25 October, 2022

Now for a rest whew!

 Now that I have finally gotten the two lots of psychic predictions up for 2023 and tarot card of the month I can  relax a bit. My neck is aching from hours at the desk and then chucking it on my blog. I am pooped 😂😂😂

I think I deserve a treat but I am all out of goodies. I pillaged the chocolate earlier, bugger! But the satisfaction of knowing the task is done for another year is good. Time to start cooking tonight's dinner.

TTFN (ta ta for now)



I work in a cafe and this is the one question from customers that shows a complete lack of respect

  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13669581/Liam-LeMercier-cafe-respect-customer.html Hospitality is a tough gig, these people work ...