a very powerful tool; which makes things happen when itent is firm  Free will is practically non existent as we are programmed to respond in a limited manner, yes a person can put up a fight but life will never be easy for them and they need to know how to circumvent the false light and the reincarnation cycle. Without the relevant esoteric education and understanding of how this works is the downfall of most people. 

One thing that Steiner perhaps didn’t know is that both these entities are within the matrix control system and work together, they are not enemies, more like a tag team. Humans are the only creation with spiritual fire in our composition. No other star race has this, it was an aspect of the divine feminine that she placed within us. This is why we are hated these archonic entities; whom are jealous of humans because humans were created with spiritual fire within us. These entities want this too in order to control the entire universe and spiritual multiverse. 

The Sophia accidentally created the demiurge as she was creating the world; which was in a way a failure of creation without true or full spiritual awareness. The Sophia allowed this demiurge creature to thrive and thus she created a monster of epic evil proportions.  This demiurge went on to create other lesser beings in ignorance and without full spiritual awareness and understanding. Because the demiurge was an imperfect being and had no understanding of spirit and anything above his awareness level. We humans are suffering because of this creature’s existence and being allowed to take control over this reality. 

In regards to the blood mentioned in this article, those of us that took the vaccine; which is actually gene therapy may have our DNA altered as some experts have suggested, thus we are technically chimera then and this is a whole different matter legally speaking. What are the implications of this? What ar our legal rights if our DNA is not technically classified as homosapien Sapien? Who has the right over our health and wellbeing if this is the case?  What are the implication on a spiritual level? This opens up a legal minefield as well as a spiritual dilemma for all of humanity. To be cut off from our rightful spiritual consciousness requires a drop in our spiritual frequencies. The suppression of our spiritual consciousness is very serious and is a clear violation of our fundamental human rights and spiritual sovereignty  as we are all part of the divine and very unique. To be cut off from pure spiritual source and the all that is; is going too far and this is the equivalent of being cast down into the abyss. 

At this stage we seem to be able to use our psychic abilities, I am still a fully functioning clairvoyant and medium. I know that I will have a very long life ahead of me also. But then again it’s the children that are the target not older people we older people serve no purpose in this agenda. I have also been very aware for a while that the intention is to cut humanity off from spirit permanently. Many people  have already shut themselves off from spirit through religious dogma and secular beliefs. Yet it’s amusing that the ones with a religious beliefs will pray in ignorance and arrogance to something they can’t even perceive let alone understand anything truly spiritual and metaphysical about this reality; and give away their spiritual power to organised religion. These people have no problem  commiting murder, attrocities and waging war on others not to mention disrespecting other people and their beliefs and values. Which reinforces their arrogance and ignorance of spirituality. That is hypocrisy on steroids.

The photograph of the wooden carving of this malevolent entity bears a strong resemblance to disgused beings masquerading as bullying aggressive old men that occasionally I see in dreams. These beings always have thin sharp features and are cold natured giving off the same hostile and aggresive vibes every time they enter my dreams to tell me to back off warning humanity of these beings. They can’t hide this horrible energy that they give off either. But I don’t think they actually care because they don’t have any respect for human beings; only a cold contempt and hatred. I would say they dwell in the negative 5th Dimension or astral realm. 

17 March, 2023

Wes Penre: The Orion book Q and A session #7


Here we are, more tid bits from Wes. Keeping an open mind but also listening to your own intuition. 

On the question of procreation, one has to wonder why we would want to bring souls into such a horrible world of violence and suffering. However this is not a simple matter, in the spirit world or what we think of as the spirit world; things are not cut and dry, we don’t really have much choice as to when and who we incarcerate with and who we are supposed to agree with bringing into the world as our children. This is a programmed  reality that we humans cannot control. We are mere pawns with very minimal free will. 

We are also put into families where we may not get along with other family members such as a parent or sibling.  That birth bump is very real and many people may recognise this within their own families. 

14 March, 2023

Why porridge is the new power breakfast


From 2009

Ooft; Porridge is Scottish not Brittish! The correct way and the true Scottish way is with water and salt . Like drinking whisky with coke; unthinkable for a Scotsman and bound to draw shocked glances in Scotland.😂  Porridge was never meant to be adulterated with anything, except for children needing a little milk to cool it down before headding out to school. As we say in Scotland; it sticks to your ribbs and keeps you warm on a cold day. 

I havealways had proper rolled oats in my house; however if you have serious gastro-intestinal health problems; I would say rolled oats could upset your stomach so give them a miss. Perhaps try quick oats instead  as they are more refined and not every day. As it would be like eating sandpaper on your intestines.  

Yes porridge is a very good healthy meal, but there is nothing wrong with the occasional cooked breakfast if you have the time in the morning before heading out to work. Most people do not have the time these days, but there is plenty time to make porridge, it only takes minutes to cook on the stove. Just don't leave the pan to go crusty after you have served up the porridge. Stick cold water in the pan to make cleaning easier later.

In Scotland we tend to eat a small serve porridge and then square sausage fried in a pan and then put on a Scottish roll. Breakfast was tradditionally a two course breakfast. I am sure some people no longer do this though as it is time consuming.  A weekend breakfast usually includes square sausage and or link sausages, bacon, fried egg, black pudding and potato scones.  Even fried tomatoes are popular in a fried breakfast in Scotland. I have never been in a house in Scotland where a weekend fry up wasn't on the breakfast menue. The quantity though is usually a sensible serve or you would be putting on a lot of weight.  Scottish rolls with sausage or bacon yum, it doesn't get any more Scottish than that for breakfast or even smoked Kippers or Herring. Kippers and Herring were very traditional breakfasts as well as porridge.

Scotland is a bit different to England when it comes to sausages too and many people visiting from England like to go to a butcher shop in Scotland to buy our sausages. My old favourite was the tomato sausages and especilly if they were on a tradditional Scottish roll. This is even used at lunchtime or some people like a fry up for dinner in winter. Not something that I could eat to be honest. I don't like eggs nor black pudding which is congealed blood and herbs, that's a yeah nah for me. Now I am drooling at the thought of a Scottish roll with square sausage. 😂 I am visualising my gran's kitchen on a weekend and the smell of breakfast cooking, my grandpa having returned from the bakers with fresh rolls for our breaksast.  Heavenly, just heavanley memories.

One’s old china: set of plates fit for the Queen comes up for auction


Gosh what a find, but what a waste, only used once and then locked up in a cupboard for years. Very delicate Just imagine dropping a piece that would be heart attack inducing.

I love nice bone china, I would imagine this is very light to touch as often the fine stuff usually is. I used to have a tea set that was my parents; which was bought in Hong Kong in the late 1950’s when my dad was in the army. This eggshell china tea set had a lithophane Japanese Geisha lady’s face at the bottom of each wide saucer like cups. The tea set was white and silver in colour with a very fine Asian countryside design in silver detail. I just didn’t have the space for this and took it to a charity shop. I went back a day later with more items and noticed the tea set was  gone. I hope that someone enjoys this , however I strongly recommend keeping this in a cabinet or it could get damaged. It may be near impossible to find a replacement for any breakages. 

This is an image that is an exact match of my parents tea set. It’s called the Unity tea set. The website link  is here where I found a photo of it, for which I am grateful. So, I have discovered a little more of it’s history, I never knew the name of the tea set until now or it’s history after ww 2; other than my dad bought it for his mum originally and she then passed it on to my parents before I was born. 
Our teapot got damaged in moving house though so it was no good. I think there was a chip and a crack on the spout of the teapot. Which is very easily done due to how fragile this set is. Best advice is keeping it as a display piece and don’t use it. My parents never used their set, it was display only.

Collecting fine bone china is a lovely hobby with delightful memories to share with loved ones and is something that one can pass on to others that love and appreciate it. I love to use some of mine for an afternoon tea with scones or cake. There is nothing nicer than a cosy afternoon tea with nice linen on the table and a pretty tea set. Creating a beautiful memory and the joy in the moment of the sacred afternoon tea. 

Oh, and by the way I have my great grandmother‘s scone recipe on this blog. They freeze well and defrost in the microwave at 50 seconds. So why not plan a nice afternoon tea on the weekend with friends or family. Most importantly enjoy the experience.


11 March, 2023

Young vets push for brighter future for industry to reduce burnout, improve mental health


It’s not a glamorous job, it’s a calling for these wonderful people that love animals so much and want to devote their lives to health and welfare of animals. Caring too much that it can become too much heartache and burnout. 

I have immense respect for veterinarians and veterinary nurses, they work under so much pressure and responsibility. They put their hearts into their work and we would be lost without these wonderful people. 

If only there were enough people to support them and some backup support for all of them, like human doctors and nurses. They all give above and beyond when it comes to saving lives and the human factor of compassion. I hope that something good comes out of this for their sake and for the animals too. 

Every kind word and gesture from the public and fur parents is important to let these heroes know that they matter. Their skills are beyond the abilities of most people but the burden is heavy, so showing our support and respect to lift up and comfort those that save the lives of our fur babies is the least we can do.

So let’s do a good deed for this valuable community of health professionals to show them how much we care for them. Whether it’s giving them a gift like a box of chocolates to share, make donations or help by donating blankets and other supplies that are always in need or any other way to show our support. Let them know that we care about their health and wellbeing always. 

10 March, 2023

Canberra Hospital's cardiac services has 'unacceptable' deterioration, doctors say


And here we go again, the capital city of Australia’s Canberra Hospital further degrading in health care. This in not the fault of the hard working doctors and nurses. These doctors and nurses are stressed beyond repair and this obviously affects the quality of health care of patients including the patients mental health. Knowing their hands are tied by upper management, doctors and nurses are struggling to cope. In turn they can and do become snappy with their patients because of their inability to get upper management to listen and understand their concerns and public safety. This could end up with legal action against the hospital by patients should things negatively affect their health due to the hospital’s failures. 

This is about money over peoples lives pure and simple. Remove the incompetent top brass and replace them with actual doctors with years of experience in their fields, not pen pushers that clearly don’t understand or even listen to serious medical advice given by doctors and nurses who are actually directly involved in their specialty area of care. Not little gods that fiddle while Rome burns.

The cardiology department working solidly, yeah right. So explain to me why I haven’t heard a word from the cardiology department yet? My referral was lodged a year ago but so far I haven’t received any response, my referral will have expired by now. 

If the minister is not up to the job of managing the hospitals and the so called management then both she and the incompetent staff must be removed immediately. People’s lives are at risk, so how long is this train wreck allowed to continue? You’re call health minister, without the lip service bull shit! 

Presently I don’t have faith in faith in an ACT Liberal government either. They have been unable to demonstrate their capabilities in leading over the past few years. This whole situation demonstrates to the public how much of an epic failure the health administration system truly is.

I would be terrified of having a life threatening illness and being under the care of this hospital;  given the current long term circumstances that don’t seem to be improving any time soon. My heart goes out to the sick and their families as well as the medical staff and their families trying to cope with this terrible situation through no fault of their own. 

UPDATE: 27 June 2023: I finally got to see a cardiologist last month and the doctor was very nice and very apologetic. He should not have to apologise for something that is not his fault. Tests this Thursday. 

09 March, 2023

Poem: That wee girl from Scotland


Walking to a new school, the spring breeze and smell of rain on the earth. Stirring emotions and curiosity, the dried leaves on the footpath mingle with dried dirt. Chattering of children and scuffling feet. A vision of the past, the echoing of history of what once was adds to the mystery. The air seems electric but wait, what does all this mean?

A shy child suddenly filled with fear, what will become of me? An act of fate suddenly intervenes. Another day another school, this one feels different, is it welcoming? Ah it’s ok I feel safe.

New faces, new memories, new bonds. School life is a new learning experience, mysteries abound. Fascination and curiosity combined tantalising the senses of new bounds. Push open the door and come inside. Welcome chum; come one come all, come see this great mystery of what school is about.

Forget what you thought and embrace the new, a students life begins anew. Eager for wisdom and eager for love; a small child in a world above others trembles in fear. What if they don’t like me, what will I do?

About face and run like the wind. Start again and finally fit in. This time it’s marvellous, who would have dreamed that the little girl who wrote this was about to begin; her journey to the future with a quiet din.

Off she went singing in her head to her tune, that girl from nowhere who struggled to begin; has now grounded her foundations of where to begin. It took a long time coming, but when she began she wouldn’t shut up with that terrible din. Of non stop nonsense; oh where to begin. So much is new to me; where to fit in, so much I don’t know but somehow must cram in the knowledge of a lifetime; and a silent guide that comes from within. Who would have thunk that this girl would ever begin; to shape her world from deep down within her, a spiritual calling was about to begin.

Off she went to the post in a flash, this witty little girl with a moment of flash, inspiration that pulled her this way and that, up to then she thought she’d fall flat. But surprise upon surprise she did it by Jove she proved to others there was plenty of hope. For someone that suffered and thought she’d never fit in the wee girl from Scotland has at last come to her own, self realisation at a moments whim. She picked up her cards and let it begin. 

Then lo and behold she is off again on a new translation of where to begin. What the hell am I doing, I don’t know where to begin. Just listen to your guide; I’m sure you’ll fit in. Just bear a moment and then to begin; the new chapter of life is about to begin, a new inspiration when you though your done in. Get off your arse girl you’re about to begin. So pull back the curtain and let us begin, there isn’t much time so now you begin, that little girl from Scotland that couldn’t fit in.

You made it this far yet you didn’t give in, so get off your arse we’re about to begin. I see your eyes light up, you’re about to begin the biggest journey in life, just when you thought you’d never fit in. Welcome aboard, your journeys begun, the little girl from Scotland who didn’t fit in. Blast you; that you didn’t show me how, how on earth was I ever to fit in, in a world of misfits where no one fits in.

You weren’t meant to. But gees, you’d better get moving your about to begin. So get of your arse you're about to begin. Tell one tell all you’re about to begin. If you don’t believe; then just give in. But that little girl is going to fit in, come hell or high water, she’s about to begin. Come one come all, the team are awaiting your final call. Addendum be damned, come one come all, she’s about to begin. A chuckle from spirit and off she goes knowing full well that some will oppose. Undaunted on and on she goes to the dizzying heights that nobody knows. Take a bow and a curtsy to all in the wings, god only knows how in hell she did it so well. Well bugger me she says, I did it so well. That wee Scottish lassie we know so well.

Her funeral will be remembered as one with a swell; of faces that knew her so well, that wee Scottish girl that we all knew so well. Blessings upon her she’s shy to admit, she feels she doesn’t deserve it, but we know her so well. That wee girl from Scotland that we all love so well, now get off your arse and do what we tell, that wee girl from Scotland that we all love so well. 

Copyright ©️ Alex Fulford, March 2023


Note: I am no poet, but this was just channelled to me this morning by my guides to give me a message not to give up. The words used are not words that I use. Things have been difficult of late. But suddenly this was given to me, virtually word for word. I see a group in spirit and they are in a very humorous mood so the message is received loud and clear.

Fronting this team were Elaine, my spirit teacher for learning astrology who was related to me via marriage though we never met in the flesh as she had passed before the marriage took place, and a man in a dark suit I feel he is a poet, but not identified. 

Update: I realised that I didn’t mention the man placed his brownish coloured felt hat like a fedora hat on what looked like a table. This was like his calling card. No, I don’t believe it was Banjo Paterson. I honestly don’t know who this man is. My maiden name is Paterson though, and Banjo Paterson’s ancestors come from the same region in Scotland but this is a very common surname in Scotland. That is as far as the connection goes and  my love for his poetry. I have a feeling that this man is Elaine's husband. I did meet him in this lifetime but he was quite old when I knew him  and is of Scottish ancestry.   I have seen Elaine's husband in spirit as how I knew him; when visiting my father at his house shortly before he went into his nursing home. 

Blast from the past: Perkins paste and Clag

Every Aussie school kid used these glues when I was at school. Perkins paste smelled like marzipan. We often just opened the lid to sniff that delightful scent. This was a sacred ritual to kids in the 1970’s . Along with our naty Globite school cases.
We could stash so much stuff in our Globite school cases; these cases also doubled as a seat for kids waiting at a bus stop or at the railway station going to and from school. Those were the days, with so many memories of a simple life. 
Oh and there was also a clear glue that came in a plastic bottle with a rubber top; and by squeezing the sides of the bottle the glue came out the little holes at the top. We would paste the back of our hands with this glue and when it dried we could peel it off in one piece like cling wrap. Ah, the memories of childhood. They’re worth bottling. 


Blast from the past: Globite school cases


Ah the smell of sandwiches and apples when you opened your case wafting into your nostrils. The smell of pencil shavings and Perkins paste permeates the memories of days gone by, endless childhood. Summers and winters come and go leaving lasting memories of school days. SOS cough lollies in your case during the winter months was the gold standard, money for the school tuck shop to buy lunch or goodies. Kids would plaster their school case with stickers from Just Jeans, Paul's’ ice cream, Milo, radio stations and any other stickers they could get. In primary school we also kept our yellow plastic raincoat in our cases during rainy weather, to whip it out and pop it on going to and from school in the rain  I loved the smell of these raincoats, they had a unique smell which was wonderful, I just loved this as it was so different to school life in Scotland. 

It was rather quaint and very Australian and now I fondly look back to the old days and feel glad to have been part of this Aussie school life. My favourite teacher being Mr Roth; my year 6 teacher, he was very funny and gave us all a love of learning. He was a proper teacher of his era and my lasting memories of him were him introducing us to the poet Banjo Paterson otherwise known as Andrew Barton Paterson. I still love this poetry to this day having volumes of his poetry and a CD narrated by Jack Thompson. Sadly my original cassette of Banjo Paterson narrated by Roy Billings was over used and died. That was the best ever recording of Banjo’s poetry that I ever had and still miss it. The ABC does not intend to do a remake of this on CD unfortunately. Ah well such is life, but hey I have the memories to treasure in life’s photo album. 

These days there is a comeback of these cases for travel in a variety of colours. I had no idea until I saw the website for this memory of school in Australia. The pink cases look cute on the website, it would be nice to have a vanity case to match. 

08 March, 2023

Are you baking using US measurements or Australian, UK standard measurements?


Well I learned something new today. I was baking dog biscuits and used a US recipe. Big mistake, I have baked since I was young and using UK and Australian recipes. This was a surprise to find out that US recipe measurements are much different to ours. I have never used to use a US recipe as I have plenty cook books though I have never baked doggie treats before. 

As I was rolling out the dough it was crumbly and not like the pictures the woman had online. Only after looking at Australian recipes did it occur to me that U S measurements are not the same so I did a quick fix on the mixture adding more water.  I then switched to an Australian recipe site and that was so much easier. Depending on what you’re cooking or baking be careful because it’s not just the quantity of ingredients but the heat setting will also be different.


Take a look at this as an example of the difference in measurements. This would throw out many recipes if one doesn’t know that there are so many variables around the world in measurements. So if you happen to use a recipe from another country google is your friend before you start baking or cooking something and ruin it. A bit like dial before you dig, when watching out for underground pipes or wires 🤣🤣

For the record I think the biscuits were successful because miss Ruby has hidden some in her secret stash in the bedroom for bed time. She is good like that, on the odd occasion I find doggie treat’s under my pillow. 

This summer it reached 39 degrees inside Charles's rental home


This is absolutely disgusting, and in all the years that I have lived in Australia, that’s 50 years. In all that time neither public or private housing in Australia has ever been built to a decent standard for keeping out the heat or the cold.  Back in the 1970 the building industry had the stupidest idea of building west facing houses and not all houses have verandas to keep the hot sun out so that meant boiling hot houses all throughout summer. Only now are they building solar passive housing with smaller windows instead of floor to ceiling windows. I lived in both public and private housing in Scotland that was insulated roof, walls and double glazed with central heating in the 1960’s and 70’s. Now Scotland is a small country with only 5 million people. 

Australia has always had a bigger population than Scotland, so that means more tax revenue in each state or territory. Yet this was never seen as important to either the government, landlord or builders. I remember many sleepless nights and unbearable heat during the day indoors in western Sydney through my childhood and as a young woman. Try doing all your housework without a fan in 35 degree heat. Imagine how this heat affects babies, children and the elderly. 

God only knows how people on a pension or a low income can survive today in obvious financial distress with the cost of living through the roof and trying to stay cool in the summer and warm in winter. This is actually classed as a human right issue if you care to read up on this. Any changes put into law must be up to what ever the recommendation is to bring living standards up to the required standards for all housing.

Why should financially disadvantaged people have to suffer? Landlords are also known to use rent to pay off their rental properties yet don’t always have the property up to decent living conditions. I have seen rental properties a few years ago when I went with a friend looking for something and this was before the rental crisis. Some of the houses were poorly constructed and illegal structures. And that is here in Canberra which other Australians think is full of rich people. Er no; the majority are not rich in Canberra. Most work in retail, hospitality and the public service and not everyone is on higher ranks. Retail and hospitality is usually not full time, five days per week employment either. The cost of living is high in Canberra depending on where you live and supermarket prices vary depending upon the perceived socioeconomic demographic. 

07 March, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion book Q and A Session 6 pdf


Click on the link for the latest Q and A from Wes. 

Depressive Symptoms And Memory Loss in Older Adults Linked to Telomere Shortening


Quite an interesting finding, I am surprised that poor diet and the gut-brain-blood barrier is not mentioned because these are also involved in our mental health and aging. Today many people have a poor diet and consume too much processed foods and soft drinks.

The lack of natural fertiliser in the soil results in poor nutrition from fruit and vegetable crops and these poor quality crops then enter the food chain. Leaky gut syndrome also plays a role in our all over health and the brain/mind,  leading to depression and perhaps dementia. A wholistic outlook could be the answer to preventing dementia and depression, but that stops big pharma from making money. 

It is down to the individual to learn about nutrition and take responsibility for their own health. But we humans tend to get lazy and let things slide. 

06 March, 2023

Think quick mum!

 Miss Ruby is on a roll again 🧻 This week she has been in asshole mode, grabbing anything that she could; to get a reaction from me. There was the usual umpteenth shoe theft and removing the insole from the shoes, a toilet roll she grabbed from an open bag of them sitting in the laundry. Mummy forgot to close the laundry door, D’oh! She came bolting through to the family room ripping chunks out of the said loo roll and head’s straight under the table. She knows it’s hard for me to reach her under the table. Yeah, she was on a roll,  the little asshole 🤣🤣🧻 I had chunks of paper to pick up all over the room after that. Then just as I sat down she was back again, going after the remote for the telly. So I give her a doggie chocolate drop so that I can get the remote back. All is good finally and I get to sit down and read. Then she is up in my face wanting goodies. I try to ignore her but I can’t, she is just so cute and those  brown Malteser eyes melt my heart every single time. More chocolate drops which are actually carob and not human chocolate.

The unthinkable poo on the veranda, that is something that she doesn’t normally do, Yuk! Grabbing a sun hat and chomping on the straw, nom, nom, nom. Nick another shoe, getting up on the dinner table because a chair was not pushed in. Mind you she can pull a chair out and then jump up on the chair and then up on the table. Miss Ruby is so quick on the uptake, that little Jack Russell mind runs overtime. Miss Ruby is the proverbial naughty school kid always up to mischief. We love her so much and wouldn’t have her any other way to be honest.  She knows she is cute too; the little minx.

During the week she scared the living daylights out of the postie; launching herself at the fly screen door, four off the floor; as the lady came to hand us a package. It’s hard work being a Jack Russell you know, keeping everyone on their toes, making sure we get enough exercise, and a cardio workout, she knows mummy and daddy are on a diet right now 🤣🤣 (yeah, I am in to fitness, fitting a whole pizza in my mouth 🤣🤣).

We would be lost without our Ruby she has a lovely playful personality and full of love. A tad spoiled of course as is every fur child’s right. Jack Russells don’t do slow down and age gracefully, they are little dynamo’s from birth to death. Fantastic companions for life and very affectionate, one just has to accept the little things they get up to as they entertain us and display that jeux de Vivre. Just don’t think that you can disturb their night sleep because they get shirty if you accidentally nudge them in your sleep. 

Ruby sounds like a Rottweiler when woken rudely with a bark that makes your heart pound. She insists on sleeping in mummy and daddy’s bed since first night we got her. That proved to be a contentious issue with the four cats that were used to taking turns at sleeping on the bed. Miss Ruby put a quick stop to that. No night-time incursions' were permitted by the feline family members, miss bossy boots asserted herself on the first night. A cheeky 12 week old whipper snapper with attitude was not what we expected but here she is. 

Why Toblerone is making a drastic change to its iconic packaging


Because we are all so devastated about this...NOT!!  Looks like the usual tight arse ploy, move production into another country to pay lower wages rather than pay a decent living wage. How unusual for western corporations using cheap labour over the past 50 years. 

I always think of the joke Billy Connolly made about breaking your teeth biting on the Toblerone bar. You need a pick axe to break the pieces off but it's so tasty. 

02 March, 2023

Tourists’ shock about Australia’s sheer size, distance to get places


Drongos, Lol, don’t people know geography these days? How on earth do people not know this? Australia is a continent, it’s...BIG! The word continent is a wee bit of a clue 🤣🤣 As a ten year old child in Scotland; I knew this before I actually came here that this was a very big country. We learned about Australia at primary school in the early 1970’s. So how difficult is it today with the internet available to everyone, when you literally have the internet in your pocket to Google Australia, and actually learn about the country;  before deciding to travel here? 

This knowledge stops people from getting lost in the bush and dying. Learn to be aware that you can rapidly dehydrate through lack of water when going bush walking or camping and how long you can last without water before you die. In scorching 40 to 50 odd degrees celsius heat without shelter and water,  both are vital to survival in the outback. You can’t just come across a service station (petrol station) in minutes, more like days, and that is if you know what actual direction you’re heading in. If you break down stay by your car. Don’t be an idiot and walk for help. You can be dead before you find help. That is why we have that rule, stay by your car! 

Basic bush first aid in the bush is vital, as is keeping a snake bite kit with you, and  learning how to stay alive and safe when traveling around the country.  Actually listening to locals giving you advice on safety and actually following the advice given is a no brainer. That’s a tall order for some people as is respecting the rules, the do’s and don’ts of the bush. 

In the bush you can wander off track and die from heatstroke and dehydration in a very short time. Be smart and educate yourself before arriving in Australia, in the outback a hospital can be hours or days away, so keep that in mind. 

01 March, 2023

Science alert: Study Links Artificial Sweetener to Stroke Risk, Says It Could Make Blood Stickier


It’s toxic full stop! The  testing is obviously very poor in this article and proper tests need a few thousand people. Diet drinks, chewing gum, diet foods are all full of toxic artificial sweetener and more artificial sweeteners are being added to the food chain. Pressure is currently being placed on Australia’s food to introduce a sugar tax like the UK has. So this has the desired effect of allowing the use of these horrible chemicals into our food to make it more affordable. However the cost of food is going up so there is no cheaper food. 

Corporations push artificial sweeteners knowing full well that it’s unhealthy and not safe. But all the relevant information has been hidden in recent years especially aspartame and which now goes by other names now such as neotame, to shake off the bad public image it has and it’s still very bad for people; no matter what corporations tell us. If there wasn’t any danger why hide the scientific data and pressure doctors that speak out against artificial sweeteners? In Australia the amount of products that now use artificial sweeteners is rising quickly.

 How many Australian people reading this post remember watching the 60 minutes show in the late1990’s about aspartame and how harmful it is? Now there is an about face and we are told it’s safe. 

I read the contents of goods before I buy them and check the country of origin. I avoid canola oil and artificial sweeteners completely. To be healthy one needs to eat real foods not processed foods. One thing that may be in our favour is the price of takeaway food is going up at present. So this will help people to cook more at home and stick to healthy eating habits. Ditch processed foods and start eating fresh or frozen vegetables and whatever meat you want. It’s less fattening for a start and better for growing children’s development. 

Wes Penre: Orion book Q and A #5


Ok when discussing Jesus of the bible, he is totally different from the real Jesus. You will find a vast quantity of information on this in the books by Ralph Ellis. I am reading these in kindle format,  so far I have read; Cleopatra to Jesus. There are several Cleopatra’s The one that was his direct grandmother is Cleopatra the seventh. As in Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. After this I read King Jesus and Jesus the last of the pharaohs. These books are a must read if you want to actually learn the truth and the basics of the history surrounding this bloodline. I will start on Mary, princess of Orange. 

Now there is also her daughter Cleopatra Selina,  that is a need to know character in these books. Ralph has had access to vast amounts of documents and texts to research this as well as books from multiple authors. He has being researching and writing for over 30 years. Keeping that in mind because that is a lot of knowledge, none of which should be taken lightly.

I am not in total agreement with the comments about Jesus. This is why I recommend reading the Ralph Ellis books. Again whenWes says Jesus is actually Archangel Michael, I am not in agreement with this.Draw your own conclusions after reading the Ralph Ellis books and not before. I have my own views and I will keep them to myself. But I do not agree nor accept what Wes feels is true. Other than that I do like his work. 

Each individual must draw their own conclusions and look at this from Botha historical perspective and a spiritual perspective. Nothing is ever what it seems on this earth and long before I was familiar with Wes and other writers and researchers I had already on an intuitive level had my opinions. However the I still needed more information and will keeping on searching for more information. 

I have downloaded the Orion book on my kindle but haven’t started reading it yet. I am definitely looking forward to reading it. I am busy learning astrology at present so I will get around to this book when I get the chance. 

28 February, 2023

Ah distractions, distractions distractions!


It’s just a distraction for the masses. Keep changing the narrative ad nauseam. Contradicting other scientific studies and official data. This destroys all credibility when we are seeing more garbage in the news over the past 24 to 48 hours. Keep the game going until the public are worn down. Yeah, Nah not this little brown duck. 🦆

NineNews: Scott's Refrigerated Logistics enters receivership, placing 1500 jobs at risk


Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse! There will be a lot more of this to come unfortunately. 

26 February, 2023


True dat! 🤣🤣🤣


Chocolate cravings?


I buy Magnesium in a big container to soak my feet or to add to my bath. I just got an email newsletter from Blant’s and they have this very interesting article about why we crave chocolate. Oooh, my favourite goodies. Turns out that it is a sign of magnesium deficiency. Check out the article on the above link. 

I still ain’t giving up my chocolate for anything 🤣🤣🍫🍫 Carob just doesn’t cut it with me, lol. 


I recommend buying the magnesium sleep lotion here, but to buy the flakes Blants of Sydney are the go to people. 

You will see blog posts about Ancient Minerals magnesium on my blog and another Blants post if you look in the search box 

Blast from the past Ewbank carpet sweeper


Lol, Who remembers these beauties from childhood? I remember my mum having a blue one. I got to use it as a child. I loved it, hey it’s a girl thing 🤣🤣 . I remember opening it to get the fluff and stuff out , or as we Scottish call it oose and stoore. Stour being the gritty dirt and oose being the fluff. 🤣🤣 The carpet sweeper was first invented in 1889, wow. Just imagine what a game changer that would have been for women then of course along came the vacuum cleaner, hooray.

I often get a laugh out of people sharing old pictures of things from when I was small. So many memories and things long forgotten. Happy simple things of everyday life. Lol, I guess I am just easily amused. I might as well have a little blast from the past section in my blog just for entertainment and a trip down memory lane for us to smile and reminisce.

Enjoy your day people xxx

Neil Oliver: Who do the leaders of Scotland and other western countries think they are ?!?


Read the comments in youtube format!

This is not just about Scotland, a once great nation with pride, self respect and a race that were respected around the world for their achievements, inventions and education and easygoing nature. Now that small country of 5 million people is an example in how to take control over a nation and destroy lives of the people. It seems that nobody has the courage or the inclination to stop this or demonstrate the willing ability to counter this destruction.

People should not have to be told this, it's so bloody obvious to anyone with a brain, yet it takes someone like Neil; to have to articulate this more than obvious situation. This is happening globally though and it is pretty damn  hard to miss, because it is so damned in your face and exactly the same in Australia and New Zealand. Neil has only touched on the basics here; not to mention this is an intergenerational process that started after WW2. I would  say that it's birthing was way back in the late 18th century and the 19th century's with the  upper middle-class and upper class intellectuals  such as   Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley hypothesising over good wine and fine food; on with form of communism would be ideal. 

This was global trendy ideology amongst the wealthy as this was the next great thing among the rich and entitled as was spiritualism. Remember these individuals had a better life than the masses and no way would they give up or share what they have; like the masses have in communist nations. No, it doesn't apply to them, these individuals have never soiled their hands in the hard labour of the workers. They are privileged and spend their time writing and pontificating. They just pay lip service to the masses and fill their heads with dangerous nonsense, firing the masses up. Yet it is the rich middle class that hold office in the communist parties and they swap the elected leaders with egocentric maniacs that destroy nations under the rouse of communism.  

We know how that turned out, but many people are so blind that they can't see it happening right now in western nations. It has been happening all my life in increments, as I said it's intergenerational. What the WEF are all about along with the UN and many world leaders is soft corporate communism. It matters not if it is Marxist, Trotskyist or Leninist or whatever. It is manufactured to suite the times, the culture and  agendas.

I have already said in another post that Sturgeon and Yousuf are protégés of Clause Schwab. There are hundreds of people under his influence. Not all are listed on the ngo, WEF website, but typing in politician's names in google search along with  WEF or Schwab and you will see those affiliated with him, including Ardern and Trudeau. They are in it for themselves and no one else. As is the Vatican and that is easily verified on the WEF website among a huge list of corporations. Of course the Vatican would be involved there is money to be made. 

The millenia old concept of  Communism was never the invention of the common working classes, they do not have the power, money or reach that the upper classes have. We know that for a fact never mind working people would never be able to set foot in a  university until the 20th century where these well educated individuals had the privilege of a good private education including Marx and Lenin. So wake up and smell the coffee, pay attention to what is happening around you. 

Yes, all the side distractions like gender identity etc, are ploys as are used by their useful idiots that rile up people to join stupid protests and disrupt public order. Communists lure people in by pushing the agenda of your rights, but once in power you become their target. Read Russian history  and see the murder campaigns and don't be so naive as to think life will get batter for the workers of the world, that has never been the agenda. How many rights that the early 20th century unions had fought and literally died for are now traded off to the corporations by union executives? Do you even know how many?

My maternal grandfather put his life on the line to help the working men in factories in Scotland. My father worked tirelessly in the unions to to help men and women that were unable or too afraid to stand up for themselves it has all been a waste of time because of traitors at high levels in bed with management, oh and then next thing these sellouts are in politics. How does that work? Classic self serving maggots.

 We are going backwards in less than a hundred years due to corruption and greed and being sold out constantly by these self serving high level union leaders. I have been a victim of that many years ago on a few occasions. Funny how the unions will only help when it suits them and the people at the top are biding time before they get a foot into a political party, and then they forget about those that helped them along the way over many years. This is about egos, money and power, not about making the quality of life better for the masses, not their income equality, not their quality of life, and not their health and education and retirement years.

 Factories need workers corporations need workers, Ka Ching.  Everything in this world revolves around money and the more the better for the ruling class; not to be shared with the masses that would be absurd. Understand that and watch the actions of the talking heads that try to influence your opinions.  Absolutely nothing is for the individuals benefit, nothing is for the masses benefit and never will be.

NineNews: Sleeping this way could add five years to your life


What this doesn’t say is how older people tend to get insomnia, I have been in dealing with insomnia on and off for a few years. Just when I thought I had it beat, it came back. I have chronic sleep apnea and had that diagnosed over a year ago. 

My husband and I used to joke about good luck to which one of us got to sleep first because we both snore  something shocking. Taking medication such as the hormone melatonin only works for so long and then insomnia returns. 

I use magnesium cream with Lavender and Chamomile which smells great and helps to a point but I need it for my aching legs at night. It definitely helps with the quality of sleep and I highly recommend using it. A few drops of Lavender oil on your pillow may help with sleep too. Occasionally a cup of chamomile tea or a tea designed for sleeping is helpful. 

 Most people are deficient in magnesium due to the poor quality of modern food which is either full of preservatives and little nutrients or grown with chemical fertilisers which rob the earth of nutrients and affect all that is growing in the soil and this also affects the livestock too. Returning to natural methods of fertilisers will correct this but it is cheaper to use chemical fertilisers and in turn affects our health. 

I do recommend reading a book in bed rather that using an iPad or tablet, the light from these devices can also affect your sleep quality. But going to bed early and quieting your mind after watching tv is essential. Over stimulating your mind stops one being relaxed enough to fall asleep, electronic devices such as using an iPad definitely over stimulates your brain even a kindle can over stimulate your mind at night. Where a book is more natural. 

Perhaps practice meditation or breathing techniques to calm yourself for sleep. Not everyone can meditate so just focus on breathing ensuring that you are breathing properly. If you waken up in the middle of the night trying focusing on breathing again. I don’t think there is an easy answer to poor sleep quality but just do what you can and if it works that’s great. Don’t stress about what the news article says about lengthening your lifespan. I don’t think it is worth worrying about. Just do what you can, think of things that make you happy and you will be a sleepy teddy in no time. 

24 February, 2023

Four men arrested over shooting of police officer in Northern Ireland, detectives focused on 'dissident republicans'


Another prediction has come up. For the world in 2023 😭


Wes Penre: Orion Q&A Session #4


This link is to the pdf version. I feel it is much better than watching a video format.

I don’t accept anything that Sam Vaknin comes out with and I don’t like his energy. It’s your choice if you wish to accept anything that he says. I will stick to my intuitive knowledge and personal experiences when it comes to spiritual experiences and what I know to be true. 

Also we humans are astrologically programmed, so when we are destined to awaken it will happen automatically and with the assistance of our natural curiosity. You cannot make anyone awaken, you are more likely to drive them away from you. Yes your vibrational frequency will be much different to your family and friends, that is just the way it is. 

You can still have regular conversations with people but don’t try to inform or influence others it has the opposite effect. Find common interests if you need people in your life but know that others are not astrologically programmed to be receptive or to awaken. There is absolutely nothing to be done about that. So don’t poke the bear otherwise you may be a point of ridicule or gossip.

22 February, 2023

Purple Poppy Day 23 February 2023

Thursday 23rd February is Purple Poppy day in Australia; in honour of all the animals that served in war and conflict. If you can; please buy a poppy to support animals in conflict. They gave their lives for humanity. They did not have a choice. I will be wearing my purple poppy to show my respect, honour,  support and  love for these these wonderful sentient beings and all animals.  


Sadly many horses were either left overseas at the end of WW1 or were shot. I find that absolutely unacceptable and the ultimate cruel, disrespectful betrayal of these animals after all their service to humanity. This though was orders from the top, not the decisions of the servicemen. Just imagine the absolute heartbreak for those men given this order. I expect many could not bring themselves to shoot their horses so they set them free. There were also camels used in WW1 that gave their lives too. I am not sure of what happened to them though. 


                                                      John Simpson Kirkpatrick with Duffy his donkey


                       The bronze statue at the front of the Australian War Memorial Canberra

You will find some fantastic books in the gift shop of Australians at war including brave animals that were enlisted. The Australian War Memorial is pretty much sacred grounds to all Australian people. We have a very powerful connection to this place. Many Australian people have loved ones that never returned from war and their names are commemorated in the halls of remembrance. 

You pass the Canberra Test?


Tuggeranong AKA Tuggers. But he didn't ask the guy how do you say Ngunnawal or Gungarlin.
The stupid big moth sculpture in Tuggers or the Belco Owl (Belconnen Owl) 😆
Belconnen is also known as Belcompton for the crime rate. Queanbeyan is Struggletown or Queanbeyhole.

Clean streets yes but rampant weeds in the streets and roads for the past god knows how many years. We don't have a tidy town contest anymore. North side is called the dark side 😂😂 


21 February, 2023

I am tinkering with the date on my blog

 Just letting everyone know I am just tinkering with the date and time thingy on my blog to see how it looks. If I like it then I will keep it. I learned my lesson with my old blog not to go messing with it and ended up creating this one 🤣🤣🤣 I am no longer adventurous with my blog after all that. 

Update, it looks fine so I shall keep it. The Mrs Bean of psychics. 🤣🤣🤣 screwing up my blog with regular monotony. 

Lighten the mood with a Lol


PDF: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite

https://www.labirintoermetico.com/02Tarocchi/Waite_Pictorial_Key_to_the_Tarot.pdf#page7   You can still buy this in paperback or hardback if...