11 October, 2023

Hang on to your hat in 2024 it’s going to be rough

 I am starting to do my psychic predictions for the world in 2024 and boy it doesn’t look good. If we thought this year was bad then next year will be much worse. Things are going to kick off early and quickly in very frightening ways. We need to be strong, keep emotions in check and not reactionary, think first and question what one hears or reads in the media. I just want to prepare people giving a heads up on what we will experience next year. I hope to have my predictions up by the end of next week all going well. 

Also my predictions usually run October to October as a general rule. It’s just the way it has happened since I started doing predictions. Remember that the world predictions are separate from the predictions for Australia too. Again it wasn’t intended to be like this, it just happened. I guess spirit wanted a distinct difference between them so I just go with what I feel.

Warm and fuzzy hugs 


I work in a cafe and this is the one question from customers that shows a complete lack of respect

  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13669581/Liam-LeMercier-cafe-respect-customer.html Hospitality is a tough gig, these people work ...