12 October, 2023

Empty Nose Syndrome: Rare condition ‘suffocating’ patients


What a terrible tragedy. I have never heard of such surgery or turbines in our nasal cavities. I do know that scraping the sinuses is not successful for people with constant blocked noses as a person with a constant blocked nose through allergies and chronic sleep apnea there is no way that I would consider nasal surgery. 

The suffering these people go through in their daily lives must be absolute hell. It may be better to explore alternatives to surgery such as Chinese medicine or homeopathy and irrigation treatments for clearing the sinuses. 


Please read this article about the pros and cons of nasal irrigation if you are considering buying a kit. I use it occasionally myself. I still have the congestion though and use allergy medicine every day. Surgery is not going to cure the problem and I don’t recommend it at all. 

You can use fenugreek, horseradish and garlic tablets to help with the symptoms but there is no permanent solution to the problem but a change of diet may help you, such as avoiding dairy products. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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